I am new to the server, but "Uth" has had a great time getting to know the PCs and the server.
This is an interest check for clerics and paladins of Tyr as well as any Triadic PCs to subject ourselves (under proper guidance) to the RP related rigors and structure of our mutual divine callings.
The server has so many beautiful temples and such.
I am happy to work with any players, DMs or Admins to spearhead some story and lore development around the grandeur and general shininess of the Triad.
Player of Uth Grimsson
6th Level Uthgardt Paladin of Tyr.
The people are here for it. Torm especially, I just never saw people organize before. I'd be down for organizing a faction.
I am interested for the Tyrran branch!
I am certainly the newest of those active, only being here a week - but there are at least three Ilmater Paladins of the Golden Cup around. I can say for myself it would be interesting!
Awesome. I think I met another today.
Benito the Black is a Paladin of the Order of the Golden Lion (Torm). Much penance is required to earn his spurs, and a Triadic faction would be a great vehicle to do that.
Count me in.
Timir is 2nd in charge for the Ilmateran Order of the Golden Cup. I would be interested in the Triad group if anyone is still doing this! Also, find him if you're Ilmateran clerics or paladins!
I'm down for Triadic faith or Tyrran faction. I have a paladin.
Thayne is a paladin of Torm the Loyal Fury and would gladly (when time allows with my horrid scheduling) offer rp opportunities and such. Don't know if I have the time to commit to a full faction but we'll see.
At some point in the future, Tyr'intor will become a central focus for those of the Triadic faith. Stay tuned.
At some point in the future, Tyr'intor will become a central focus for those of the Triadic faith. Stay tuned.

I have an Ilmateri monk gathering dust I could dust off to represent that part of the triadic faiths.