Common questions, answered:
How do I lose weight?
Eat less, move more. Yes, really.
But my friend's uncle's cousin's dog tried that omega detox diet and they lost weight, so what about that Mr. Smartypants?
They ate less and moved more. Countless studies have shown that this is the magic.
What if I like the magic sprinkles diet?
If you're getting adequate nutrition, and you're losing weight, then that's cool.
What do you think about X-diet?
See above. Do a diet because you like it. There are NO magic diets. Vegan, keto, low carb, ultra-low calorie, vegetarian, Peatarian, paleo, primal, you name it. No magic.
But I tried cutting calories and that didn't work so now what?
Weigh your food. Make sure every calorie is accounted for. Many people track their diets in a sloppy manner and end up overconsuming without realizing. Check out the TV series Secret Eaters.
I'm losing weight but I'm still flabby, is there anything I can do?
I suggest lifting weights in addition to diet. The hormonal response from a hypertrophy protocol will help burn fat and drop your bodyfat % (and thus get rid of the skinny-fat look).
What can I do if I don't have money/equipment?
You can find a number of body weight exercises online, including body weight exercise plans. It's not as good for a hormonal response as traditional weights, but it's something. Even just doing jumping jacks and pushups is fine because at least you're getting your heartrate up for a period of time (and thus you're burning calories).
There are gyms like Crunch Gym, Planet Fitness, and LA Fitness that charge something like $10 a month. Kettlebells are affordable and you can find a number of exercises for them online. You can look on Craigslist to see if there are any bootcamps in your area, they should be cheap and often they'll have some equipment.
How often should I work out?
Ideally 3 - 5 times per week. I wouldn't do less than 2x a week. Something is always better than nothing, but you're not stimulating the muscles much if it's just once a week.
Is cardio ok?
Yes, I enjoy it. But I'd do this in addition to a lifting protocol, ideally. Cardio doesn't trigger the hormonal response you want. You can still lose weight, but your body fat % won't be reduced as much as it could otherwise; it'll take longer to achieve your body composition goal.
How do I get abs?
Do push aways at the dinner table! Push food away, push your chair away, walk away. Doing 1,000 crunches a day won't get rid of the fat that's laying over the abs. You gotta lose the weight before your abs will show. This is why very skinny guys look like they have some muscle; they have a low amount of body fat.
But how do I do that if I'm always hungry?
Eat more protein. Protein is the most satiating macronutient. Protein powders, lean meats, etc.
What about detoxes?
Don't waste your time and money. There is zero science supporting them. Zero. If someone tells you otherwise, they're either a charlatan or a fool.
What about eating X-number of meals or not eating at night?
Pure nonsese.
Do toxins make you fat?
No. Eating too much makes you fat. It doesn't matter if it's grade A pixie dust from free-range pixies that spent their lives in Narnia; it's still pixie dust.
Anything else?
Yes. STICK WITH YOUR DIET AND EXERCISE PLAN. You won't see lasting change otherwise. Write a schedule, and exercise on those days, period. No excuses. It doesn't matter if you don't feel like it. Keep to your calorie goals every day, period. If you cheat one day, then make up for it later. Get friends involved if that will help. Just Stick with it. Stick with it. Stick with it. Period. Double period.
This is my preferred diet tracker. Others are happy with My Fitness Pal, I prefer Cron because it lists vitamins and minerals. The website is free, but the mobile app costs a few bucks.
Macronutrient calculator you're doing cardio regularly, or you're serious about building muscle, you'll want this. Carbs break down to glycogen, which is the primary fuel source for the body when doing cardio. The amino acids in protein help to build and repair muscle.
The Fat Loss Bible, by Anthony Colpo
Read this if you want to understand the what and why of weight loss. Colpo goes through study after study after study explaining why calories matter and why every other argument is bunk.
It is incredibly thorough.
The Lean Muscle Diet, by Alan Aragon and Lou Schuler
Read this if you want a dedicated workout plan and you have access to a gym. If you're new to this, you will likely need to look up how to do many of the exercises (it's not that hard). Otherwise, this is a solid book that's co-authored by a legend. The book is focused more towards men, but it's really no different for women.
Mindless Eating, by Dr. Brian Wansink
Read this if you have a bad relationship with food. This book talks a lot about the psychology of overeating. The author runs a food lab in a university where he works on studies that deal with this very topic. It's a great read.