Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: kelitayu on May 07, 2015, 08:22 AM

Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: kelitayu on May 07, 2015, 08:22 AM
I was thinking this over in the shower and then it dawned on me.. like a large, gray shadow...

This feels more like a high school setting with way too many "hot chicks". It seems like everyone is a hot chick. Every player character is a hot chick. Even the NPCs are hot chicks. Lots of them are also unique snow flakes too with wings, horns and vampirism.

Gods... what happened to my beloved Neverwinter?

I wasn't always this way.
There used to be variety in characters.
There used to be wonder..
Now everything sucks.
Now everyone's a Mary Sue.
Adventure isn't important anymore.
Heroes and villians?
They're all dead.
All anyone cares about now is the size of peoples butts.. or boobs.. that's the main topic of the day.. teeheee.. you got a big butt!


Everything sucks.. :(

Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Deleted on May 07, 2015, 09:12 AM
Please limit discussions to -constructive- criticisms, or suggestions.  Blanket saying that "everything sucks" is neither helpful nor community-building.

You have over-simplified the vast difference of characters on this server.

D&D has -always- been about portraying a character -you- enjoy.  Just because you may not like a character does not make the character any less valid than yours (barring breaking the setting or rules).  Have fun with your characters, and don't worry about the rest.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: dndpro on May 07, 2015, 09:58 AM
There can be a vast difference between chocolate chip cookies, apple pie, and coffee cake but . .  they are all desserts. I think what kelitayu is saying is both constructive and true. This server needs more -categories- the majority of the PCs on this server are beautiful human/elf/halfelf women. I have to strain my eyes to spot a male and I have yet to spy a single gnome, halfling, dwarf, or halforc.
Not only are almost all the PC's women but they all act and look the same.

Belladonna said, "You have over-simplified the vast difference of characters on this server." And I reply that no, no kelitayu has not because the player base has already over-simplified themselves.

D&D has -always- been about a lot of things. . .  not -just- portraying a character lol. .  Belladonna, you have over-simplified the vast complexities of D&D.

Please limit discussions to -constructive- criticisms, or suggestions. Flat out telling people that their view is wrong or that their feelings are invalid is neither helpful nor community-building.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Yaldabaoth on May 07, 2015, 10:08 AM
Single post counts?  Usernames no one has ever heard of before?  Insults directed at wide sections of the playerbase? Of course!  This thread is very much worthy of a reasoned discussion full of conflicting, yet civil, viewpoints.  

Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Nokteronoth on May 07, 2015, 10:18 AM
Don't forget the agreeing account that was registered 36 minutes ago, also with a single post, 45m after Bella's reply.

Convenient, but, what am I to know? I just run a forum group of 176,000 people. *Coughs.*

I don't mind most of the server being fem characters, though I do agree that the soul-searching eyes bit gets me not reading bios a lot of the time.

There certainly is a lot of variation between players and how they play their heroes. I'm playing things I never have before, certainly, after 13 years of NWN and even more of D&D. Hoorah. It's fun. And I'll go on playing whatever I damn well please, long as it fits the server and spirit of things. (And gets approved!)

Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: realityjumper on May 07, 2015, 10:33 AM
There are a disproportionate amount of females, but the dudes are there! Sure there's a lot of elves - people love to consider being something "wonderful." I know several that play gnomes (Mirabell comes to mind!).

As far as "being the same" ... wow. Everyone I've interacted with has such a unique take on their characters! We've got everything from bubbly and vapid to crotchety to intellectual to piss-ant. I'm sorry you seem to have had bad experiences.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Edge on May 07, 2015, 10:42 AM
Ah yes, the classic "Waaaaah, nobody's playing the boring old Standard Six character races anymore, I don't like it when people play differently than I do, stop having badwrongfun, get off my lawn, back in my day everything was Tolkien and we liked it" posts.

I was wondering when we'd get another round of these, especially how commonly they pop up over on Paizo's forums whenever Pathfinder brings out something that isn't a LOTR callback, like guns, aliens, psionics, technology, or asian/eastern stuff.

It's been a while CD-side though, and I was figuring we were due. Well, might as well let the quota get filled. Thankfully I still have half a bag of popcorn left from when I went to see Avengers.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: suddenperihelion on May 07, 2015, 11:25 AM
Looks like there's five male and two female PCs online right now. So I question the premise. *shrugs* Even if there were more female than male, so what? Seriously, what's wrong with playing a female?

No one seems to recognize you from ingame, and you both only have one forum post - so I'm guessing you haven't actually played much/at all. My advice would be to try actually logging in and roleplaying with people. I did that, and I encountered and roleplayed with an incredibly diverse array of characters! It's been very fun! Your experience may well be similar, if you give the place a chance. Maybe if you give it a try, you'll understand why none of the rest of us think "everything sucks".

And in the off chance you are being serious and you want to roleplay with an ugly PC, I've got one of those =D hit me up ingame if you're really itching for some ugly roleplay. We'll have a blast!
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on May 07, 2015, 01:13 PM
*Snorts five lines of cocaine*
I'll tell you what sucks... You wanna know what sucks?...
Memories of high school. ._.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Nokteronoth on May 07, 2015, 01:59 PM
Them wedgies, man, them wedgies. And worse. But we're all playing NWN, I bet most of us have at least a few horror stories.


Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Goat on May 07, 2015, 02:03 PM
I was severely disappointed that this wasn't a thread about "What stereotype would your character be in a high school setting!"

Theo would probably be a nerd, but one of those guys that turns sexy and successful after high school, much to everyone's shock.

Peppyr would be a hipster, totally, even if they didn't exist when I was in high school.  He'd probably also be the guy that tried to sleep with everyone.  He is a satyr after all.

Just my two cents.  Yay!
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Edge on May 07, 2015, 02:23 PM
Goat Avatar
I was severely disappointed that this wasn't a thread about "What stereotype would your character be in a high school setting!"
This is now the purpose of this thread.

Kestal doesn't fit in any specific stereotypical group, but she'd be the kind that really doesn't have a lot of enemies, and gets along with people from all different sorts of groups.

Kendaku is a Jock who happens to be in Band and be a little bit Goth.

Caprice is a Nerd - specifically a Math Nerd - who happens to be enough of a decent athlete to be in something like Track, but isn't involved in any of the big sports so isn't really a Jock.

Megan is a big conglomeration of Nerd types, but it's mostly overshadowed by how generally weird she is. The only group she really wouldn't fit into would be Jocks, but she's happy to help them with their homework. And play pranks on them in the process.

Eden is that kid who's into the less popular sports like wrestling and cross-country, but refuses to get involved in things like football, baseball, volleyball, etc. despite clearly she'd be at least decent at them.

Aida is a Foreign Exchange Student who mostly wonders why the sports she's used to don't seem to exist at this school.

Raven and Edge are Jocks, except both have 14 INT which means they'd be decent at classes. Edge is your typical Football Jock, Raven would probably be more into Baseball.

Faethe is that kid in class who's always daydreaming and who everyone is worried is going to burn the school down during a science class.

Xion is straight up Goth, the type who's into weird texts and "magic" rituals and stuff.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on May 07, 2015, 02:38 PM
Hydaro is that one guy in High School who had to drop out of High School on his senior year and get a hard labor job to support his younger siblings because his only parent is a god damned drunk, deadbeat who doesn't give a damn about anything, then goes to prison for some crime he did, gets out years later, then disappears and is never heard from again.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Yaldabaoth on May 07, 2015, 02:45 PM
Ladies.  Gentlemen.  We're getting off topic here.  We need to go back to discussing what terrible people all of us are, and what terrible decisions we make.  
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Edge on May 07, 2015, 02:51 PM
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Fire Wraith on May 07, 2015, 03:10 PM
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: ladybug on May 07, 2015, 04:27 PM
Yaldabaoth Avatar
Ladies.  Gentlemen.  We're getting off topic here.  We need to go back to discussing what terrible people all of us are, and what terrible decisions we make.  
I willingly teach in a high school! I think this gives me Schrodinger's Relevancy - I can compare my characters ~*and*~ be reminded of my poor decisions!

Xavier: Nerd. Nerd. Nerd. Did I say nerd yet? He's the kid who hangs out with the teachers instead of his peers to discuss books.

Gioia: Cheerleader.

Isra: Nerd...but throws money around enough to buy friends. Gogo Waukeen.

Ashlyn: Goth.

Haze: Probably more geek than nerd, equally studious and focused on functionality of shiny toys.

Marlowe: Band kid.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Yaldabaoth on May 07, 2015, 05:15 PM
You know, as recently as a year ago, a thread like this would have caused us to descend into a Lord of the Flies situation.  Here, no one seems to have broken out the conch shells or pig's heads.  It would be enough to bring a tear to my eye, if I hadn't already wept my last tears 6 billion years ago.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: lb7 on May 07, 2015, 05:16 PM
Couldn't we have started a "D&D and the WWE" thread, instead? That actually has more similarities to NWN then High school does. ;p

But fine..

Silvia would be the studious, nerdy girl who excels in science and would be notorious for wanting to make things blow up in the lab just for kicks. While she would not be able or allowed to do this as much as she would like to, she would go on to graduate, and leave everyone wondering and perhaps a little afraid if she'll help the world, or blow parts of it up.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Edge on May 07, 2015, 05:24 PM
There's enough of us here who don't know jack squat about professional wrestling, whereas nearly all of us have experienced high school to be able to make and understand the comparisons.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: lb7 on May 07, 2015, 05:30 PM
YouTube is your friend... 

But fair enough... however, lemme try it for a minute here.

The WWE's version of conflict brewing among one another.

And the WWE's version of the "revenge phase" between two conflicting souls.

No knowledge of professional wrestling required to draw similarities to NWN. ;)
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: modronlove on May 07, 2015, 05:30 PM
Alameth would be one of the preppy guys, but a nice one willing to mingle with others.
Mirabell would be the nerd in the glee club.  Possibly a nerd/cheerleader hybrid.
Mariella would be firmly in the goth camp.
Devran is a bit hard for me to pin down.  Maybe one of the kids in shop with a hint of emo.

Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: suddenperihelion on May 07, 2015, 05:30 PM
Yaldabaoth Avatar
You know, as recently as a year ago, a thread like this would have caused us to descend into a Lord of the Flies situation.  Here, no one seems to have broken out the conch shells or pig's heads.  It would be enough to bring a tear to my eye, if I hadn't already wept my last tears 6 billion years ago.
These damn kids, they have everything so easy. Back in MY day...
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: modronlove on May 07, 2015, 05:33 PM
suddenperihelion Avatar
Yaldabaoth Avatar
You know, as recently as a year ago, a thread like this would have caused us to descend into a Lord of the Flies situation.  Here, no one seems to have broken out the conch shells or pig's heads.  It would be enough to bring a tear to my eye, if I hadn't already wept my last tears 6 billion years ago.
These damn kids, they have everything so easy. Back in MY day...

Yald IS ancient.  He was the DM for the first quest I was ever on in NWN back when this game was still new.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Edge on May 07, 2015, 05:38 PM
lb7 Avatar
YouTube is your friend... 

But fair enough... however, lemme try it for a minute here.

No knowledge of professional wrestling required to draw similarities to NWN. ;)
Let me rephrase then.

There's not as many of us who WANT to know about wrestling, whereas we all have enough knowledge of high school stereotypes.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: tarriel on May 07, 2015, 05:45 PM

(These are British high school stereotypes. May not translate well)

Galen: A nice, stupid guy. SOMEHOW passes all the classes, sort of a pseudo-nerd. 

Vruuk: Class Hippie.

Orokol: Choir Boy. Beefy, charming choir boy. 

Sparrow: Class weirdo.

Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: lb7 on May 07, 2015, 05:47 PM
More power to those that don't wanna know.

Me, high school cliches are overdone as it is. :)
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Deleted on May 07, 2015, 05:54 PM
Cara - The one with the group of friends that are popular, but she tends to be the outcast "token".

Morghan - Jock chick that tends to get involved in the drama club for laughs.

Rhea - Geeky choir/drama/book girl

Rahven - Goth.  100%.

Alex - Teacher's pet.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Deleted on May 07, 2015, 05:55 PM
Yaldabaoth Avatar
You know, as recently as a year ago, a thread like this would have caused us to descend into a Lord of the Flies situation.  Here, no one seems to have broken out the conch shells or pig's heads.  It would be enough to bring a tear to my eye, if I hadn't already wept my last tears 6 billion years ago.

Whether or not you're being flippant here (  :D ), I'm seriously glad for this.  And I really have to love everyone's banding together to say "lets just have fun, kay?"!
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: ladybug on May 07, 2015, 06:09 PM
Yaldabaoth Avatar
You know, as recently as a year ago, a thread like this would have caused us to descend into a Lord of the Flies situation.  Here, no one seems to have broken out the conch shells or pig's heads.  It would be enough to bring a tear to my eye, if I hadn't already wept my last tears 6 billion years ago.
Uuuuuuuuugh we're finishing up a unit on that book now.......
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Yaldabaoth on May 07, 2015, 06:20 PM
belladonna Avatar
May 7, 2015 17:55:44 GMT -5  @belladonna said:
Yaldabaoth Avatar
You know, as recently as a year ago, a thread like this would have caused us to descend into a Lord of the Flies situation.  Here, no one seems to have broken out the conch shells or pig's heads.  It would be enough to bring a tear to my eye, if I hadn't already wept my last tears 6 billion years ago.
Whether or not you're being flippant here (  :D ), I'm seriously glad for this.  And I really have to love everyone's banding together to say "lets just have fun, kay?"!
I am definitely not being flippant.  Every so often I find myself expressing a positive thought.  And then I am forced to run off and find some fellow to torture and make it all go away.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: onivel on May 07, 2015, 06:50 PM
Alright... lets see

Alton - straight up Jock.. but not Captain of the football team / Quarterback type, more the big quiet defensive lineman type. Drove a Jeep.

Dominique - Cheerleader .. also one of the ones who is -always- starting shit, by either hitting on guys she knows are taken or that she knows somebody else likes just to get them pissed. Drove a Miata

Badhbh -  Smart / Bitchy girl who quit debate team and gifted program after sophomore year. Still hangs out with the geeks, but is more often found with the slackers nowadays. Was once a straight A student, still aces tests but doesn't turn in homework assignments so her GPA dropped to "B"s. Drove a Golf convertible.

Geno - Industrial Arts kid, also one of the first in school to get facial hair. had an older junker sports car that he was always tuning. Drove a pickup.

Tene - Gothy Band kid. Drove a Prius.

Jaylithel - skinny ass kid who ran cross country. A bit goofy, but always seemed to be hanging out chatting up the girls. Was always at the school dances and was usually one of the first guys ont he dance floor to break the ice. Drove a tuned Celica Supra

Roan - Cute poor farm boy kid. Was usually in dirty jeans and t-shirt. Bashful and awkwardly overly polite around girls. Drove a pickup.

Jay of the Dark Hand - Played kick returner / running back in school due to quickness and elusiveness. Despite his athletic ability, he was always on the periphery of the Jock group. Was usually quiet, but when he did speak it was usually something sarcastic. Would of gotten himself in more fights if it wasn't for him following up the smart ass comments with a goofy grin. Drove a Toyota MR2 or Fiero
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: suddenperihelion on May 07, 2015, 06:54 PM
belladonna Avatar
May 7, 2015 17:55:44 GMT -5  @belladonna said:
Yaldabaoth Avatar
You know, as recently as a year ago, a thread like this would have caused us to descend into a Lord of the Flies situation.  Here, no one seems to have broken out the conch shells or pig's heads.  It would be enough to bring a tear to my eye, if I hadn't already wept my last tears 6 billion years ago.
Whether or not you're being flippant here (  :D ), I'm seriously glad for this.  And I really have to love everyone's banding together to say "lets just have fun, kay?"!
In my experience, people who start threads like this are usually DMs from another server/project, hoping to create an impression of angst/disunity in order to scare people away from C/D because they're angry about their lower playercounts. It never actually seems to work, though. Most players are smart enough to stay FAR away from any server/project where the staff is more excited about spending their time trash talking another project, than spending their time building up their own project.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Nevermore on May 07, 2015, 07:16 PM
Vivian - She would be the straight A, straight laced, preachers daughter who was president of the student body, Valedictorian, president of the school pride committee, who works part time, and find times to volunteer on the weekends with the impoverished and elderly of her community because it would so nicely round out her high school career. She would have a minivan or Prius to get around in. 

Bethra- She would be one of the shy and quiet kinds who spends a lot of time in the Home Economics room and the library, but would scurry around the halls from class to class only speaking to a few of her group of close knit friends. Wouldn't drive herself, but would go hop in Alton's Jeep during lunch break to steal a smoke.

Micah- He would be one those guys who walked around with a guitar on his back, wearing a Nirvana or Ramones T shirt. He would probably get detension for vandalism for spray painting "Free Tibet" on the statue of the school founder. Then would go lurk down by library or Lit club rooms to try to hit on one of the shy mousy bookish type of girls and impress them with his sensitive, but bad boy demeanor and music. 
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: sinisteromnibus on May 07, 2015, 07:44 PM
Voss: Class Clown / Schoolyard Bully. His parents are rich and distant to him so he's entitled and angsty due to his discordant family life
Tavaris: Me in high school. lol Smart guy, everyone's friend, but his mouth gets him in a lot a trouble. Can often be found with his nose in a book about dragons.
Lily: Popular girl's little sister. She's the younger child of a single-parent household whose father dotes on the eldest because she's an overachiever. Loves her sister and rides on her popularity but has self-confidence issues because she always comes in second at home.
Lanius: The stoner kid. His parents were hippies, and they're cool with him smoking at home. Of course, love is free, man, so he takes that shit to school and sells it for a buck an ounce.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Atomic Twinkie on May 07, 2015, 08:49 PM
Amaiss: Takes hardcore drugs, parties, never seems to study, always seems to be with a different girl - and yet he still does well on tests.
Goirin: Who even knows
Clay: The big kid that stands up for littler kids, but still treats them pretty rough (Tavaris!)
Vladislak: Foreign kid that's far too good at sports and spends a lot of time at the gym.

Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: on May 07, 2015, 09:02 PM
Sorn: Highschool drop out that was really charismatic and trouble maker.  People are happy he's gone.  He drove a firebird.
Sophia: Cheerleader captain.  Would assist anyone to create drama and trouble, because that's really what education is for.  Drives an Indian motorcycle.
Neisha:  Math geek who is a goth chick who would hold siances in the vacant classrooms at night.  She would also hold the local occult group for regular meetings in the gym.  Drives the family hearse.
Soril: A misfit that spends all his time in the gym, or cutting class, and routinely getting in trouble with any disciplinary comittee.  His hangout is the local strip joint where he chats with gangsters.  He drives a black sedan.

Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Nokteronoth on May 07, 2015, 09:06 PM
Belarthrae- The kid who talks a lot during class/group discussions, loves doing projects. Always ends up walking or eating alone, sort of just fades away after school.

Caoilainn - The average student. Though the one that gives off the creepy vibe with those out-of-the-blue comments that might make someone think they'll come by with a .45 one day to fuck up the place.

Chara - The school-transferred farm kid who doesn't really know what's going on, but finds it too amusing to care.

Kimbell - The teacher who's been there so long she just doesn't care since she has tenure. Likely never went to high school while young, so being said teacher is first exposure.

Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: threeguesses on May 07, 2015, 10:20 PM
Rashan - The kid always on field trips with whatever club or group has a trip to offer, the further, the better. A foodie and culture junkie, foreign languages are among his loves. Backpacks through Europe over the summer, and plans to study abroad extensively during college.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: thorien on May 08, 2015, 07:22 AM
Zevarion - Quiet and polite kid who always sticks to his twin brother. Usually seen wearing cammies and dog tags. Has friends amongst various groups, often hating eachother. Usually has very good grades, providing he finds particular subject interesting (loves history). Decided to join the Marine Corps long before he started school. Drives Hummer H1 with more than few military and motivational stickers.

Naaliah - Widely known as antisocial, vain girl who's more into wrestling than school subjects. Always ready to defend her few true friends, usually has problems to get along with most of boys. Her aggresive, relentless demanour got her into trouble many times, so she tries to act nicely. Oddly, she's into art and music, talented guitarist who always refuses to join any band. Also, she loves animals. A little envious of kids from rich families. Drives bright green Alfa Romeo 156 she washes three times a week.

Takeshi - Exchange student from Japan. Interested and surprisingly good in almost everything he touches, yet he's really easy to offend. He and his family moved to the US few weeks ago, after their company went bankrupt. Raised in traditional family, Takeshi values honor above all alse and he often fails to understand motivations of people here. Always has a knife, yet he never used it to threaten other students. He already made more than few friends, most if them asian. Travels by bus and subway.

Hazard - Bookworm who hates school subjects. Wants to join the Army.

Kayla - Amish girl. Enough said.

Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Arya on May 11, 2015, 01:07 AM
threeguesses Avatar
Rashan - The kid always on field trips with whatever club or group has a trip to offer, the further, the better. A foodie and culture junkie, foreign languages are among his loves. Backpacks through Europe over the summer, and plans to study abroad extensively during college.
He sounds like a Boulderite...

As for my PCs...I would have to think on it. Brain too fried from the trip.


Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: threeguesses on May 11, 2015, 01:39 AM
I can't say this is entirely inaccurate, Arya.

Ilcil - the kid with a single father, family military tradition, who is doing his senior year, having already gone to boot camp at the age of 17 after parental approval was granted, just waiting to knock out the last year and get to service. A little broody, a little intense and serious, with no time for the nonsense high school crap. He won't sign your yearbook and he won't pose for your selfie - if you get a picture of him, he isn't smiling.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: allatum on May 11, 2015, 08:32 AM
Anisa is the weird kid that is way too interested in birds or something and then gets a degree in ornithology in college. Or something equally quirky.

Iyashu is that rock in front of some schools that constantly get painted with different things.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Yaldabaoth on May 11, 2015, 09:54 AM
allatum Avatar
Anisa is the weird kid that is way too interested in birds or something and then gets a degree in ornithology in college. Or something equally quirky.

Iyashu is that rock in front of some schools that constantly get painted with different things.

Hey, you don't get to post in silly spam threads here and not come back to play with the rest of us.  Its a rule that I certainly did not just invent.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: allatum on May 13, 2015, 03:24 PM
No this is my thing now. I died, turned into a ghost, and haunt forums on the internet.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: trylobyte on May 13, 2015, 04:03 PM
Aelie Selle - The class clown.  Generally gets along with most people.  Does surprisingly well considering she never takes anything seriously, which means people love to watch her screw up.  Winds up defying expectations with a stable high-level career in marketing or media despite never going to college.

Mista Aermane - That shy, quiet religious girl that people think is just a little bit weird.  Generally a bully magnet who doesn't have a lot of friends, but tries to be friends with everyone anyway.  Cares for the class pets.  Goes to nursing school afterwards.

Maria Geigne - One of the background characters.  Shows up, attends classes, leaves.  Doesn't really interact with anyone outside her extremely small group of friends.  Probably a JROTC officer.  Later winds up as a military engineer.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Yaldabaoth on May 14, 2015, 02:03 PM
allatum Avatar
No this is my thing now. I died, turned into a ghost, and haunt forums on the internet.
Don't make me hurt you.  You know.  Unless you want me to.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Edge on May 14, 2015, 03:44 PM
Yaldabaoth Avatar
allatum Avatar
No this is my thing now. I died, turned into a ghost, and haunt forums on the internet.
Don't make me hurt you.  You know.  Unless you want me to.

Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: onivel on Dec 06, 2020, 09:11 AM
Casts Thread Necromancy ...

I've got a couple to add:

Celeana Silverspear - popular girl from more affluent family. Tried to down play it by dressing in more common fashions. Volunteered for Prom committee and was part of the Homecoming Court. Drives a Tesla Model 3.

Mei-Li Yao Ren - transfer student... arrived just before winter break. A curiosity, she seems to be mixing in with several of the different cliques in the school. Drives a Honda Civic Type R.

Ember Thistletorn - Fiesty firecracker, but seeing her in the halls none would expect the tiny red head to be the high scoring winger on the school hockey team. Her wrist shot is nearly as quick as her wit. Drives a Subaru BRZ Limited.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Deleted on Dec 06, 2020, 09:53 AM
Zahra: The slightly ditzy and distracted but utter sweetheart jock who will absolutely deck you if you start picking on other kids. Bikes to school

Aria: The honors student with a reputation who uses snark and sarcasm to hide the fact that her parents are constantly fighting at home. Uses a fake ID to get booze for herself. Might live under the bleachers most nights
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: Arya on Dec 11, 2020, 03:46 PM
Mai Tra-Linh: International student studying abroad, who arrived for the fall, started lonely and now friends with Mei-Li and others. Went from being a curiosity to being asked for food. Tries to be sweet and make up for mistakes, easy to embarrass sometimes.

Alyssana: From affluent family that lost much their money to another family wanting to keep them down, spends time blending in when she can and volunteering regularly for community functions - becomes pregnant single mother in college later and finds sweetheart who likes older women (*cough* Jaylithel).

Daeatria: Rebellious wild child and goth of an affluent family who becomes both popular and scapegoated in her social circles. Often hated by the mean girls.
Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: on Dec 12, 2020, 01:02 PM
Sophia is a cheer leader, and all around athlete.  She is the kind of girl that struts about and looked down on by many inspiring much jealousy.

Neisha is a goth girl, dresses in dark, and sometimes white, and always very loud.  Many are annoyed or amused.  Frequently makes rituals and séances about at the late hours in the gym and supposed haunted classrooms.

Sorn Duskryn is a slacker, usually hangs at the back of the class, gives teachers grief and often is quite the rebel.  Often smokes pot in some dark forgotten corner.

Ceya is a good girl, boring and polite to a fault, often uses misplaced trust to sow seeds of intrigue.  Is frequently selling pot to others.

Krauger is one of the students that's been suspended very often, and if he ever does show up, it's in a huge truck with many lady friends.  He laughs at the idea of going to class.

Title: Forgotten Realms - High School
Post by: JadeDragon on Dec 27, 2020, 05:29 PM
As far as I am aware, men have been playing 'hot chicks' since DnD started.