Just wanted to touch base with everyone and say hello!! As many of you know I've been drowning in school work trying to wrap up my last semester at college. Graduation is slated for May 9th! Woo! Hopefully the week after that I'll be around more both as a player and a DM and trying to come up with awesome new plots and all sorts of fun things. AND try to drag the wife back to playing when she's out for the summer as well. Until then, expect sporadic ninja appearances.
But... but... ninjas don't appear. They disappear.... but how do they disappear if they aren't supposed to appear in the first place...
See you when you're done!
Can we touch tips instead?
hah. I know the feeling, even if its a much more reduced one. I emailed my prof my paper earlier this evening. One more project done for the semester!
Good luck on yours!
It turns on the computer and logs in, or it gets the hose again.
It's here, it's here, it's finally here! It's graduation day! Big thanks to all of you guys who have helped me along the way, both this last semester and in the past, and for all the kind words of encouragement.
This also means that I'll be in game more and starting to annoy you on a more regular basis DM-side!
