Often times I find it best to find out two sides to a story before, I hope that's been done in this situation as well, before condemnations are openly posted of disgusting behavior. Most players here are very OOC friendly, however I find a lot of IC actions are misread and taken OOC mistakenly... that isn't always cause for being angry but should be an invitation to all sides talking in an ooc fashion and clearing up the situation.
Maybe whoever is complaining can talk to the folks in the afk area and clear up any misunderstandings? And if there are players being OOC hostile to anyone new or old, and there are screenshots and the like to prove their acting this way- actions should be taken other than vague forum threads that everyone reads and now wonders if they've done something wrong... not posting this as provoking, simply trying ot offer a constructive way to resolve this so everyone can have fun.