Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Ask the Staff Anything => Topic started by: jamaisvu on Jan 16, 2015, 08:00 PM

Title: Some Questions
Post by: jamaisvu on Jan 16, 2015, 08:00 PM
Hi, everyone! I'm trying to get over my initial shyness and post a little more bit by bit - there are a few things that I've been wondering but haven't found the time to ask.

How does crafting on the server work? Is some form of alchemy/herbalism available? I can't seem to find any post explaining how to do so, or what crafts are available.

I know we're in the year 1375, but I was wondering, are we using a 1-by-1 day scale for RP purposes?

Is the Tattoo Focus feat only for Red Wizards, or can others that aren't Red Wizards take them?

Thank you for the fun I've had in game so far, and I'm sorry if these questions have been asked before - I couldn't find an answer for them.

Edit: Oh! How would one go about setting up a player event, maybe? With or without DM help is fine. :')
Title: Some Questions
Post by: Edge on Jan 16, 2015, 08:16 PM
Crafting on the server at the moment is fairly limited. There is no alchemy or herbalism, but we do have most of the PnP crafting feats available. At the moment, other than the base NWN ones, the only one that is fully coded and working is Craft Magic Arms and Armor - you can find crafting shards in loot (mostly in higher-level loot) which can be used at various crafting systems on the server.

I *think* one day OOC is three days IC, but at the same time I don't think we really pay a hugely close attention to the time clock until we want the storyline/plot to move time forward.

I believe Tattoo Focus is open to anyone, but someone could correct me, I don't know for certain.

Player Events can be set up in the Quest Request forum.
Title: Some Questions
Post by: Vincent07 on Jan 16, 2015, 08:29 PM
What Edge said on crafing is accurate.

Time scale varies.  For purposes of crafting epic magic it is accelerated. For RP stuff, it's nearly 1/1.  I tend to change the seasons/year in the module as ours change here in the US.
We are currently in 1377 DR.  However, disregard any official canon that takes place after 1372, which is when we started and thus ignore.  So things like the Rage of Dragons, Lolth's Silence, and Spellplague etc did not happen on CD.

Tattoo Focus is a Red Wizard feat only.
Title: Some Questions
Post by: jamaisvu on Jan 16, 2015, 10:43 PM
Fantastic, thank you for the speedy answers. :>

A few more questions: I've noticed that a few areas/shops appear to be player-own and operated, like taverns or apothecaries. Does this come along through RP, or is this requested somewhere? I have a character that may be interested in starting something along these lines, but since I'm new, I'd like to know the proper way to go about it.
Title: Some Questions
Post by: Goat on Jan 16, 2015, 11:12 PM
It usually results from both RP and an eventual formal request.  Gold costs for housing can be found here:  Player Housing Costs

Title: Some Questions
Post by: jamaisvu on Jan 24, 2015, 12:21 AM
Thank you again for the answers! I have a few more - is there any way to get summons/companions reskinned on this server? :o I'd love to make a druid with a hyena companion, maybe.
Title: Some Questions
Post by: Edge on Jan 24, 2015, 07:05 AM
We do not. You could take a wolf or something and RP it as a hyena.
Title: Some Questions
Post by: jamaisvu on Jan 24, 2015, 12:50 PM
Ooh, sweet! I didn't know if that thing was alright, either. :> Maybe it's an idea for expanding companions like wizard familiars, idk.

Speaking of - is there a suggestions board? I have a lot of crappy ideas and I'd love to have a place to unload them.
Title: Some Questions
Post by: Edge on Jan 24, 2015, 01:00 PM
Title: Some Questions
Post by: jamaisvu on Feb 01, 2015, 02:04 AM
Another question; If I have a character deleted in LETO, can I remake that character with the same name? I have a character I'd like to remake, but I really want to preserve her name. Is that possible, or will I have to add in some accent marks?
Title: Some Questions
Post by: Edge on Feb 01, 2015, 01:59 PM
Characters deleted are moved to a storage folder on the server host computer and out of your character vault. So yes, you could make a new character with the same name, but only after they've been removed.
Title: Some Questions
Post by: morwen on Feb 01, 2015, 03:41 PM
The staff is usually (I've found) pretty accommodating about customizing toons with LETO. Rather than delete, why not just have them rework the one you have?
Title: Some Questions
Post by: jamaisvu on Feb 01, 2015, 04:56 PM
Well, I'd have to request a lot of changes because I didn't have the character's concept down (alignment, attribute points, etc). Instead of doing that, I thought it would be easier for everyone if I just deleted them and started anew. :')