Anyone else having problems with the new update?? It just stays stuck on the download as if its not even downloading ??
If you update the Beamdog client and it stops, like it did for us, you'll need to uninstall then reinstall the client ONLY. You can select the game file during the installing process by clicking file "00785" located in the User's folder Beamdog Library folder. Once the file is selected, click "without restore" option. I don't know if this updates the client or not, but you will be able to play the game since the client does not provide the option to revert back once the update download runs it's course.
What I did:
Open Beamdog Client > Click Gear icon in very bottom right corner > Click "Support," which takes you to their website > minimize > close Beamdog Client
Open Applications list on computer > Uninstall Beamdog Client > close
Maximize Beamdog Website on browser > click install Beamdog Client > complete download process > close
Login Beamdog Client > Select Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition on left side > Install (yes, install) > Select Find Existing Game > Click folder "00785" > Select Add Without Restore > close
This is how I resolved the issue. It bypasses the update and might require an update later, which I likely won't do until I must. If this happens again, I'd like to know if you fellow gamers prefer opening the game via Beamdog or accessing it through Steam?