I'm not talkng well known stuff like DBZ, Attack on Titan and SAO.
Something a little less known.
For me that one is " The Scrapped Princess ".
Beautiful art, interesting characters, great soundtrack, a moving story and an atypical endiing.
I definitely recommend giving it a look.
Here is an AMV featuring scenes from the anime.
Princess Tutu. Fantastic use of classical music, and it's far more interesting than the title suggests.
ETA: AMV does not contain classical music. >_>
Good one both in anime and amv choice. I have this video in my anime dance list actually. My kids love to dance to this.
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu!
This show is so amazing. When they were making the main series, Full Metal Panic, they had all these opportunities to turn it into a funny, joking anime... Instead, they gathered all those ideas together and made them into a series. In this show, the main character is a seemingly emotionless soldier living undercover and going to high school to protect a girl who is one of the main characters in the main series. While there, his military training and single minded focus is juxtaposed against people in their everyday lives, solving problem like a suspicious hair next to his shoe locker by detonating it with C4 just in case the hair was from a terrorist trying to assassinate him... In a high school.
The show is full of laughs, and I can't recommend it enough. I don't know much about anime... So I don't really know if this is like a super popular one, but I haven't really heard any of my gamer/anime fan friends talk about it before, so hopefully it fits!
Freaking love Fumoffu.
Another good one: The Irresponsible Captain Tylor. Slacker joins the army just in time for war to be declared and accidentally earns command of a ship.
www.crunchyroll.com/gintama/episode-1-you-guys-do-you-even-have-a-gintama-part-1-510074Part serious story, part nonsense. Part action, part drama, part comedy, part satire on numerous other anime shows, video games, tropes, and so on. A historical Samurai period piece, but with all the modern (and even futuristic) technology, that manages to make perfect sense nonetheless.
Put another way, this is a show that can make an episode about nothing but eating Sukiyaki, and make it completely epic and awesome just because of the characters.
A lot of people panic at the huge number of episodes, but they're all good and worth watching. The show alternates between standalone episodes and longer story-arcs that span multiple episodes, but even the "filler" is amazing.
Both very good ones. I have ICT on DVD at home

The wifey won't let me blow too much on Anime DVDs, but it is one of the few series I do own. the short list is:
Tenchi Muyo, Tenchi in Tokyo, Mai Hime, Fate/Stay and Fate/Zero, Martian Successor Nadesico, Sacred Blacksmith, Gundam Wing, Gundam 00, and the Neon Genesis Evangelion Platinum Edition.
There are so many more I'd love to own when cash permits.
Onivel: Have you see the Rebuild of Evangelion movies? Or perhaps this:
www.500type-eva.jp/en/ (I got to ride on it

Also, another recommendation:
www.crunchyroll.com/aldnoahzeroIt's very Gundam-esque, so if you like that, give it a try.
Incidentally, you know you can just watch tons of stuff for free on ad-supported sites like crunchyroll or funimation, or just sign up for a subscription (like with Netflix but cheaper). Makes it really easy when you can get all-you-can-watch Anime, including the newest stuff from Japan on simulcast for like $7 a month.
Sasameki Koto (aka Whispered Words)
It only ran for one season, but the manga continued to completion. It's such a lovely love story (shoujo-ai, girls love), though perhaps complicated. My Anime List describes it as:
Really, it's about a boyish girl who is secretly in love with her best friend. Her best friend likes girly girls and has a crush on this magazine model, but the magazine model is actually a boy, and he has a crush on the boyish girl. Part comedy, part romance. I really loved it.
Onivel: Have you see the Rebuild of Evangelion movies? Or perhaps this:
www.500type-eva.jp/en/ (I got to ride on it

Also, another recommendation:
www.crunchyroll.com/aldnoahzeroIt's very Gundam-esque, so if you like that, give it a try.
Incidentally, you know you can just watch tons of stuff for free on ad-supported sites like crunchyroll or funimation, or just sign up for a subscription (like with Netflix but cheaper). Makes it really easy when you can get all-you-can-watch Anime, including the newest stuff from Japan on simulcast for like $7 a month.
Yeah I know... I do like to own them though. I have seen a few of the different versions of Evangelion (though I cant say I have seen them all). And yes, NetFlix and Crunchyroll are beautiful things. I've gone through Fairytail and Soul Eater that way with my daughter. She is now a self proclaimed anime Otaku. Attack on Ttitan, Hetalia and Ouran Host Club are her current flavors. She is completely obsessed with Death the Kid from Soul Eater, and she dressed as Mikasa from Attack on Titan for the Steel City Comicon that we attended last Saturday.
Needless to say.. most of her allowance gets spent at Hot Topic.

It would probably be cruel of me to mention that I went to Universal Studios Japan, and saw the Attack on Titan - the Real exhibit and show?

NICE ... I'll just have to not let her read that little post there.

I feel old. I remember when she was born.
And click-killed people in the client.
Le Chevalier D'eon is probably the only one that comes to mind... It's rather good, and an alternate historical fiction set in France.
I used to be big on anime, but I honestly fell out of practice, although I do like indulging with the occasional Inuyasha.
And click-killed people in the client.
I hear you!
That was classic. I still have fun telling that story.
None of her siblings have followed suit with killing someone from the client yet, though Raiden is certainly following in the proper gamer footsteps. CeCe got him addicted to Minecraft and Roblox. He started off on her account, and we ended up having to get him his own.
Back to the Anime.. good to hear the names of some I have not heard of. I will definitely be checking them out.
And click-killed people in the client.
omg bwaaha
It would probably be cruel of me to mention that I went to Universal Studios Japan, and saw the Attack on Titan - the Real exhibit and show?
(I really like Monster Hunter.)
And click-killed people in the client.
omg bwaaha
Short version of the story.... I was in the client and had my then 1.5 year old daughter on my lap as I would often do while playing or DMing. I had selected the whole group and was planning to have them do a skill check when my daughter suddenly slammed her hands down onto the keyboard and hit the "Kill" button thus killing all the selected party.
After I could compose myself from laughing, I asked them how they felt about getting wiped by a 18 mth old girl.
Short version of the story.... I was in the client and had my then 1.5 year old daughter on my lap as I would often do while playing or DMing. I had selected the whole group and was planning to have them do a skill check when my daughter suddenly slammed her hands down onto the keyboard and hit the "Kill" button thus killing all the selected party.
After I could compose myself from laughing, I asked them how they felt about getting wiped by a 18 mth old girl.
One day I will go there with my Monster Hunting pals. After I pay off all this student debt... *sobs violently into a bag of potato chips*
I'll stop derailing the thread now.
Back to the Anime....
FW .. I looked into Gintama and found this... OMG I was dying laughing. I will definitely be giving the full series a look.
That scene was definitely awesome.
It's even funnier when you get the pun, because 'kami' (神) means 'god', but 'kami' (紙) means 'paper', so when they all realize they're stuck in the bathroom stalls without toilet paper, they start saying "Kami, kami, kami..."
Is Monster underrated? I feel like doing a watch through of that one again. I think it is more that it is old, though. Hm!
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. Absolute favorite ever. I love it even more than I love Ouran High School Host Club (which is a lot, mind).
But I love the opening theme to Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai the best.
I am honestly shocked no one has said Bastard!!. It is basically D&D the anime. Enjoy a parody trailer featuring Bruce Campbell.
Been watching all of the Jojo's Bizzare Adventure series lately. They're very good, and I'll admit I severely underestimated the entertainment, comedy, and just plain fun that that series has.
Also, despite what many say, I thoroughly enjoyed Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress.
Not quite certain if it actually counts as underrated or not. I don't think I watch enough to know. But, I've been told not many really care for it. That said, I really dug this one.
Claymore -is- awesome. Despite the fact that I am not a big fan of anime, I really enjoyed it. The music also is perfect.
Claymore is most excellent. Good choice.
The best underrated anime I've seen this year would have to be Gosick. Really good romantic mystery all nicely contained in one season. Also blame Firewraith but check out Nyarko-San: Crawling with Love .... a really wonderful humorous take on all things Lovecraftian!
So just got pointed to one today by a reviewer whose opinion I agree with 99% of the time... strangely enough, normally the type who focuses on things like Star Trek and Doctor Who, SFDebris.
That being Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
Basically it starts out as a fairly stereotypical "magical girl" story in the vein of Sailor Moon or the like, with Cute Animal Sidekick offering a high-school girl the chance to become a superhero and help save the world from a villainous threat. Then everything turns bizarro-world and things are very much not what they seem. Surprisingly highly recommended.
Claymore -is- awesome.
Despite the fact that I am not a big fan of anime, I really enjoyed it. The music also is perfect.
That was the boat I'm in, too. Most of the "anime-y" things that bug me, like overused time dilation or characters bursting into tears at the sight of a thumbtack that reminds them of their mother's fight with a rose garden and now that I remember that I'll give everything I have into this fight and overcome the evil with the power of unbridled friendship aaaaaah...yeah, all that. For some reason, it didn't bug me here. Can't put my finger on why, either.
So just got pointed to one today by a reviewer whose opinion I agree with 99% of the time... strangely enough, normally the type who focuses on things like Star Trek and Doctor Who, SFDebris.
That being
Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
Basically it starts out as a fairly stereotypical "magical girl" story in the vein of
Sailor Moon or the like, with Cute Animal Sidekick offering a high-school girl the chance to become a superhero and help save the world from a villainous threat. Then everything turns bizarro-world and things are very much not what they seem. Surprisingly highly recommended.
Yes.. very much this one. Ran though the whole series a few months back with my eldest who is turning into a little otaku.
I recently started watching a Netflix series called Ajin that I have found pretty interesting.
I wouldn't call this next one underrated, as I think it is fairly mainstream at this point, but Durarara! is another that I found pretty interesting.
An older one that I think has flown under the radar is " The Scrapped Princess " Its hard as hell to find it anywhere, and the copies you do find are expensive. I loved the story for it. Its a single season .. 13 episodes, but it takes you on a pretty emotional ride. Yeah.. I know I mentioned this one before, but I can't mention it enough.
Claymore -is- awesome.
Despite the fact that I am not a big fan of anime, I really enjoyed it. The music also is perfect.
That was the boat I'm in, too. Most of the "anime-y" things that bug me, like overused time dilation or characters bursting into tears at the sight of a thumbtack that reminds them of their mother's fight with a rose garden and now that I remember that I'll give everything I have into this fight and overcome the evil with the power of unbridled friendship aaaaaah...yeah, all that. For some reason, it didn't bug me here. Can't put my finger on why, either.
I recommend Hellsing, the original one.

I recommend Hellsing, the original one.
The original is great. Ultimate was good, too. But Hellsing Ultimate Abridged by Team 4-Star? Oh yeah...all about it, baby.
Of course, NSFW.
Don't recall it being mentioned here, but Baccano! is fantastic with a soundtrack to match. Such a good dub.
I like over the top anime. So Kill La Kill is one of my favorites.