I'll be slowing down on DM activity in the coming weeks, and have been slowing down a little. I've come down with a nasty bug and it's turned into pneumonia, which the medication for ruins my ability to focus. I'll try to run some small things in the meantime related to current plots or some ad hos stuff. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Hey take it easy and rest up. CD will be here when you get back.
There is no inconvenience, take your time and get better.
Health comes before gaming! Take care of yourself.
Be well Korlash. We're all rooting for you.
Pneumonia bites, speaking as someone who has suffered through it before. There's almost nothing like it, and I mean that in the worst way possible.
Get better man.
I had a case of infected, acute Pharyngitis before. I woke up from sleep one day, and literally couldn't speak. When I tried, it sounded like I was gargling water. It was pretty terrifying and super painful. A good shot and antibacterial pills fixed me up pretty quickly though.
Always take the shot!
Slowly but surely getting back up to normal. I'll be dropping more plots and continuing my preexisting ones after the holidays, in hopes a few key PCs get back in the game.