Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Off Topic => Topic started by: Garage Trashcan on Nov 23, 2016, 06:19 PM

Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Nov 23, 2016, 06:19 PM
Anyone else been playing?

For those that haven't kept up, the game's completely different from what you might remember in all the best ways.

For those that haven't, they've done a good job and implementing some of the better features over the years and combining/improving on them. It's also a step back from the relatively low difficulty of X&Y and the game is decently challenging again, in interesting ways to boot!
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: ladybug on Nov 23, 2016, 07:57 PM
Rowlet is precious and spins around happily when you pet it. :3

Oh right. There's a plot besides the petting feature.
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: Edge on Nov 23, 2016, 09:16 PM
Type:Null is not available until postgame.

Otherwise I'm about an hour in with much wandering around and backtracking to find Zygarde parts. Current team is Dartrix, Pikachu, Misdreavus, Trumbeak, Growlithe, Dewpider. Will probably drop Growlithe for Salandit if I can find a female one, and will definitely be swapping Misdreavus for Mimikyu because Mimikyu is best Pokemon. (Even if Misdreavus is adorable as hell and I kinda wish I could make a viable team that covered all bases with both of them.)
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Nov 24, 2016, 07:32 AM
I, too, was upset I couldn't get Type:Null until postgame.

It took me a little over an hour to track down a female Salandit. I just got Salazzle and she destroys, especially with a +SpAtk nature. Absolutely made of paper, though.

I just did the ghost trial last night, and let me tell you that it absolutely destroys. Even after halving it's speed with Mudsdale Salazzle was the only thing thing that could outspeed it (but would have done so without the debuffs, likely). It was one or two-shotting everything and the only way I was able to beat it was walling it with Mudsdale and using a couple of potions. Decidueye's Ghost-type Z-move didn't even get used because it would die before it could do anything. RIP.

I was concerned that the game would be even easier than X/Y, but woah, am I glad that I was wrong.
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: whangdoodle on Nov 24, 2016, 08:40 AM
Funny thing about that, X/Y from what I've heard from everyone is one of the easiest pokemon games but somehow has the hardest Nuzlock. However no, Sun and Moon for the first time since the game came out has a competent AI. I am annoyed to death that a trainer ACTUALLY had a pokemon whose entire purpose was to place "spikes" on the ground before pulling out a sweeper.

As for Salazzle, yeah the thing is the very definition of "Glass Cannon" probably even more then Alakazam.

Aside from that I am happy with my choice of starter, I decided to go with the good old 'ugly duckling' and now it is an awesome Seal/Siren/Mermaid that knows the Spirit Bomb. 
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: Edge on Nov 24, 2016, 10:41 AM
whangdoodle Avatar
Funny thing about that, X/Y from what I've heard from everyone is one of the easiest pokemon games but somehow has the hardest Nuzlock.
Probably because a lot of XY's new critters are really really fragile.

whangdoodle Avatar
However no, Sun and Moon for the first time since the game came out has a competent AI. I am annoyed to death that a trainer ACTUALLY had a pokemon whose entire purpose was to place "spikes" on the ground before pulling out a sweeper.

Sounds like they're taking cues from their competitive scene. Spikes/Toxic Spikes/Stealth Rock are a BIG part of competitive play.
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: ladybug on Nov 24, 2016, 10:42 AM
Yeah, was not expecting the Fire Totem Pokemon to pull out tactics.
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: whangdoodle on Nov 24, 2016, 01:02 PM
And finally beat it!

Also 2793-0621-3458.

Friendcode for Friendship is Rare.

Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: Edge on Nov 24, 2016, 04:49 PM

Trainer will show up in Festival Plaza as Xenthya.
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: tarriel on Nov 24, 2016, 06:03 PM

Bask in my glow
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: ladybug on Nov 24, 2016, 07:30 PM
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Nov 24, 2016, 08:22 PM
Edge Avatar

whangdoodle Avatar
However no, Sun and Moon for the first time since the game came out has a competent AI. I am annoyed to death that a trainer ACTUALLY had a pokemon whose entire purpose was to place "spikes" on the ground before pulling out a sweeper.
Sounds like they're taking cues from their competitive scene. Spikes/Toxic Spikes/Stealth Rock are a BIG part of competitive play.
More Stealth Rock, than anything else, mainly because it's 1-turn setup and can deal Super Effective damage. Spikes is a longer setup and Toxic Spikes is even more rare, but I see it come up and use it myself (mainly on mono-poison teams).

Will add my FC in later.

And yeah, I know which trainer you're talking about, Whang. Guy's freaking Pinser nearly swept my entire team after that Swords Dance boost.
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: ladybug on Nov 24, 2016, 08:37 PM
Mareanie OP. Got a lucky trade for a Ditto and now have a small army of Mareanies for trade. It's awesome.
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Nov 24, 2016, 08:45 PM
ladybug Avatar
Mareanie OP. Got a lucky trade for a Ditto and now have a small army of Mareanies for trade. It's awesome.
Toxipex is completely insane. 50 HP / 152 Def / 142 SpDef, Regenerator, and a unique move that Protects and poisons on contact? I feel bad for the poor NPCs that have to fight the thing.
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: ladybug on Nov 24, 2016, 08:54 PM
Wow, I haven't even started training it yet. I just hatched about eight of the little guys and started camping GTS. Once I got the Ditto, it was time to pause the plot and start breeding.
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: Edge on Nov 25, 2016, 12:44 PM
So from a combination of trading with Lady and bribing GTS with Mareanies and Feebases, I've made some decent PokeDex progression done over thanksgiving and am ready to resume making headway through the actual plot.

Also I think I've got my team wrapped up: Decidueye, Mimikyu, Raichu, Salazzle, Araquanid, and Crabominable.

Also, Pokerus get. Running rampant in my party now, again courtesy of Lady.
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Nov 25, 2016, 06:00 PM
Everyone's infatuated with how cute Mimikyu is (especially when it was revealed by Nintendo) and here I am having nightmares from the thing still.

I'm still figuring out my final teamslots (since my type coverage is all over the place and I have always picked the Water starter and never use Grass types). Currently running: Decidueye, Salazzle, Mudsdale, Charjabug, then Grimer and Wishiwashi are filling in spots right now until I find what I want.
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: ladybug on Nov 25, 2016, 06:12 PM
Dartrix, Mimikyu, Vulpix, Marowak, Magmenite, and Mareanie at present. Pokerus go.
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: ladybug on Nov 29, 2016, 10:26 PM
So...I think Team Skull might be my favorite team.
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Nov 30, 2016, 07:29 PM

...I beat the E4 on Sunday. Team was Only 50-52ish to start out, wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: cherrycoke2l on Dec 01, 2016, 01:30 AM
I'm on the second island, before the kahuna challenge. The game's fun. Also thought that Type:Null was some sort of a bug when I saw it for the first time, as I've stayed out of most game-related websites or threads.

Also my friend code: 4399-1229-3934
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: Edge on Dec 01, 2016, 08:22 PM

"Y'all are stupid!"

I busted out laughing at that line.
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Dec 01, 2016, 08:28 PM
Edge Avatar
"Y'all are stupid!"

I busted out laughing at that line.

Finally posting my FC: 4055-3331-6302

Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: Edge on Dec 01, 2016, 09:19 PM
Yes that one.  (rofl)
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: ladybug on Dec 01, 2016, 09:23 PM
Garage Trashcan Avatar

MRW I grade essays...
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: Ogre Time Yay on Dec 02, 2016, 01:23 PM
I've been playing it since release, I beat the game last week.
Now I'm working on putting together my all star team. :P
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: Edge on Dec 02, 2016, 07:03 PM
I don't play competitive, so the team I go through the story with is my team. Hence my complaints about some things not being available until postgame. ;)

Speaking of, how extensive is the postgame? Is there a decent amount of things to do, extra story bits to pursue, etc.? Or is it really just limited to a few small quests and the Battle thingy?
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: onivel on Dec 02, 2016, 07:19 PM
My little thundergod has this at the top of his Christmas list. I have the dual pack ordered for him (bonus 200 pokeballs). If anyone has any suggestions or hints I can pass on to him, please PM me. I wouldn't want to clutter this up with noob questions.
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: Edge on Dec 02, 2016, 08:48 PM
Sent my advice. Best of luck!

In other news, my completed team, just about to challenge the Elite Four:

Made with this thing
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: ladybug on Dec 02, 2016, 09:37 PM
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Dec 03, 2016, 08:21 AM
Edge Avatar
I don't play competitive, so the team I go through the story with is my team. Hence my complaints about some things not being available until postgame. ;)

Speaking of, how extensive is the postgame? Is there a decent amount of things to do, extra story bits to pursue, etc.? Or is it really just limited to a few small quests and the Battle thingy?
I typically have my "go through the game team" then make a "probably better, but really just cooler with different pokes" team. Most of my choices are hardly competitive, since I just use what I like to use and if I am playing competitive, that's what Pokemon Showdown is for because fuck breeding for hours and hours.

I just did the Ultra Beast questline and that took probably 2-3 hours and it nets you 1 million Pokedollars. Gonna catch the Tapus next.

As for the rest, I'm not completely sure, because it's all based on preference. You can complete Zygarde and get all the cells/cores, you can do the Battle Tree for funsies (though they are fully EV'd with competitive movesets, there), chaining for shinies, etc. It's also quite cool once you beat the Elite Four again, there's like 10 different people who will come challenge you for the champion seat, which is a nice mix-up and can keep re-playing them entertaining.

As for , I wouldn't worry about anything too much. 200 Pokeballs is overkill and he'll probably never run out of them, unless he's trying to use them on EVERYTHING. If it's his first game in the series, let him absorb and enjoy it at his own pace. If there's ever any questions, Serebii and Bulbapedia are your friend.
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: Edge on Dec 03, 2016, 02:33 PM
Garage Trashcan Avatar
I just did the Ultra Beast questline and that took probably 2-3 hours and it nets you 1 million Pokedollars. Gonna catch the Tapus next.

As for the rest, I'm not completely sure, because it's all based on preference. You can complete Zygarde and get all the cells/cores, you can do the Battle Tree for funsies (though they are fully EV'd with competitive movesets, there), chaining for shinies, etc. It's also quite cool once you beat the Elite Four again, there's like 10 different people who will come challenge you for the champion seat, which is a nice mix-up and can keep re-playing them entertaining.

Now that's cool, I like that. Thanks!

If it's his first game in the series, let him absorb and enjoy it at his own pace. If there's ever any questions, Serebii and Bulbapedia are your friend.

Yep, this is really the best info. I sent some advice on some of the few unusual quirks this game has - Mystery Gift Munchlax, demo Greninja, the Festival Plaza and Pokemon Refresh bonuses - but the game is very good at teaching the basics as it goes.
Title: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post by: onivel on Dec 05, 2016, 10:36 PM
Thanks much for the info... he has already downloaded the demo and played through it. Now he just needs to wait for Santa to come.