Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Suggestions & Ideas => Suggestions Archive => Topic started by: Yaldabaoth on May 04, 2015, 02:10 PM

Title: Turn Undead
Post by: Yaldabaoth on May 04, 2015, 02:10 PM
Turn Undead needs sauce.  I very rarely ever see anyone use their Turns for anything other than Divine Might.  The problem here, of course, is that most undead on the server have a very high amount of HD compared to the cleric running the dungeon.  The only dungeon I can think of where the undead have hit die comparable to the intended level of the cleric is the Haunted House.  

Of course, Turn Undead, being such an all or nothing ability needs to not be too powerful, or it will make dungeons like Wyvernspur a complete joke.  One solution could be to drop the fear effect entirely and have Turn Undead function as it does in Pathfinder, where it simply deals damage instead.
Title: Turn Undead
Post by: Edge on May 04, 2015, 03:01 PM
Not sure if this can be changed. Depends if the Turn mechanic itself is blackboxed. If not, nothing we can do with it.

I'd be all for trading Turning for Pathfinder Channelling - heal allies and damage undead for free a few times per day - but I'm pretty certain it's not something we can do.
Title: Turn Undead
Post by: suddenperihelion on May 04, 2015, 03:09 PM
Turn undead is handled through script. It is NW_S2_TurnDead. This is the sort of thing that would be relatively easy to do without NWNX/database access (assuming admin had a detailed explanation of how the new rules should work; this design specification should presumably include domain-specific effects like fire domain turning elementals) and I'd be happy to take it on myself if admin decides this change is suitable for their balance/design goals on CD.
Title: Turn Undead
Post by: Nokteronoth on May 04, 2015, 03:35 PM
You haven't been looking around too hard, then, I've been using them plenty in the Wyvernspur Crypts and I tried it a whole lot in Tilverton (Obviously failing.)

If you want clerics to Turn more, ask them to, ICly, maybe? "Hey, there's undead around. Why don't you do your thing and try to scare them off?"

Title: Turn Undead
Post by: onivel on May 04, 2015, 04:52 PM
My cleric uses it in the sunken keep all the time to some degree of effectiveness. That said, I would prefer the pathfinder version if it was feasible.
Title: Turn Undead
Post by: Vincent07 on May 04, 2015, 05:13 PM
Our Turn code at present is already rather heavily customised due to the edits for rebuking for evil clerics etc.  Though it isn't horridly difficult to make further changes.

At present, the various effects that can happen are as follows:

For good clerics:  fear, or destroy, depending on the level checks.  

For evil, stun or dominate, again depending on level checks.

There are also all the checks for turning vermin, elementals and outsiders depending on clerical domains, as well as the empower and heighten turning feats.
Title: Turn Undead
Post by: valiea987 on May 04, 2015, 10:42 PM
Are there Quicken Feats, like Quicken Turning on the Doomguide list? Just curious because I haven't seen them in my feat list while leveling.
Title: Turn Undead
Post by: Fire Wraith on May 05, 2015, 01:03 AM
I remember we did talk about using Pathfinder turning modifications at one point, though I don't remember what we decided with that.
Title: Turn Undead
Post by: Edge on May 05, 2015, 06:27 AM
valiea987 Avatar
Are there Quicken Feats, like Quicken Turning on the Doomguide list? Just curious because I haven't seen them in my feat list while leveling.
I do not believe we have Quicken Turning. We have Extra Turning (NWN default), the epic Turning feats like Planar Turning (NWN default), Empower Turning (custom), Heighten Turning (custom), and Divine Vengeance (custom, a Divine Might/Shield style feat that casts a Bless Weapon-like effect on the user). I'm fairly certain that the speed of the turning effect is something that we can't rescript or anything, as Haste effects and similar already don't speed it up (like they do spells).

Here's a full list of our feats.
Title: Turn Undead
Post by: suddenperihelion on May 05, 2015, 06:47 AM
A custom feat that changes action type or casting time of turn undead is possible - you'd need to create a second feat that was tied to turn undead in terms of uses/day, and executed the same script, but was a free action. Though you'd want to cap it at one use/round IMHO.

This would require a top hak update, so whether it is worth it or not is subject to debate.