Cormyr and the Dalelands

Server Setting and Lore Resources => Setting Information and Lore => Races of the Realms => Topic started by: Vincent07 on Dec 13, 2013, 05:37 PM

Title: Elves and the "Forlorn"
Post by: Vincent07 on Dec 13, 2013, 05:37 PM
Original Post by Fire_Wraith:

Note: This is a concept from Pathfinder that I find particularly appropriate.  It does not change anything in the game, it's merely an IC attitude and thought concept, so you need not apply it to your elf, but there will be some NPCs/PCs out there who hold to it.

Forlorn Elves

The Forlorn are a category of elf that differ from other elves by upbringing rather than ethnicity. These elves typically spent their lengthy childhood in non-elven (typically human) communities, or have for other reasons chosen to spend their time among other races. As a result, they are not as tied to elven communities and traditions as other elves. The term in common usage now dates back to the aftermath of the Retreat, though Forlorn Elves likely existed in isolated instances long before.

Witnessing the slow decay of age and finally death of friends and family members can have a particularly profound impact on the elven psyche. Many Forlorn are often melancholy individuals due to their prolonged contact with the short-lived races. Tragically, some of the Forlorn become downcast, or even withdraw entirely from others. Others may attempt to emulate the ways of other races, seeking to forget such troubles by hurling themselves into the vibrant, fast paced life of the shorter-lived races while they can. It is not uncommon for members of the Forlorn to travel from place to place, fleeing from a home they perceive as being tainted by death, or when too many of their shorter lived friends have passed. Prejudice and discrimination, both from humans and elves, can also be a factor for these elves. Many Forlorn do not often practice (or are even familiar with) traditional elven ways, and many of them may worship non-Elven deities.

Relations with Others:
The Forlorn are often treated with a mixture of pity and mistrust by other elves, who marginalize them and treat them as outsiders in a way similar to half-elves, and to be called "Forlorn" can be considered somewhat of an insult depending on the speaker and context.

Their non-elvish upbringing or ways is seen as a major disability by traditionalist elves, although open minded individuals would love dearly to bring these often-scarred individuals into Elven society to find a better life. To the shorter lived races however, there are generally few obvious differences between the Forlorn and other elves, save perhaps for the somber attitude some retain, which many may mistake for elven aloofness.

(Original Source: h/t, edited for FR and CD's usage by FW)