Changelog for 7/14 Hak update
-Divine Seeker: Added 100 lines into their feat selection for epic bonus feat choices.
-Unyielding Defender: Corrected a spacing issue in Defensive Stance feat line. Uses should be 12/day now.
-Smite Good and Smite Evil base uses/day increased to 3. Extra Smiting should still increase this by 3, unless Bioware just implemented it strangely.
-Katana changed to differentiate it from Bastard Sword. Now does 1d8 base damage, with a critical threat range of 18-20.
-Crafted Potion and Scroll stack size increased to 100, to match existing potion and scroll stacks.
Following updates/additions done by Terallis:
Converted a lot of the heads from the last update for elves, halflings, gnomes, dwarves, and (some) for half-orc
-Added Witcher placeables pack (600+ new placeables)
-Added Floor Cover placeables (50 floor coverings with three different sizes, as well as wall and ceiling placeables that match each)
-Added Ancient Altar and Secret Shrine of Rallaster from CCC April 2011: Religious Items and Symbols
-Added Moongate Portals from Custom Content Challenge June 2014: Artifacts and Relics
-Added rock and tree placeables from Merricksdad's Windspear Hills Tileset (EE)
-Added Aenea gargoyle placeable (with matching gargoyle creature)
-Added creatures from Custom Content Challenge September 2014: The Mists of Ravenloft
-Desert Zombie
-Blood Elemental
-Maggot Golem
-Bug Skeletons
-Crimson Bones
-Drider Lich
-Mist Golem
-Skeleton Archer
-Spider Skeletons
-Zombie Goblin
-Loup-Garou (and associated tail models)
-Sea Zombie
-Unique Mummies
-Added Libris Mortis creatures by Hardpoints
-Hag, Annis
-Hag, Green
-Hag, Countess
-Hag, Night
-Famine Spirit
-Hulking Corpse
-Carcass Eater
-Skeleton Rat
-Shambling Mound
-Bar Lgura
-Dire Maggot
-Demon, Babau
-Ghost Brute
-Skin Kite
-Blood Hulk
-Shadow Demon
-Void Wraith
-Brain in Jar
-Assorted overwrites to existing default NWN undead models to make them look far more like they do in PnP, as well as some assorted others (like an amazing reskin of the default werewolf)
-Added a few Aenea creature models
-Gargoyle (with associated placeable)
-Stone Giant
-Flesh Golem 2.0
-Added Baba Yaga improved creatures
-Carrion Crawler
-Crag Cat
-Added new raven model that overwrites the default NWN one
-Added new ioun stone VFX (unique orbital path for each colour, and look like actual gems)
-Added floor models for a huge number of item types, so they no longer appear as generic bags when placed on the ground
-Added Holy and Dark books (holdable items) from CCC April 2011: Religious Items and Symbols
-Added additional parts of the Rogue/Assassin armour set for Human Male (arms, legs, pelvis, belt, and neck)
-Added CODI Daggerdale Swamp
-Added Underdark Spidercave
-Added Dungeons and Catacombs
-Added TNO Exterior Expansion (adds new tiles and features to the NWN tileset)
-Some new loadscreens for some of the tilesets above