Just going to add some notes here for consideration.
Part One:
The general description of moon elves does describe tendencies, but they are definitely not universal - though you are going to see all of what you said with them a little more than with others. It is actually a big focus of the rivalry between clans of the different elf groups, especially their noble clans.
Still, Evereskan moon elves and some Evermeetian ones would tend as more insular because of the broader culture of their society/ies. So you will need to consider still the region of the moon elf, as that will need taken into account in combination with that general descriptor and what direction your character goes and wishes to go in response to that environment. Moon elves in the Dalelands are definitely going to be varied based on settlements and most of the Northern/Silver Marches ones are probably going to be a little more tolerant, as there are open temples of Eilistraee in proximity to them (though they would still be cautious of drow they do not know - not all are Drizzt Do'Urden).
Part Two:
The Ardeep information checks with the information from Lost Empires of Faerun that there are elves still there, though note they are not a full on civilization like they used to be when they were a vassal realm or a surviving realm of the Crown Wars. Description indicated their presence is few in this material. Elves from Waterdeep go in the forest to tend some important sites.
Melody may be a better judge of what is going on there right now, as I recall they had some Chronicle posts involving plots relevant to the area. Waterdeep is metropolitan so it could as well be that some may assume the elf was not from an elven raised family unless specified otherwise, as to why some might think of forlorn/not raised elven at the start?
I am actually confused on what is being inquired on here, the questions feels a bit awkward.
On Homelands:
While a bit of this is not wrong as of 1372 DR up to now, the date from which we start to deviate from the timeline, I would be cautious about using the FR Wiki as the main source. I would in the future consider checking which source on there match. For instance, Spellplague never happened in this server. So anything related to that or after 1372 DR should not be used in our continuity.
Best wishes,