So after last night's dungeon run (wherein my character got her face pounded in, by an area of my own design), some questions arose from other players, but also some future thoughts, and I figured I'd see what people think.
First (and I'm going to put this up elsewhere), both Dead Magic and Wild Magic zones exist in certain areas on CD. These affect PCs and NPCs
equally - if a PC can't cast in one, neither could an NPC with the same stats. The reason some NPCs can cast anyway is because CD adheres to FR lore, and according to 3rd Edition rules, an area where the Weave is dead, isn't necessarily dead for the Shadow Weave. This, then, is the explanation why that Shadow Golem is pwning your face in the dead magic zone.

Second, it occured to me that as it stands, all the treasure on CD can be found in pretty much any dungeon of the appropriate level. What if instead, there were certain treasure tables that only were linked to certain themes of areas - like Netherese treasures for Netherese Ruins, Elven ones for Elven Ruins, Dwarven for Dwarven, etc. So assuming people like that idea, it's something we're going to add, along with more areas of those themes.
Also, maybe, Boss specific treasure tables. >.>