Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: nightsong on Apr 08, 2021, 01:53 PM

Title: So much for fair V2
Post by: nightsong on Apr 08, 2021, 01:53 PM
This was the answer too my app it took me 4 days too write

After careful consideration of the race in question and their place in the setting, we do not at this time believe that this character will fit into the server's climate. This decision was reached after a review of past roleplay as well as current trends in communication, responsiveness, and attitude. To put it simply, we do not believe that this character will be a good fit for the server at this time. Please feel free to apply in the future for a less controversial race, or reapply for this one again once you have found a more comfortable place in the playerbase.

This was the answer I got. Okay from what I was told as long as I could rp the character and filled out the app. It did not matter if my concept was controversial or had anything too do with comfort of the player base. So 30 day's of active play wich I did I even made a new charcater because my sun elf was not well recived as tradintoal sun elf. I really do not understand what more was required. So since I offended some players Rping my charcter this is I am guessing this is what I should excpept . We wouldnt want too upset anyone ? And the race in question I know of at least one. So how does that work as contoversial ?

I feel my applaction was unfairly denied due admins and dm hurts feelings over my rp. I can list them if you wish. I also bellive my applaction was also denied over an arugemt with arya on discord.

And lets also now add my app was denied over a disord argument then the thread locked. Very mature behavior 
Title: So much for fair V2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Apr 08, 2021, 02:37 PM
So I'll be uncharacteristically blunt here, as our attempts at being diplomatic seem to have failed to get your attention:

Your application was denied because, in every interaction we've seen you in, whether in or out of character, or as a player talking in Discord, you have been unfailingly argumentative, hostile, or outright insulting to others, to the point that we had to ban you from the server Discord chat. You have also repeatedly refused to accept any responsibility for any of your actions, something that you are repeating here. You have also ignored what the Admins have told you as far as the proper way to handle issues, and this (ignoring Bella's instruction to take this to direct messaging and off the main forum) is just the most recent example.

As such we have zero confidence in your ability to handle a special subrace that is prone to conflict and requires highly nuanced handling. These sorts of characters are a privilege, not a right.

Furthermore, I will remind you that playing here is likewise a privilege and not a right, and while we're pretty relaxed on welcoming anyone and everyone, if you continue to show that you won't treat others here with a basic minimum of respect and courtesy, and can't/won't abide by the rules, then you will be told to leave.
Title: So much for fair V2
Post by: nightsong on Apr 08, 2021, 02:45 PM
So I can not rp an argumentative character ? She that not be made clear there's no allowed ic conflict . On the discord ban . Yes I left discord then too avoid any attempt at me apologizing. You ban me without even notifying me? That's the blunt truth . Instead on approaching me you cut me off without a word. Now veiled threats on playing is privlage and being banned . Perhaps come too me with any issues I would of explained myself . So who is really admitting there wrong here ?
Title: So much for fair V2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Apr 08, 2021, 03:03 PM
We told you what to do and how to contact us. You continue to ignore everything we're saying, and continue to act as if this is just us being mean to you.

The problem isn't playing an argumentative character - there are many evil, obnoxious, or otherwise rude characters on the server, but they are not played by people who are rude or argumentative on an out of character basis. The fact that you are rude, argumentative, and have repeatedly ignored our requests to tone down your behavior or otherwise conduct yourself in a more civil fashion are why we do not trust that you would simply be playing a character, rather than a continuance of your OOC bad behavior.

Lastly, you again attempt to blame me for pointing out that there are consequences to your actions and conduct. No, sorry, I think we've wasted enough of peoples' time and patience. You're no longer welcome here.
Title: So much for fair V2
Post by: trylobyte on Apr 08, 2021, 03:08 PM
Now I am not a staff member, but just in this thread I've noticed that you're demonstrating argumentative conflict-seeking behavior.  You seem more interested in making accusations than in figuring out why you got the response you did and you're dragging a private dispute (several of them actually) out into public as well.  This doesn't speak well to your ability to handle a character that requires significant nuance in their roleplay and could potentially be at the heart of a whirlwind of IC and OOC conflict (including PvP and permadeath) should they get found out (depending on the race).

Basically, you need to show you can handle the character not just on an in-character level but also on an out-of-character level.  Your reaction to being denied seems to justify the decision to deny you, even knowing nothing else about what the staff might have considered.
Title: So much for fair V2
Post by: Nokteronoth on Apr 08, 2021, 03:12 PM
Playing an argumentative character is fine. Being argumentative and outright hostile on an OOC level is not, no matter what sort of RL problems or issues a person may have. We all have bad days, which is why it was overlooked the first time, and excused the second. By the third and fourth time, that's when the admins and sDMs were chatting about maybe giving a time-out from Discord. We can deal with and talk out a lot of issues, but it gets increasingly difficult to do the same thing day in and day out repeatedly.

We also do talk to people and inform them of decisions or chat out their thoughts. We do this in private as to not drag everyone into issues that they may not know about or not care about, and thus not bring their day down as well. We have channels for this. The sDMs take PMs and complaints with the handy form (in the General forum here, for anyone interested), and we talk them out, record them, and bring them to the admins - even if it's about an admin or one of us. If we need to reign in our own issues, we talk them out as a team and make a decision. For an example of this, the 'recent' division of labor on staff duties was because the sDM team wanted more responsibility and to take the weight off the admins so they could focus on other activities.

Now, back to the original topic: The denial in this case. Fey'ri is an incredibly intricate, lore-heavy race that will result in a permadeath if they are found out. We discussed it, as a team (that is, both admins and sDMs, even if sDMs don't approve +3 or +4 apps, we do weigh in,) and had decided that on an OOC level, this race isn't a good fit for you at this time on the server. That isn't to say it will never happen, but at this time we didn't think it was a good idea. That's why we wrote the denial in the way that we did - you could apply for this character later, when you're more comfortable with the server lore, accepting DM input/rulings, and mesh better with the server's culture on an OOC level.

As a good example of this, there are plenty of other argumentative elves on the server. One in particular that shall not be named did and does rub a lot of characters the wrong way. HOWEVER, on an OOC level, the player has shown that even with a few bad days (because we all have them), that they can be a mature adult and accept when the DMs make a ruling, even if they don't like it. They have proven that they can get along with others on an OOC level day in and day out, while still keeping that character viable and active in the roleplay of the server. 

I am inclined to believe that making a public post like this in response to a polite denial is the exact opposite of that outlook. It is trying to stir others into action, rather than following the usual channels to air grievances or criticism of a decision. It leads me to believe that the team's decision is exactly and perfectly justified for the time being.

This can change, and the app may be approved, but I believe it would take some work and effort on your part to reverse the poor example made above.