didn't want to pollute the thread itself since the one I linked seems to be for information, not discussion: Can we actually get some descriptions on these, and perhaps the name of the current leader so players might know who to talk to in-character about joining? (I understand keeping membership a secret for groups like the Harpers of course.) This list also seems to not include many of the player-run groups such as the White Cloaks. Really, we need a list of all organizations players can potentially join up with to further their roleplay.
As a returning player, finding information on groups to join is all rumor and secondhand knowledge IC, and randomly trying to catch the right people online. I can't imagine how frustrating it might be for an entirely
new player.
The thread you linked to are official factions. Factions and player run groups are treated differently. That said a comprehensive list of both factions and player groups is not a bad idea at all.
The thread you linked to are official factions. Factions and player run groups are treated differently. That said a comprehensive list of both factions and player groups is not a bad idea at all.
That is what I'm asking for, yes.

And the linked list still has no descriptions or information.
And since when is the Violet Flame not a player-run group? Isn't it's leader a player?
I can see one objection I see to listing all factions/player groups. Some player groups are intentionally secretive and would rather NOT have their information on the forums.
Violet Flame is unique: a player-run faction. (Honestly, I think that's why they're one of the most active/longest lived factions on the server.)
I can see one objection I see to listing all factions/player groups. Some player groups are intentionally secretive and would rather NOT have their information on the forums.
Violet Flame is unique: a player-run faction. (Honestly, I think that's why they're one of the most active/longest lived factions on the server.)
Isn't this a little unfair to players who may potentially be great in those factions/groups, but can't find a hook or even any indication they exist?
If you have a thieves guild, for example, you don't list members or give a ton of info, but even a small "
Rumors of a shadowy organization in the streets of Arabel" is more than new and returning players have now, and at least gives them something to investigate in-game. This is for people not in the know, and no group is so secret that there isn't at least a rumor about them. Hell, the Harpers are even at least on the list and could be given a couple lines of description.
While I agree that it can help, I also want to point out that player groups are just that... player groups. I want to leave listing these off the board, since membership in these groups is up to the players. Anyone can join a faction if they want. Player groups don't have to be all-inclusive.
I agree that all factions should be listed with *some* sort of short description.
That said, I'm not against listing both factions and player groups. I was just pointing out that some groups might want to be excluded.
I think the Flame is there because it has evolved to encompass more of a server function in that DMs can (and often have) RP'ed various NPCs that are members of the faction that give quests and the like I don't think that is true of other player led factions. Add this to the other functions for example its very popular shop means that if the player side of the faction went inactive it is still something that would have a presence other players would need to interact with.
I don't think it is meant to elevate the faction 'above' any other player led ones and it would be cool if all the player led factions were listed.
While I agree that it can help, I also want to point out that player groups are just that... player groups. I want to leave listing these off the board, since membership in these groups is up to the players. Anyone can join a faction if they want. Player groups don't have to be all-inclusive.
I agree that all factions should be listed with *some* sort of short description.
That said, I'm not against listing both factions and player groups. I was just pointing out that some groups might want to be excluded.
Player-groups would certainly not be forced to
include any members, they're player groups and thus managed by players. But if they exist in the server, then people will have heard of their existence at the very least, and thus, should be on a list of player groups. I'm just having a bit of difficulty understanding the motivations behind not wanting to even be noted as existing, when it can promote RP and get people more interested in what's going on on the server.
A contact player for the group does not have to be listed unless the group has a public face. Memberships can remain secret.
Stonehaven is the PC driven settlement that surrounds the Abbey of the Battered Shield; a temple built within a small keep, dedicated to Tempus, and houses the Order of the Battered Shield. It's constructed within the Stonelands, the reason being that each day is a battle for survival. Surrounded by hostile denizens and a harsh, unforgiving climate ill suited for farming or livestock. It's considered the last frontier of Cormyr by many, and is even rumored to have an open reward to the adventurer smart and strong enough to construct and protect a settlement for a year, the title of Baron.
Our goal is to create one of the largest, and most prestigious religious centers to Tempus in all of Cormyr. The whole drive behind the Abbey is to train and arm the Faithful in the defense of the Forest Kingdom. To act as an Aegis against the threats to Cormyr's Northern Border.
In order for Stonehaven to survive, it must become a self-sufficient community, with the ability to export as much as it will be forced to import. Through such, many merchants and tradesmen have been offered outlandish opportunities and business proposals in order to settle alongside the Tempurans. The mountain fortress is officially endorsed by House Marliir, and ruled over by a House Knight.
Contacts: Master of the Keep, Ser Sybaztien "Bass" Felreaver
Seneschal of the Keep, Demyan Ironhand
Master of Trade, Logarti
Path to OghrannFirstly, we're looking for the three lost dwarven clans. Stoneshield, Crownshield, and the Firebeards. They are under siege by orcs, duergar, drow, derro, kuo toa, shadow dragons, dire bats and the illithids might even be involved.
Once they are rescued they will of course need somewhere to live. So we will then begin construction on a citadel, in the Stonelands. This will take some time of course. We need gold, iron, stones, wood, merchants, and the like.
We will need to mine, barter with the Crown, make allies with others. All in all, we're making a dwarven community out in the Stonelands very nearby Stonehaven. This will be much like what the elves have in Velethuil... only better because we're dwarves! YARR!!!
No leaders among the dwarves though Norak is probably the leader by default as a Champion of Moradin.
If you want involved be a dwarf or dwarf friend.
Player-groups would certainly not be forced to
include any members, they're player groups and thus managed by players. But if they exist in the server, then people will have heard of their existence at the very least, and thus, should be on a list of player groups. I'm just having a bit of difficulty understanding the motivations behind not wanting to even be noted as existing, when it can promote RP and get people more interested in what's going on on the server.
A contact player for the group does not have to be listed unless the group has a public face. Memberships can remain secret.
For the first part... just because there is a player group DOES NOT mean that people have heard of the group. Those groups may certainly remain anonymous if they so choose. If they wish to reveal themselves to people they may do so at their choosing. That said, there are very few such groups that are not publically known and the bulk of them could certainly be listed.
As for the more secretive factions. We can certainly not/list them as has been done on the old thread you linked to. While we would not list leadership/membership, we can simply note to PM a DM/Admin to express interest. Give us some time to put this together. As I said earlier, it is a good idea. now give us some time to implement it.
Cult of Garagos.
Fuck Tempus, he's a wussy.
We're totally cooler than Tempurans.
And Sexier.
A sticky with general information about publically known groups PCs can join would be good. The military, the religious orders, the Semberholm Elves, &c
Cult of Garagos.
Fuck Tempus, he's a wussy.
We're totally cooler than Tempurans.
And Sexier.
It's a Cult. That alone suggests poisonous punch and drab furnishing.

Visit the Abbey in Stonehaven. Convert. Enjoy the greatness.
Note: We accept Blackguards, so long as they're not of the Cleric variety.
Hey, our base (that I started and never finished) has Daniel Twil paintings of Nikolai on the wall. 'nuff said.
Hey, our base (that I started and never finished) has Daniel Twil paintings of Nikolai on the wall. 'nuff said.
Ours has magical artwork of a naked Bass.
You and I should obviously stop this competition and join forces to rule the cosmos together!
It will soon have majestic pictures of naked dwarves as well.
Hey, our base (that I started and never finished) has Daniel Twil paintings of Nikolai on the wall. 'nuff said.
Ours has magical artwork of a naked Bass.
You and I should obviously stop this competition and join forces to rule the cosmos together!
Only if you embrace our one true lord and savior, Garagos.
Anyway, I'll stop derailing this thread.
My attempt at a listing of guilds and groups is now posted on the Faction List post.
My attempt at a listing of guilds and groups is now posted on the Faction List post.
Thank you very much!

Daphne. You did a great job with that!