Midwinter Teatime at Castle Truesilver
Evaelyn Truesilver wishes to invite various adventuresome young nobles of the Kingdom to afternoon tea on various days, as a way to make social connections and introductions, as well as to share tales and gossip from around Cormyr and beyond.[/font]OOC Information:
Purpose - This is intended to help organize some social events for Noble PCs, in a semi-informal manner. I was planning to host these in Castle Truesilver, but we can always consider other spots as well!
When - Flexible, but ideally we'll try and plan ahead a little, and sort out when works best for everyone. I imagine we can do more than one rather than try to find a golden time that gets 100% of us at once.
Where - Castle Truesilver primarily, but other places can work, including the noble meeting rooms of the Royal Court, or the Society of Stalwart Adventurers, just to suggest a few.
Who - Any inherited or titled noble PCs (Baronet or above). Plus-Ones and Knights aren't something I was initially planning on but we could expand to them as need be. I'm tagging everyone on my list, but may miss a few so feel free to poke me if I have!
What - This is purely a player social event with no quest or DM involvement (at least not as planned) though anyone wanting to could certainly do something with it!
Sariel Crownsilver is still more than willing to keep her promise to Evaelyn to attend such a meeting.
As for when, I personally believe sometime after all the holidays- the new year included- would probably best.
Melody is game!
Ash should be around as needed since school's out.
Should be able to make it with Uvea
Galard Roaringhorn would likely attend
I should be able to attend.
Deirdre will be there if at all possible!
Camus Truesilver will be there too!