So, who else loves the fact that all modern computer peripherals have at least one LED with which to needlessly glow? I purchased a Logitech G502 to replace my shoddy Razer mouse. I mean, I like it so far. But why does it need a glowing G on it?
It also doesn't mesh with my glowing red keyboard and now (secondary) glowing green mouse. Thankfully it does mesh with the glowing blue buttons on my monitors and the glowing blue button on my previous headset, so there's that, right?
Maybe I should pay the extra $20 - $40 necessary to get full RGB control over my keyboard so it can glow blue like everything else so I can achieve a blue theme.
Oh, wait, my motherboard glows red.
Keyboard glow is so you can type in the dark if you're one of those pidgin-typer people. I can only assume the mouse glows so you also do not lose it in the dark.
I think what they're trying to say is that gamers these days are nocturnal.
Why are you posting in the middle of the day? You're obviously not utilizing your light sources effectively!

My keyboard only allows me to light up the most relevant keys for "gaming". So WASD, 1234, and... some other junk. I don't use that feature or I could probably say.
If you need to look at your keyboard to WASD while you're 360 noscoping you might not be 360 noscoping.
Though, for those with illuminated peripherals, do you really not find them distracting in low light? I have my entire desktop dark themed because I get eyestrain badly enough spending my entire day at a monitor notwithstanding spending my entire night at a monitor.
I have this mouse. I can confirm that you can disable glow. The only things I have glowing on the mouse are the DPI indicators since I play shooters often.
y u not let me complain incessantly about technology like an old man?
I have the backlight turned down and the keyboard has built-in features for basically disabling the backlight and picking intensity.
Though I'll be sure to take a picture of my desk when I give into the inevitable push of technological progress and purchase a $200 keyboard to get RGB control of the backlight so I can realize a gloriously blue desk space.
I'd pretend I'm being sarcastic but I'll probably end up doing it.
Which is to say I'm just bitching for the sake of bitching, even though I appreciate the help.
Though, for those with illuminated peripherals, do you really not find them distracting in low light? I have my entire desktop dark themed because I get eyestrain badly enough spending my entire day at a monitor notwithstanding spending my entire night at a monitor.
I used to play completely in the dark, no lights on at all except my monitor. Didn't bother me.
Now I have cats so I can't sit around in the dark anymore, either I'll step on one if I move or they'll start getting into things I can't see.
I used to play completely in the dark, no lights on at all except my monitor. Didn't bother me.
Now I have cats so I can't sit around in the dark anymore, either I'll step on one if I move or they'll start getting into things I can't see.
Fond memories of a cat crawling into an open computer I had been trying to salvage and destroying it with its static come to mind.
By fond I mean I hate cats.
And your eyes are probably made of steel. I'm still trying to guess when I'll be going in for glasses.
I have glasses, that probably explains why my prescription gets stronger every year =)
Lets see.. as for the Glow...
My Power supply, rear and front fans are blue... my side fan centered on the clear window to my rig is red (and old so faded to a bright pink currently) My keyboard has basic white and mouse is green (Razor).
Nobody knows the Glow like Bruce Leroy !
Pretty sure the NWN designers used this movie as inspiration when they scripted the monks ki strikes.
OMG...a last dragon reference. You....get a cookie.
OMG...a last dragon reference. You....get a cookie.
Just for you .. I'll drag this out of the archives..

*laughs hard* oh man, I feel so......old!