Cormyr and the Dalelands

Server Mechanics and Systems => Updates and Roadmap => Topic started by: Vincent07 on Jul 06, 2018, 05:07 PM

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Jul 06, 2018, 05:07 PM
CD Module v4.00

-Hak v3 files are required as of this update.


-Script implementation of Swordmage abilities and new spells.

Changes from the v3 Changelog:


-Blinkplate implemented as +8 AC instead of +6.

-Fellfrost Cross damage increased. Damage now scales with Swordmage's level.

-Lightning Fury damage increased. Damage now scales with Swordmage's level.

-Void damage on a successful save increased.

-Incinerate damage increased. Damage scales with Swordmage level to a higher degree.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Jul 07, 2018, 05:26 PM
CD Module 4.00b


-Fully disabled the Sorc PrC code that was freezing some sorcs even without PrCs. (The system didn't really work anyway.)

-Fixed the wrapper that advanced head appearances so some of the new ones can show up.

-Fixed a catch in the Spellhook that prevented Channel Spell from working for Arcane Warrior

-Fixed the damage type of Swordmage's Flame Gauntlet, and lowered the damage die to d6s

-Updated the /featfix command to add the 4 missing feats for Arcane warrior that were not being granted.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Aug 04, 2018, 10:07 PM
CD Module 4.00c


-Added a 1 second delay to Weaponized Arcana to fix the AB bug.

-Lightning Fury should hurt the initial target now.

-Flame Gauntlet now does 50% reduced damage to Golems.

-Discern Arcana now properly adds to Spellcraft.


-Corrected a number of shield and weapon appearances that the Hak update broke.


-Added a placeholder for the Undercity so it can be traversed. The path down from the King's wood works, the teleport key works, as does the portal outside Arabel.  Currently the Toy Box, Waukeen Temple, Thayvian Tower, and Outskirts are linked up. Shaun the Mind Flayer merchant is also available.  The area is otherwise very bare bones.


-The 2 nobles in Arabel Palace District have proper appearances now.

-The 2 Knights in the Kelemvorite Temple are no longer creepy twins.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Aug 05, 2018, 04:21 PM
CD Module v4.00d


-Lightning Fury will now actually damage the initial target. Really. I promise.

-Weaponized Arcana no longer fires OnEquip. Now you must type /arcana to get the buff. This should also let you not use it if another caster has a more powerful GMW available.


-Mass Death Ward will now work on the Event server.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Aug 24, 2018, 06:48 PM
CD Module 4.00e


-Fixed an issue with the Caster Level calculations for Swordmages when they are dispelled.


-New Sunite temple put in - Made by CDLurker.

-Edits to the NE district of Arabel for the new temple. - By CDLurker

-Revision and edits to the Sunite temple store to put it in line with others.

-Changed a ballista placeable in Mountain Home from useable to static so the boss won't get caught on it. Also moved said creature's spawn point farther from it.

-Regular Ogre Mage  creatures no longer cast Dispel Magic. The High Ogre Mage still does.

-Fixed Swordhaven's teleport point. There was a key mismatch between the area tag and teleport variable for the old Stonehaven area name.

-Repaired the old Ironguard teleport point that was outside Stonehaven. It is now Desolate Valley.

-Plot flagged treasure containers in the Curst dungeon that were not.

-Plot flagged treasure containers in the Caverns of Death area that were not.

-Adjusted a number of spawns in Caverns of Death.  Touching the tomb is now a really bad idea. But the loot in it is better.  There will be a more extensive encounter overhaul of this dungeon in the near future.

-Icegloom: Increased the chance the Boss chests actually spawn items. Slight improvement to the Dragon's chest.

-Lava River Cavern: Implemented proper Boss loot. Drops after killing Hob should be somewhat improved over what is found in Icegloom.  Adjusted spawn positioning in the final room so that Hob's Guardian should pull with him.  Slightly reduced the self-healing amount for Hob's Guardian, and slightly tweaked Hob's abilities. Removed Fire Auras from the Fire Elementals.

-Moved the rope placeable in Sunset Mountain Crater that allows transitioning to the Bottom of the Crater. It should activate more reliably now.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Aug 27, 2018, 02:09 PM
CD Module 4.00f


-Redid some decorations in the Arabel Central plaza

-Fixed some loot variables, and generally improved loot in Azurephax's chamber in Valley of Broken Sky

-Improved loot in Oliani's chamber in Lightning Peak

-Severely culled Dispels in Lightning Peak

-Dramatically increased final loot in the Lower Bloodhorn Fire Giant's area.

-Removed Dispel from Bandit Wizards in the Semberholme Quiet Farmhouse

-Improved loot in the Semberholme Quiet Farmhouse.  Note: The actual loot room here is behind a Secret Door.

-Most doors in the Semberholme Quiet Farmhouse are no longer locked.

-Improved loot in the Semberholme Bugbear Ruins

-Fixed the doorway between Deep Rock Dwarven Tomb East and West. It no longer permanently locks after it is opened once.

-Unlocked most doors in the Deep Rock Dwarven Tomb and generally improved loot.  

-Removed Greater Dispel from the Hellrock Dwarven Wizards

-Removed door locks from Den of the Beastlord, and improved loot.

-Increased loot in Solitary Spire. Note, most of it is in the Crypt. Added a chest on the very top floor, in the back.

-Labeled the portals in Semberholme Murky Swamp, and improved loot.

-Improved loot in Semberholme Deep Old Woods Cave

-Adjustment to spawn placement in Lava River Cavern – King's Chambers. Experimentally changed AI on Hob's Guardian to see if she'll be less selfish with healing.

-Kelemvorite and Sunite Temple Guards have put their weapons away.

-Highmoon Guards have put their weapons away and ceased wearing full-face helmets in town.  Few have had appearance changes so they aren't all clones.

-Velethuil Guards have put their weapons away.

-Eveningstar Militia have put their weapons away.

-The door to the Weeping Crypt is unlocked.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Sep 04, 2018, 09:59 AM
CD Module 4.00g


-Fixed loot containers in Oliani's chamber in Lightning Peak. Increased loot drops in other containers in Lightning Peak as well.

-Removed a few more Dispels that I thought I'd previously removed in Lightning Peak.

-Removed Dispel from Male Bandit Wizards in the Semberholme Quiet Farmhouse.

-Redid the spawn outside the Deep Rock Dwarven Tomb. It now uses the same creatures as the interior spawns.

-Removed the Dragon Cemetery area outside Crailoth's lair. The Deepgrave Portal now goes directly to his lair.

-Made the naming pattern for Deepgrave areas more consistent

-The 3rd floor of Ogre Lord's Redoubt will no longer have a day/night cycle.


-Changed Azurphax and Crailoth to the new colored dracolich models

-Sarrick the Fence will now speak to players who have ranks in either Open Lock or Disable Device, rather than checking for specific classes. He will continue to also speak with anyone who has Thieves Cant.

-Corrected Damage resist and immunity properties on the Marilith skin.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Sep 29, 2018, 09:31 PM
CD Module 4.00h


-Legend Lore: Now identifies every item in the target's inventory, rather than buffing the Lore skill. Extend will no longer do anything, for obvious reasons.

-Flame Gauntlet: Damage reduced to d6 + d6/caster level

-Lightning Fury: Damage reduced to d6 + d6/caster level

-Fellfrost Cross: Cold Damage increased to d6/caster level

-Practised Incantations: Now  increases CL by 5 instead of 4.

-Empowered Arts: Now properly extends Blinkplates and Chaos Slash as the description states.

-Issacs Greater Missile Storm: Individual Missile damage un-nerfed. Is now 2d6 again.

-Subrace Setter's scripts updated to account for hak change skill point increases.

-Word of Recall may no longer be cast in an area that is dimensionally warded or anchored.  Some other areas may also prohibit use of this spell.


-Fixed all of the loot containers in Valley of Broken sky that were not properly generating items.  Also removed numerous locks and traps on said loot containers, or changed them to one-shot, rather than continuous.

-Darkened the second area of Valley of Broken Sky caverns to match the first.

-Decorated Arabel Central for Halloween


-Removed IGMS from regular Cultists Mages.

-Fixed Lightning Peak Balors not despawning.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Nov 23, 2018, 08:35 PM
CD Module 4.01a


-Arabel updated for winter.


-Fixed a bug in Knock that caused the target to attempt to unlock nothing.

-Spikes now works on all weapons allowed by the Druid Weapon Proficiency feat.

-Swordmage's Elemental Protection duration increased to 24hrs.


-Ioun Stones ability buffs now last for 24 hours.


-Shadow Adept's Shield of Shadows ability lasts 10x as long, and has had the vfx bubble disabled.

-Druids now gain a Dodge AC bonus if wearing light or medium armor and using no more than a large shield. The bonus is +2 at level 5, and +4 at level 10. This is the same as the bonus Barbarians get, and stacks with it.


- New commands added for jumping summoned animal companions and familiars. They work just like the /jumpsum command. Respectively they are /jumpani and /jumpfam
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Dec 01, 2018, 06:49 PM
CD Module 4.01b


-Fixed a bug in the previously implemented AC gain for Druids.

-Fixed a bug in how Duelist Precise Strike was applied. It should now properly apply 1d6 or 2d6 extra damage, rather than random damage values.


-Varyxia, Nauzhoryl and Faeriophax are now all vulnerable to Sneak Attack damage.

-Hob's Bound Guardian has had Drown removed so she'll stop killing herself.


-Minor alterations to Lava River Caverns to fix an unintended path that skipped a large chunk of the dungeon.

-Fixed the Underground River exit under Caverns of Death. For real this time.


-Corrected Spellsword > Arcane Warrior usage restrictions on: Dwarven Warhelm, Shield of War, & Battlemaster's Helmet
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Jan 06, 2019, 07:22 PM
CD Module EE 4.01e


- The /flytool command should work again.

- Updated the Module OnTalk event with new commands.

- Fixed a compile error in vc_ratrewxp.nss

- Fixed a compile error in mk_inc_pixel.nss

- PrC Spell Grant code for Sorc and Bard re-enabled by FireWraith. Journal explains the system. Command is ?addknownspell class X . Class is sorc or bard, X is spell # out of Spells.2da.


- Arabel is now free of snow and the Winter Holiday decorations have come down.

- The OOC room safe exit now works again. You can no longer be permanently trapped there.

- Removed a problematic placeable door in Caverns of Death - Tower.


- Sahaguin Warriors are now properly evil and have a more appropriate voiceset.


- Added a new journal entry to list various commands that have been added and were never listed.

- Added new commands to hide and show helm and cloak. They are: "/hidehelm", "/hidecloak", "/showhelm", and "/showcloak".

- Enabled Sticky Combat Modes.  Enjoy.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jan 12, 2019, 09:41 PM
CD Module EE 4.01h


-Added a /walk command for elves to toggle walk and run mode.
-Added a /setportrait command allowing you to change your portrait to a new filename (15 characters maximum).
-Characters can now adjust their height in the OOC room via the Model Adjuster, up to +/- 10% of normal scale.
-The Shadow Double spell has been reenabled with new/updated scripting. Please report any issues with this to us immediately.


-Gickimaldo's in Immersea has obtained a supply of imported Katanas for sale.


-The Scribing merchant should give better directions now.


-In-game date and Story/Chapter has been updated in the login message.
-Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Improved Critical, Epic Weapon Focus, and Epic Weapon Specialization feats for CEP weapons should work now.
-The Despawn script should be a little more aggressive about pruning hostile creatures in areas it runs in now.
-Added a /nodespawn command for DMs to toggle the above aggressiveness off/on, in case they need to run quests in said areas.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Jan 14, 2019, 03:15 PM
CD Module EE 4.01i


-Adjustment to the Despawner to prevent destruction of placed monsters in dungeons.  Setting an INT of "NoDespawn" on a creature will stop the Despawner from eating it.

-Addition to the OnSpawn scripts to allow for monsters to be scaled on spawn in. Requires a set FLOAT named "Scale".  1.0 is considered 'normal' 100%. 0.01 to 0.99 would be 1% to 99% 2.0 would be 200% etc

-Added DM commands to rescale possessed NPCs.


- Increased the Craft Armor skill bonus on Greater Artificers Gloves

- Added DM widgets to rescale target NPCs / Items / Placeables
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jan 15, 2019, 12:08 PM
CD Module EE 4.01j


-Items enchanted via enchanting forges should now have a commensurate gold piece value adjusted to them, to a maximum of 64,000gp.

-Weapon and Shield options on the tailoring models should now correctly copy any weapon or shield, not just default ones. This should allow you to copy and adjust any such item now correctly.

-Added a /resetarea command for DMs to reset the area they're in to the initial load state. Will not work with any players/other DMs in the area. Also will port the DM using the command to the starting area of the server (necessary to purge the old area).


-Recent tunneling activity by the ants beneath the infested warehouse in Arabel has widened one of the tunnels enough to allow adventurers to reach the Ant Queen's chamber.


-The Height/Scale conversation in the OOC room should now list an equivalent height based on your race and gender.

-Players are now able to scale their height to +/- 20% rather than 10%.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jan 20, 2019, 08:50 PM
CD Module EE 4.01k


-Bards with the appropriate magical crafting feats should now be able to enchant items. Bards use the same Arcane Forges as Wizards and Sorcerers.

-Spellcasters with the appropriate magical crafting feats should now be able to disenchant items at an appropriate enchanting forge. This destroys the item (presently limited to weapons, armor, and rings) for a chance of producing one or more enchanting shards based on the disenchanted item's properties. Note that Skill bonuses and Spell Slots are not presently supported by this (but will be added in the future). The chance of generating shards increases with the power of the item being disenchanted.

-Added a chat command of /setvoiceset to change your voiceset (you'll need to reference the 2da line number - so /setvoiceset 123 for example).

-Tweaked the DM /resetarea command to address some bugs with it.


-Wandering ghosts in the Haunted Farmhouse should no longer despawn when the area is empty of players.

-Added CEP weapons and some others to the starting area merchant, so new players won't be stuck unable to buy their preferred weapon


-Crafting shards found in treasure (or from disenchanting) will now have a gold piece value. This does not affect shards from before this update.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Feb 01, 2019, 05:22 PM
CD Module v4.02a


-Fixed targeting error with Avasculate

-The cold damage portion of Fellfrost Cross now has a Reflex save for ½ damage.

-Empowered Arcana now only boosts Flame Gauntlet, Lightning Fury, and the Cold damage portion of Fellfrost Cross by 25%, down from 50%.

-Duelist Precise Strike damage bonus type changed to Bludgeoning to prevent possible stacking issues, and provide a bit more utility.

-Corrected issue when using the 2nd page of metal dye colors when recoloring a Helmet. -FireWraith

-Added per-part recoloring. Normal Tailoring NPCs can do this on new (bought) outfits. To modify an existing one use the new NPCs in the OOC room. -FireWraith

-Disabled an old AutoLeto catch in the OnClientLeave event.


-Fixed Dead Magic handling.

-Unlocked most doors in Goblin Log - Cavern

-Expanded the hidden door search area in Goblin Log

-Fixed an area transition in Thunder Peaks – Western Foothills – Falls of Tumbling Stars

-Improved drops in the final chest of Tower of Ruin

-Fixed the exit out of the Druid's Grove Grotto

-Minor updates to Thunderstone exterior, and the Thunderstone Tavern.

-Renamed numerous event areas to categorize them better.

-Fixed a floating tree in the Hullack Forest – East Road.

-Updated Traveler's Shield imported.


-Fixed a few horse appearances outside of Arabel and Highmoon.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Feb 02, 2019, 02:32 AM
CD Module v4.02b


-Fixed some issues with prior functionality on the tailoring models being overridden in the previous update.


-Uploaded several event areas for an upcoming quest.

-Fixed several treasure chests in the Solitary Spire dungeon that were not set to plot.


-Azoun IV should no longer be quite so spammy in his greetings.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Feb 05, 2019, 09:37 AM
CD Module v4.02d


-Corrected an issue causing languages to not display in the chat window properly.
-Added the /area command for DMs for use in quests, to display text to everyone in the area.
-Updated the /listenrange command to display in color for better visuals.
-Made a change to how the database stores information in order to better conform to NWNEE. In short, the old method was to save via login name, but since that can be freely changed, this caused issues. Now it will save by CDKey and Character Name, which should be fine moving forward, but old data will not be available.
-The Scry spell should target the character name once more.
-Applied some bug fixes to Disenchanting. Armor and rings should no longer automatically generate base shards 100% of the time. Also increased the chance for base shards to be generated for all tiers.


-Color Change models in the OOC room are now visibly different from the tailoring models.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Feb 09, 2019, 11:42 PM
CD Module v4.02e


-Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed players to access the wing/tail model on the regular appearance change model (still available via Alter Self or with DM help.)
-Made it easier to access healing items shop at the Monastery of the Rose Leaf without having to go through several conversation options first.
-Removed a bug where players could access a blocked store at the Monastery of the Rose Leaf via an unintended conversation link.


-The Black Blade of Disaster spell should now have a slightly different and improved appearance.
-Updated the /area command so that it should display for DMs as well as players in the area.
-Added Vincent's fixes for XP gain so players at level 20 shouldn't accidentally level without Ascension completion.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Feb 14, 2019, 09:05 AM
CD Module v4.02f


-The Arabel Bathhouse has been redone, courtesy Lurker.
-The Central/Market District of Sschindylryn had a minor facelift to look more citylike pending a fix for the issues with the old tileset.


-Added the Quest Chat function. This will work like Party chat, save that it will be in a different color.
-Quest Chat is used by typing /q or /quest before text to be spoken, and can also be locked in place (or toggled off) by typing /questlock.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jun 15, 2019, 06:39 PM
CD Module v4.02g


-Some minor improvements have been made around the Adventurers' Square in Arabel.
-The Arabel Theater is open for business with a newly renovated interior.


-The smugglers, goblin, rat, and slaad quests should now properly award completion credit to everyone in the party.
 Additionally, turning in the slaad quest should now properly give xp/etc to everyone in the party that is ready to turn in the quest.

-The Setportrait command should be working properly now.

-The CEP weapon focus/etc feats have been disabled for the moment due to crash issues.

-Fixed an issue with DM awards to party granting XP to characters that should be at level cap.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Nov 06, 2019, 11:03 PM
CD Module 4.03a

-Added Halloween Arabel
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Nov 06, 2019, 11:04 PM
CD Module 4.03b


-Removed the target cap of Mass Haste.

-Fixed missing bonus damage on numerous arcane spells.  (Divine spells will be looked at in a future update.)

-The spell Whirlwind will now only affect creatures.

-Corrected Druid AC bonus logic.

-Corrected some issues with other OnEquip AC bonuses.

-Undeath's Eternal Foe now properly grants a Deflection bonus to AC, rather than a stacking Dodge bonus.

-Corrected Spellhook catch in Tide of Battle.

-Corrected a targeting logic error in Static Orb that was causing TMI errors.


-Fixed the Rosewood Theatre entrance in Arabel Central

-Removed Halloween decorations (sans 1 Gargoyle) from Fall Arabel.

-Adjusted loot drops in Valley of Broken Sky to be more in line with the area level range.  Further adjustments to the dungeon will come later.

-Doubled the respawn timers in Lightning Peak, and slightly altered a few spawn numbers.

-Removed Teleport Reception, and Testing Platform areas.

-Removed left-over placeables from Cave – Icy I

-Added a new caster type spawn to Lava River Caverns and adjusted some spawn placements.

-Fixed a floating tree in The Way of the Manticore – East of Calantar's Way

-Weeping Crypt level lock set down to 17, to be in line with similar dungeons.

-Corrected missing level locks on Lava River and Ogre Lord's Redoubt.


-Lightning Peak Hezrou AC and HP slightly reduced.

-Renamed all Lava River Goblin creatures, and added racial skins.

-Lava River Goblin Druids dispels removed.


-Scribed Teleport scrolls will now be properly usable by Bards.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Nov 09, 2019, 04:28 PM
CD Module 4.03c


-Updated and recompiled NWNX scripts and libraries, and did a full recompile of all scripts to incorporate fixes/updates.
-Added the NWNXAdmin library as well as some Admin-only chat commands for server functions.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Nov 18, 2019, 02:47 AM
CD Module 4.03d


-Winter has come to Arabel. Let me know if any transitions didn't make it.

-Corrected errors made with the last Lava River Canyon update. Loot should be fixed now. Also adjusted the layout a bit to prevent skipping spawns in any way.

-Added some player requested areas.

-Rose Leaf Store has been replaced with a new version and is available again.


-Corrected a missing variable on the Lava River High Shaman.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Dec 03, 2019, 06:40 PM
Module 4.03f


-Cloud of Bewilderment: Corrected spell school tag. Spell is now properly tagged as Evocation.

-Great Thunderclap: Corrected saving throw functions. They were not taking PrCs into account.

-Meteor Swarm: Corrected saving throw functions. They were not taking PrCs into account. Added missing Caster Level damage bonus. Also corrected damage location so it applies on the spell target, not on the caster, and removed the safe zone, as it is no longer a PBAoE.

-Maze and Imprisonment: No longer function when cast on NPC targets. This is due to issues with them not respawning when left in those areas.

-The following Swordmage Incantations now check for Spell Resistance: Flame Gauntlet, Fellfrost Cross, Lightning Fury, Incinerate, Chain of Binding, Null, and Void. (Starfury already did.)

-Flame Gauntlet: Removed reflex save. Removed Golem damage reduction.

-Lightning Fury: Fixed a bug that was causing Empowered Arts to incorrectly increase secondary target damage by 50%, rather than 25%.

-Incinerate: Removed saving throw.

-Starfury: Now correctly requires a ranged touch attack to hit.

-Chain of Binding, Null, and Void: Save DC now scales an additional +2 per 5 CL.

-Chain of Binding: Now properly tagged as Conjuration in the script. It was previously tagged as Enchantment.

-Void: Increased damage on a successful save to 10d6, up from 6d6. Corrected a missing impact VFX on the Death effect.

-Blinkplate and Greater Blinkplate: Base duration increased by 5 rounds.


-Replaced Winter version of NE Arabel with the correct updated version. This should restore the entrance to the Sunite Temple.

-Adjusted boss loot chests at the end of Valley of Broken Sky and Lightning Peak.

-Adjusted loot drops from final chests in Asbaron's chamber.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Dec 07, 2019, 01:02 PM
CD Module 4.04a


-Server has been updated to the latest NWN Patch (Build 8193.1 to be precise). This means players will need to be patched to version 8193.
-The 2da hak has been updated due to patch changes. It can be downloaded at the Neverwinter Vault page, or via the Steam Workshop package. This is required for play.


-All NWNX script libraries have been updated.
-A handful of scripts that used the old NWNX libraries, and at least one of which was no longer working as a result, have been updated to use the new NWNX libraries. This includes the DM Skill Fixer Wand.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Jan 22, 2020, 12:20 AM
CD Module v4.04b


-Adjusted the Pawn Shop tiers. They are now in-line with the level you can hold the respective item tiers. This should prevent issues of seeing items in the shop that you cannot hold.


-Replaced winter Arabel with normal Arabel.

-Adjusted T5 loot balance in the epic dungeons.  Weapons can only be found in Lava River. Armor only drops in Icegloom. Wonderous Items still drop in all 3, but have a higher chance to show up in Gnolls.

-Lightning Peak and Valley of Broken sky no longer have a chance pull of T5 Wonderous Items. Those have been replaced with higher chance T4 Wonderous Item drops


-Adjusted Shaggabrubru's spell list.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Mar 10, 2020, 03:09 PM
CD Module 4.04c


-Fixed an issue with the combat XP cap at level 20.

-Pawn Shop tiers fixed.

-Knight Errant's Last Stand now grants 20 Temp HP per KE level, rather than for every level the KE has.

-Spikes additional damage scaling reduced. It now grants an additional 1d4 damage, increasing to 1d8 at CL12.

-Nature's Beauty duration reduced.

-Bards can now use Small Shields and retain their class based ASF reduction.

-Starting at level 6, Duelists now gain 2x INT modifier to AC. Existing caps still apply. This is being done to lower the overall INT requirements of the class.

-Duelists can now use a Small Shield and still retain their Canny Defense and Precise Strike.

-Duelist ability Elaborate Parry now has a script. It will add 2 AB and 2x the Duelist's Class Level to Taunt for 1 Turn per Duelist Level + INT mod.

-Swordmage Incantations will now properly fail when the caster is Polymorphed.

-Corrected the Damage Reduction on Greater Stoneskin and Premonition to properly reduce up to +6, and +7 respectively.

-Windwalker's Windsong has been re-coded.  Saving throw and DC calculations will now properly respect any custom modifiers CD uses for such things. In addition the Silence and Deafness effects are no longer applied as extraordinary effects, and are only applied to hostile entities. The OnExit script will more reliably remove the effects as well.

-Maze can once again be cast on NPCs. High Tier "Boss" NPCs are immune, and DMs can exempt NPCs they create from it by applying the variable "NoMaze" to the creature.  DM Possessed NPCs are immune. NPCs placed in "Maze" will not leave the area. They will instead be put inside a Resilient Sphere type effect where they can neither act or be harmed for the duration. The duration on NPCs will be based on their INT mod.

-Reduced the Fighting Style stance swap lock to 5 seconds.


-Fixed an issue in Valley of Broken Sky that was generating loot of a higher tier than it should have been.

-Fixed a placeable in the Rosewood Theatre that was spawning a Gargoyle.


-Giant Sewer Ooze can no longer be killed by its own Acid Fog. Or any Acid Fog for that matter.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Apr 26, 2020, 03:15 PM
CD Module 4.05a

The following module update will require the new 4.5 Hak files, including 2da_1c and TLK v12. Full Hak changelog is posted in the Builder forum.
Total time for this update: Around 35-40hrs.


-Corrected a logic issue in the module OnEquip and OnUnEquip event scripts.

-Adjustment to the UMD scripts to allow Favored Soul to use scrolls with the Cleric usage restriction. This will require 1 point of UMD investment for the engine to let you make the check.

-Duelist's Precise Strike damage bonus reverted to Piercing due to stacking display issues with Emotion Spells. Damage bonus for the two tiers of Precise Strike are 2d4 and 2d8, at lvl 5 and 10 respectively.

-Knight Errant's Inspire Courage now properly lasts 2 Turns/lvl.

-Knight Errant's Heroic Shield will no longer stack with itself and lasts 5 turns.

-Aid can no longer be stacked with itself.

-Undeath's Eternal Foe can no longer be stacked with itself.

-Cloud of Bewilderment will now respect Shape Mastery.

-Imbue Arrow changed to Magical damage type.

-Fixed a logic issue with Blade Thirst scaling.

-Deafening Clang should last the proper duration now.

-UMD checks for scroll use have been decreased by 3 points.

-Removed the ½ level penalty on dispel checks for Paladin and Ranger.

-Added Favored Soul into Caster Level, Spell DC and Epic Spell functions.

-Purged remaining code that stripped spell slots from Archmages.

-Numerous code changes for new and overhauled abilities due to the hak update.

-Confusion: Fixed a bug in the duration. It will now include PrC levels.

-Healing Circle: Increased amount healed to 5d8.


-Added some DM event areas.

-Fixed some chairs in the Rosewood Theatre.

-Restored the original Sschindylryn Central. Removed the temp zone.


-Adjusted the Golem in Witchlords to use the Battle Script system so he'll stop exploding based on hits taken. He also has an additional mechanic.


-Corrected numerous issues of plot flagged items in loot, as well as a few issues of items without a price.

-Tuned down a few damage values on some t5 weapons, and adjusted the Enhancement bonus on some t5 weapons that only had a +4 bonus.

-Adjusted one of the t5 cloaks that was terrible, and fixed the lack of cost on the t5 Cloak of the Bat.

-Elemental Weapon Scrolls: Added class usage restrictions for Bard, Cleric, Druid, Favored Soul, and Ranger to scrolls in Elhazir's, loot drops, and any scribed scroll. This change is not retroactive to any in player inventories.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on May 24, 2020, 02:02 AM
CD Module 4.05c


 -Made an adjustment so bonuses to summoned creatures from Demonic Thrall levels will be applied correctly.


-The Character Model adjuster should properly allow access to all valid tattooed body parts for the character's appropriate race/gender.

-The Tailoring models will now skip those body parts, several of which were causing crashes when specific invalid parts were attempted to be displayed on nonhuman models.


-Transitions in the Undercity (Sschindylryn) should appropriately work in both directions now.


-Half-Orcs have been changed to allow them to choose between having +2 STR/-2 INT and +2 STR/-2 CHA, rather than +2 STR -2 INT -2 CHA. New Half-Orc characters will receive this from the Subrace setter as normal. Existing Half-Orcs can request this via the LETO or Rebuild forum, and it can be adjusted in-game by DMs.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on May 25, 2020, 12:56 AM
CD Module 4.05d


-Charged items with now have their value reduced as charges are used up.

-Added a hard LoS check to Dimension Door.

-Damage calculation for Arcane Fire and Blast Infidel is now: 1d6 + 1d6/2 CL + 2d6/PrC Lvl.

-Added Archmage bonus spell damage.

-Disabled old Spell Betrayal and Spellstrike bonus damage that is no longer used.

-Increased Imbue Arrow damage by 5d6.


-Velethuil Treetops East and West replaced with 1 new area using a new tileset. New area made by Liriel


-Reset a number of creatures to vanilla AI.

-Various Lava River Goblin mobs have had their HP increased.

-Icegloom Giant Warriors can no longer be Dev Crit.

-Bloodfang Elite Blood Crazed Ragers can no longer be Dev Crit and have had their physical dmg reduction increased.

-Bloodfang Balors will always show up in their intended locations now regardless of party level.

-Faeriophax will now drop Dragon Blood


-Added Sonic Dragon breath entries

-Differentiated names for PC Dragon breath feats

-Fixed a typo on Dragon Breath: Cold which should restore its vfx.

-Added 100 missing feat lines back into cls_feat_barb.2da to fix Barbarian's bonus feat list.

-Fixed pre-reqs for Hierophant so it doesn't need 8 Cleric levels.  Knowledge Religion rank requirement is increased to 18.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on May 26, 2020, 10:32 PM
CD Module 4.05e


-Corrected the BAB calculation on Tensers and Divine Power.  It will no longer always add an attack. Now attacks will be added only if your BAB is below Full BAB based upon your Transmutation CL.


-Corrected a bug with Icegloom.


-Fixed an issue that was adding Dragon Breath to extra classes.  Any mistakenly added feats will be purged on login.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Jun 07, 2020, 01:41 AM
CD Module 4.05f


-Blinkplate: Armor AC gain has changed: AC gain is now +4 until level 10, at which point it increases to +8. This should result in less overall AC for extremely low level PCs. Also corrected the Pre-Spellcast function to properly define the spell as Abjuration.

-Greater Blinkplate: Corrected the Pre-Spellcast function to properly define the spell as Abjuration.

-Fellfrost Cross: Increase physical damage portion by 1d6. Reduced Cold damage portion by 3d6.

-Arcane Fire and Blast Infidel: Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds. Abilities can now critically hit for an extra 50% damage.

-Imbue Arrow cooldown reduced to 15 seconds.

-Song of Healing now heals for 5d8 + 1d8 per Lyricist lvl, rather than +1/lvl.

-Shield of the Archons now absorbs 1d8 + 8 spell levels, to put it on par with Spell Mantle, which is the same spell level. The persistent visual is now also the same, so it's more obvious what it is.

-Added Shield of the Archons to the Spell Mantle stacking check, so that MT's cannot stack it with Spell Mantle spells.

-Epic spells will no longer be able to be cast while Tensers is active.

-Rangers have been given a Dodge AC bonus similar to Barbarian and Druid. It activates as long as they are in AC5 or less armor and not using a shield. The increase is +2 at lvl 5 and +4 at lvl 10. This stacks with the other class Dodge bonuses up to the +10 cap.


-Made some visual changes to Thunderstone.

-Added some missing auto-close scripts to various dungeon doors.

-Slightly improved the drop chances of the optional chest in Lava River.

-Shortened Varyxia's respawn timer.

-Adjusted area names in Caverns of the Claws to differentiate them.

-Hullack Forest areas renamed to Hullack Forest – Streams – East, West, North, and Northeast.

-Replaced bad CEP Willow trees in Immerflow Oaks with the normal ones.


-Lava River Goblin High Shaman:. Their AC and Fort saves have been slightly increased. Int has been slightly reduced. Dev Crit immunity removed.

-Lava River Goblin Warriors:  AC and Damage increased. Dev Crit immunity removed.

-Adjusted Yolanda in an attempt to fix her. Again.

-Removed Called Shot from Brigand Archers due to buggy interactions with DR.


-Removed some skill penalties from t4 helms. This is not retroactive with any already in player possession.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Jul 01, 2020, 11:02 PM
CD Module 4.05g


-Blinkplate scaling adjusted slightly.  AC starts at +5. Increases to +6 at CL 8, and finally +8 at CL 10.

-Beast Form and Greater Beast Form duration fixed to properly be Hours/Level.

-Song of Healing's Regen will now wear off after 5 rounds instead of lasting forever. Healing scaling is now an extra 2d8/dslyr lvl. Added missing spellhook entry.

-Bard: Mechanic change regarding UMD scroll checks.  Bards will now have to roll UMD for scrolls they do not meet the class reqs for.

-UMD change: Implemented Spellcraft synergy.  If you have 5+ ranks in Spellcraft, you gain a +2 synergy bonus on UMD checks to use a scroll.

-Added a missing set of brackets to part of the epic spell slot functions. Hopefully this will resolve issues with Favored Souls not getting epic spell slots.


-Bloodhorn Depths: Center of the Mountain, Depths, and Fire Giant Stronghold area encounters have been redone.  Fire Giant Stronghold area remade entirely.  Final loot container fixed. Overall there are far less instances of dispelling casters, but the dungeon is likely more difficult, as the mobs have been beefed up somewhat.

-Added a new event areas:  City – Tiered, Cavern – Labyrinth, and Cavern – Lair

-Re-added DMNPC – Scint area.


-Lava Goblin Wardens have been slightly adjusted.

-Bloodhorn Duergar and Fire Giants have all had various adjustments. Most reset to vanilla AI. Giants were given proper skins. Gronthak now has proper boss immunities.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Jul 14, 2020, 01:02 PM
CD Module 4.06a

-Implemented new 7/14 Haks.


-Fixed the bridge door in the Bloodhorn Fire Giant Stronghold so it will no longer consume Gronthak's key.

-Corrected variables and tags on Asbaron's loot. This should fix the inconsistent and poor quality of items that has been dropping.

-Various DM area additions.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Jul 27, 2020, 09:49 PM
CD Module 4.06d

This update requires new haks:


And new tlk:



-Updated Arcane Blade to use a new visual.

-Added code for Green Knight abilities.

-Migrated code for the new Player Tools.

-Blade Thirst duration is hours/lvl now, similar to GMW.

-Corrected a logic bug causing the Caravans not to take gold from PCs over level 12.

-Corrected a logic bug causing the Revive ability to not take gold from PCs over level 12.

-Added scripts for the new Ioun Stone powers. The actual stones will be added into loot in a later update.


-Updated various module creatures to newer appearances.


-Ranger gains Woodland Stride at level 7, and Evasion at level 9.

-New class: Green Knight.


-Added Player Tool 7-9 to all PCs on log-in. These will replace the Teleport Key Finder, Revival Token, and Teleport Crystal with new feat abilities.  All 3 of those tokens will be removed from player inventories upon log-in.  The added Tool feats can be found under your class radial menu.

-Return may not be used inside the Jail.

-Added Sanctus revamp to lock Kelendel out.  F's in chat.

-Added new area attached to Highmoon East.

-Updated requested DMNPCs areas.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Aug 10, 2020, 10:29 PM
CD Module 4.06e


-Added Woodland Stride to /featfix for Ranger, since the game is refusing to give it out properly to them.

-Cut the Corruption now only applies a damage bonus vs Undead.  The Aberration bonus will be applied in a second copy of the ability I will have to add in an upcoming hak update. Damage bonus adjusted to 2d6.

-Added debug strings into Challenge to attempt to resolve what's wrong with it.

-Added a check for Pernicious Magic, so it actually does what it should. It's had no implementation ever.


-Lower Bloodhorn (Corrupt Fire Giants) disconnected.  Areas are pending review.

-Updated some DM areas.

-Updated the Conservatory.

-Fixed an issue in the Sanctus that prevented resting.


-Updated outfits of various NPCs in Arabel.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Aug 11, 2020, 11:50 PM
CD Module 4.06f


-Bards should now be properly able to enchant rings. (Note that the system overall is still in beta)
-Favored Souls should now be properly able to enchant weapons/armor/rings.

Voice Channel Additions:

-Quest channel has been overhauled:
-Two quest channels are now available.
-Quest Channel color can be customized from several available options.
-Dice rolls made with /questlock on will be reported via Quest Channel as appropriate.

-Added DM voice commands to create new instances of existing areas for quest use.


-Expanded the DM Custom Encounter area from 9 slots to 45 for expanded quest support.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Sep 15, 2020, 09:45 PM
CD Module 4.07b


-Adjusted Loot scripts. Changes detailed  below.


-Arabel Central updated to the Fall/Halloween version.

-Adjusted various loot containers to account for loot system changes.

-Reduced the number of Warden spawns on the hidden path in Lava River.

-Corrected some outstanding issues with loot drops in Wyvernspur's Crypt.


-Made significant changes to the Loot system.  Tier 5 Armor and Weapons were divided into Normal and Unusual boxes, like the other tiers. Additionally, added framework for Tier 6 containers, and a higher tier of general leveled loot.  Adjustments made to the current Epic tier of leveled containers to account for the now split Tier 5 boxes.

-Added Favored Soul equipment to Loot. -Items made by Bella

-Added lower tier Paladin and Ranger rings to Loot. -Items made by Bella


-Merged all 2da updates from the .15 patch.


-Fixed description for Swordmage's Will Blade.

-Bardic Weapon Proficiency, as well as Dwarves' Dwarven Waraxe proficiency will now qualify for the Weapon Focus and Improved Critical feats for the weapons included.

-Corrected icons for Return and Revive feats.


-Female Torso 144 color channels shifted from Metal 1 and 2, to Cloth and Leather. This is due to material shader changes in .15.

-Updated shader file and head mtr files to fix new shader issues with Dafena's heads. - Fix courtesy of Fox.


-Updated Blinkplate description.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Sep 20, 2020, 01:36 AM
CD Module 4.07c


-Made corrections for Quest scripts so they should renew/display journal entries properly on subsequent logins.
-Updated and recompiled NWNX scripts to (hopefully) help with recent stability issues related to NWNX commands.


-Added several pending player homes/shops.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Sep 23, 2020, 09:44 AM
CD Module 4.07d


-Added multiple quest areas for upcoming events.
-Added Cormanthor areas for initial testing. These are presently unconnected from the rest of the server, but available for use as quest areas during the test period.
-Updated some PC housing areas to fix errors in earlier versions.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Oct 01, 2020, 08:03 PM
CD Module 4.07e
This updated requires the new Haks posted on 10/1


- Corrected an issue within the Loot scripts that was causing them not to account for new containers.

- Errant Knight's Heroic Shield's cooldown has been corrected to not be shorter than its duration. This is to prevent stacking of the AC bonus.

- Added Green Knight to CalcBaseAttacks() so that Tensers won't bug if used with the class.

- Bugfix to Green Knight's Challenge ability. Should work now.

- Magic Circle vs Alignment has been rewritten. The spell no longer functions as a persistent aura, but instead as an AoE buff activated on any allies within range when the spell is cast. Also corrected a bug that was not tying the Fear immunity to the proper Alignment.

- Ranger's AC bonus will now function with Large or Small shields.  The bonuses have been moved deeper into the Class' level range, triggering at level 7 for +2, and level 14 for +4.

- Implemented Practised Spellcaster for Paladin and Ranger in the Caster Level and Dispel checks.

- Epic Mage Armor Scaling altered. Any base AC over 6 now grants 11 AC.

-Bladesinger's Bladesong AC bonus scaling changed.  The Int to AC modifier is now increased by 1 per 2 levels, capped at +5.  This is to bring down their maximum AC a bit due to it spiking up when they gained access to Epic Mage Armor, as Bladesinger was then one of the highest possible AC values available.

- Corrected Daze's spell script to include custom CD functions.  The DC should scale properly with PrC levels now.

- Shadowdancer's Shadow Daze's DC will now properly scale with Shadow Dancer levels and Dexterity Modifier as it should.

- Arcane Archer's Death Arrow DC will now scale. The DC is calculated as: 10 + Arcane Archer level + Dexterity Modifier.

- Keen spell script edited to allow adding it to Gloves.

- Added CEP weapons to MatchSingleHandedWeapon(), and MatchDoubleHandedWeapon()

- Devastating Critical: I am testing a NWNX override to DevCrit behavior.  As of this update, instead of dying on a failed fort save, the target will take an extra 25 points of damage from a 1 handed weapon, or 50 from a 2 handed weapon.  The damage is currently flagged as Positive Damage, in order to make it more visible as to whether it's functioning properly.  Assuming this works properly, I'll likely be making further adjustments to account for the change.

-The ILR system has been adjusted. Added Tier 6 tag. The equip and hold level requirements are now as follows:
Tier:   Equip:   Hold:
 6    --   25   --   23
 5    --   20   --   18
 4    --   15   --   13
 3    --   10   --    X

-Pawn Shop has had a 6th tier store added for levels 23+.  Store tiers now break at the following levels: 5, 9, 13, 18, & 23


-The following items have all had balance adjustments to fall in line with tier changes and the upcoming 6th tier.  If you have one of these shields or armor, please speak to an Admin.

T5 Shields:
-Buckler of the Everlasting Dawn
-Duelists Blockade
-Wall of Darkness
-Silvered Guardian
-Barricade of Endless Force
-Iron Round Shield

T5 Armor:
-Storm Armor of the Earth's Children
-The Iron Skeleton


-Updated the Journal entry on Items and ILR to reflect the current system.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Oct 03, 2020, 02:16 AM
CD Module 4.07f


-Fixed an issue in the loot code related to old MD_treas_ tagged items. There's a chance this may result in some old chests being empty. If you notice persistently empty chests, please bug report them and I will fix them manually.

-Dev Crit:  The damage bonus has been increased to 50 for 1h, and 75 for 2h, as well as changed to Physical (bludgeoning) This damage will bypass DR.  Once again, not final changes, just trying to make it usable in the interim.

-As of this update, dagger, club, quarterstaff, and kukri should count as Monk weapons for their UBAB. Unfortunately, you cannot activate Flurry with them at this point.

-Also in testing:  As of this update, Longsword should be finessable.

-Added initial framework for VFX application, positioning, and scaling. -Courtesy of Fire Wraith
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Oct 03, 2020, 04:26 AM
CD Module 4.07f1


-Full compile so the accessory bit works.


-Fixed a bugged chest in King's Wood.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Oct 30, 2020, 12:31 AM
CD Module 4.07g


-The following weapons can now be finessed:
Light Pick
Assassin Dagger
Light Mace 2
Kukri 2
Wind Fire Wheel

-The following weapons now also considered Monk weapons:
Assassin Dagger
Kukri 2
Wind Fire Wheel

-Corrected DCs on Song of Compulsion and Song of Fear.

-The Epic effects of Dragonsong Lyricist's Songs now require you first have 5 levels of the class.

-Corrected the DC on Knight Errant's War Cry.

-Added a log-in override for KE's Heroic Shield lockout. This will fix being unable to use the ability if you crash or log out before the timer expires.

-Corrected the Equip Failure message for the ILR to report the proper level.


-Minor updates to Highmoon from Arya.

-Corrected some issues with Kale's Bar.

-Corrected loot chest variables in the Semberholme Ancient Halls, and Goblin Infested Log dungeons.

-Adjusted creatures in the Ancient Halls to be a bit more appropriate.

-Tower of Ruin: Key now properly required to access the final Boss room, which is now split off from the hallway so that the boss cannot be dragged out of his chamber.

-Bloodhorn Fire Giant Stronghold – Altered design of the final area to prevent pathing exploits during the Boss encounter

-Bloodhorn Center of the Mountain – The errant Ogre Magelord has moved back upstairs where he belongs.


-Removed the old Dev Crit Immortality flag and script from epic non-boss creatures: Frost Giant Warrior, and Blood Crazed Rager.

-Removed some immunity properties from the Red Dragonkin Guardian that it should not have had.


-A Shady Merchant has appeared in the World Serpent. He has a variety of useful and expensive items. He will not sell to anyone under level 10.  Items purchased from him are flagged as Stolen, so they may not be sold back at low charges.


The following items have been altered in accordance with the new Item Guidelines:

Eldritch Dragonhide (All 6 of them)
Stone Guardian Armor
Armor of the Naught
Black Flame Armor
Dwarven Mithril Platemail
Superb Aurumvorax Armor
Gold Dragon Armor

Shield of Dis
Breastplate of Corrosion
Breastplate of Flames
Breastplate of Storms
Breastplate of Winter's Chill
Scale Mail of the Arcane Warrior
Shield of the Dragonslayer
Spidersilk Robes

Superior Breastplate of Alcalinity
Superior Breastplate of Grounding
Superior Breastplate of Warmth
Celestial Chain
Bard's Adventuring Garb
Armor of the Sacred Hunter (Gender lock removed)

Sun Fire
Last Word
The Stars' Fury
Trickster's Price
Elven Baneblade Backsword
Ruby Greatsword of Hellfire
Ogre Slaying Knife
Cross of Mortis
Guardinal Stave
White Wind
Silver Savior
Black Heart
Earthen Circle
Eternal Edge
Dark Drift
Professor's Savior
Two Storms
Black Crystal Dagger
Eldritch Heavy Scimitar
Elder Vampiric Long Sword
Scimitar of the Void
Blade of the Endless Void
Andromalius' Favor

Baton Blade
Eater of Magic
Gaia Guard
Intensity of the Earth
The Invisible Voice
Viridian Rose
Spell Thief
Harvest Hunter
Magma Shard

Ring of Mended Bone
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Oct 31, 2020, 12:16 AM
CD Module 4.07g1


-Half Elves now receive a +1 to Charisma as well as a +1 to one additional stat (Dex, Int or Str) based on their subtype. Existing half elves can request to have these added to them from a DM.


-ILR Scripts should be working correctly now.
-Added the various horn VFX models to the Accessories conversation, so you can adjust them. You still need a widget to access them in the Accessories conversation.
-Added a Persistence option to VFX Accessories. Any that you set as Persistent should be restored whenever you log in, even after a module reset.
-Fixed an issue where certain specialty armors like Mithril Plate and Adamantite Breastplate were not being correctly detected as such by various scripts.
-Added a pair of scripts to allow Elevation effects, so that Characters can appear to stand on top of appropriate placeables that they would normally walk through. These will be added to the builder module in the future, but in the meantime ask in the toolset channel for them. For those that want to see these scripts in action, they've been placed on the beds in rooms at the Inn in Suzail.
-Item Enchanting is temporarily disabled pending revisions and improvements based on the new item guidelines and Tiers.


-Fixed a broken transition between Highmoon East and the Scattered Stars Conservatory.
-Updated a few bits of info in the Starting Area, including forum and discord information, and updated information provided by Azoun to reflect more recent events.
-Normalized the undead spawns in the top levels of Witch Lord's Keep (no more level 17 sorcerer wraiths spawning in a low teens area).
-Normalized the Slaad spawns in the Immersea Wizard's tower (Some Grey Slaad may still spawn based on party size and composition, but should be limited in number and location now).
-SDMs now have access to the treasure generation areas, meaning they can do item swaps (see previous update) as well as Admins.


-Updated the Gem of Life quest to include new base classes (Swordmage, Green Knight, Favored Soul).

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Oct 31, 2020, 06:11 PM
CD Module 4.07g2


-The class based AC bonuses for various armors should be fully functional now with special armor types.
-Added a bit of color to the login messages (the date, story status, etc) to help them stand out.
-Made some tweaks to the Greater Malison script to insure it's properly targeting only hostiles.
-Tailoring Models should now switch to the appropriate part when you use the "Enter an Exact Value" option.
-VFX Accessories set as persistent should now be restored after being raised, ressurected, or respawning.

Additionally, one update left off the change log from 4.07g1 - Horns are now accessed and changed via the regular Accessories menu. You will still need a horns control widget to access them. Using the widget now will open up the Accessories menu.


-The teleport key for the Forest Edge Inn and exterior area should be working properly now.


-Added a new low-level quest given by the Eyes and Ears to clear out the Ant infested warehouse in Arabel.
-The Gem of Life quest should now properly work for parties. You must be in the same area as the person speaking to the NPC to turn in the quest.
-Fixed some potential issues with multiple quests that might cause problems if taken or turned in while in a party.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Nov 05, 2020, 08:14 PM
CD Module 4.07g3


-Typing /afk in the OOC/AFK area will now port you back to whereever you entered from, without having to walk to the entrance.


-Made some changes to the tailor/color models in the OOC room. There are now five rooms with 2 tailoring models and one color model each.
-The OOC/AFK room is no longer accessible from the starting area (finish character creation first).
-Removed some of the placeables by the tailor models in the starting area (due to odd shadows/lighting). Also added a Color model to the starting area.
-Added some DM areas/NPCs for upcoming quests.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Nov 19, 2020, 02:55 AM
CD Module 4.07h

-This update requires the new haks posted on 11/18


-Corrected some of the color tagging in the Login scripts to replace invalid characters.

-Added a Build Version warning that will display to any player who is not updated to the same Build version the Server is using.

-Corrected a logic issue in the class AC gains that would allow Invisible Blades with levels in other classes with AC bonuses to gain the Invisible Blade AC with a shield equipped.

-Drowning script change: Drown damage is now 10% of your Maximum HP per round. If your CON mod is 5 or greater, the damage is reduced to 5% of Maximum HP per round. In either instance, there is a locked minimum of 5 damage per round.  

-Updated the DC calculation for Imbue Arrow. It's 10 + AA lvl + Dex Mod

-Dev Crit bonus dmg changed back to Positive, as it was not ignoring DR as Bludgeoning.

-KE's Oath of Wrath, GK's Challenge, SD's Shadow Evade, and the Terrifying Rage Aura are now all set as Extraordinary effects and can no longer be dispelled.

-Corrected a logic issue in Blinkplate's AC scaling.

-Corrected an issue in Magic Circle vs Alignment that was causing the fear immunity effect not to apply properly.

-Greater Malison no longer has a Saving Throw.

-All weapons now flagged as Monk Weapons should function with Flurry of Blows.


-Updated Arabel to Winter version.

-Corrected NPCs in Northern Arabel that were still using generic appearances.

-Corrected some issues with the Highmoon update.

-Updated the armor on the Highmoon Watch and Captain in the Lord's Barracks.

-The portal in Witchlords should actually reset now.

-Fixed a floating fern in Immersea – West of Immersea

-Corrected some of the Drowned Corpse spawns in lower Witchlords. The lower CR 6 zombies have been removed.

-Fixed the door in Crailoth's room so it's not possible to leap through anymore.

-Replaced the DM Meeting Area.  Now with 100% less lava.


-Set Crailoth to have a treasure model, which should prevent issues where he fails to drop the treasure room key.

-The Golem in Witchlords should reset properly now.

-Added new areas to the southern edge of the Semberholme, including a new dungeon, the Curse-bound Fortress.

-New Dungeon: Curse-bound Fortress. This is a medium sized dungeon tuned for mid-high teen levels. Loot will be a mix of Tier 3 and 4.  


-All potions in loot now have proper sell values.  A few of the custom potions have been given usable properties.

-Added AC values to a number of loot armors that did not have them.

-Slightly tweaked Spidersilk Robes to swap the fire back to piercing resist.

-Removed the Cast Spell from Robes of the Shadow Witch

-Buffed a handful of weapons that were very poorly itemized.

-Earthen Circle now has a gold value.

-Stone Salve now has a gold value.

-Updated Mighty property on all T2 and higher loot Bows/Crossbows to be 2x the Attack bonus.

-Added a vfx to some of the magic damage weapons.

-Added T3 and T4 versions of the Warrior Mage Shields.

-Updated the following weapons to fall in line with loot rules:
Spectral Brand
Hooked Cleaver
Blood and Bone
Bane's Bane
Wind Shear

Succubus Blade
Ichthia's Neck-Knife
Greater Lifebinder
Blackheart (Yep, again)
Cry Havok
The Impaler
Sand Stone
Guarded Hand
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Nov 20, 2020, 01:38 AM
CD Module 4.07h1


-Tweaked some of the code for Quest Channel 2 to take advantage of new NWNX updates.
-Updated the server IC date/season.


-Added an updated version of Winter Arabel Central with revamped snow placeables to minimize glitching/overlap, courtesy Terallis.
-Removed some light VFXs in the Warbling Seraph pending review of the area.
-Fixed several transitions in Arabel that were broken with the Winter update.
-Put in several player home updates.
-Put in a fix for a broken treasure placeable in the Curse-bound Fortress.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Nov 20, 2020, 05:58 AM
CD Module 4.07h2
Update requires new haks: 2das1j1 and heads2b


-Corrected  Hellfire Grasp to properly apply the OnHit: Hellfire to weapons.


-Updated the Warbling Seraph to have festive lights again. Less obtrusive this time.


-The various Scrags in Sakkors will stop drowning now.  


-Fixed Katana's damage die back down to d8.

-Added a fix to a female human head to correct odd sizing. (Courtesy of Nuclear Nibbles.)
-Added a new female elf head. (Courtesy of Nuclear Nibbles.)
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Nov 25, 2020, 02:27 AM
CD Module 4.07h3


-The /afk command should now correctly port you out from the OOC area.
-Updated to a new version of NWNX which should hopefully fix issues with Quest chat sending multiple copies of the same message.


-Added a few player housing areas and put in updates for a few others.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Nov 28, 2020, 05:45 PM
CD Module 4.07h4


-Added a new voice command, /elevationreset, which will reset your visual elevation to 0, in case it gets bugged.
-The Return ability will no longer work if you haven't finished initial character setup and left the starting area.
-The Return ability now has a 10 second delay before it teleports you, and will abort if you enter combat before the delay finishes.
-The Return ability also has a 15 minute reuse timer now, and will inform you of the remaining wait time if you try to use it again before then.
-New Draconic horn VFXs added to the Accessories menu including Dragon Horn VFXs based on the various metallic and chromatic dragon models. These require a horns widget to access (but also see below).
-Dragon Disciples of level 9+ and all Half Dragons (of any level) no longer need a horns widget to access the various horn models in the accessories menu.


-Arabel now has a few more commoners walking around.
-Added an exterior update for a player house.
-Added an updated version of the Sanctus area to fix some minor bugs.
-Lawless Ruffians near Halfhap should no longer have Called Shot.
-Maria in the Warbling Seraph can now be asked to take a break so that someone else may take the stage. Talk to her again if she's off to the side of the stage and she can step back up to resume singing.
-Updated versions of in-progress Yulash are in for DM testing (though players can OOCly review with DM assistance, if any DMs feel so inclined).
-Added areas to the Ruins of Tilverton outskirts.
-Tilverton itself is now encased in a strange shadowy bubble that seemingly prevents passage into the ruins. (Disconnected pending revamps to the areas)

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Jan 02, 2021, 07:39 PM
CD Module 4.07i


-Adjusted the XP system slightly. The Average Party Level Reduction and No XP limits have been reduced to more reasonable levels given our current playerbase size.

-Shadow Evade should stop getting dispelled. For real this time.

-Corrected the SR check on Polar Ray to properly use the custom function.

-Updated the proper Return ability script. Return will no longer let you out of the Creation area, and has an 8 second delay before the Return is activated. If you start combat within that time, Return will cancel.  Return also has a 10 minute cooldown.

-DM Possessed NPCs will now auto succeed Epic Spell cast checks, same as a normal NPC.

-Heal will now fully heal when used by a DM Possessed NPC, same as a normal NPC.

-Commands /settattoo1 and /settattoo2 can now be freely used to alter those colors.

-Added new abilities into the creature ability scripts.


-Updated Arabel Northeast to the correct version.

-Removed the holiday lights and décor from Arabel.

-Sakkors has been revamped. The main area has been rebuilt with entirely new spawns that should be an actual challenge for an epic party.  The Golem Workshop was altered to no longer allow the golems to get out. The treasure is also locked against ninja looting until the boss is defeated. Spawns in the Spellwatcher's Tower have also changed, though Sariath has not. Additional loot spread throughout the city.  Further additions to the city will be coming later.

-Renamed Icegloom areas so it's move obvious where it's located.

-Updated a player area.


-Rebuilt Bandit Nightmage as a Wizard. Adjusted spell list appropriately.

-Added new Darkwatch creatures, and updated existing ones closer to their final implementation. Areas have not been updated, excepting that they will now spawn the newer, more difficult versions.


-Adjusted the following items that were out of range of the item regs:
-Robes of the Shining Hand (Eldritch)
-Crimson Bands of Savnok
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Jan 05, 2021, 01:20 AM
CD Module 4.07i1


-Disabled a function that was generating vanilla treasure on a few mobs.

-Fixed a bug in the new Darkwatch abilities that was causing them to damage allies.

-Altered the tick delay on Bebilith Acid Spit. It now ticks every 2 seconds, rather than every second. This will also slow down the damage ramp up time.


-Fixed locked chests in Sakkors.

-Updated Raven's Plume, courtesy of Wicked.

-Updated new Swordhaven areas, courtesy of Bella.

-Added new Swordflame Tower, courtesy of Nok.

-Updated World Serpent Halls, courtesy of Bella.

-Updated Thundarlun, courtesy of Bella.

-Updated Caravan out of Northern Arabel to lead to Swordhaven.

-Added Caravan route from Swordhaven back to Arabel.

-Added updated DMNPC areas.


-Memory of Nethril: Adjusted spell list.

-Ancient Netherese Helmed Horror: Adjusted abilities, and slightly reduced damage.

-Netherese Workshop Overseer: Properly closed color tag so it isn't coloring the rest of the creature palette. Slightly buffed AC.

-Fixed Drowning immunity variable on Sakkors Scrags and Sahaguin.

-Updated Darkwatch Vrock Noble, who was left out of the last update.

-Replaced the script set on the Rust Monster, so he can't destroy items anymore.  I may write a custom system for this at a later date.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jan 08, 2021, 02:53 AM
CD Module 4.07i2


-The Return function should properly limit its reuse, and inform you of how much cooldown time is remaining if it isn't available for use.
-The Accessories conversation can now be accessed either via typing /accessories or /vfx as preferred.
-Fixed a bug causing the Draconic variant by color horns to not match the conversation option. (This should not affect any saved VFX data or settings)
-The /normal and various /sit style commands will no longer be usable by Large Phenotype characters.
-Body Model adjusters in the OOC room and Starting area will now allow you to switch between Normal and Large Phenotype.
-Body Model adjusters should no longer try to turn male characters' left biceps into Armor.
-Quest Chat Channel 2 should now be fully functional. There are still some potential DM overlap issues, but these will need testing.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jan 09, 2021, 04:37 AM
CD Module 4.07i3


-Fixed a bug that was causing the Return function not to work for some characters.
-Being interrupted/put in combat while using the Return function should no longer trigger its reuse timer (although you'll still need to use it again).
-Made several improvements to Quest Channels using updated NWNX functionality. It should now allow PCs and DMs to talk/hear each other even if not in the same area, without echoing multiple copies of the chat message.


-Added some DM NPC and Quest areas for upcoming events.
-Updated a number of Swordhaven related areas.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Jan 09, 2021, 02:59 PM
CD Module 4.07i4


-Corrected an issue that was causing script spam over the DM channel.


-Fixed the chests in Sakkors Golem Workshop. They should be unlockable with the keys now.

-Fixed a pile of rocks in Swordhaven.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Feb 02, 2021, 01:58 AM
CD Module 4.07i5


-Corrected a targeting logic issue in Web that was causing Shape Mastery not to work.

-Greater Command now properly has a will save.

-Disabled the ZEPGenderRestrict() function in the item OnEquip.

-Added a catch in the OnEqup code to handle Epic Mage Armor. If EMA is removed due to Armor being un-equiped, it will be recalculated and reapplied when armor is re-equipped.

-Class based Dodge AC gains set through the module's OnEqip and OnUnEquip events have been re-written to only fire the actual AC addition and removal once. This will fix and prevent any issues that were caused by having some combinations of classes with different requirements, as all of the associated classes are now combined within 1 function. This specifically impacts Barbarian, Druid, Ranger, Green Knight, Duelist, and Invisible Blade bonuses.

-AC gained via Lycanthrope Shifts is now classified as Dodge AC.

-Corrected an issue in the Subrace Setter for Drow, which was causing him not to auto-equip their skin.

-Added fix for VFX persistence. -Fix courtesy of Fox.

-Corrected a bug in our ILR code.

-Gate, and the Planar Binding spell line have changed in the following manner: Due to the chaotic influences of Far corruption on the local areas, these spells will now summon Slaadi by default, regardless of the summoner's alignment.  In order to change this, you will need to find a Tome of Summoning. Currently these may be found in loot, and some, but not all of them, can be sold to Hawk's. You -MUST- keep the Tome for the respective summon type you wish to use, as the variables its setting will not persist through death etc. (This is mostly to reduce inventory item checks related to database calls.)  There is a command to reset your summon type to default, listed in the description of each summon Tome.  Half-Planar SLAs are unaffected by this change.  This system may be altered/refined in future updates, and have new summon types added.


-Arabel has been set back to the "normal" version.

-Removed the Cyric flag and spawns outside the tower in Lake Eredruie. Disconnected the transitions into the Tower interior.

-Lake Eredruie Tower interior has been reconnected to the tower in Tun Plains – Fork on the River Tun. Cyricist spawns removed and replaced with Banite Zhents. Plot flagged and adjusted loot containers to be more appropriate to the area. Progress impeding locked doors have been either unlocked or removed.

-Updated and fixed transitions into PC area CelebLin

-Fixed the pawn shop reset lever in Swordhaven.

-Corrected the script on the door in Sakkors Golem Workshop so it will close.

-Floating tree in Highmoon – East has been brought back down to earth.

-Moved the sign for Leaves of Learning in Highmoon – East so it isn't directly in front of the door.


-Fixed uniforms on Highmoon Guards outside of Highmoon.

-Slightly reduced AB and damage of Ancient Netherese Helmed Horrors.


-Added Tomes of Summoning into the loot tables.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Feb 02, 2021, 11:41 PM
CD Module 4.07i6


-Fixed a bug in the EMA restoration script.

-Fixed a bug in Invisible Blade's class AC gain logic.

-Updated the Module month/year.


-Added requested DMNPC area.

-Added requested player housing fix.


-Normalized STR, DEX, and Armor AC between the Gate summons: Tulani Eladrin and Throne Archon.

-Removed Power Attack from Tulani Eladrin.


-Updated Tome of Summoning to account for the respective Neutral alignments along the Law/Chaos axis. If you already found one and would like an updated version, ask an Admin or SDM to swap it out.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Mar 07, 2021, 04:19 PM
CD Module 4.07i12


- Quest chat/channel overhaul. Please see the journal entry (Chat Commands 6 - Misc) for details. In short, this should work fully now.

- Fixed some backend DM script stuff that was causing erroneous messages to fire for DMs.


-Added requested DMNPC areas.

-Made requested player housing fixes.

CD Module 4.07i13


- Fixes for chat command parsing (courtesy SDM Fox)

CD Module 4.07i14


- More fixes for chat command parsing (courtesy SDM Fox)
- Script error messages should no longer show for players.
- Fixes for some DM-side scripts that weren't reporting correct information.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Apr 03, 2021, 12:52 AM
CD Module 4.08a1


-Migrated every remaining SQL database check over to the Runestone system.  Due to the removal of the database and corrected compile errors related to the above in the following scripts:

-Fixed a bug in Reverse Gravity.


-It is no longer possible to get locked inside the 2 loot rooms at the end of the King's Forest Orc Caverns.

-The Teleport key for Berrybriar Hollow has been changed to reflect the name of the town.

-Corrected a faulty door to a player home in Arabel.

-Fixed the Waypoint drop off in Swordhaven from the Stonelands.

-Added NPCs into Waymoot (Mostly). (Courtesy of Liriel)

-Fixed the transition back to Suzail from the boat above Sakkors.

-Fixed the transition out of Well of Dragons.

-Removed the Teleport point in Darkhold.

-Fixed an item in the Starting Area store that was not flagged as infinite.

-Corrected the skybox and day/night cycle in the Selunite Temple.


-Non-Boss creatures of the following types have received changes to their template properties. There will likely be some further adjustments to various undead mobs.  Weeping Crypt mobs un-changed as the entire place is being rebuilt. Updates as follows:

Rusting Iron Golems:  Removed immunity to Sneak Attack and Critical hits. Added 5/- Slashing.  Piercing reduction down to 25% from 50%. Added Acid vulnerability 25%.

Zombies: Added 5/- Bludgeoning and Piercing. Removed immunity to Sneak Attack and Critical hits.  Up to 50%  Base HP increase.

Ghouls & Ghasts: Removed immunity to Sneak Attack and Critical hits. Added +4 Regen. Increased Base HP by 25%.

Wights: Immune to Cold. Removed immunity to Sneak Attack and Critical hits. Up to 50%  Base HP increase.

Mummies: Added 5/- Physical damage types. Removed immunity to Sneak Attack and Critical hits. Increased Base HP by 20%.

Skeletal Undead: Removed immunity to Critical hits. Increased Base HP by 25%.

Curst: Removed Immunity to Sneak Attack and Critical Hits. Increased SR. Slight increase to HP on the Risen form.

-Sakkors Sahaguin Elite: Removed Blindsight. Slightly reduced  Strength.

-Ancient Netherese Helmed Horror: Removed Critical Hit immunity. Reduced Strength and AC. Reduced Class levels.

-Fixed 2 NPCs in Northern Arabel to not use generic NPC appearances.


-The following items have been updated. Please see an Admin or SDM to have them swapped out:
Buckler of Everlasting Dawn (T5 Shield)
Barricade of Endless Force (T5 Shield)
Dragonslayer (T4 Weapon)
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Apr 04, 2021, 01:50 AM
CD Module 4.08a2

-Added a new low-level Dungeon in Arabel, which can be found in the Southern District near the entrance to the Slums, for those tired of starting their careers killing rats. You can now start by killing other vermin, too! Difficulty level should be on par with the sewers, but no worse than the Infested warehouse.

-Updated the starting area to reflect current IC information. Overhauled the conversation for Azoun's Ghost in particular. Also added a mention that the OOC/AFK room is available for customization after finishing character creation.
-Starting characters will now appear in the Eyes and Ears, rather than in the Warbling Seraph, after exiting the character creation/customization area.
-Added several player housing areas.
-Added several DM areas and updated versions for upcoming Quests.

-Sorcerer and Bard Prestige class known spell variables are now stored entirely on the Spellstone. This should assist in making relevels of these characters easier.

-Added a new introductory quest aimed at new players, sending them on a short tour of Arabel and helping familiarize them with a few things about how particular systems on CD work. Veteran players can skip this introduction by selecting the marked conversation option.

-Added a second clerk in the Eyes and Ears, who will strictly deal with new characters.
-Serrano can now provide some initial advice on dungeon areas to seek out for low level characters, in addition to his usual quest offerings.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Apr 06, 2021, 12:23 AM
CD Module 4.08a3

-Thunderholme now connects via road to the rest of the server, just west of Thundarlun.
-Fixed a number of issues in Thunderholme:
-The Chair Uprising has been put down at the orders of the Dwarf King.
-Various Dwarven Merchants are now sober enough to find their shops' inventory. (But not completely sober, because, well, they're Dwarves after all)
-Thunderholme's Inn is now a valid bind spot.
-The Temple of Moradin is now a valid respawn location.

-Locked doors in the upstairs of the Warbling Seraph Inn should now unlock if the area was empty of Players.

-Fixed some issues with Amesara in the Eyes and Ears that were preventing her from giving/completing the introductory quest. Cut her some slack, it was her first day on the job.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Apr 10, 2021, 03:28 AM
CD Module 4.08a4

-Various minor bugfixes
-Fixed a player home whose outer door wasn't re-lockable. Proper home security is important with all these adventurers running around, you know.
-Annelise in the Violet Flame has now secured a steadier supply of Staves of Passage, and no longer feels she needs to limit sales of them to 1 per reset to non-epic characters.
-Gickimaldo in Immersea now sells Enchanted Dragon's Maw picks that are actually Enchanted, rather than Ensorcelled-but-Labeled-as-Enchanted.

-Fixed issues with the Caravan Masters on the Eastern Routes not properly offering to take people to various places they should.
-Also fixed some issues with the Caravan Masters telling you they'd take you someplace, then sending you to Arabel instead.
-The Witch of the Woods should no longer offer to send you on the Gem of Life quest if you've already completed it.

-Your displayed Daily XP total should now update immediately on login, if you're past the daily reset time, in order to save some confusion.
-The Gem of Life quest should now properly give credit to every member of the party at each step of the quest.
-The Bind Scripts should now actually send you to Thunderholme's Inn after a reset when you are bound there, instead of deciding not to bother to send you there instead of Arabel.
-Made some adjustments so that charged items should properly deplete their resale value when you burn charges off of them, like they're supposed to.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Apr 14, 2021, 12:16 AM
CD Module 4.08a5

-Waymoot now has a teleport point again. Until it doesn't.
-After some consideration the stairs in the Sanctus have agreed to allow people upstairs again, pending a more permanent fix to the doorway.
-Sewer inspectors have confirmed that at least one pile of rubble in the underground tunnels beneath Arabel is indeed just worthless rubble, and have chastised the pile for luring adventurers to sift through it hopes of nonexistent shinies. The pile feels remorse, and promises not to do so in the future.
-The Thunderholme dwarves have decided to throw out their imported rugs in favor of showing off Dwarven Stonework. In the meantime the price of rugs in Harrowdale has suddenly plummeted.
-A sudden invasion of Cave Fishers near Thunderholme has been dealt with, and in other news, cave fisher strips are now available in unlimited quantities at the Squashed Goblin in Thunderholme. This is strictly coincidental.
-The Squashed Goblin in Thunderholme has also hired a new barmaid in anticipation of a rush of new customers hungry for cave fisher strips.
-Locks have been installed on various doors in Thunderholme to keep the Spiders out. This isn't Sschindylryn after all.
-The teleport location for Thunderholme has been moved so you won't wind up in the middle of the street like a gormless tourist.

-Negotiations with the Caravan Masters' Guild regarding transport on the Eastern Routes continue. They have tentatively agreed to resume proper transportation of paying customers, although suspicions as to their veracity remain.

-The locked doors in the Warbling Seraph upstairs room should now actually unlock if the area is empty when you enter it. Really this time.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jun 30, 2021, 11:18 AM
CD Module 4.08a9

Note that the server has been reverted to 8193.20.1 with this patch, and as such, apparently all characters' height (ie scaling) has been reset. Please see a DM if you had custom scaling and need assistance.

-Made several changes to Thundarlun and a few other areas in preparation for the quest events. These are intended to be largely temporary, for the most part.
-Fixed the sign on the Dancing Duchess to actually be correct. Everyone make sure and ask Etanu if they've seen it.

-Darkness should no longer automatically strip all concealment and invisibility effects from anyone leaving its area or when the spell ends; only those provided by the Darkness effect itself should be removed now.
-Favored Souls and Clerics with prestige caster levels should be able to use Resurrection scrolls without a delay now, just as they do with Raise Dead scrolls.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jul 04, 2021, 10:22 AM
CD Module 4.08a10

Note that the server has been updated back to 8193.26 with this patch.

-Made several changes to Thundarlun and a few other areas to reflect the aftermath of the battle.

-Some of the Caravan Masters were apparently getting lost, along the dangerous eastern route, but they should be resuming normal service and not dropping people off in the wrong place now.

-Characters that are at level 30 due to ECL should no longer be able to reach ECL+Level = 31 by hunting even if they have the requisite amount of DM XP. They can gain XP normally up until that point though, for crafting/etc purposes.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Jul 27, 2021, 10:41 PM
CD Module 4.08b1


-Corrected a bug in the GetCanCastEpicSpell() function that was causing spell focus feats to unintentionally lower the required spellcraft DC to cast an epic spell.
-Added numerous script system overhauls done by Fox. Changelog and instructions posted separately.
-Added a fix to Shadow Double, done by Fox.
-Corrected an issue with Darkness. It should no longer remove other forms of concealment.
-Break Enchantment how has a +10 bonus on its roll to remove an effect.
-Legend Lore should now properly auto identify anything in your inventory. Fixed by Fox.
-Identify now lasts 10 rounds, 20 extended.
-Starfury's damage reduced: Each hit now does 1d6/3 levels, rather than 1d6/1 level.
-Bless Weapon should now properly be applied to Gloves.
-Doomguide's Bond of Fatal Touch will now properly apply its effect to the wielder's weapon.
-Updated the login message.
-The Fly To and Airwalk widgets have been deprecated and will be removed from player inventories upon your next login. The Flight feat, received by typing /flytool will take their place.
-Disabled the SignalEvent for Army Unfallen. Hopefully this will stop it flagging as a hostile action.
-Added a missing SignalEvent to Darkbolt.
-Added missing scripts for Silverstar's Moonhand. This functions like Electrify Weapon, and does not stack with similar buffs.  Instead of 3d2 base damage, it does 3d4.
-Added missing scripts for Silverstar's Selunite Lycanthropy ability.
-Heartwarder's Lips of Rapture now has a script. Effect applied is: +2 attack, +2 Divine damage, +4 universal saves. No save vs daze at this time.
-Added the Scaling CL damage boost to the following Arcane spells that were missing it: Snilloc's Snowball Swarm, Combust, Negative Energy Burst, Wall of Fire, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, Chain Lightning (Secondary hits), Acid Fog, Incendiary Cloud, Sunburst, Prismatic Spray, Gedlee's Electric Loop, and Evards Tentacles.
-Added the Scaling CL damage boost to the following Divine spells: Flamestrike, Firestorm, Blade Barrier, Sunbeam, Sunscorch, Flamelash, Inferno, Quillfire, Creeping Doom, Bombardment, Storm of Vengeance, Circle of Doom, Bolt of Glory, Holy Smite, Hammer of the Gods, Destruction, Inflict Spells (Damage portion only), Cure Spells (Damage portion only), and Ravaging Storm.
-The following Divine Spells are now effected by Shape Mastery: Flamestrike, Earthquake, Sunbeam, Blade Barrier, Circle of Doom, Stonehold, Storm of Vengeance, Bombardment, Whirlwind, and Creeping Doom.


-Fixed an error with the Pawn Shop in Swordhaven that was causing the higher tier stores not to be recognized.
-Corrected the area transitions between Thundarlun and Thunderholme.
-Added missing Caravan waypoint for the Thunderholme caravan.
-Fixed the pawn shop in Thunderholme.
-Corrected purchase restrictions on all shops in Thunderholme.
-Fixed missing Heroes Placard description in Thunderholme.
-Update to the Warbling Seraph and Arena courtesy of Fox.
-Corrected some floating signs in Highmoon – East.
-Kelemvorite Temple rebuilt by Lady.
-Fixed the door from the World Serpent to Waymoot.
-Fixed the conversation in the Lathanderite Temple in Eveningstar.
-Added rest area triggers to the Silver Wink in Waymoot.
-Restored the missing waypoint exit from the Shadow Plane to Immersea.
-Removed a rest trigger in Thunder Peaks.
-Fixed 2 crates in Green Valley that were sunk into the floor.
-Corrected potion prices on Cure Moderate and Cure Serious potions in the Berrybriar Temple.
-Plot flagged various loot containers in the Moonsea Ride Bandit areas.
-The Boat above Sakkors will now return you to Suzail if you go through the door.
-Path from Suzail to Marsember has been linked up.
-Added skyboxes to Marsember areas that were missing them, and extended Fog Clip plane.
-Marsember Eastern Docks disconnected pending balance review and loot.
-Corrected tags on some of the doors in the Mist Runner in Immersea so they will lock properly. Also plot flagged them.
-Sunmantle Guildhall added to Arabel Central.


-Skittering Beetles have been juicing and are now twice as big.
-Guardian of the Divine no longer has Turn Undead, so it won't try to turn its own summons.
-Fixed Chieftain Fabruga's armor so he won't drop skin anymore.
-Removed a dialogue option from Psammas Durviir in Arabel that was pointing to a non-existant shop.


-Normalized AC values across Tier 5 Armor. If it's Tier 5, it now has +5 AC.
-Added +AC properties to a few Tier 5 Armor that was missing it.
-Manually color tagged all of Tier 2 loot. This should stop it from occasionally dropping without a tag. It was not fun.
-Mantle of the Theurge now properly has +5 AC.
-Numerous Tier 2 and 3 amulets now have tier appropriate AC values.
-Added 2 new cloth armors.
-Added a new themed Tier 5 warhammer, rapier, bastard sword, long sword, and great sword.
-Corrected gold value of Giant Slayer sword.
-Corrected gold value on Barricade of Endless Force
-Corrected gold value of Eldritch Shiruken, and removed extra damage properties.
-Improved Leech Skin Gloves.
-Fixed broken appearances for Axes in Tier 1.
-Increased stack sizes on dropped thrown weapons and ammunition.
-Blessed Robes of Illmater in the Rose Leaf stores are no longer flagged as stolen.
-Mithril Helberd now properly spelled Mithril Halberd.
-Fixed gold sell value on Magnus.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Jul 29, 2021, 02:44 AM
CD Module 4.08b2

Languages System Update

The Languages system has been rewritten from the ground up, vastly improving over the old system and fixing many old bugs.

  • Languages work correctly in Whisper channel now
  • Languages work correctly for DMs now
  • Languages can be used in Quest Chat
  • Languages replace your chat message, and are no longer sent to your combat log, making them useable during combat.
  • Brackets [] can be used to escape spoken words. The brackets themselves will be hidden from chat. Use this to speak nouns for people without the language to see the word.

See the Server Resources post on the Language system for more details:

Origin Regions

Origin Regions are used to register where your character was born and lived before arriving in Cormyr. Origin Regions also handle your automatic regional language grants.

An Origin Region must be selected during character creation from the Recorder of Origins after talking to the PC Subrace Setter, and before talking to the Keeper of Languages. Current PCs should visit the OOC Room with /afk to set their origin region and gain any automatic bonus languages you should know.

See the Server Resources post on Origin Regions for more details:

Manual Positioning System

The Manual Positioning System allows you to move and position your character with precision and control. This system lets you sit on top of walls, move onto usually unwalkable tileset beds, sit on the edges of tables, etc.

Manual Positioning can be accessed with the /move chat command, or any of its subcommands.

See the Server Resources post on the Manual Positioning system for more details:

New Player Commands

Attempts to fix the infamous Ultravision/Darkness as well as the  Web/Entangle Dex AC bugs.
It will also reset your reputation with the standard Hostile faction.

/damageme <amount> [type] [power]
/damageme has been overhauled for RGB customizability!

<amount> can be:
A flat amount: 20, 50, 117, etc.
A dice roll: 1d6, 2d8, 2d20, etc.
A percentage of your total health: 20%, 40%, etc
A percentage of your current remaining health: 30%%, 50%%, etc.

Valid [type] values: magical (default), fire, acid, cold, sonic, lightning, piercing, slashing, bludgeoning, divine, positive, negative.

[power] sets the enchantment power for bypassing damage reduction. This only works for physical damage types. By default this is +20 and will bypass all damage reduction.

/damageme 6d10 fire
/damageme 20 piercing
/damageme 25% divine
/damageme 40%% negative
/damageme 1d20 bludgeoning +5

/questchat color <red> <green> <blue>
/questchat color has been updated to now also allow for setting a custom RGB text color.

/questchat color 155 79 255

This command will order all of your associates (Henchmen, Familiars, Summons, Animal Companions, Dominated Creatures, etc) to do contextual actions:

If you target a location, your associates will move to the targeted location. n.b. If you want your associates to stay at that location you need to order them to Stand Your Ground before ordering them to move.
If you target a hostile creature, door, or placeable, your associates will attack the target.
If you target a party member or yourself, your associates will follow the party member or yourself.

In addition to those new commands, /hench, /sum, /fam, /ani, and /dom have been updated to allow issuing more subcommands to your associate target:

  • All /emote commands. n.b. Not all creatures support all emote animations.
  • All dice roll commands.
  • /touchon, /touchoff
  • /lockaction, /unlockaction
  • /damageme

/sum /d100
/ani /listen
/fam /diceprivate
/sum /touchon
/sum /flop
/ani /spasm

Other Changes

  • Expanded the inn bard conversations to have a "See all songs" option that lists every song in ambientmusic.2da

  • Inn bards will play their songs as long as there are people in the area. If everyone leaves, the area will reset back to the original music set by the area builder.

  • Inn Rooms can have a custom GP cost set by builders again.

  • Some PCs were escaping The Beginning and bypassing character setup by dying and respawning in Arabel, this is fixed...

  • Over 60 word doc pages worth of new DM tools, DM bug fixes, DM quality of life improvements, and more. These are posted in a private changelog thread for staff, but to note for players:

    - Quest areas and quest setup are autosaved every 10 minutes, server crashes aren't too devastating to quests now.

    - /whisper messages can be seen by DMs in Quest Chat now

    - DM XP reward wand is fixed. You DO NOT need to leave party if you are ECL 20 or 30. You DO NOT need to tell a DM if you're close to leveling, DM XP will roll over to your next level during level up.

    - DMs can see what spells you cast and their metamagic, as well as what items you use and what they do in their combat log now.

  • Players can see their own /dm channel messages. No longer are we shouting into the endless void and forgetting what we said.

  • You can set a custom RGB quest chat color now with /questchat color <red> <green> <blue>, eg: /questchat color 155 79 255

  • Cleaned up some of the notification spam from Quest Chat join / leave messages.

  • Inn room doors will automatically unlock when no one is in the area, for realsies this time!

  • Fixed /afk being useable from The Beginning, also for realsies this time!

  • Fixed Faery XP ticks being given whilst in The Void during rebuilds.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Jul 31, 2021, 01:27 AM
CD Module 4.08b3


-Reverted Storm of Vengeance targeting to SelectiveHostile, as it was prior to the last update. SoV is party friendly by default.

-Corrected the Scaling CL damage bonus on the following spells, as they were using the wrong target calls to check for the caster: Storm of Vengeance, Wall of Fire, Incendiary Cloud, Evard's Tentacles, Blade Barrier, Ravaging Storm, Creeping Doom.

-Corrected Caster targeting resolution for Shape Mastery in the following spells: Blade Barrier, Creeping Doom, Stonehold and Whirlwind.

-Added Scaling CL damage bonus to the following spells that were missed last time: Call Lightning

-Corrected Scaling CL damage bonus on Quillfire that failed due to a misnamed integer.

-Added a few system fixes by Fox.

-Added missing fix to the XP scripts for ECL characters that could let them get past level 30.

-Attempted to fix a rounding error in CalcBaseAttacks(), which is used to adjust BAB in Divine Power / Tensers, to fix oddities with Extra Attack grants in those spells.

-The /listpcs command will now show PC location in any dungeon area with a minimum level lock, regardless of hidden status.


-Added various fixes to the Seraph by Fox.

-Corrected the script tags on the Locking Mechanisms in the Sunmantle Guildhall.

-Added missing shop to Earl at the Sunmantle Guildhall.

-Fixed Torm's Sword in the temple in Suzail so it can't be picked up anymore.

-Fixed NPC soundsets in Marsember.

-Locked and plot flagged non transition doors in Marsember.

-Added Teleport points to Marsember.

-Added skyboxes, extended the fog clip plane, and corrected waypoint transition orientation in the Way of the Dragon areas.

-Normalized lighting profiles and weather across Marsember.

-Split the Marsember Stores and Temple/Shrines into two areas.

-Fixed shop tags for the Thunderholme tavern and pawn shop.

-Replaced Thunderstone areas with dead version, since Vezzil killed everyone.

-Updated 2 DMNPC areas.

-Corrected the Caravan from Highmoon to Thunderholme.

-Added Caravan paths from Arabel Southern Outskirts to Marsember and back.

-Renamed Thunderholme areas into their proper region in Thunder Peaks.

-Sschindylryn's teleport key is now properly the city's name.


-Corrected the tag of Celeste Du Pont in the Sunmantle Guildhall, so she'll properly open the store to hand out the key.

-Corrected alignment of Bandit Nightguards.

New Player Commands:

-Added /quickbar commands by Fox, which allow saving and loading all of your F1-F12 quickbars. Pro-tip: Fox recommends making an RP quickbar with with all the different /move commands (/move foward, /move left, /move up, etc) so you don't need to use the conversation, so your chat doesn't get flooded by move adjustments done via conversation.

/quickbar list
Lists all of your saved quick bars.

/quickbar save <name>
Saves your current F1-F12, Ctrl F1-F12, and Shift F1-F12 quickbars to <name>.

/quickbar save RP
/quickbar save Combat 1
/quickbar save Combat 2

/quickbar load <name>
Loads the saved <name> F1-F12, Ctrl F1-F12, and Shift F1-F12 quick bars.

/quickbar load RP
/quickbar load Combat 2

/quickbar delete <name>
Deletes the saved <name> F1-F12, Ctrl F1-F12, and Shift F1-F12 quick bars.

/quickbar delete Combat 2
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Aug 10, 2021, 10:09 PM
CD Module 4.08b4


Epic Spells should now display your skill and roll separately as well as the total check vs DC amount.

Persistent AOEs: Fixed AOEs not counting PRC levels in their Caster Level and Spell Resistance calculations.

Spell Resistance: Standardized SR feedback messages to be in line with other game feedback messages.
Spell Resistance: Suppressed the ignored default SR roll made by the game. (We use a custom SR roll instead.)

Fixed all Symbols spells.

Fixed Murderous Mists.

Fixed Delayed Blast Fireball.

UMD: UMD scroll skillchecks now include Spellcraft Synergy bonus in the displayed roll message.
UMD: Standardized the display of UMD skillcheck feedback for scrolls with other game skillchecks.

Devastating Critical: Standardized fortitude save vs dev crit feedback message to be in line with other game feedback messages.
Devastating Critical: Fixed Devastating Critical not working with unarmed attacks.

Dispels: Standardized dispel feedback for targets to be in line with other game feedback messages.
Dispels: Fixed dispel rolls being made vs every engine effect that constructed a spell (and most spells were multiple effects). Dispel rolls are now only made once per instance of a spell.
Dispels: The CL DC of the spell being dispelled now uses the CL at the time of the spell's casting, solving some errant behavior and fixing some exploits around items where the game would assume your highest casting class was always the caster for CL.
Dispels: Fixed spell CL defaulting to a base CL DC if the caster had logged out or the NPC object was destroyed.
Dispels: When possible spell names are now reported in the dispel feedback.

Break Enchantment: Standardized the feedback for targets to be in line with other game feedback messages.
Break Enchantment: Fixed being able to dispel Extraordinary and Supernatural flagged effects.

Shadow Double: Fixed doubles leaving a corpse behind for 30 seconds.
Shadow Double: (potentially) Fixed doubles resting after combat and regaining all spells/slas/etc.
Shadow Double: Doubles can no longer summon their own summons (including recursively summon more shadow doubles)
Shadow Double: Doubles can no longer cast epic spells.
Shadow Double: Fixed being able to cast more than 1 Shadow Double at a time. Your old double will be replaced by your new double, as per normal summoning spells.
Shadow Double: Tweaked a few things on doubles so they should hopefully spend less time self buffing with low level spells and spend more time being useful.

Elemental Weapon's acid, electric, and sonic subspells can now be cast directly on weapons, matching the behavior of fire and cold and standardizing it with other weapon buff spells.
Brambles can now be cast directly on weapons, standardizing it with other weapon buff spells.
Spikes can now be cast directly on weapons, standardizing it with other weapon buff spells.
Moonblade can now be cast directly on weapons, standardizing it with other weapon buff spells.

Slightly optimized some database backend code. /quickbar and /spellbook will likely still be unreliable as there are underlying issues with the server's setup that we're investigating.

Adjusted the default height adjustment amount of /move up and /move down from 0.02 to 0.1

Keeper of Languages: Fixed eligible PCs not being able to pick Sylvan.

Fixed the /fix player chat command not fixing the ultravision bug.

DMFI *emote* commands are disabled again after having been re-enabled with 4.08b1. System is currently incompatible with Quest Chat and was breaking DM possessed NPC messages and would require more dev time than available to fix.

DM Systems: Fixed  /setareatime.

DM Systems: Disabled DM spawned NPCs from automatically resting after combat / loss of perception events, which was resetting spellbooks/SLAs/feat uses the DM had intentionally spent.

DM Systems: Disabled AI in DMFI Custom Encounters, The Void, and DMNPCs areas.

DM Systems: Disabled quest area autosaving as it was (ironically) crashing the server. A new autosave implementation will be looked into after the next game update.

Quest Chat: /questchat color for DMs will fall back to player setting behavior if the persistent database is unavailable.

Quest Chat: Rewrote how NPCs are added and removed to the list of channel listeners to try and fix DMs being silently dropped from Quest Chat when unpossessing NPCs. Full fix requires a larger rewrite of Quest Chat.

Tweaked some exploit prevention code with /move.

Fixed drowning script doing more damage than it should be doing due to a maths miscalculation introduced by accident with 4.08b1.

Reverted the previous change to /listpcs that overrode your Hidden status when in a dungeon. See the /listdungeons command for checking if a dungeon is occupied.

Improved the feedback given when toggling /hidestatus


Warbling Seraph: Adjusted the Sit positions and scaled down the benches in the arena so they stop eating PCs.
Warbling Seraph: Rearranged the cushions and arm chairs around the fireplace on the main floor.
Warbling Seraph: Changed one of the arm chairs by the fireplace on the main floor to a wings-friendly chair.
Warbling Seraph: Added some cushions by the fireplaces in the Suite rooms.
Warbling Seraph: Removed the autoclose scripts from all the interior room doors.

Update to Arabel Graveyard - Hall of the Judge from Ladybug.

Update to Swordhaven - Sword Flame Tower by Nok.

Updates to DM NPC areas.

Updates to DM Quest areas.

Scribing/Brewing/Wand Crafting:

Scroll, Potion, and Wand crafting has been rescripted and detached from the 2das/haks. All spells should now be supported. Please report any scrolls/potions/wands that are broken.
PRCs and CL modifiers are now included in the CL maths when crafting wands. Crafted wands otherwise remain at d20 + CL charges/day.
Potions are now named "Potion of ".
Wands are now named "Wand of ".
Wands, potions, and scrolls OOCly include the crafter's name in the description.


Unified scroll resrefs and tags between loot, scribed scrolls, and all magic scroll and temple shops:
Arabel - Violet Flame
Arabel Graveyard - Hall of Justice
Monastery of the Rose Leaf - House
Arabel - Temple of Selune
Arabel - The Lady's House
Brightwater Halls
Arabel - The Portal
Arabel - Elhazir's Exotica
Highmoon - Leaves of Learning
Briarberry Hollow - Halfling Temple
Semberholme - Cradle of Mielikki
Semberholme - Velethuil - Shops
Semberholme - Velethuil - Temple
Eveningstar - Temple of Lathander - Courtyard
Immersea (wizard's tower)
Immersea - West of Immersea
Marsember - Temples and Shrines
Town of Halfhap - Gloryhall
Suzail - Temple of the Defenders
Thundarlun - Home of the Triad
Thunderholme - Temple of the Dumathoin
Sschindylryn - Thayvian Tower
Stonehaven - Sword Flame Tower

Added Favored Soul to all cleric scrolls. This will only affect newly obtained scrolls.

Fixed Hob's Bound Guardian not having the correct OnDamage script that should remove its immortality.

New Player Commands:

/spellbook list
Lists all of your saved spellbooks.

/spellbook save <name>
Saves your current spellbook.
Saved empty slots won't overwrite those slots when loaded.

/spellbook save RP
/spellbook save Lava Goblins
/spellbook save Quest

/spellbook load <name>
Loads the saved spellbook.
All loaded spells will be loaded unprepared and require resting.

/spellbook load Frost Giants
/spellbook load Trylobytes Top 100

/spellbook delete <name>
Deletes the saved spellbook.

/spellbook delete RP
/spellbook delete Witch Lords Test

Lists all dungeons that are currently occupied by other player(s).

This is a tool to check if a dungeon is available for your own party to go to. It is not to be used to follow other parties into dungeons they are already at.

Other Notes:
We're currently investigating issues with the external database used for /quickbar, /spellbook, and DM settings persistence. These commands/features may be intermittently available.

Anything that uses the inventory runestone (everything other than the 3 things listed above) is unaffected by these issues.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Aug 11, 2021, 12:49 PM
CD Module 4.08b5


-Crafted scrolls should no longer cost 10x as much.
-Corrected the caster level for Haste on crafted scrolls/potions from 5 to 10.
-Sorcerers and Bards should now gain known spell progression up to level 29 with prestige classes (Previously it was cutting off at 20, despite a change granting Sorcerers known spells at 23/26/29.) Existing characters will need to relevel to take advantage of this.


-Fixed a number of scrolls in various shops that had 0gp cost.
-Fixed the conversation in the Sunmantle (hopefullY).
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Aug 12, 2021, 08:51 PM
CD Module 4.08b6

Fixed Blizzard's duration.
Fixed an edge case that could cause spells without metadata needed for the new fixed CL calculations to not fall back onto the old dispel CL calculation, resulting in DC 11 dispels.
Fixed the following spells lacking metadata: Lesser Mind Blank, Mind Blank, Camoflague, Mass Camoflague, Mind Fog, Invisibility Sphere.
Fixed scaling caster damage bonus not applying correctly to Acid Fog.
Fixed scaling caster damage bonus not applying correctly to Blizzard.
Fixed Spell Resistance on various AOE spells not correctly including PRC levels.
Fixed issues with damage for Otiluke's Freezing Sphere.
Fixed an unintended script regression that caused incorrect Scribe Scroll XP and Gold costs.
Fixed a few custom spells not executing the spellhook used for UMD and item creation crafting, among other things the spellhook does.
Standardized the formatting of Epic Spell spellcraft skill rolls.
Blacklisted a few more summon spells that were missed from Shadow Double.
Fixed an issue where some custom spells could be crafted for free.
Corrected some potion and wand crafting recipes that were creating items with the wrong CL.
Corrected a few scribe scroll crafts that resulted in the wrong scroll.
Updated some lingering scripts that were still using depreciated nwnx_time to inc_sqlite_time.
Fixed the last remaining scrolls that were selling/buying for 0gp.
Corrected Keen Edge scrolls at the Violet Flame to be CL 10 versions again.

New Player Commands:

/togglescribing, /togglebrewing, /togglewandcrafting
When toggled on, any spell you cast will instead be scribed / brewed / crafted into a wand if you have the available blank scroll / magical potion bottle / bone wand in your inventory.

This is a temporary fix for spells that cannot natively target items, which require a spells.2da hak update to properly support.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Aug 14, 2021, 11:28 PM
CD Module 4.08b7

Added a Skybox to Swordhaven.
Updates to a few player areas.

Fixed Brew Potion sometimes not consuming bottles.
Added missing scrolls and Item Creation recipes for Tree Stride and Transport via Plants.
Fixed spells sometimes being actually cast when crafting if you didn't have any more bottles/blank scrolls/bone wands to craft with when using the toggle modes.
Added a temporary fix for Bolt of Glory and Shadow Mask's incorrect innate level fields in spells.2da for scribing/brewing/wand crafting. Full fix requires a 2da/hak update.

Added spell metadata to Armor of Darkness, Shadow Mask, Shadow Hand, Mass Camouflage (again), Blinkplate, Chaos Slash, Cut Off.
Fixed Swordmage's spellshield line of incantations not having a spell name in the dispel feedback.

Potential fix for some more NPCs who were dropping their creature skins.

Darkness can now be spell resisted.
Fixed Darkness stripping the caster's own self-buffs when exiting the darkness AOE. (???)

Fixed Spell Resistance roll feedback being sent twice if you were rolling against your own spell.

Corrected Keen Edge scrolls at the Violet Flame to be CL 10 versions again. (for realsies this time.)

DM Tools: Fixed /setdescription " " to blank a description instead of reverting it to the original, as per the commands help text description.
DM Tools: Added the area int var NO_MAGIC 1 which disables all magic casting in an area for non-DMs. Use int var BYPASS_NO_MAGIC 1 on NPCs or PCs to allow that creature to cast in these areas.
DM Tools: Fixed DMFI Destroy Wand / /dmfidestroy not always destroying the nearest placeable to you when you target yourself.
DM Tools: Fixed /dmfidestroy command reporting "dmfi_destroy" was destroyed.

DM Systems: Disabled grass sprites in DMFI Encounters.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Aug 16, 2021, 01:59 AM
CD Module 4.08b8

-Added an area for Festival-type events.
-Skeletal Mages in Wyvernspur Crypts will no longer mass dispel, pending further adjustments to the dispel code and to the encounters.

-Added a fix for Darkness doing stuff it wasn't supposed to. No, really this time.
-The Tailor models should no longer show nude options as you scroll through them. You can still access these directly by entering the exact number, or use the body model adjusters to change your default unclothed model to naked ones.
-Fixed the head model adjustment scripts that weren't displaying certain human male heads. 
-Corrected the numbering of the current storyline. We're on Book VIII, not VII.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Aug 16, 2021, 08:42 PM
CD Module 4.08b9

-Updates to player areas.
-Updates to quest areas.

-Greater Spell Mantle, Faerie Fire, Protection from Law, and Sleep all now properly have a duration greater than 0.
-Fixed an issue that could cause characters to exceed level 30.
-Dragonsong of Strength is now an extraordinary effect like regular Bardsong, and thus cannot be dispelled.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Aug 17, 2021, 10:31 PM
CD Module 4.08b10

-Updates to player areas.
-Murderous screams should no longer be common to hear in the Arabel Slums (Southeast). Only regular drunken shouting and occasional lamentations should be common now.
-Commoners walking through the Central District will no longer turn around and retrace their steps endlessly. Instead they will reach the edge of the district and continue on to their destination, while new commoners will appear at the other edges of the Central district and go about their own errands, in turn. Hopefully these will be actual normal commoners, and not procedurally generated nightmares. They might look a little off though, in which case it's totally Edge's fault, we swear.

-Overhauled the elementals summoned by Summon VII, Summon VIII, Summon IX, and Elemental Swarm. These should now roughly be on par strength-wise with comparable spells of that level (such as Gate in the case of Summon IX) and no longer be outmatched by Summon VI. Each casting will presently still summon a random type of elemental (air, fire, water, earth).
-Druid and Shifter Wildshapes should now correctly merge all gear bonuses.
-Added a fix to Wyrmling shape breath, so that its damage should be less all-or-nothing, and more relatively consistent. It will also now generate different damage for each target rather than doing the same result to everything.
-Added a command for DMs to randomize the appearance of a standard race NPC they're possessing (/randomnpc), which will alter the head model as well as skin and hair color.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Aug 20, 2021, 02:18 AM
CD Module 4.08c

-More commoners should be walking through Arabel Central. They won't be stopping to hang around any weirdo adventurers, though.
-The smugglers in Arabel have been having a little trouble with their portals. It should be clear now that the only extant portals in/near the Smugglers' hideout are IC temporary ones, not something anyone should be overly concerned with.
-Added a teleport point to Tun Plains - Fork in the River Tun. Not because walking all the way from High Horn was a pain, but mostly because typing that teleport key is.
-Swordmajor Rice in the Suzail Palace has put down an attempted rebellion by his chair. No longer will it deny him the ability to sit back down after he greets visitors.

-Random Commoners walking around in Arabel should no longer be blue da ba dee da ba di.
-It is now Summer/Fall. We tried to get Summer/Glau, but she's working on another project that conflicted.
-XP awards at level 30 should be fixed, so you can more easily fuel your consumable addiction.
-Fixed an issue with some weapons not merging properly when shifting, because we'd fixed them before. They are now properly foxed instead.
-The Teleport Key Finder will more clearly tell you when it can't reveal the key for a given area, because you lack a Delta-16 Elite clearance.
-The /listpcs command will now also remind you whether your status is visible or hidden, because I can never seem to remember, so I figure you can't either.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Aug 23, 2021, 10:35 PM
CD Module 4.08c1

-Added several new areas north of the Tun Plains, including Tun Plains - Ruins of Easthome, Tun Plains - Edge of the Goblin Marches, and Sunset Mountains - Desert's Edge. These provide a link to the Sunset Mountains Crater from the Tun Plains region that does not pass by Darkhold.
-Added a teleport point to the new Ruins of Easthome area. Additionally, the Undercity portal in the Toy Box that formerly led to the Sunset Mountains Crater now leads to the Ruins of Easthome instead.
-Added fixes for some placeables in the Arabel Bathhouse that were now visible due to water transparency changes.
-Included updates to several player areas.

-Fixed a bug that was allowing Dullahans to somehow masquerade as Commoners in Arabel Central.
-Procedurally generated random commoners in Arabel Central will now also vary slightly in size.
-Added some fixes for Shifting so that losing merged buffs due to bad timing should be less of an issue.
-Fixed some issues with Elemental Shifting not incorporating some of the previous item merge fixes for weapons.
-Tweaked one of the script functions for checking Armor Type/AC so that it won't bug out when it encounters plot flagged armor.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Sep 09, 2021, 08:04 PM
CD Module 4.08c2


-Reverted a change to Darkness's SR check when the function was updated. Darkness can no longer be stopped by Spell Resistance. Normal immunity etc will still work, just now with the properly updated resist function.

-Tweaks to the monster ability systems in sh_elite and sh_library

-Made some minor quality of life tweaks for DMs with the functionality of certain scripts.


-Updated Arabel to the Fall version.

-Updated the OOC Room to fall décor.

-Minor change to the combat dummies in the OOC Arena.

-Various Doors in Stonelands – Caverns of Death – Fortress of the Bugbears are no longer key only. Their locks can be picked.

-Update to a player home.

-Fixed rest flagging in Griffon Hill.

-Added a new creature out on the road south of the Goblin Marches.  Be careful.


-Bloodfang Gnoll Shaman now have 2 versions that can spawn.  One of them has a dispel, one does not. This will add dispels back into the epic Gnoll dungeon, but with far less frequency.

-Rotting Skeletal Mage in Wyvernspur Crypt has received the same treatment. Those without dispel have a Greater Spell Breach instead.

-The Bugbears in Caverns of Death have all been buffed to be more appropriate to a mid-teens area.  Encounter makeup may be redone later to account for issues brought on by CR changes.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Sep 10, 2021, 08:04 AM
CD Module 4.08c3


-Fixed an issue with vfx added to the Combat Dummy script.


-Replaced missing variables and scripts on Arabel Central.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Sep 12, 2021, 04:57 PM
CD Module 4.08c5

More Cormanthor areas added/updated for testing. Test Subjects may be needed for Aperture Sciences Dungeon testing.

The scarred and misfigured guardsman in Immersea has received aid from Sunites in restoring his appearance.

Fixed the misplaced transition in the OOC room.

Added an update for a player house.

Fixed the "Sit" placeables in Mordekainen's Mansion being incorrectly named "Invisible Object".

Overhauled the combat dummy scripts in the OOC Arena.

Added some missing sit placeables on the couch in the Warbling Seraph Deluxe 2 room.

Gem Dragons (Sapphire - LN, Crystal - CN) can now be summoned via the Dragon Knight Epic spell.

Revamped the calculation for Epic Spell slots by adding a base +1 for anyone that is eligible for epic spell slots, and also adjusted the base calculation to round up rather than drop fractions.

Fixed unpossessed NPCs being included in the "left quest chat" notification stream.

DM Tools: Fixed non-quest chat dice rolls not being broadcast to DMs possessing NPCs who otherwise should receive them.

DM Tools: Fixed /setplotflag's missing boolean cast: true is now true and false is now false.

DM Tools: Fixed /setscale not being able to scale items or doors.

DM Tools: Fixed /setscale 1.0 not setting objects scale to 1.0 under certain edge cases.

DM Tools: Script debugger has been cd key locked to SDMs & Admins.

DM Tools: Fixed /setaiscripts not working. (needs to target an NPC not being possessed)

DM Tools: Disabled Grass tilemagic option in the DMFI DM Wand as the visualeffect was broken in an earlier hak update.

DM Tools: When cloning areas, placeables and doors will have their key requirement removed.

Fixed cd_portal_jump jumping party members from other areas.

Fixed area resource override scripts errantly clearing overrides when transitioning/jumping within the same area.

Fixed /afk not clearing area resource overrides correctly.

Fixed Alzhedo not being scrambled for characters who don't know Alzhedo.

Scrambled languages now respect capital letters as typed by the player for languages that weren't using custom grammatical ciphers.

Fixed incorrect resrefs for Sylvan and Loross.

Fixed Shadow Double not removing blacklisted known or memorized spells.

Fixed Shadow Double not copying Sorcerer and Bard PRC gained spells.

Fixed AI attempting to cast time stop if they're still on cooldown. (Fixes NPCs bugging out and trying to chain spam time stops and doing literally nothing else, thereby wasting spells. This was particularly problematic on NPC's using Jasper's AI with Shadow Double and with NPCs in DM Quests where we had given them multiple timestops since Jasper's prioritizes time stop)

Slightly optimized the monster health% script for server performance.

Fixed the monster health% script erasing creature names.

Fixed the monster health% script sometimes not updating.

Fixed the monster health% script sometimes suffixing multiple times onto a creature's name.

Alignments on Character Sheets are abbreviated if the character has a third class and the character's subrace name is longer than 10 characters. This helps prevent long subrace names pushing the third class out of sight. Results may vary depending on your font. *Really* long subrace names will still push the abbreviated alignment onto a second line.

Mordekainen's Mansion areas are now instanced on demand, an unlimited number of mansions can now be in use simultaneously.

Fixed Mordekainen's Mansion splitting the party. Parties are no longer ported into/out of mansions automatically. Anyone who wants to leave or enter needs to use the doors.

DMs and DM possessed NPCs aren't timegated from casting consecutive Mordekainen's Mansions.

Mordekainen's Mansions are correctly destroyed if the mansion is vacated by means other than exiting via the door.

Mordekainen's Mansions can be set to Public Access or Party Only if the caster or DM talks to the doors. By default, player mansions are party only. DM and DM possessed NPC mansions are always public.

Mordekainen's Mansions can be dismissed by the caster or any DM by talking to the doors.

Mordekainen's Mansions are destroyed 1 minute after the last person leaves.

Mordekainen's Mansions doors have a neat little appearance animation now. (requires you to be on latest stable / 8193.28 to see)

Fixed Shadow Walk's crafting recipe.

Fixed Tailoring Models not copying helmets to the NPC.

Fixed Tailoring Models creating and deleting clothing from you for every modification that needed to be copied from the model to your clothes. This is only done once now. (weapons/shields/cloaks/helmets might still spam)

Fixed Tailoring Models dropping clothes on the ground. (weapons/shields/cloaks/helmets might still be dropped)

Tailoring Models now copy per-part colors.

Tailoring Models now copy your scale, wings, and tail when copying your PC appearance to the NPC.

Consolidated the various creature OnSpawn setup variables into a single script with some new additions.

Added creature variables for overriding cast spell's metamagic, spell penetration, and save DCs.

Ported in some backend code for some of Fox's custom npc boss abilities.

Fixed Acid Sheath not having reduced damage for NPCs.

Crafted wands now have 50 charges, instead of d20 + CL.

Updated /pclist to group visible players by area as well as some minor QoL formatting fixes.

Fixed missing gold value on Earthquake scrolls.

Fixed an edge case bug where respawn penalties could be applied if you weren't automatically raised in the OOC Arena.

Fixed spells cast from placeables (such as for projectile traps) and spells cast from DMs not being able to target neutral or friendly creatures correctly.

New Player Commands:

/dragontype <alignment>
Sets the type of dragon you summon via Epic Spell Dragon Knight. Valid alignments are LG, LN, LE, CG, CN, CE. Neutrals are the default if this is not set. This should be persistent through resets.

/dragontype Lawful Good
/dragontype LG

/outfit list
Lists all your saved outfit appearances.

/outfit save <name>
Saves your currently equipped clothing/armor appearance.

/outfit save Casual Pants
/outfit save Casual Skirt

/outfit load <name>
Loads the saved outfit's appearance.
n.b. You can only load an outfit's appearance that matches the base AC of your currently equipped outfit.

/outfit load Casual
/outfit load Swimwear
/outfit load Tahlrans Pink and Sexy Coat

/outfit delete <name>
Deletes the saved outfit.

/outfit delete Casual 2

/outfit show <parts>
/outfit hide <parts>
Allows you to toggle the visibility of parts of your equipped clothes/armor. You can specify multiple parts with the same command to hide or show multiple parts at once.

Preset Groups:
all, top, bottom, arms, larm, rarm, hands, legs, lleg, rleg, feet

Individual Parts:
neck, chest, robes, belt, pelvis, lshoulder, rshoulder, lbicep, rbicep, rforearm, lforearm, lhand, rhand, lthigh, rthigh, lshin, rshin, lfoot, rfoot

n.b. You can only hide the chest on base AC 0 clothes, you can't hide the chest on armor.

/outfit hide lshoulder lbicep lforearm lhand
/outfit hide robes belt arms neck
/outfit show gloves feet
/outfit show all

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Sep 15, 2021, 02:22 AM
CD Module 4.08c6


-Random commoners in Arabel will now randomly switch between a selection of outfits
-Various Bandits near Halfhap and the Moonsea Ride will have a more varied appearance.

-Epic Spell Dragon Knight can now summon any metallic or chromatic dragon, as well as Sapphire, Crystal, and Amethyst Gem Dragons. This can be set by selecting the appropriate color via the /dragontype command.
-All of the summoned monsters from the Gate and Summon IX spells will come equipped with weapons of equal ability now (and thus all will have +5 weapons for the purpose of bypassing monster DR).

- The /dragontype command now recognizes color as a valid syntax, i.e. "/dragontype red" would set you to summon a Red Dragon. You can also specify an alignment, as before, which will select based on the original list (Bronze for LG, Blue for LE, etc).

-Fixed a couple of tier 5 unusual ammunition types that were missing the appropriate color tag.

Scripts: (Courtesy of Fox)
Fixed DMs not being able to enter other player's mansions.
Fixed players other than the caster not being able to leave mansions.
Fixed "Copy to other side" and "Copy from other side" tailoring model options.
Fixed issues with the AC on the tailoring models not being copied from your PC correctly for some items, causing you to not be able to copy the outfit's appearance back to your PC.
Fixed last saved date on spellbooks, quickbars, and outfits not being updated.
Typing just /outfit with no subcommand argument will open a conversation menu for browsing and managing your outfits, including adding outfits to a favorite outfits list.
n.b. /quickbar and /spellbook do not have menus yet, but are planned to in the future.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Sep 30, 2021, 08:23 PM
CD Module 4.08d1

-Updated module to NWN v.33 and implemented new hak files.


-Starfury damage adjusted to d6 / 2 levels, up from d6 / 3 levels.

-Added feat constant for Wingless Flight.

-Implemented Wingless Flight check into the Fly tool script.


-Replaced the Cradle Maze dungeon with an entirely new version. New areas, updated Minotaurs and loot.  Should be appropriate for low/mid teens.

-Added various DM event areas.


-Updated the NPC wererat models to the new Project Q versions.

-Fixed missing Fire immunity on Fire Giants.

-Increased the size of the Skittering Beetles.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Oct 01, 2021, 01:15 AM
CD Module 4.08d2

- A few small fixes to some future boss ability scripts.

- Unrestricted /walk.

- Added "Flight" to .32's new "More Actions" tile actions radial menu. You'll find this menu when right clicking on the ground.

- Additional changes to spell targeting functions to allow MIRV spells such as isaac's, firebrand, etc to target and harm PCs when cast from placeables and projectile traps.

- Fixed incorrect damage colors in the combat dummy session report.

- Fixed physical damage dealt stat on combat dummy's being erroneously displayed when no physical damage was dealt.

- Fixed combat dummy's multiplying and respawning multiple copies on a session timeout.

- Spellslots are no longer lost when loading an outfit onto clothing that was granting spellslots (whether by a bonus spellslot property or an increased casting ability bonus).

- Fixed Evil aligned characters not being able to summon Black, White, Red, or Green dragons.

- Reimplemented the warning message on login if your client is out of date with the server. It is always recommended to play on the same version as the server, especially now that there will be growing feature disparity with old versions of the game. If you continue to play on old versions you will be missing out on new server features.

- DM Tools: Patched a server crash in /dmfidestroy

- DM Tools: /outfit load can be used by DMs and DM possessed NPCs without matching AC restrictions. (The AC type on the equipped item will be changed to match the loaded outfit)

- DM Tools: Rewrote /dmcopyarea, /dmclonearea, and /resetarea commands to be compatible with .33, please report any bugs.

- DM Tools: You no longer need to reload the area when using /setplaceableappearance.

- DM Tools: /setdescription now opens the description editor if left blank.

- DM Systems: DM Possessed NPCs now receive the extended spell casting combat feedback messages that DMs have.

- DM Systems: Rewrote and re-enabled event area autosaving:
- Now using native .33 script functions instead of NWNXEE.
- Now only autosaves areas flagged dirty (modified or used in some way).
- Now reports to the DM when the area they're in is autosaved.

- DM Systems: NPCs spawned through DMFI Encounters no longer drop loot by default. To allow an item to drop as loot set the int var ALLOW_DROP 1 on the item itself.

- Fixed a bug introduced with .32 where tile source lights that were set to off become red when an area is reset/copied/created during runtime.

- Fixed misspelt Aglaronddan language widget and some typos in the Recorder of Origins conversation.

- Updated all nwnx nwscripts to NWNXEE .33

- Depreciated all NWNX_Util_IsValidResRef function calls for native nwscript functions introduced with .32

-  Migrated spell metadata used in scripts to JSON with expanded metadata and wrapper functions.

-  Fixed bioware resist spell feedback messages not being hidden correctly for DMs who were possessing NPCs with full control.

New Player Commands:

Allows you to edit your PC's description with a nice popup UI window. Using the Description Editors in the OOC Room will now also use the new editor if your client is up to date and supports NUI.

n.b. Text doesn't wrap and overflows the text editor, this is a Beamdog bug. It's recommended you write your description outside the game and then copy paste it into the editor in game game when you're done.

Toggles crawling.

Opens a Help Page with various topics from server information to mechanics to chat commands. This will eventually replace the journal in game and be a supplemental source of summarized information from the forums.

Opens a popup window that lists all active friendly spells on you. This will not show spells flagged as harmful.

New Animations by Terallis:


New DM Commands:

Opens a popup window that lists all active spells (including harmful spells) on the targeted creature.

/createprojectiletrap <spells.2da>
Creates a spells.2da projectile trap by first selecting the trap trigger, then selecting the placeable that'll be the projectile origin.

Additional variables such as caster level, DC, metamagic, etc can be set on the projectile origin object with the usual array of creature override_* variables documented in the DM forums.

n.b. Not all spells work correctly with projectile traps. MIRV spells like isaacs will also target hostile mobs, and some spells are hardcoded to work via explicitly testing factions and might not consider PCs to be a valid target.

/redrawtrigger [reset]
Redraws a trigger. To start, select a trigger and then left click to draw new points. Right click to finish. A trigger requires at least 3 points. Use /redrawtrigger reset to reset the last trigger you edited.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Oct 02, 2021, 01:49 AM
CD Module 4.08d3


- Fixed Emotions: Courage sometimes not replacing earlier castings correctly.

- (Potentially) improved the reliability of not losing spell slots when loading outfits on items that granted you spell slots. This is largely server lag dependent and might not be 100% fixable.

- Fixed using /normal after /crawl not restoring your ability to run.

- Fixed Greater Malison affecting friendlies.

- Fixed Greater Malison lacking spell metadata.

- DM Tools: Fixed some script issues with /dmcopyarea failing on large areas when sanitizing the area.

- DM Tools: Fixed /setmaxhp not working whilst possessing the NPC.

- Removed NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponIsMonkWeapon now that baseitems.2da handles it natively.


Fixed missing variables on the Cradle Maze needed for /listdungeons.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Oct 03, 2021, 10:11 PM
CD Module 4.08d5

Scripts (courtesy Fox):
Fixed a server segfault crash in area importing.
Rewrote /listpcs backend to utilize JSON instead of SQL.
Rewrote spell metadata's backend to utilize JSON instead of SQL, hopefully resolving module database lockups that was breaking anything reliant on the non-persistent database (crafting, the old /listpcs, /help, /viewspells, /outfit conversation, quest chat, and some other systems)
Fixed bought outfits from the tailoring models having item properties under certain circumstances.
DM Tools: Fixed /viewspells for DMs.
DM Tools: Fixed NPCs in copied areas having stale action queues.
DM Tools: NPCs should walk their waypoint paths in copied areas now.
DM Tools: Transitions with both sides in the same area are now preserved in copied areas. This doesn't include paths at this time.
DM Tools: Large performance improvements to the copy area commands.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Oct 17, 2021, 10:03 PM
CD Module 4.08d7

Cradle Maze updates (courtesy Vincent07):
-Fixed AC value on Minotaur Shaman
-Added Minotaur Archers
-Adjusted spell abilities of The Gorgon, and flagged as a Boss.
-Slightly decreased some door lock DCs.
-Slightly reduced loot value of the final chest.
-Door leading to the final chest room will now properly eat the key.

Added new area "Hullack Forest - Edge of the Wyvernwater - Nalavara's Scar."  (See here for the IC events that lead to the creation of this: )
Adjusted the southern/western borders of certain existing Hullack Forest areas as appropriate to link to the new area.

Made more adjustments to Claire's pathing in Arabel Central so she shouldn't get confused and double back on her patrol route.
Increased the fog clip distance in Arabel North.

Made a number of additions to the in-testing Mistledale, Cormanthor, and Yulash regions.

Added the /resetfootsteps command which will reset your footstep sounds to the correct default, in case polymorph or mount issues left you sounding like a centaur or such.
Journal entries with information about rules, game info, and such, are no longer added to PCs on login. These have been replaced by information under the /help command.
Added ability to set Yulash, Ashabenford, and Shadowdale as Inn/bind spots and respawn spots (once those areas are open).

Began adding Yulash versions of the various low level quests. This should not interfere with any existing ones, however if there are any such issues please let us know.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Oct 28, 2021, 11:26 AM
CD Module 4.08d8

Cradle Maze:
-Final chest should properly be dropping correct loot now.
Witch Lords:
-The bone golem should no longer decide it needs to come pay a visit to Witch Lords, and will stay in the Silent Ossuary.
Quiet Farm Bandits:
-The interior non-transition doors should no longer display a transition icon when you mouse over them.
Made a number of additions to the in-testing Mistledale, Cormanthor, and Yulash regions.
Included some updates to DM Areas for quest NPCs.
Sschindylryn: Clerics of Abbathor and the two Duergar deities have taken control of the temple in Central Sschyndylryn, while the various surfacer priests have moved to Yulash. Anyone bound to respawn in the Waukeen temple in Sschindylryn will now be bound to the Abbathor temple.

The Newbie quest should now properly update in your journal on login.

Continued adding Yulash versions of the various low level quests. This should not interfere with any existing ones, however if there are any such issues please let us know.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Nov 01, 2021, 11:58 PM
CD Module 4.08e

Patch notes:



103 New areas encompassing a vast new swathe of the Dalelands and Cormanthor, including:
-Yulash* and surroundings
-Voonlar outskirts
-Cormanthor Forest (Western and Northern regions, including outskirts of Myth Drannor - Ruins coming soon!)
More additions to the core regions, including:
-Expanded Suzail (4 new areas, and increased sizes of existing ones)
-Expanded surroundings of the Tilverton ruins

-Eleven new dungeons ranging from newbie starter to Tier 5 difficulty:
Yulash Ruins, Sewers, and Catacombs (Starter, Starter+)
Yulash Citadel Ruins (Starter+)
Old Copper Mine (6-10)
Ogre Caves (6-10)
Tower of Azurin (7-12)
Forgotten Temple (7-12)
Silent Ossuary (10-15)
Wyvern Caves - T4
Blighted Fey Grove - T4
Cliffside Kobold Warrens - T4
Abandoned Asylum - T5

Edit - Drow Treetop Village (T4) is not finished, and will follow soon.

*Yulash is now available as a starting and hub location, with a general preference towards characters that are not openly good aligned.

Courtesy Fox:
-Reduced the volume and frequency of commoner sounds in Arabel Central.
-Put Liselle on a POST_ waypoint and turned off bumping so she should stop being bullied around her shop.
-Put the NPCs in Arabel - Southern District on POST_ waypoints so they stop crowding around the warehouse after an ants get out.
-Fixed the female guard in Arabel - Northern District using the default male portrait and voiceset.
-Fixed z-fighting road placeables in Immersea.
-Fixed the broken transition between Eveningstar - Eastern Outskirt and The High Road - East of Eveningstar.
-Fixed broken transitions between Thunder Gap - Descent to the Vast, Southern Edge of the Hullack - Thunderstone, and Thunder Gap - Thunderholme Surface.

-The guard outside the Infested Warehouse in Arabel South will always offer to unlock the door for you again if you've already completed the quest.
-The ship's captain that is willing to ferry adventurers to Sakkors will now make stops at a small dock on the shores of the Moonsea as well as in Suzail.
-Those willing to deal with the Zhentarim can hitch a ride with a caravan from Voonlar's outskirts to the edge of the Sunset Mountains if they're skilled enough (ECL+Level 17+), though they'll have to find their own way back.

-Return will now take you to your choice of either Arabel or Yulash, and cannot be used in the starting or OOC areas.
-Tailoring Model Weapon/Shield appearance alteration has been temporarily disabled pending a further overhaul of those systems, due to the scripts bugging out and causing server lag in certain cases. In the meantime, you can use radial crafting to alter weapons and shields in-game.
Courtesy Fox:
-Newly created characters now have a default prefilled quickbar with common chat /commands.
-Pawn Shops will now be automatically emptied every 8 hours, with a 10 minute warning.
-Added convenience options for /outfit show/hide commands in the /outfit menu.
-Fixed extended Spell Resistance's duration.
-Fixed positive effects from Battletide not being removed when the spell expires.
-Fixed some of Barbarian Rage's effects being dispellable.
-Added spell metadata for Divine Might, Divine Shield, Elemental Shape, Wildshape, Greater Wildshape, Barbarian Rage, Bard Song, Curse Song, Knight Errant's Fear ability, Rallying Cry, Inspire Courage, Heroic Shield, Final Stand, Oath of -Wrath, Tymora's Smile, Shadow Evade, Shadow Daze, and for each Ioun Stone which should now all be listed in /viewspells.
-Fixed Hawkeye being treated as a hostile effect in /viewspells.
-Fixed reflex damage saves not working correctly with AoEs.
-Fixed reflex damage saves checking the wrong object (most often the caster) for evasion feats.
-Fixed reflex damage saves not supporting Improved Evasion correctly for halving damage on a failed save.
-Fixed some of the new /move animations being linked to the incorrect animation in the [Animations] conversation.
-Fixed /cheer4 having the wrong command.
-Fixed some animation options in the /move menu returning you to the wrong animation category.
-Blacklisted Shadow Conjuration, Invisibility, and Sanctuary line of spells from Shadow Double.
-Fixed players being able to send shouts via languages.
-Tidied up and fixed loot notifications being sent to players in other areas and to players not in the looter's party.
-Feedback is displayed to the PC when invisibility or stealth is broken by opening loot containers.
-Fixed Alchemist Fire not being useable on CEP weapons.
-Put in a temporary patch for NPCs stationed at waypoints wanting to face east every heartbeat until Beamdog resolves the root issue. (This should fix twitchy NPCs)
-Fixed /listdungeons reporting a dungeon as being occupied if only a DM was in the dungeon.
-Fixed /listdungeons not reporting an occupied dungeon if PCs in the dungeon were all transitioning at the time of /listdungeons being used.
-Fixed /listpcs sometimes showing the area a DM is in under certain edge cases.
-Added missing item crafting recipes for Shades and Shapechange.
-Added missing /outift {show|hide} documentation from Outfit Management in /help.
-Updated Item Level Restrictions in /help to our current policy for transfering DM Items.
-Added /resetfootsteps documentation to /help.
-Fixed swapped menu ID's in the /outfit menu system causing "View favorite outfits" and "View outfits with matching AC" to get confused.
-Fixed raw color tokens being displayed in NUI windows.

-Builders: Added two new area int variables, NO_MINIMAP 1 and NO_COMPASS 1, which respectively disable those GUI elements for PCs in those areas.

-Description Editor: Added a Preview button to preview the description. n.b. The examine window appears beneath the description editor. When closing the examine window you'll need to expand the description editor.
-Description Editor: Added a Clear button to clear the entire description. Use this to more easily copy/paste your description into the editor from notepad/etc.
-Description Editor: Fixed editing empty descriptions having a space at the start of the description.

-Tailoring Models: Special Armor AC categories have been added to the Tailoring Models: Note: you cannot buy special AC armors from the tailoring models, this is intended. The tailoring models can only be used to customize special ac armors you already have.
-Tailoring Models: The tailoring model now tells you what AC the torso on the tailoring model is when modifying the torso part.
-Tailoring Models: Fixed AC filter categories on the tailoring models not working correctly with some of our custom torso parts.
-Tailoring Models: Cloaks can be equipped and changed on the tailoring models without needing to copy one from the PC.
-Tailoring Models: Improved readability of the buy/copy item options on the tailoring models in the top level menu.
-Tailoring Models: Fixed torso AC filter setting being lost when changing the torso's per-part colors.
-Tailoring Models: There's now copy from and buy options for all tailoring model item type menus.
-Tailoring Models: Split the helmet options in the tailoring model into its own logical top level menu instead of being under clothing/armor.
-Tailoring Models: Fixed right foot's per-part colors not being editable.

-DM Tools: Fixed /setdescription opening the /editdescription editor even when a typed description argument was given.
-DM Tools: DMs can use /editdescription on themselves.
-DM Tools: Admins can use /editdescription on PCs and items.
-DM Tools: Admins can use /dmrename on items.
-DM Tools: Fixed /set{plot|useable}flag comparing wrong distances when targeting the ground.
-DM Tools: DMFI NPC Control Wand's area wide NPC faction options are now disabled inside DMFI Custom Encounters.
-DM Tools: DMFI XP Wand now has area wide XP functions to assist in social events.
-DM Tools: Added some verbosity to the party wide DM XP award shout notification.
-DM Tools: /resetarea no longer destroys copied or imported areas. Use /destroyarea instead.
-DM Tools:Fixed InnDoor tags being removed from copied and imported areas.
-DM Tools:Added some missing generic scripts to the object script whitelist for copied and imported areas.

-Multiple quests added to the Yulash Adventurers' Guild. These are counterparts to quests in Arabel, however, and the same character cannot complete both versions.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Nov 03, 2021, 07:41 PM
CD Module 4.08e1


Various hard to see/click transitions in a few spots have been redrawn.
Skittering Beetles, Spiderlings, and Lesser Stirges in the Yulash sewers tweaked to be equivalent to sewer rats in difficulty.
The Spider Boss in Yulash Citadel Ruins should now always spawn regardless of party size/level.
Tweaked the location of a spawn in the Old Copper Mine to be less punishing if you enter from the secret tunnel.
The corrupted fey of Jelka's grove have put the bones of several adventurers they ambushed on display, to warn future explorers of what they're in for.
The Mage Shop proprietor in Shadowdale has been informed by the guards that yes, he does need to wear pants while in the shop.
Several of the cultists below Yulash have left and gone home after learning that despite what they were promised, the Cult does not actually offer a dental plan.
The Bard in the Blue Draykn has had her song list restored to her, and is ready to play requests again. She won't play Freebird, though.
The Caravan Master outside of Yulash has sobered up enough to realize he's in Yulash, not Voonlar, and thus will now offer to take you to Voonlar, instead of to where you already are at.
Skeletons in the Silent Ossuary were made aware of the fact that they are, indeed, skeletons, and thus have skeleton immunities.
The Ruined Tower quest should now appropriately display in the quest log.
It should now be possible to reach the section of the Upper Yulash Sewers containing the transition to the lower levels without needing Fly or Dimension Door.

Scripts: (courtesy Fox)
/touchon is now persistent across server resets, deaths, and respawns.
/touchoff now works.
/endmyaoe now works. By default it will only end harmful AOEs. If you type /endmyaoe all it will end all AOEs.
Epic Spell: Superb Dispelling can now dispel epic spell buffs (excluding Epic Mage Armor).
Minor tweak to /dispelme's feedback messages to hide the unnecessary +1337 modifier dice roll portion of the message.
/dispelme now dispels epic spells.
Fixed restoration line of spells unshifting druid and shifter shapes if an item with a negative property was merged into the shape.
Fixed phantom items being listed in loot notifications under certain edge cases.

Tailoring: Fixed changing cloak appearances on the tailoring models.
Tailoring: Fixed not being able to select Previous Appearance's below appearance 1 when editing torso parts in Any AC and AC 0 torso categories.
Tailoring: Fixed excess invalid options being cycled through when changing the appearance of non-torso clothing parts. There will still be some invalid options depending on your gender/race/phenotype until a full rewrite of the tailing system can be done.
Tailoring: Fixed item crafting via the Crafting Skills menu sometimes having a DC or gold cost.
Tailoring: Fixed and re-enabled weapon and shield crafting on the tailoring models.
Tailoring: Fixed crafting certain shields on tailoring models sometimes failing.
Tailoring: Reset All and Destroy All options no longer reequips a helmet or cloak.
Tailoring: Cycling through torso and pelvis parts won't show the base nude/none 1 part any more. Use the Remove option to remove your torso or pelvis clothing part.
Tailoring: Fixed not being able to cycle to part 1 (none) on non-torso/pelvis parts in some edge cases.
Tailoring: Copying your appearance to the tailoring model will now also copy body parts and base phenotype.

DM Tools: Fixed NPC voice target control character commands failing if issued to an NPC you're possessing.
DM Tools: Fixed the ":" voice target command using the NPC you're possessing instead of your actual voice target.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Nov 04, 2021, 11:55 PM
CD Module 4.08e2

-The Adventurer's Guild of Yulash is proud to announce that they have arranged for a gnomish alchemist to provide potions and other services to guild members (at a reasonable fee of course).
-The mage in Shadowdale's magic shop should be wearing clothes. No, really this time, I mean it.
-The pawn shop in Shadowdale should now be open for business. Weregund apologies for the delay in receiving his business license.
-The bar in the Old Skull has been slightly lowered, and hopefully will no longer block line of sight.
-Fixed a few errant placeables in the Vale of Lost Voices.
-Doublechecked some transitions that were reported broken.
-Fixed the skybox on Shadowdale - Tower of Ashaba.
-The Hin of Berrybriar have formed a militia in order to help protect themselves and their neighbors.
-Due to the proximity of Forest Falls to Berrybriar and Velethuil as well as recent incidents there, Berrybriar and Velethuil have stepped up patrols of the spot. As such, it should be considered 'guarded'.

-Script fixes from Fox are actually compiled now and should be working.
-Rumors of strange and unusual creatures being summoned through the use of experimental gnomish devices are entirely untrue and in no way shape or form do they have any basis in fact. When asked for comment, several reputable wizards were specifically quoted as saying, "No, that's not possible" and "Get that horrid thing away from me" and "You fool, you'll blow us all to bits."
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Nov 11, 2021, 09:24 PM
CD Module 4.08e3


-Edited and recompiled nw_o2_skeleton so that skull piles actually stop creating low level skeletons.


-Added the Abandoned Elven Village dungeon to the Cormanthor. These Drow should be similar in challenge to the Wyvernspur Crypt.

-Updated the Seven Oaks Asylum with some minor balance adjustments and basic loot until the place is tweaked more. (Current loot should be Gnolls level.)

-Yulash Surrounds Goblin Camp:  Fixed some treasure placeable clipping, and disabled the Baahb cloning program.  Also removed his ability to Disarm.

-Yulash Ogres: Removed Hurl Rocks from the standard Ogres.

-Cormanthor Wyverns: Removed excessive +AB from wyvern creature weapons.

-Renamed the boss in Silent Ossuary to Ossuary Guardian so it isn't sharing a name with the Witchlord's version.  Also expanded its room and added scripted abilities on par with the Witchlord Guardian.

-Removed Blindsight from the Ossuary bats.

-Corrected the orientation of a sarcophagus in the Ossuary so it can be looted now.

-Fixed a transition in Tilverton – Eastern Outskirts that was allowing access to the city. Tilverton remains blocked off for now.

-Added various area fixes from Fire:
NPCs and Animals added to Shadowdale Outskirts
Fixed doors in Ashabenford being unlocked
Added music and sound files for Ashabenford
Updated Story Arc/Title.
Yulash has a few more lamp posts to provide illumination at night.
Fixed some placeables in the Vale of Lost Voices.
Fixed the broken transition on the road between Arabel and Eveningstar.
Updated Animal appearances in and around Arabel and Highmoon.
Added an emergency exit for the Azurin Tower since the normal door seems to not function.

-Corrected a pathing issue in the Yulash Guard Sergeant's patrol route in Yulash – South.

-Cradle Maze: Fixed placement of an altar. Disabled the minimap.

-Hullack and Skullbiter Goblin Shaman Aura of Stunning replaced with Aura of Menace.

-Flipped rotation of a sit placeable in Arabel – Palace District – Library.

-Fixed a floating rock in Crumbleclaw Caverns.

-Plot flagged some loot in the Abandoned Dwarven Bolthole that wasn't.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Nov 13, 2021, 07:55 PM
CD Module 4.08e4

-The Adventurer's Guild of Yulash should be fully fixed now, both for the potion seller and quests.
-Fixed various floating or out of place placeables in some of the new areas.
-Fixed some placeables in newer areas that were generating default NWN loot.
-Removed access to Jelka's Grove for now pending fixes to the treasure spawns there.
-Added several quest/event areas for the upcoming storyline arc's Finale.
-Added signs outside the Tailor Shop and Pawn Shop in Yulash.

-Added the despawner scripts to a number of the new dungeons and exterior areas (like Moander's Road) that were missing it.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Nov 16, 2021, 11:07 AM
CD Module 4.08e5

Added the ability to pet the dogs in Suzail, Shadowdale, and outside Highmoon. Please let us know if there are any other dogs that need to be petted.
Preparations in Immersea to repel the invading undead have begun, even as the storm approaches.

Courtesy Fox:
Updated winter versions of Arabel Central and the Warbling Seraph for the coming winter season.
Fixed floor walkmesh in the arena in Yulash - City - Adventurer's Guild.
Fixed some line of sight issues at the tables in the Warbling Seraph bar caused by the candle placeables.

Fixed loot notifications (again) from Witchlords Keep (and potentially other incorrectly setup dungeon chests) being sent to players who had previously looted the container if the container was attacked to bash its lock (or was otherwise damaged, eg from AOEs)
Fixed Emotion: Courage affecting hostiles.
Added backend code for the upcoming winter season in Cormyr and added resource override client crash fixes to the new caravan / ferry / portal scripts as well as to some old scripts that were overlooked.
Pawn Shop automatic reset script changed to a minimum reset timer of 16 hours. This is still being tweaked to find a nice balance between clearing the shops too frequently, and being too slow and allowing too many items in the store to bog down the server performance whenever people are buying/selling items.
Small optimizations and fixes to the pawn shop reset scripts to make it work on all pawn shops regardless of the NPC/store's tag.
Various script optimizations to: dispel code, spell reflection code, CEP placeable heartbeat scripts, nwnx spell cast and item use hook scripts, commoner randomizer trigger script, outfit and clothing tailoring code, and various other commonly fired misc scripts.
Fixed a bug regression introduced in 4.08d2 that broke spell reflection.
Fixed some rare edge case issues that could cause spell reflection to reflect monster abilities or the incorrect spell.
Added commoner randomizer trigger script support for copied and imported areas.
Updated dungeon minimum level check script to support the new Yulash bind locations.
Associates (summons, familiars, henchmen, etc) should follow you through most inter-area transitions now.
Fixed some bugs with spell reflection that could cause it to reflect the wrong spell.
New PCs cannot leave character creation without having talked to the Keeper of Languages at least once. As a reminder, you cannot select your starting languages after leaving character creation!
Minor improvements to the spellbook restoration code when using /outfit, hopefully increasing reliability in restoring your bonus spells.
Added a temporary fix for Armor of Darkness having the wrong innate level for item crafting.
Added some special event scripts for december.
Further fixes to NPCs standing at post/waypoints twitching/dancing on the spot.
DM Tools: DMs can now instantly activate all "Activate Item" and "Unique Power" items.
DM Tools: Fixed /dmcopyarea, /dmcleancopyarea, and import area tools truncating the last character in area names.
DM Tools: Fixed resetting a copied/cloned/imported area sometimes losing its area tag.
DM Tools: Added /setareatheme which can change some tilesets from rural grass to snow. More themes and tileset support are planned for the future. Players need to reload the area to see the change.
DM Tools: Rod of Naming now reuses the last name you set with /dmrename.
DM Systems: Spell Casting/Cast combat log messages had to be rewritten to fix some bugs, as a consequence the Casting event longer reports the spell's target. The Cast event will still report the target. Item Use messages are unaffected.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Nov 17, 2021, 08:47 AM
CD Module 4.08e6

More dogs are now pettable in Arabel and outside Highmoon. Please let us know if there are any other dogs that need to be petted.
Preparations in Immersea to repel the invading undead continue, even as the storm approaches.
Fixed the lock on a player house that was broken.

Courtesy Fox:

Fixed Emotions: Courage (again).
Fixed the Revive tool not preserving /touchon or VFX accessories.
Fixed a minor bug that could cause pawn shop reset messages to be sent multiple times.
DM Systems: Fixed encounter spawns not correctly making items undroppable by default.
DM Systems: Fixed a bug regression in copying/importing areas not having their object tags deconflicted from the rest of the module.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Nov 22, 2021, 01:53 AM
CD Module 4.08e7

Preparations for the defense of Immersea are all but complete.
Fixed treasure spawns in the Cormanthor Kobold Warrens.
Fixed treasure spawns in the Cormanthor Wyvern Caves.
Fixed treasure spawns in the Cormanthor Blighted Grove, and reopened the area.
Note that these areas are still pending final balance pass, but should no longer be dropping default NWN items or no items.

Fixed an issue with the quest logic in some of the Yulash Adventurer's Guild quests.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Nov 23, 2021, 11:30 AM
CD Module 4.08e8

With the fall of the lich, the storm clouds have broken and the sky is clear over Immersea. Though the town was spared the worst of the fighting as the undead drove straight for the castle, some damage remains noticeable, though cleanup has begun.

Fixed some issues with the Yulash Quests giving their Arabel counterpart journal entry on turn-in.
Fixed an issue with the Ruined Tower quest marking as "completed" in the journal when the initial stage was accepted.
Updated the date in the entry text to Fall/Winter. Winter isn't here quite yet, but will be soon.
Updated the story status. Book VIII will be ending next month after the epilogue and coronation event, to be followed by an interlude prior to the start of Book IX.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Nov 25, 2021, 07:36 AM
CD Module 4.08e9

Added several event areas for the Underdark that will eventually be incorporated as fully connected server areas.
Tried to cure Tiddly's twitchyness. It probably won't work though, not while he's still drinking from his own potion supply.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Nov 27, 2021, 02:02 AM
CD Module 4.08e10

Added several map notes for shops in Yulash.
Fixed the missing/unlinked transition for the Leatherworking shop in Yulash.
Fixed a missing transition for a player home.
Added some quest areas.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Nov 29, 2021, 10:23 PM
CD Module 4.08f


Winter is here! Arabel Central, the OOC room, and a number of other areas should now reflect wintertime. (The Dalelands and Cormanthor areas do not have winter versions at this time)
The starting area's introductory text has been updated, and King Azoun's ghost now has updated information based on the end of Book VIII.
Fixed an issue that could cause the Goblin Druid in the Infested Warehouse in Arabel not to spawn.

Fixed Swordmage's Silverscales replacing party member's or their own Scales of the Dragon. If Scales of the Dragon is active, Silverscales will not be applied to that character.
Fixed restoration line of spells removing barbarian rage.
Added spell metadata to barbarian rage.
Added the player command /battlecry {off|on} for toggling the automatic voicechat battlecries when using barbarian rage, dragon breath attacks, blood frenzy, and whirlwind.
Cleaned up the debug feedback messages in dragon breath attacks.
Fixed darkness' spell immunity logic causing creatures with Spell Immunity: Darkness to be affected, and anything not immune to not be affected.
Fixed Shadow Doubles being raisable.
Fixed a corner case bug that allowed Mordenkainen's Disjunction with Arcane Warrior's Channel Spell to remove item properties from the cast upon equipped weapon.
Channel Spell now adds different visual effects depending on the channeled spell to the weapon whilst it's active.
Minor script performance optimizations to the area cleaner/despawner script.
Pawn shops will forcibly reset after 30 minutes of waiting for players to finish shopping during an automatic reset.
NPC body bag remains and player dropped items will be cleaned up by the despawner scripts now to help reduce left behind junk.
Further updates to the coming winter season scripts.
Fixed the subrace setter not giving half celestials feats (1361) Bless and (1324) Detect Evil.
Fixed the subrace setter not giving half celestials their automatic celestial language widget.
Fixed the subrace setter not giving aasimar their automatic celestial language widget.
Dungeons with a Mordenkainen's Mansion summoned in them will now still be counted as occupied in /listdungeons.

DM Tools: Updated spell projectile traps to have a default caster level of 20 and save DC of 34.
DM Tools: Fixed a few minor typos across different DM command messages and help documentation.
DM Tools: Exploder Widget now gives you the Area Import and Export tools.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Dec 01, 2021, 01:15 PM
CD Module 4.08f1

Minor tweaks to certain areas to fix issues.

Minor bugfixes to correct errors in 4.08f fixes.
The introductory quest will now be completable after level 3, although it will not award XP at level 8 or higher.
Hidden areas will properly be hidden when using /listpcs.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Dec 03, 2021, 02:36 PM
CD Module 4.08f2

Fixed the encounter spawns in the Storm Horns Bandit Cave so that they will fire repeatedly now rather than only once.
Corrected some minor issues in the OOC room.

The halfling druid should now properly give the Songbird eggs quest to the player talking to him even while in party.

Fox tweaks:
Updated winter season scripts to try and resolve a rare client crashing issue when entering winterized areas. (Already patched live on the server since the 2nd Dec)
Winter is now enabled in Yulash, Mistledale, Shadowdale, and the surrounding regions.
Fixed an issue where resource overrides would be briefly unloaded from a player when flying.
Fixed /dispelme and the dispelling effect when entering weave dead areas being treated by NPCs as a real spell.
Fixed Sheaf of Scrolls destroying other player's inventory items on rare occasions.
Fixed Sheaf of Scrolls sometimes creating only 1 blank scroll.
Added missing spell metadata to Inspire Courage.
Minor script optimizations to the spell metadata system.

DM Tools: PC Appearance Changer now uses a private conversation.
DM Tools: Fixed /setdesc " " opening the description editor instead of removing descriptions.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Dec 05, 2021, 02:53 AM
CD Module 4.08f3

-Dogs in several areas that were reported as not pettable, are now pettable.
-Cats should now be pettable as well. Not that they cared, but they might deign to let you pet them now, is all.
-It should be somewhat more obvious now that the underground passage in the Semberholme Bandits lair has a side passage that requires certain magic to access.
-Added some minor updates to Thunderholme now that a dwarven adventurer has elected to retire there.

-Fixed a reported exploit.
-Fixed an error that occured during the Yulash version of the Slaad quest. It should correctly update the journal when you kill the Grey Slaad Lord now. Anyone who previously did should still be able to receive proper quest credit regardless.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Dec 07, 2021, 06:30 PM
CD Module 4.08f4

-Adjusted a transition target in the Cormanthor Boggy Forest that was landing people inside a tree.
-The cave/dungeon at Calantar's Bridge should now be reachable on foot without having to jump down, and thus no need to use magic to get back out either.
-Removed an area transition leading to Tilverton that shouldn't have been there.
-Minor placeable adjustments made in Arabel Eastern District and a player owned house/business (restaurant) added there.
-Bandits in the Moonsea Ride areas near Halfhap should now spawn in with randomized appearances, rather than all looking like clones.

-Fixed a bug causing level 30 PCs not to be able to gain hunting xp (already corrected on the live server)

-Fixed a rare issue causing client's UI to sometimes disappear after transitioning (Already hot fixed on the server since the 5th Dec)
-Fixed a rare client crash when transitioning into winterized areas (Already hot fixed on the server since the 5th Dec)
-Fixed hostile NPCs using Bioware's default AI scripts from teleporting to you if the AI was attempting to flee an AOE spell.
-Added support for all shifted/polymorphed winged creatures to be able to use the Flight feat / tile radial menu action.
-Updated the flight enabled / tutorial message on how to fly to include the new ground "More Actions" menu method.
-Polymorping / Shifting into a shape that grants flight will now also give you the flight enabled / tutorial message on how to fly.
-Updated scripts that would grant you flight to also grant you the fly tool feat automatically.
-Fixed mistyped Mithral Fullplate AC category option in the tailoring conversation.
-Fixed a small discrepancy between the Yulash and Arabel transition script messages if you attempted to leave The Beginning before talking to the Keeper of Languages.
-The warning messages displayed when attempting to leave The Beginning before having finished character setup are now colored red to be more noticeable.
-Fixed Swordmage's Elemental Protection stacking with itself.
-Fixed Planar Glow widget glow effects not being removable from the widget conversation.

-DM Tools: Fixed Goto / Jump DM functions sometimes failing to goto / jump creatures.
-DM Systems: DMs and DM Possessed NPCs can always use Flight.

-Builders / DM Systems: Added an area int variable EXPLORE_MINIMAP for automatically exploring the area's minimap for PCs, replacing the need for area OnEnter scripts.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Dec 09, 2021, 11:07 AM
CD Module 4.08f5

Updated NWServer to version 8193.34

-Corrected the subrace setter in the start area to properly list the stat values for Wood Elf.
-Removed an ability that was causing bats in the Cave near Calantar's Bridge to attack each other.
-Updates to a player area.

-Adjusted the script to display/check for the current version of NWN EE.
-Disabled the music box and a few other conversations until Fox can put in a more permanent fix for underlying script issues.
-The Adventurer's Guild in Yulash should now correctly upgrade rank tokens based on your level.
-The Immersea Slaad Tower and Yulash Surroundings Ruined Tower quests should now properly update in your journal on login.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Dec 17, 2021, 11:36 PM
CD Module 4.08f6

-A Shady dealer has set up shop in one of the back alleys of the Yulash ruins. Rumor has it he deals in traps, components, stolen goods, and other shady stuff, but only to certain customers. (Akin to the Fence NPC in Arabel)
-Added a level lock (12) to the Jelka's Grove areas so lower levels don't wander in and get murdered by accident.
-Added an ominous/warning popup text when entering the forested section of Moander's Road.
-Adjusted the positioning of an encounter spawn in the Sunset Mountains Far Hills area to better account for players coming from rather than to the crater area.
-Added teleport points for Voonlar Outskirts and Moonsea Ride Halfaxe Trail Intersection.
-Added several player homes. These are noted in the request thread, please see a DM for submitting payment and receiving your keys.
-Removed quest areas for the HWC Battle of Immersea Finale.
-Added a specific quest area.

-Removed the alignment shift for demanding money in the Gem of Life quest.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Dec 27, 2021, 09:47 PM
CD Module 4.08f7

-Fixed some missing autolock scripts on certain player homes.
-Fixed the Unfiltered Coffee Grounds sold by the Trading Station outside Voonlar to use one charge per cast of haste, for a total of 5, rather than being single use.

-Set the maximum level to receive XP for the Haunted Halls Painting to 10. Gold can still be earned at any level.
-Fixed turn ins for the Highmoon Mirror quest so they won't break if you are in a group.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jan 04, 2022, 03:10 AM
CD Module 4.08g

Fixed an Inn room in the Ashabenford Arms that had a faulty rest trigger.
Removed the No Rest flag from Mistledale Western Outskirts.
Fixed a breach in the wall outside Voonlar.
Added a warning sign to the Western Tilverton Outskirts about bandits along the Moonsea Ride.
Made the danger signs at the entrance to Jelka's Grove a lot more blatant.
Flower sellers have set up shop in Arabel North and Yulash South, offering fresh-cut flowers that you can hold in your hands.
Added several new areas linking Bowshaft Way from Yulash to the Outskirts of Hillsfar, and the Moonsea Ride from the Halfaxe Trail intersection to the Outskirts of Hillsfar.
Now that the roads are fully open again, bandit activity has noticeably increased on the Moonsea Ride near Highwayman's Prowl. Adventurers of appropriate level are encouraged to seek out the bandits encamped in the nearby forest. (Recommended levels: 11-16)
Although Hillsfar's Walls are visible, the city remains closed. Because they're a bunch of isolationist jerks, and all.
Treasure containers have been added to the Lower Levels of the Yulash Sewers.
Initial Maerimydra areas added for DM access/review. Note that these are WIP still.
A Horse Merchant has been added to Yulash South.
Summoning Tomes will now be usable by anyone within one step of their alignment. Note that Good aligned summoned creatures will NOT obey an order to commit an evil act, and trying to do so will at minimum lead to removal of the tome, in addition to further potential IC and OOC consequences.
If you have an existing Summon Tome and wish to exchange it for one with the additonal alignments unlocked, please ask Fire or another Admin/SDM to swap it out for you.
Patrolling NPCs in Arabel Central should now have collision disabled so they won't be bumped off their paths.
Asbaron's Tower should now more accurately deliver loot appropriate for its level range.
Corrected the broken appearances for the shields sold by the Velethuil Temple.
High Priest Daramos Lauthyr in the Temple of Tymora will no longer out people based on subrace if you talk with Doust Sulwood. Daramos is an ass, sure, but he can't see through your disguises.
Corrected the cost on the Tier 3 Moonblade of Eilistraee. Copies of the sword that existed before this will still have the original missing cost value.

Secret Doors in the Quiet Farm House and Goblin Treehouse in the Semberholme should now remain visible for 4 minutes after being spotted (was 30 seconds). Also added a sanity check so the script will not spawn a door if one is already present.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jan 09, 2022, 04:13 AM
CD Module 4.08g1

Adjusted the transition from Moonsea Ride North of Halfaxe Trail to Moonsea Ride Halfaxe Trail intersection, hopefully so it will be visible/clickable now.
Fixed a broken close color tag in Tiddli and Tiddlo's conversations.
Removed the transition to the Overgrown Asylum near Mistledale as the dungeon requires further testing before opening.
Added No Scrying flags to a few areas that should have had it.
Fixed the chairs in the Blue Draykn Inn that were causing issues with sitting direction.
Removed an erroneous transition in the Highwayman's Prowl Bandit Camp.
Corrected a few of the encounters in the Highwayman's Prowl Bandit Camp.
Additional Underdark areas in testing.

Fixed some logic in the /setdeity command, so that it can be used to change deity after level 12 with DM assistance only, and also informs you if it was successful. It can still be used to add a deity at any level if your deity field is blank.
Fixed an error that was causing the Warpwood Ruins bounty to display an invalid journal entry once turned in.

This Post:
Fixed the line about the chairs being fixed losing its first letter.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jan 12, 2022, 11:14 AM
CD Module 4.08g2

More updates to the in-testing Maerimydra and connected underdark areas.
Added the Ssrenshen areas for testing/walkthrough. (not yet connected to the main module)
Made a few minor tweaks to various areas.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Feb 25, 2022, 11:38 AM
CD Module 4.08g3

Updates Courtesy Vincent07 except where noted:

-Balance adjustment to Dev Crit: Bonus damage will now be applied regardless of whether a saving throw is made or not. Damage bonuses reduced to 50 for a 2 handed weapon and 35 for a 1 handed. A failed save will result in a 1 round Stun.
-Added a check to disable base AI if no players are present in the area. This should help with some of the server performance.
-Corrected the initial conversation check on Peraphon in the Dancing Dragon so he'll talk to people over level 10.

-Migrated the majority of NPCs still using Jasperre's AI back to vanilla AI in an effort to improve server performance. A very small handful of high end bosses and casters were left with it. This should result in no more than 1-2 creatures running the AI package at any given time in certain dungeons.
-Corrected faction on Orvaskyte Erinyes Warrior
-Clothed the Undead Master War Wizard.

-Updated the season. No more snow.
-Updated Arabel Central to remove Holiday stuff. It's still kinda cold though.
-Updated the server time entry login message.
-Corrected the shops in the Rosewood Theatre to use proper generic tag based store scripts. Both shops should work properly now. Removed the custom shop scripts made for them, and fixed a duplicate item in one of the shop inventories.
-Adjusted the Bugbears and the encounter numbers of the 2 bugbear fortress areas under the Caverns of Death. The overall challenge should be more level appropriate now, given the loot dropped there.
-Corrected z-fighting on a rug in the Abandoned Dwarven Bolthole.
-Removed a conversation from Shirn in Yulash that was trying to open a store he did not have.
-Added a massive 24 area expansion to the Underdark, including Maerimydra and some surrounds, made by Rykka. Surface links are around Voonlar and Shadowdale.
-Added an overhaul of The Phoenix Inn by RealityJumper.
-The Royal Palace and Gardens in Suzail have been expanded and revamped, along with a few adjustments to the rest of the city, courtesy Fire Wraith.

-Corrected the journal entry for quest "A Summons Gone Awry" that was causing the initial entry to show in the Completed Quests section. This was merely a display error and had no impact on the completion status of anyone's quest.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Feb 28, 2022, 10:15 AM
CD Module 4.08g4

-Arabel Central Commoners should once again be properly randomized in appearance when they complete each route.
-Patrolling NPCs in Arabel Central should once again be set to not collide while walking their paths.

-Added a bind spot to the Dancing Drider in Maerimydra.
-Added a raise spot to the Lolthite temple in Maerimydra.
-Ssrenshen has finished rebuilding, and is allowing certain elves and allies to enter (only). Ssrenshen is home to the more isolationist among the elves of Semberholme, and as those of similar mindset return there, Velethuil will be opening more fully to outsiders (in future updates). The entrance to Ssrenshen lies just beyond the section of the Semberholme known as the Bonepile.
-Made minor changes to a player area exterior at request.
-A monument to the memory of the losses in the War of Broken Crowns has been finished in Suzail near the Royal Palace.
-Suzail areas will now automatically reveal the minimap on entry.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Mar 03, 2022, 11:43 AM
CD Module 4.08g5

-Karsite characters will now heal 2 HP per spell level (calculated using the innate level of the spell) any time they successfully resist a spell via spell resistance. This is an ability they were always supposed to have, but for implementation reasons didn't previously.
-This property will also be available for DMs and Builders to use on Monsters by setting a specific variable (HealsFromSR, INT, 1) on them.
-As a result, and based on their other abilities, we are returning the Karsite subrace to ECL+2, which is what they are normally listed at in the original sourcebooks. Existing characters will be updated to this on login, and will not be required to lose a level to compensate unless this would put them over the maximum level cap of 30.

-Corrected a transition in Suzail's Monument District that was linking to the incorrect area.
-Fixed a lock in the Temple in Ssrenshen that had the incorrect key tag, rendering it permalocked.
-Made some corrections to a player area.
-Added a memorial to the fallen in the Suzail Palace District.
-Corrected a floating streetlight in the Suzail Royal Gardens.
-Adjusted the position of the transition bell placeable in the Ssrenshen Treetops to be more accessible.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Mar 28, 2022, 04:25 PM
CD Module 4.08g6


-Removed Elemental Shape from Lava Goblin Druids.


-Added Scry prevention variables to a number of inns that were missing it.

-Added revamp of Eagle Peak and associated interiors by Ladybug.

-Added some player areas.

-Redid Arabel décor for Spring.

-Minor fixes to Suzail areas by FireWraith.


-Added color tags to a few loot table staves that were missing them.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Apr 01, 2022, 11:05 PM
CD Module 4.08g7


-Fixed an issue where encounters in the Cormanthor Bandits were spawning tons of the end boss rather than regular werewolves.
-Fixes for the Eagle Peak Torm Temple
-Removed the old version of Eagle Peak.
-Added updates for a player home.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Apr 08, 2022, 12:01 AM
CD Module 4.08g8


-Updated several DM quest npc storage areas.
-Updated the memorial in the OOC Room.
-Added the revamped and updated Violet Flame area.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Apr 13, 2022, 08:45 AM
CD Module 4.08g9


-Minor Updates to the Violet Flame area.
-Rose Leaf Monastery store is no longer class locked.
-Mordenkainen's Mansion may no longer be used in certain areas, such as high traffic areas in the main city spots, or in the Inn/shops and so forth.
-Fixed a minor placeable gap in the Suzail Estates and Gardens Area.
-Added level locks to the Curse-Bound Fortress dungeon, which now requires level 12 to enter, on par with other Tier 4 dungeons.

-The Subrace Setter will now prevent you from selecting a default subrace if you have already had a LETO done to add an ECL/special subrace.

-Mitigated/removed a reported exploit.
-The /setvoiceset command now accepts 4 digit integers, up from 3.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Apr 19, 2022, 10:54 PM
CD Module 4.08g10


-Added various Shrines to several deities around Arabel (courtesy Ladybug) that should have been there in the canon city. ICly these would have always been there, but now they're PC accessible.
-Added an updated version of the Dancing Dragon Tavern in Arabel (courtesy Ladybug).
-Renamed the area north of Maerimydra to Maerimydra - Outskirts - The Burning Road
-Added a Teleport point and teleport key to Maerimydra - Outskirts - The Burning Road.
-Added a portal from the Toybox in Sschindylryn to the Chamber of Mirrors north of Maerimydra. This portal is locked to only be useable by evil aligned drow and PCs bound to Maerimydra.
-Activated a few of the other portals in the Chamber of Mirrors, including one back to Sschindylryn. More to come.
-Added a missing door to an empty doorway in Yulash Northeast.
-Fixed an issue with rest triggers in the Dancing Drider Inn in Maerimydra not working. Also expanded them to cover the full room.
-Added an elevation trigger to the bed in the Dancing Drider's fancy inn room.
-Fixed the missing cost variable for the Meeting Room in the Dancing Drider.
-Fixed an inactive description trigger in Maerimydra North.
-Updates and additions for a few player areas.

-The Return Command will now allow evil aligned Drow and PCs whose bind spot is Maerimydra to select Maerimydra as their Return spot.
-PCs bound to Maerimydra can now use the Unstable Portal in the Arabel Smugglers' Lair.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on May 05, 2022, 10:08 AM
CD Module 4.08g12


-Disabled use of horses in indoor areas. If there is an area that is indoors that should be exempt from this, please let us know.
-Made some adjustments to the Darkhold Zhentarim archers so that they do not default to hostile, but also aren't hostile to the rest of the Zhent NPCs.
-Fixed the crafting base wands being sold by Tiddli and Tiddlo not actually being useable in crafting.

-Updated the server plot chapter.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on May 07, 2022, 03:53 AM
CD Module 4.08g13


-Updated some DMNPC areas.
-Made some minor cosmetic tweaks in and around Yulash.
-The floating tree at the Halfaxe Trail intersection has been dispelled. A few errant placeables also removed from the area.
-The chairs in the Yulash Mayoral Hall now should properly seat people in the right direction.
-The Inn in Swordhaven is now a valid bind spot.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on May 09, 2022, 09:52 AM
CD Module 4.08g14


-Tier 5 dungeons have had their minimum level increased to 18, to match the level at which tier 5 gear can be carried.
-Fixed the Caravan Master outside of Ashabenford offering the wrong destinations.
-Added the Scrying wards variable to a player home that was missing such.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on May 10, 2022, 01:43 PM
CD Module 4.08g15

-Made temporary fixes to the Warpwood Temple and Crumbling Cliff Kobold dungeons, pending a more thorough balancing by Vincent. These should now have a bit better balance in terms of monster challenge and treasure in the meantime.

-The Bounty for Jelka's Grove in Yulash has been replaced with a bounty for the Werewolf Bandits near the Moonsea Ride Highwayman's Prowl. Existing journal entries should update to match this.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on May 27, 2022, 12:23 PM
CD Module 4.08g16

-Added the following Epic Spells as scripted within the game:
Heroic Alliance (+5 AB, +5 Damage, 250 temporary HP to caster's party)
Heroic Empowerment (+1 attack per round, +5 AB (doesn't stack with Heroic Alliance's +AB), +200 temporary hp)
Champions' Valor (+12 to STR, DEX, CON for the caster's party)
-Tenser's Transformation and Divine Power have been reverted to increase your BAB to that of an equal level fighter, and are now calculated by your character level instead of caster level.
-Fixed the extra attacks per round calculation used by Tenser's Transformation and Divine Power sometimes giving an extra attack per round to some characters.
-Fixed Divine Power not counting cleric levels in it's BAB calculation, incorrectly giving clerics multiple bonus attacks per round.
-DM Possessed NPCs can now cast Tenser's Transformation.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Jun 05, 2022, 09:54 AM
CD Module 4.09a1
(No, this is not the major mod update we've been hinting at or the hak update, but a few fixes and features from it have been backported for this update.)

This update coincides with two important server announcements:

Player Commands

  • The /outfit conversation menu system has returned.

  • Added /reportsummons which will report what your summoning spells are currently set to summon.

  • Added /togglehelm and /togglecloak. Both /show and /hide commands are now aliases for the toggle commands.

  • When toggling a cloak back on, if you are in a non-standard phenotype you will get a warning message to use /normal then reequip your cloak if it's still hidden.

  • Added /getportrait and /getvoiceset to see what your current portrait and voiceset are set to.

  • /listpcs is now sorted alphabetically.

  • /listpcs will display PCs on other servers.

  • /quickbar load will no longer override quickbar slots with empty slots, mirroring the behavior of /spellbook load.

  • Added /setrestanimation.
    Sets the animation used when resting. Use /setrestanimation default to restore the default sitting rest animation.

    Note: Some of these options might not work correctly on female characters until our next hak update.

    Available options:
    • default
    • layside
    • layback2
    • pray
    • flop
    • prone
    • layback
    • layfront
    • sitknees
    • sitcrossed2

  • Added /usefeat <feat name>.
    Adds the feat to your action queue against your current combat target. You can use this to quickly queue combat feats like knockdown against your target without the risk of accidentally clicking on a different target or a friendly.

    Supported feats:
    • annulment
    • arcane fire
    • arrow of death
    • called shot
    • chain of binding
    • challenge
    • deathless master touch
    • disarm
    • fellfrost cross
    • flame gauntlet
    • hellfire blast
    • hellfire grasp
    • imbue arrow
    • incinerate
    • ki damage
    • knockdown
    • lay on hands
    • lightning fury
    • null
    • quivering palm
    • smite evil
    • smite good
    • starfury
    • stunning fist
    • taunt
    • undead graft
    • void
    • will blade

  • /sit chair will no longer reset your crawling phenotype to the normal phenotype, which was preventing access to /crawl's alternate /sit char animation (relaxed laying back).

  • /murderhench now murders all of your henchmen.

  • Added /lfg which will toggle your LFG status in /listpcs. This is to be used to advertise yourself as currently looking for roleplay.

  • Added shins, shoulders, and forearms as preset options to /outfit {hide|show}

  • Fixed square boxes appearing in character descriptions when copying text with CR carriage returns. These square boxes will only be removed when saving or previewing descriptions.

  • Fixed /afk trying to jump you into an invalid location if you used the command whilst sitting.

  • Added /restart which lets you check how long remains until the next automated server restart.

Death & Respawning

The death, respawning, revive, raising, and other various scripts related to death & dying have been rewritten from the ground up. Many bugs have been fixed, but most importantly the death panel GUI has been replaced by a new NUI popup that can be moved, minimized, and clicked behind.
  • The death panel GUI has been replaced by a NUI menu that allows you to drag it around and click behind it.

  • In-game text references to death and respawning have been rewritten to match the server's policy on mechanical OOC deaths.

  • The respawn button is now disabled if you're in a quest chat with a DM.

  • Changed the below 0 HP bleeding damage type from magical damage to untyped so it can't be resisted by any means.

  • Protection from Magic will no longer be dispelled from dying PCs.

  • Petrified players immediately die when dropping below 1 HP to fix an engine exploit that allowed players to unpetrify themselves.

  • (Potentially) Fixed PC faction reputations not being restored correctly after being stabilized/or raised after dying/death which resulted in PC's becoming friendly with the hostile faction.
  • Regeneration from items is now correctly disabled.

  • /touchon should now correctly persist through being revived.

  • Fixed reviving being canceled with the reason "you became too wounded to continue" if temporary hitpoints or constitution buffs wore out whilst reviving (in most instances).

  • The OOC Room now has portals to other connected Cormyr and the Dalelands servers.

  • OOC Arena received a minor facelift with a redone meeting point for PCs to gather at for quests.

  • Placeable Combat Dummies in the OOC Arena have been replaced by a spawnable NPC combat dummy system with configurable options. This allows sneak attacks, spells, etc to be now tested out in the OOC Arena on the dummies. You can spawn a combat dummy hostile to only you by talking to the Combat Dummy Control Panels. Thanks to Nok and Misty for feedback on what configuration options to add.
  • The Great Cormyrean Road Infrastructure Project: Connected many disconnected road footbridges across the module in various rural tileset areas. If you find any footbridges with roads that aren't connected up to them, please bug report!
  • Fixed floating floor tile in Suite 1 of the Warbling Seraph.

  • Jo, Derrick, and Claire in Arabel Central will heal themselves and replenish spells/abilities after combat.

  • Jo and Claire will automatically put away their weapons after combat.

  • Players entering an already occupied dungeon will get a message notifying them that another party is already in that dungeon.

  • Fixed "Your minimap/compass has been disabled" messages being errantly sent after exiting areas that had disabled your minimap/compass.

  • Fixed the reversed transitions connecting to and from The High Road - East of Eveningstar.

  • Added "In the End..."

  • Teleport: chat command message and feedback is now hidden from other players.
  • Fixed the Teleport: chat command and area teleport key tags being case sensitive.

  • Fixed a rare bug in Teleport: where spaces in the teleport key could on certain edge cases break the teleport.

  • After casting teleport, you now have a timer displayed to show how long you have to type the Teleport: command.
  • Fixed a minor typo in the dispel feedback message when a dispel failed.

  • Fixed a minor typo in the break enchantment feedback message when a dispel failed.

  • Fixed an exploit that allowed wizards to be able to summon controlled demons and devils without protection from evil.

  • Fixed Gate always summoning an uncontrolled Balor or Pit Fiend if you didn't have protection vs evil when trying to summon something other than demons or devils.

  • Fixed being able to summon an infinite number of NPCs beyond your henchman limit that would be spawned without a master.

  • Henchmen now follow the same behavior of summoned creatures and are dismissed when the caster logs out, fixing skeletons from Create Undead Army and other such spells being left behind.

  • Removing a summoned henchman from your party will now unsummon that henchman.

  • Summoned creatures and henchmen are now unsummoned when using Return.

  • Fixed Shambler not being dismissed when resting or when the spell expires.

  • Fixed Shadow Double not being dismissed when resting.

  • Shadow Double now uses Bioware's default associate creature AI scripts instead of Jasperre's AI, allowing shadow doubles to respond to associate commands. This may affect what spells or other talents shadow double uses.

  • Fixed Kali's Kamikaze Kobolds being able to spawn more kobolds than you have available henchmen slots, causing excessive kobolds to be spawned detached from a master.

  • Fixed summons from Kali's Kamikaze Kobolds not being dismissed when the caster rests or the spell expires.

  • Fixed new castings of Kali's Kamikaze Kobolds not dismissing existing Kali's Kamikaze Kobolds summons.

  • Fixed Diabolic Disciple's Hamatula summons not being dismissed when the caster rests or the spell expires.

  • Fixed new castings of Diabolic Disciple's Hamatula summons not dismissing existing Hamatula summons.

  • Fixed Diabolic Disciple's Hamatula summons being set to the hostile faction.

  • Fixed summons from Giant Insects not being dismissed when the caster rests or the spell expires.

  • Fixed new castings of Giant Insects not dismissing existing Giant Insects summons.

  • Fixed summons from Giant Insects not having AI. Giant Insects still uses standard bioware creatures, so they might not be very good in combat currently.

  • Fixed summons from Create Undead Army not being dismissed when the caster rests.

  • Shadowdancer's summoned shadow now shares your alignment to be correct with pnp.

  • Shadowdancer's summoned shadow now shares your character's basic appearance.

  • (Potentially) Fixed Mordekainen's Mansion's exit conversation sometimes not opening.

  • Word of Recall can no longer be set inside dungeons or in OOC areas. You can still use Word of Recall to escape from/leave dungeons.

  • Petrification will remove invisibility effects and cancel stealth mode.

  • Fixed Heroic Empowerment's spell school being incorrectly set as transmutation instead of enchantment.

  • Fixed Heroic Empowerment's cessation VFX not being applied correctly.

  • Fixed Heroic Empowerment prematurely ending when its temporary hit points was consumed.

  • Fixed Heroic Empowerment stacking its attack bonus increase with Heroic Alliance if cast after Heroic Alliance.

  • Fixed Heroic Empowerment's extra attack per round not applying if cast after Heroic Alliance.

  • Fixed Heroic Alliance prematurely ending when its temporary hit points was consumed.

  • Fixed Heroic Alliance's effects not being correctly marked as extraordinary.

  • Fixed Champion's Valor not applying its strength or dexterity buffs.

  • Fixed Champion's Valor's effects not being correctly marked as extraordinary.

  • Fixed Heroic Empowerment, Heroic Alliance, and Champion's Valor stacking with themselves.

    Fixed Heroic Alliance and Champion's Valor not buffing the caster if there were too many allies nearby.


  • Fixed Dart of Weakening's gold cost value. This will only affect new items.

  • Fixed Staff of the Arcane Apprentice's mistyped color close tag. This will only affect new items.

  • Fixed Expertise being turned off from weapon properties that cast spells.

  • Fixed Tailoring Model's UMD skill, fixing the tailoring models not being able to equip UMD restricted items.

  • Removed the +10 healing kits from Thundarlun.

  • Planar summoning books are now persistent through server resets.

  • Using a planar summoning book now toggles the setting.

  • Fixed your set planar summon type persisting even after you lose the book, such as from selling it or giving it to another player. If you lose your book you will summon the default planar summon again.

  • The inn bard and music box music selection menus have returned.

  • The Challenge Rating when examining PCs and NPCs now uses effective character levels for its calculations, and not hit dice which previously when examining other PCs could be used to metagame if they were playing a secret ECL adjusted race.

  • RP XP is now displayed in your character sheet.

  • ECL 30 characters will now also be told they're at maximum level in their character sheet.

  • Fixed bonus spell slots being lost when polymorphing.

  • Migrated the spellbook, quickbar, outfit, and character ID systems to our new database server solution.
  • Fixed bashing locks not calculating Ki Strike's modifier correctly.
  • Added roll feedback messages for bashing locks.

  • You can no longer use Theavos' portal to teleport to the party if anyone in the party is dead or in combat.

  • You can no longer use Theavos' to portal to a party inside a dungeon. If you are using Theavos' to group up for a dungeon, please group up outside the start of the dungeon.

  • If you enter the OOC Room/Arena from inside a dungeon and rest, exiting the OOC Room/Arena will exit the dungeon and return you to your bindstone starting location.

  • Fixed negative modifier formatting on custom dice roll feedback messages.

  • Added missing documentation on /setvoiceset to the /help menu.

  • Fixed renaming an outfit not having its displayed name in the outfits list formatted correctly when backing out from that outfit's page to your list of outfits.

  • Fixed renaming an outfit saving a copy of the outfit, rather than renaming the outfit being edited.

  • Fixed NPCs using Bioware's Balor On Death script not awarding XP when killed.

  • Bioware AI will not attempt to use taunt if they're trained in it.

  • Additional character metrics are now recorded for exciting future projects.

  • Area clean up scripts will no longer clean up areas if there's an active Mordekainen's Mansion in the area.

  • Migrated and heavily optimized the module heartbeat script to PC heartbeats, allowing us to edge out some more server performance as we no longer have to potentially process 50+ PCs in a single heartbeat tick but can instead spread the load out over multiple ticks and avoid having to perform large loops.

  • Disabled zep_torchspawn which previously turn on or off various torch placeables across the module at night. This script had a small but noticable performance cost on the server considering the amount of placeables using it.

  • Fixed a maths error in the dynamic conversation pagination system that could cause it to list an extra unnecessary empty page.

  • Removed Phildave scripts from the past christmas event.

  • Added a journal entry given to all players to raise awareness of the /help command as well as to disclaim that descriptions for classes, feats, and spells in-game are currently out of date.

  • Fixed the Teleport Key Finder not sending its feedback message when the roll failed.

  • Standardized the Teleport Key Finder feedback messages to be in line with other feedback messages.

  • The Teleport Key Finder now caches its diceroll for a short time, disallowing fishing for a successful roll.

  • Added a "Character Customization" category to the /help menu, which consolidates the various chat commands for editing your character's description, head, hair, tattoo colors etc into one place and gives a brief tutorial on how to access the /afk room for using the tailoring dummies.

  • A bot will now post in Discord's #server-status channel whenever the server goes online, is gracefully shutdown, or is restarting. (Does not include server crashes!)

DM Changelog
  • Fixed Mordekainen's Mansion not evicting DMs when being dismissed.
  • Bound character ID's for DMs to cdkeys. This fixes DM's character ID's changing under certain circumstances and causing loss of access to a DM's saved /outfits and other database information.
  • /setracialtype, /setclass, /setphenotype, /setmovementrate, and /setskillrank accept spaces in name literals.

  • Fixed /dmfidestroy not destroying the nearest placeable reliably when targeting yourself.

  • The "DM Skill Point - 8 Points" wand used for granting old PCs their increased base skill points from the old hak update has been updated to give feedback to the DM when used.

  • Fixed the "DM Skill Point - 8 Points" wand cumulatively adding 8 more skill points on every use, which broke any PC the wand was accidentally used on more than once.

  • Fixed a very rare corner case bug in the "DM Skill Point - 8 Points" wand which could add 8 skill points to a level 1 PC on the server whenever a DM logged in or out with the wand, or added or removed it from their inventory. This is a rare and extreme corner case bug and is unlikely to have ever happened, but its possibility was more than 0.00%.

  • Fixed the DM AFK wand not working on players.

  • Fixed /resetarea reverting an area's custom name to the resref's original name.

  • DMs can now use /editdescription and /dmrename on DM items. You cannot use quake style color tags in item names -- item names will always remain DM red. These commands are intended to allow you to correct typos without having to reimport items, and to allow you to make template RP items you can customize in game, such as letters, paintings, plushies, food and drinks, etc.

  • Fixed some NPCs not being properly destroyed and being left in Limbo when resetting encounters.

  • Fixed dice rolls not being sent to DMs not in a quest chat who were possessing NPCs.

  • Fixed a server crash when setting an infinite duration with dm_visualeffect.

  • Fixed a server crash if a PC's faction was changed with dm_setfaction.

  • Added feedback messages to dm_{set|modify|give}* console commands.

  • Added two new factions, At War A and At War B. Both factions are hostile to each other and with psychotic, but are neutral to PCs and all other factions.

  • DMs can see item equip/unequip notifications from PCs.

  • Player death notifications now follow the same rules as Player->DM messages, with the added rule that death notifications from the OOC Arena will not be broadcast to DMs in quest chat unless the DM is in the same quest chat with the player.

  • dm_{set|modify}* console commands can no longer be used on PC's outside OOC areas. This includes ability, age, spell resistance, base attack, saving throw, etc commands.

  • Placeables and doors can once again be used with the DMFI Voice Widget with Quest Chat. Doors and placeables cannot have control characters .set at this time.

  • /setupbasicnpc and /setupbossnpc now adds all wizard spells to wizard NPC's spellbooks.

  • Added /rotatearea

    Rotates an area 90 degrees clockwise. You must reload the area to see it change.

  • Fixed PCs under /lockaction not being jumpable via teleport, /afk, return, DM commands, etc.

  • Added /delayrestart <minutes> for Admins and SDMs. You can increase or shorten the time remaining until the next automated server restart.

Be Kind Rewind

The following changes were already applied via hotfixes in past months to fix critical bugs or exploits but were missed in the changelogs:

  • Disabled Scrying until the spell can be fixed in a later module update.

  • Fixed copying a weapon or shield's appearance from a tailoring model destroying your equipped item if the base item types didn't match.

  • Fixed attempting to copy a non-existent helmet, cloak, or outfit from a tailoring model destroying your equipped item.

  • Fixed the random commoner appearance script breaking the NPC's appearance fit attempted to randomly equip an already equipped outfit.

  • Polymorphed characters can no longer be saved to the server vault. To save your character you must end any polymorph effects. This was a necessary change to work around base engine level bugs & exploits.

  • Disabled autosaving PC's with barter windows open. PCs will be queued to be autosaved once they close the barter window if they were queued to be autosaved whilst it was open.

  • Disabled armor appearance crafting via the radial menu to close some bugs & exploits. Please use the tailoring models in the OOC Area.

  • /dmfixp now also reports the username of characters being awarded RP XP.

  • Blocked overleveling a PC if the PC was already pending a level up and the amount of RP XP rewarded would give the PC a second level.

  • RP XP reward errors and non-standard messages are now displayed last in the feedback message stack.

  • Fixed additional RP XP rewards after an RP XP reward leveled up a player not rolling over into the PC's never level if the PC had not yet finished leveling up when the additional RP XP reward was granted.

  • Fixed Mordekainen's Magnificent Mansion's cooldown timer not correctly working.

Builder Changelog

  • Added Area int var TELEPORT_KEY_DC to set a custom spellcraft DC for the Teleport Key Finder tool.

  • Added Area int var USE_SEASONS 1 will flag an area to use the seasons system for texture and placeable overrides for winter, etc.

  • Added int var PLAY_LOOPING_ANIMATION for creatures which will make the creature play the looping animation when spawned.

  • Added int var TOUCHON 1 for creatures to toggle /touchon on the creature.

  • Added int var EFFECT_PARALYZE 1 for creatures to apply a permanent EffectCutsceneParalyze to the creature on spawn, use this for statues/etc.

  • Added int var EFFECT_IMMOBILIZE 1 for creatures to apply a permanent EffectCutsceneImmobilize to the creature on spawn, use this for statues/etc.

  • Added int var EFFECT_KNOCKDOWN 1 for creatures to apply a permanent knockdown to the creature on spawn.

  • Added int var EFFECT_FRIGHTENED 1 for creatures to apply a permanent EffectFrightened to the creature on spawn.

  • Added float var OVERRIDE_CREATURE_PERSPACE for creatures for overriding the creature's personal space bubble towards other creatures.

  • Added int var WAYPOINT_ACTION_REST 1 for NPC waypoints. When reaching that waypoint the NPC will rest instantly. Use this on guard POST_ points to heal and restore them when they return to their post if they were dragged off into combat.

    Added int var WAYPOINT_ACTION_DISARM 1|2 for NPC waypoints. When reaching that waypoint the NPC will unequip their main hand, or both hands. Use this on guard POST_ points to disarm them when they return to their post if they were dragged off into combat.

  • Added string var PLANAR_SUMMON_TYPE to allow NPCs to set their planar summon type:
    • archons
    • eladrin
    • inevitables
    • demons
    • devils

  • Added int var VFX_PERSISTENT to apply a permanent visual vfx_persistent VFX to creatures on spawn, such as acid fog clouds. This is purely visual. The vfx_persistent # to use is the 2da number + 1.

  • Add string var CR_OVERRIDE_TEXT to override the CR rating of creatures when examined, and string var CR_OVERRIDE_COLOR <red> <green> <blue> to override the color of the text.

    CR_OVERRIDE_TEXT Legendary
    CR_OVERRIDE_COLOR 255 161 36

  • Added a default set of custom tokens for colors that can be used in conversations and TLK entries. All tokens should be paired with the close color token, <CUSTOM3567000>:

    <CUSTOM3567000> // COLORTOKEN_CLOSETAG (aka </c>)


    <CUSTOM3567020> // COLORTOKEN_QUAKETAG_0 (Black)
    <CUSTOM3567021> // COLORTOKEN_QUAKETAG_1 (Light Red)
    <CUSTOM3567022> // COLORTOKEN_QUAKETAG_2 (Light Green)
    <CUSTOM3567023> // COLORTOKEN_QUAKETAG_3 (Light Blue)
    <CUSTOM3567024> // COLORTOKEN_QUAKETAG_4 (Grey)
    <CUSTOM3567025> // COLORTOKEN_QUAKETAG_5 (Yellow)
    <CUSTOM3567026> // COLORTOKEN_QUAKETAG_6 (Purple)
    <CUSTOM3567027> // COLORTOKEN_QUAKETAG_7 (White)
    <CUSTOM3567028> // COLORTOKEN_QUAKETAG_8 (Gold)
    <CUSTOM3567029> // COLORTOKEN_QUAKETAG_9 (Teal)


  • Fixed ab_desctrig_once displaying to all faction members.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Jun 05, 2022, 01:11 PM
CD Module 4.09a2


  • Fixed Theavos' not allowing you to portal if anyone wasn't in combat. For a few minutes, violence was the answer.
  • Fixed /quickbar list and /spellbook list.
  • /listpcs shouldn't display a blank space in the listing with invalid areas.

  • Fixed the Combat Dummy's damage vulnerability not applying correctly.

  • Fixed remaining spell durations under a minute in /viewspells not displaying seconds.

  • Added a "Reset Options" option for the combat dummies.

  • Fixed Druid's Teleport spell not working with the new teleport updates.

  • Fixed area resource overrides not being unloaded for DM's using Goto.

  • Fixed loading spellbook slots.

  • Fixed alternate form widget activations not working.

  • zep_torchspawn turns on the placeable's lighting first before the script deactivates itself for performance saving.

  • Fixed the teleport key finder reporting all areas as private.

  • Fixed not being able to save an outfit with an existing outfit's name.

  • Fixed rest animations not being set correctly after relogging.

  • Fixed DMs or players possessing and NPC returning an invalid character ID when logging out.

  • Adjusted the frequency at which Bioware's AI will attempt to use taunt, if they're eligible to use taunt.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Jun 08, 2022, 05:51 AM
CD Module 4.09a3


  • Players can no longer use teleport spells on the event server without a DM.
  • Players can no longer use shadow walk on the event server without a DM.
  • Fixed shadow walk teleporting players in the party who were in another area from the caster.

  • Fixed invalid or misspoken teleport keys prematurely ending your teleport.

  • Areas being reset or destroyed by DMs on the event server will now correctly evict players back to In the End instead of the Warbling Seraph.

  • Exiting a mansion on the event server without a DM will evict you to In the End.

  • Fixed zep_torchspawn sometimes creating duplicate placeables on spawn.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Jun 18, 2022, 11:27 PM
CD Module 4.09a3 Hotfixes

These changes have been applied out-of-band outside of the current module version over the past week as critical bug fixes or exploit patches. These changes are active, and will be officially packaged into a future module update later.


  • Special AC Armors now use NWNX for item validation and equipping. In short, players won't be at risk of accidentally losing items at login from special AC armors being unequipped, as these armors will now remain correctly equipped when logging out/in.
  • Fixed Heroic Empowerment and Heroic Alliance stacking with other caster's castings of the spells.

  • Heroic Empowerment and Heroic Alliance's temporary hitpoints no longer stack with each other.

  • Heroic Empowerment now gives the affected target's own ECL * 6 temporary hitpoints.

  • Heroic Alliance now gives the affected target's own ECL * 8 temporary hitpoints.

  • Fixed Heroic Alliance and Champion's Valor not being correctly flagged as epic spells and being subject to normal dispels.

  • Fixed DMs being incorrectly considered as still possessing an NPC after unpossessing the NPC in some scripts.

  • Disabled Scrying, again.

  • Fixed private conversations using aet_npc_privconv not working.

  • Fixed caster spellbooks not being correctly restored when unpolymorphing if additional spells were granted from ability increasing item properties.

  • Fixed Summon Shadows droping their cloak and helmets upon death.

  • Fixed an exploit in the new death system that allowed for avoiding respawn penalties.

  • Fixed DM's examining a character's description panel receiving garbled descriptions if the DM had a character's character sheet open.

  • Fixed some server logging concerning DM tool use.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Jul 09, 2022, 08:17 AM
CD Module 4.09a4

This is a minor update to import the previously applied hotfixes into the module proper, plus apply additional critical bug fixes and exploit fixes.


  • Fixed some critical edge case issues where the PCID cache was not being updated when the upstream PCID changed.

  • Fixed petrification saving throws which had been broken due to a future update's ABI breaking change to saving throw functions being accidentally backported into the core petrification function.

  • Fixed some SDM/Admin tools.

  • Discord webhooks will attempt to be resent after a supplied delay when rate limited.

  • All effects on PCs are now removed when respawning, fixing any lingering effects on a PC when respawning from a "soft" death such as petrification.

  • PCs are now automatically rested and healed when respawning, protecting against a rare bug where MIRV or delayed projectile spells cast at the PC while the PC is respawning can travel across areas to hit and kill PC after they respawn.

  • Fixed Divine Power removing all temporary hitpoints. Divine Power will only replace its own temporary hitpoints.

  • Fixed Vampiric Touch removing all temporary hit points. Vampiric Touch will only replace its own temporary hitpoints.

  • Fixed Song of Strength removing all temporary hitpoints. Song of Strength will only replace its own temporary hitpoints.

  • Fixed Green Knight's Challenge ability incorrectly giving its +2 aberration bonus to all races.

  • Improved Green Knight's Challenge feedback messages.

  • Fixed spell-like abilities not respecting spell mantles.

  • Fixed Nature's Avatar having all its effects linked to temporary hp, which would cause the spell to prematurely end once temporary hp was depleted.

  • Fixed Nature's Avatar stacking with itself.

  • Fixed Mass Charm's DC being stuck at 1.

  • Fixed Mists of Eldath removing barbarian rage effects.

  • Fixed Mists of Eldath unshifting druids and shifters.

  • Fixed Great Shout halving the stun duration on a failed save instead of successful save.

  • Keen now correctly targets offhand weapons if there's no main hand weapon equipped, and will target gloves if no main hand or off-hand is equipped.

  • Disabled /elementfix, which was removing all damage resistances from PC skins when used, but only reapplying element resistances for half-fiends and half-celestials.

  • Fixed Glitterdust's skill penalty being removable with restoration spells.

  • Potentially fixed /outfit commands failing for new PCs during their first logins before a server reset.

  • Potentially fixed an issue where a combat dummy's OnDeath script would not correctly fire.

  • Potentially fixed an issue where Kali's Kamikaze Kobold's OnDeath script would not correctly fire.


  • Fixed various scrolls in the Thayan Tower being sold for 0 GP, not being set to infinite, or using the wrong resrefs.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Jul 09, 2022, 01:16 PM
CD Module 4.09a4 Hotfix

A live hotfix was applied to revert the changes made to spell mantles, which relied on an NWNX function which was crashing the server.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Vincent07 on Sep 20, 2022, 07:52 PM
CD Module 4.09a5


-Imported prior fixes and adjustments from 9a4.

-Circle of Death: Total Hit-Dice able to be affected by the spell changed from d4(CL) to d8(CL). As the individual HD cap was already increased from 10 to 20, this meant on higher level creatures, that the then lower total HD cap was being eaten up too quickly for the spell to be very effective.

-Empower Arts: The Damage bonus applied to Swordmage's various elemental Arts has been reduced down 5% to 20%. (From 25%)


-Edited many, many creatures to revert instances of Uncanny Dodge II back to Uncanny Dodge I.

-Edited even more creatures to adjust Taunt values.

-Corrected appearance of Arabel Sewer Wererats.

-Corrected missing tail on the Bandit Werewolf.

-Replaced Prismatic Dragon Breath with Sonic on Summoned Adult Crystal Dragon.


-Flipped The High Road – East of Eveningstar back to its proper orientation. Redid the eastern and western transitions to properly link up with the right areas.

-Curse Bound Fortress:
  -Adjusted treasure item amounts and some tier values to be better in line with the dungeon duration.

-Sakkors: (Initial re-balance pass. Further tweaks to encounter design coming.)
  -Removed Breach ability from Helmed Horrors
  -Tweaked Memory of Netheril's spell list to add missing lower level spells they should have had.
  -Restored Spellwarped Scrag's missing SLAs. Enjoy wild magic wackyness.
  -Improved loot drops after Sariath and the Golem Workshop.

-Wyrmwood: (Initial adjustment to encounters. Further adjustment and loot pass coming.)
  -Adjusted all Wyverns so they (hopefully) won't get stuck on each other or the area geometry.
  -Slightly nerfed some AB and AC values, increased HP values, and removed instances of Uncanny Dodge II.
  -Removed the Bounty target from the Wyvern Matriarch.

-New Area – The North Ride - Spiderhaunt Crypt:
  -Added this new dungeon. It is equivalent to Khazar Ruins.
  -Added the old Wyvern Bounty target to this dungeon's boss.

-Full replacement update to Sschindylryn by Rykka.

-Update to Maerimdyra to reflect plot things, by Rykka

-Update to the Voonlar trader, by Edge

-Update to the Thayvian tower, by Nok

-Update to Cradle of Mielikki to reflect plot things, by Edge.

-Adjusted the Dungeon Name variables on Arabel Underground to make it more evident that B1 and B2 can support separate groups.

-Added missing Dungeon Name variables to multiple areas that were missing them, and removed them from one area that should not have had it.

-Arabel – Underground B1: Corrected some loot container scripts that was causing them to spawn vanilla loot. Removed "usable" and "has inventory" flags from some placeables that did not generate loot. Standardized loot level limit variables across the area.

-Seasonal update to the OOC Room.

-Seasonal update to Arabel Central

-Added various player requested areas.

-Added rebuild of Arabel's Selunite temple by Terallis


-Updated the Journal Entry and NPC dialogue for the Yulash version of the Khazar Bounty to account for the new area/dungeon.

-Corrected a typo in the Fire Breathing Rat quest journal.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Sep 21, 2022, 11:38 PM
CD Module 4.09a5 (Part 2)

Player Commands

  • Added /lfrp for players looking for roleplay. /lfg will be used for those looking for dungeons.

  • Added "boots", "left boot", "right boot" to /outfit <hide|show>'s preset options.

  • Potentially fixed an edge case issue where attempting to save a new outfit in the /outfit conversation would instead overwrite a previously saved outfit.


  • Special AC armors now use NWNX to validate equip rules, no longer requiring the granting of the heavy armor proficiency feat. This will fix special AC armors being unequipped when logging in if your character does not natively have heavy armor proficiency. Note: For the time being characters will keep the heavy armor proficiency feat until a future update.

  • Items equipped via use magic device increases met via item or spell bonuses won't be unequipped when logging in.

  • Disarmed weapons will attempt to be placed in your inventory first before being dropped on the ground if your inventory is full. Disarmed weapons cannot be immediately re-equipped.

  • Items can no longer be unequipped if your inventory is full where it would force the item to be dropped on the ground.

  • Migrated some core parts of the Item Level Restriction code to NWNX, fixing some minor bugs and lingering exploits.


  • Updated all trolls to use our new NWNX troll damage system.

  • Trolls are no longer flagged immortal, which will now allow status effects to apply to trolls.


  • Fixed Shadowdancer's Summon Shadow dropping equipped bolts when killed.

  • Druids now automatically gain the Alter Self widget at class level 13. This widget represents the druid's "A Thousand Faces" class ability.

  • Shifters now automatically gain the Alter Self widget at class level 7. This widget represents the shifter's wider ability to shift into different humanoid shapes.


  • Fixed Shadow Double dropping equipped bolts when killed.

  • Fixed various spells accidentally having a DC of 2.

RPXP Faery Tweaks

  • Over the past few months the RPXP Faery has received various tweaks. Overall, the RPXP Faery will now reward RPXP ticks more reliably in situations where it previously didn't when playing with other players, when in DM quests, or when actively playing on the server solo — whether just exploring, scribing/crafting, dungeoning, or shopping. A few commonly seen exploits that saw frequent abuse have also been closed. As a brief reminder, RPXP is for those who are roleplaying or actively playing the game -- attempting to cheat the system by using macros and other minimal-involvement idling methods is considered abusing the RPXP Faery.


  • Bioware AI will attempt to use knockdown more reliably.

  • Bioware AI will now attempt to cast resurrection and raise dead on fallen allies.

  • Bioware AI will now correctly attempt to use non-fire dragon disciple breath attacks.

  • Bioware AI will now instantly activate their permanent auras when spawned, similar to Jasper's AI.

  • Bioware AI now obeys the SELFISH_HEALS creature int var.

  • Bioware AI now take into account our custom classes for determining their AI tactics. (Offensive vs Defensive vs Magic)

  • Both Jasper's and Bioware's AI now has a cooldown timer on using HIPS.

  • Jasper's AI no longer always uses Hide in Plain Sight at the start of every combat round routine. Now Jasper's AI only has a chance to use HIPS with a cooldown between uses.

  • Jasper's AI will attempt to change to a new target after entering Hide in Plain Sight. The intention of this change is to hopefully make the AI utilize their stealth to move to and surprise attack someone else, rather than immediately unstealthing by attacking the same target. With the way AI works, this may not always pan out as the AI will do what the AI wants.

  • Fixed Jasper's AI AOE spell targeting to now always cast AOE spells at enemies. Previously they'd cast AOEs where at a location that reached the most creatures, regardless if they were an enemy to the NPC or not, which often resulted in casting AOE spells at friends where there were no enemies of the NPC.

  • AI will no longer try to immediately equip a weapon after being disarmed.

  • AI should stop trying to enter HIPS when stunned/dazed/paralyzed/etc. This might not prevent AI from entering HIPS if knocked down because the combat engine is blackboxed around knockdowns and we're unable to determine if a creature is knocked down or not.

  • Fixed some instances where Jasper's AI would always follow you during combat when you're unseen. Jasper's AI should now correctly begin searching for you if you go into stealth/invisibility. This won't fix all instances of AI following you when you're invisible/stealthed to the NPC, but should fix at least one errant behavior case.

  • Minor optimizations to the generic "split on death" creature script.

  • Fixed Jasper's AI not being correctly disabled inside DM NPCs areas.

  • Jasper's AI now correctly recognize our custom weapons when determining various AI tactics.

  • Potentially fixed Bioware AI's spellcasting being interrupted when a nearby creature died.

  • Fixed 73 summons using the wrong OnDamaged script.

  • Fixed some Bioware AI issues that could cause AI to become fixated on a dead target instead of choosing a new target to attack.

  • Fixed some Bioware AI issues that could cause henchmen AI to exit their combat script routines prematurely in a round, which might have caused AI to stand and do nothing.

  • The above 4 AI fixes (potentially) fix Throne Archons and Tulani Eladrin's (and other summons too) AI from breaking.


  • Fixed Favored Soul not being registered as a divine class for adding appropriate class use restrictions to wands/scrolls.

  • Fixed scroll, potion, and wand crafting using the wrong item property caster level for some spells for crafting cost calculations.

  • Disabled default bioware crafting item component drops when destroying doors.


  • Set Claire's conversation to private.

  • Fixed 45 area teleports that either had misspelled teleport variables, resrefs for area tags, typos in teleport key, or were mistakenly set as hidden when they should be public keys.

  • Fixed various Sschindylryn and Maerimydra areas incorrectly flagged as above ground areas.

  • Updated Sschindylryn teleport to the new Sschindylryn areas.

  • Updated Berrybriar's teleport key to something more appropriate.

  • Added a sign outside Ashabenford's inn.

  • Immersea has recovered from its battle damage sustained in the War of Broken Crowns.

  • Added a few teleports around Cormanthor.

  • Added updates to Yulash from Rykka, including a new inn, Duskturn Inn.

  • Added Duskturn Inn by Rykka.

  • Added rest areas to Duskturn.

Caravan & Ferry Update

  • All caravan and ferry conversations and scripts have been updated with a new system, please report any broken destination options.

  • Additional caravan routes and stops added.

  • Caravan and ferry costs increase based on distance traveled, counted by other caravan stops passed through on the way to the destination.


  • Added a PC area crashloop rescue measure that will attempt to reset a character's location if a crash loop is detected.

  • Half-Dragon and Dragon Disciple breath types are now based on the breath weapon feat, and not dragon color feat.

  • Fixed an exploit that allowed characters to buy special armor AC from the tailoring models.

  • Fixed the combat dummy sometimes reporting the session multiple times when killed.

  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes prevent resting when standing on overlapped rest triggers.

  • Fixed an exploit that allowed PCs to rest outside of rest triggers.

  • Fixed temporary item properties not being removed from equipped items on rest.

  • The area cleaner script will no longer despawn dropped DM tier items.

  • Added additional server logging for various things.

  • Fixed pluralized plurals in the loot notifications.

  • Fixed characters appearing naked to other players when unshifting from polymorphs and alternate forms.

  • Updated season to Summer/Fall.

  • Updated plot to Book IX - Chapter 2 - The Very Deep Did Rot.

  • Always immediately destroy the death panel NUI when death state is cleared, such as from being raised.


  • Added creature int var PLAY_LOOPING_ANIMATION to set a looping animation on a creature when spawned.

  • Added creature int var VFX_PERSISTENT to add a harmless vfx_persistent visual effect on the creature. This int must be offset +1 higher than the 2da row number.

  • Added creature int var SIT_ON_SPAWN, which will make the NPC sit on the nearest object tagged PLC_Chair.

  • Added creature int var IMMUNE_ANIMAL_EMPATHY 1 to provide immunity to animal empathy.

  • Added creature int var IMMUNE_TAUNT 1 to provide immunity to taunt.

  • Added creature int vars ON_DEATH_VFX, ON_DEATH_VFX2, and ON_DEATH_VFX3 which will play the associated visual effect on death. The value set must be visualeffects.2da row number + 1.

  • Added item int var NO_PICKUP 1 to prevent PCs from being able to pick up the item from the ground or from containers.

  • Signed initialization scripts will now be autoloaded at module load time, decentralizing the module load script.

Dungeon Masters

  • Fixed an overflow error in /delayrestart if setting too long a delay that could result in the server instead immediately restarting.

  • Updated area Import/Export tools, changelog already announced in DM forums and staff discord.

  • Fixed some malformed feedback messages when using ##Set/Mod ability commands.

  • Added /pvfx <persistent_vfx.2da number> <duration>

     Creates a persistent visual effect on targeted object or at the targeted location.

  • /setupbossnpc will now add the Native Outsider feat for banishment/dismissal/charm immunities, and IMMUNE_ANIMAL_EMPATHY 1 for animal empathy immunity.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Sep 25, 2022, 01:31 AM
CD Module 4.09a5 Hotfix 1

These out-of-band hotfixes have been applied live to the server and are current to fix a few critical bugs in the interim between module updates.

  • Fixed transition conflicts in Sunrise Farms player house.

  • Fixed transition conflicts in Duskturn.

  • Unlocked the door to Duskturn in Yulash.

  • Fixed transition conflicts with Sschindrlyn's defunct Upper Exit area.

  • Unlocked the door to the Thayan Enclave in Sschindrlyn.

  • Fixed hostile drow NPCs in Maerimydra - North.

  • Fixed The Dancing Drider's bindpoint.

  • Fixed missing rest triggers in the Selune Recovery Wing.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Sep 25, 2022, 11:31 PM
CD Module 4.09a6


-Heroic empowerment will no longer provide an extra attack per round except for Druids. Instead, Wizards and Sorcerers affected by Heroic Empowerment will gain an extra attack per round as part of the effects of Tenser's Transformation. Clerics and Favored Souls will similar receive an extra attack per round from Divine Power while affected by Heroic Empowerment.
-Expanded the CD core portal script to allow party based key access.
-Fixed an error with the Dwarven female heads on the appearance setter skipping models.


-Adjusted CR on King Khazar and Spiderhaunt Crypt Boss to better match other monsters in those areas.

-Shopkeeper conversations in Yulash should be appropriately localized to Yulash rather than Arabel.


-The Yulash Duskturn Inn exterior door should now be unlocked.
-The OOC Arena should now appropriately be marked as above ground.
-Added 7 player houses.
-Fixed the Shadow Lark Cabaret door and added a sign outside.
-Adjusted CR on King Khazar and Spiderhaunt Crypt Boss to better match other monsters in those areas.
-Added areas for the Evereska quest, made by Banshee and Fire Wraith.
-Removed 3 old player houses per request.

Additional fixes from Rykka for Underdark regions:

The Thayan Enclave is properly linked to Duergar District in Sschindylryn and unlocked.
Shoemaker Sign fixed. One can now properly visualize his passive aggressive rage.
Lava in the Dragon-Pit adjusted to hopefully not fall prey to derezzing for some clients.
Door to the Yulash Duskturn's secret meeting room no longer yeets you across the world.
House Dhuurniv survivors have been properly Disgraced.
House Denigyr Soldiers have calmed down about their broken spears, and are no longer aggro.
The Courtyard 'Llolth' from has been exchanged with the properly branded Courtyard of 'Lolth'.
The Avatar of Kossuth was ousted from Sschindylryn and has been replaced by his twin brother Kossai.
The Slums interior of Sschindylryn has picked up a new nickname for locals.
The District of Lost Legacies now has map markers. Not that anyone should want to go there.
Stonecutter village now has some population, as well as a weirdly hot gnome mayor.
The Zhent patrol in the central markets of Sschindylryn now has a proper description and warning.
The Abandoned Warehouse babydungeon is once more infesting Sschindylryn. (Looks for the map marker.)
Some Sar'vex of Sschindylryn have volunteered to man the outer gates.
Barricaded up the doors temporarily to the Sschin Mushroom Fields to keep players from being trapped in its inescapable loop.
The Burning Road heats up its security with a Fire Giant patrol.
The Academy of Hungry Shadows guardian has been given a proper name and description.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Sep 26, 2022, 01:12 AM
CD Module 4.09a6 (Part 2)

Player Commands

  • /dispelme will now dispel barbarian rage and ioun stones.

  • Spells can be individually dismissed/dispelled from the /viewspells menu.

  • /viewspells' refresh rate will be dynamically adjusted if the server performance is low. (Should only come into effect during major server battle events)

Custom Portraits

  • Custom player portraits are now locked by resref (filename) to your cdkey. Other players cannot use a custom portrait that's already in use. Portraits that are already in use between multiple players will not be changed; new players simply won't be able to use the portrait.

    Default portraits packaged with the game or with our hak content can be freely used by anyone.

    This is a necessary change to deconflict players using different custom portraits that accidentally share the same filename to prevent conflicting portraits overwriting each other when uploaded to our portrait collection.

    Our official server policy otherwise remains unchanged: You cannot use another player's commissioned or original work without that player's permission.

    As general community etiquette: You should be respectful regarding other character's portraits or artwork another player is already using. Reusing the portrait files or same artwork another player is using for their character is akin to showing up to a party in the same dress — it's perceived as discourteous when that other player has spent time searching for artwork that compliments or completes their character's identity.


  • Bard Songs now replace other bard songs of equal or lesser rank.

  • Curse Songs now replace other curse songs of equal or lesser rank. Damage will only be applied if the target is not already under the effects of a curse song.

  • Fixed bards singing curse song being immune to hostile curse songs.

  • Fixed a discrepancy between Curse Song's skill modifiers and Bard Song's, which was 1 lower than Bard Song's from level 21. Curse song now correctly uses bard song's skills table.

  • Fixed NPC Curse Song's affecting neutral allies.

  • Bard Song will affect neutral targets as well as allies now.

  • Fixed an exploit that allowed bard songs to buff themselves to higher perform rank effects.

  • Fixed Practiced Spellcaster being non-functional for Paladins and Rangers.

  • Red Wizard's saving throw bonus to saves versus their tattoo focus spell school specialization are now added to the saving throw, instead of being subtracted from the throw's DC.

  • Fixed Arcane Warrior's Channel Spell uses decrementing on failed castings when trying to imbue an invalid spell on a weapon.

  • Arcane Warrior's Channel Spell now tells you how many remaining uses you have left when used.

  • Arcane Warrior's Channel Spell's feedback message now reports the name of the spell cast and the name of the item imbued with the channeled spell.

  • Fixed Arcane Warrior's Channel Spell III to correctly grant its increased uses per day at lvl 9.

  • Fixed Arcane Warrior's Channel Spell uses per day to be 3 at level 1, 6 at level 4, 9 at level 9.

  • Arcane Warrior's Channel Spell now works with existing On Hit: Cast Spell properties on a weapon. Both will correctly trigger on every attack.

  • Arcane Warrior's Channel Spell now gives you 9 seconds to begin attacking an enemy. Once you have begun attacking an enemy, you will have 1 round channel spell. If you cancel your round or are otherwise interrupted, the spell will end.

  • Arcane Warrior's Channel Spell now works with Shape Mastery.

  • Added additional spells for Arcane Warrior's Channel Spell:

    • Static Orb
    • Chromatic Orb
    • Icelance
    • Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
    • Polar Ray
    • Shocking Grasp
    • Snowball Swarm
    • Vitriolic Sphere
    • Avasculate
    • Chilling Touch
    • Crippling
    • Blizzard


  • Adjusted epic spell slot's calculation to always use your highest available class skill for calculating epic spell slots, fixing some edge cases where under some conditions a mystic theurge would use their arcane levels and skills over divine even if divine was higher.

  • Fixed Mystic Theurge double dipping on epic spell slots if they had at least 5 wizard levels and 5 cleric levels.

  • Mass Hold Person duration increased to 1 round per caster level.

  • Mass Hold Monster duration increased to 1 round per caster level.

  • Fixed various persistent area of effect spells miscalculating their saving throws and DCs in certain edge cases.

  • Fixed spell penetration not being calculated correctly for various persistent area of effect spells.

  • Fixed scaling caster damage bonus not being applied to various persistent area of effect spells.

  • Added support for spell descriptors in our next hak update.

  • Added missing spell metadata to True Strike.

  • True Strike is now correctly recognized as a divination school spell.

  • True Strike now gives you 9 seconds to begin attacking an enemy. Once you have begun attacking an enemy, you will have 1 round of true strike. If you cancel your round or are otherwise interrupted, the spell will end.

  • Dispel feedback is now grouped by failure/success, with any dispelled spells displayed last in your combat log.

  • Added combat log feedback for breached spells.

  • The list of spells removed by breach has been updated to include many of our custom spells. The new spell breach order is thus:

    • Greater Spell Mantle
    • Greater Spellshield
    • Premonition
    • Spell Mantle
    • Spellshield
    • Shadow Shield
    • Greater Stoneskin
    • Ethereal Visage
    • Globe of Invulnerability
    • Energy Immunity
    • Energy Buffer
    • Elemental Protection
    • Greater Sanctuary
    • Minor Globe of Invulnerability
    • Spell Resistance
    • Protection from Magic Energy
    • Stoneskin
    • Lesser Spell Mantle
    • Lesser Spellshield
    • Shield of the Archons
    • Mestil's Acid Sheath
    • Mind Blank
    • Cut Off
    • Impervious Sanctity of the Mind
    • Nondetection
    • Undetectable Alignment
    • Elemental Shield
    • Protection from Spells
    • Protection from Elements
    • Protection from Arrows
    • Shadow Mask
    • Resist Elements
    • Resist Fire and Cold
    • Death Armor
    • Circle of Bones
    • Druth's Necrotic Shield
    • Scales of the Dragon
    • Misdirection
    • Ghostly Visage
    • Greater Blinkplate
    • Endure Elements
    • Icyscales
    • Silversteel Veil
    • Shadow Conjuration, Mage Armor
    • Negative Energy Protection
    • Sanctuary
    • Blinkplate
    • Mage Armor
    • Armor of Darkness
    • Stone Bones
    • Shield
    • Shield of Faith
    • Lesser Mind Blank
    • Ironguts
    • Resistance


  • Bioware AI will only attempt to heal allies if they can see the ally.

  • Bioware AI will only attempt to raise the corpse of an ally if they can see the ally's corpse.

  • Bioware AI will now use curse song, divine might, and divine shield.

  • Bioware AI will no longer waste rounds by attempting to use bard song when silenced.

  • Bioware AI will use voice lines when taunting so there's more feedback that you're being taunted.

  • Jasper's and Bioware AI won't attempt to raise outsiders unless they have the native outsider feat.

  • Jasper's and Bioware AI won't attempt to raise summoned henchmen creatures.

  • Increased minimum cooldown duration for taunt attempts by Jasper's and Bioware AI.


  • Removed old duplicate Selune Recovery area.

  • Added missing rest triggers to Terallis' updated Selune Recovery area added in 4.09a5.

  • Submerged chests in the top floor of Witchlords are now considered underwater.

  • Behemoth is once again a magical beast. The behemoth cannot be animal empathied and paraded around the server this time 'round.

  • Hid various developer textures seen in the underdark and some other tilesets. (Often seen as green or red grids or entirely red tiles in the void, used by area builders to better see tile elevation)

  • Removed the teleportation delay from the Nether Archive shards, which if interrupted would have left you trapped.


  • Added missing Mass Owl's Wisdom scroll to loot.

  • Fixed gold cost of Vampire Teeth throwing daggers.

  • Casks of Empty Potion Vials and Boxes of Unenchanted Bone Wands are now sold in all general mage good stores.

  • Fixed Spell Resistance property values on 144 Bioware creature skins.

  • Fixed the frying pan mace sold in Immersea having a broken default appearance.

  • Ioun stones will be dismissed/dispelled from you when the item is given away (sold, traded, dropped, etc).

  • Sequencer items can no longer cast stored spells if the user does not know the spell.

  • Sequencer spells will be cast at the caster's current caster level.

  • Sequencer items will report the spells being cast to the user.


  • Added return Mouth O' Gargoyles to Arabel caravan.

  • Fixed wild magic surges triggering additional wild magic surges.

  • Wild magic surges now play a sound for the caster.

  • Drowning now does custom drowning type damage.

  • Minor script performance optimizations to the area drowning scripts.

  • You can no longer add items to a barter window if the recipient can't carry the item's ILR tier.

  • Animal empathy can no longer be used on polymorphed creatures.

  • Added flight to Pixie and Gaseous Form polymorphs.

  • Fixed Empower Turning not multiplying Turn Undead rolls by 1.5.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Sep 26, 2022, 09:10 AM
CD Module 4.09a6 Hotfix 1

These out-of-band hotfixes have been applied live to the server and are current to fix a few critical bugs in the interim between module updates.

  • Fixed crashing in Mysthaven player home.

  • Fixed inaccessible door transitions in Hidden Valley player home.

  • Fixed Tenser's Transformation and Divine Power's synergy bonus with Heroic Empowerment stacking together.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Sep 27, 2022, 12:29 PM
CD Module 4.09a6 Hotfix 2

These out-of-band hotfixes have been applied live to the server and are current to fix a few bugs in the interim between module updates.


  • Fixed spells absorbing double the amount of spell absorption levels than intended.


  • Fixed transition and key tag for Violet Point player home's exterior door.


  • Bioware AI's taunt and knockdown cooldowns are now global per-target taunt and knockdown cooldowns, with much longer minimum and higher maximum cooldown times with a very small chance to ignore the cooldown for some additional randomization. This is on top of the already existing low chance of attempting a taunt or knockdown in a round. Player summons have higher chance to attempt knockdowns and taunts each round than hostile enemies do.


  • Fixed Sequencer items blocking spells from being cast.

  • Fixed Sequencer items sometimes calculating the wrong caster level under certain edge cases.


  • Fixed saving throws vs. a saving throw type where the creature had immunity to not show the saving throw roll.

  • Fixed immunity to death causing vs. death saving throws to automatically fail, which would cause an edge case issue where supernatural death effect spells such as implosion would kill you, rather than be stopped after a failed save by immunity to death effects.

  • Fixed immunity to mind-affecting causing vs. fear saving throws to automatically fail.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Oct 02, 2022, 08:31 PM
CD Module 4.09b1

Player Commands

  • /elementfix, /featfix, and /srfix are now deprecated.


  • Fixed PCs releveling out of certain classes being stuck with errant bonuses leftover on their PC subrace skin from the removed class level.

  • Fixed Doomguide's saving throw and death magic/ability/level drain immunities not being removed when removing Doomguide levels. This fix is retroactive.

  • Fixed Harper Priest and Harper Mage removing all racial gained spellcraft bonuses from the PC skin if that character leveled up in any class whilst having, or leveling into, Harper Priest 4 or Harper Mage 4. This fix only applies to new characters taking Harper Priest 4 or Harper Mage 4. Any character with 4 or more Harper Priest or Harper Mage class levels from before this fix with a racial skin that should have spellcraft bonuses should seek a DM to get a new racial skin.

  • Fixed Harper Priest removing racial listen bonuses from the PC skin if that character leveled up in any class whilst having, or leveling into, Harper Priest 2. This fix only applies to new characters taking Harper Priest 2. Any character with 2 or more Harper Priest class levels from before this fix with a racial skin that should have spellcraft bonuses should seek a DM to get a new skin.

  • Fixed all bonus feat item properties being removed from the PC skin on rangers whenever armor with a base AC value of 4 or less was unequipped. Only a ranger's Dual-Wield added bonus feats will be removed now.

  • Fixed all arcane spell failure item properties being removed from the PC skin on bards and bladesingers. Only the specific item properties those classes add to the skin will be removed now.

  • Fixed Bladesinger removing all concentration bonuses from the PC skin.

  • Fixed multiple accumulative and stacking arcane spell failure item properties being added to the PC skin on bards and bladesingers when changing any equipment. This fix is retroactive.

  • Fixed Two-Weapon Fighting and Ambidexterity item property bonus feats not being removed from the PC skin on rangers when the PC releveled. This fix is retroactive.

  • Fixed Rangers receiving Dual-Wield and its Two-Weapon Fighting and Ambideterity benefits for free before ranger level 9 when equipping a mithral chain shirt / elven chain. This fix is retroactive.

  • Fixed arcane spell failure item properties not being removed from the PC skins for bards when the PC releveled below bard level 9. This fix is retroactive.

  • Dragon Disciple's breath attacks feats are now automatically set according to the dragon disciple's chosen dragon color upon taking Dragon Disciple level 3. Only non-standard dragon disciple colors will require a LETO to have their breaths set. This change is not retroactive, any standard color dragon disciples with a pending LETO to have their breaths corrected should instead get a relevel for their 3rd dragon disciple level.

  • Dragon Disciple's elemental immunities for standard colors are now automatically set when leveling up to Dragon Disciple level 10. Only non-standard dragon disciple colors will require a LETO and DM assistance to have their elemental immunity setup. This change is not retroactive, any standard color dragon disciples with a pending LETO to have their fire immunity removed should instead get a relevel for their 10th dragon disciple level.

  • Level 9 Dragon Disciple's now automatically receive their wings of an appropriate color according to their chosen dragon color feat. Contact a DM if you want to use one of our variant wing color options.

  • Arcane trickster's sneak attack progression is now automatic. Arcane tricksters without blackguard levels will receive the blackguard sneak attack progression line as normal. Arcane tricksters with blackguard levels will receive the rogue sneak attack progression line instead. This fix is retroactive.

  • Weapon Proficiency (Bard) and Weapon Proficiency (Wizard) will be automatically granted to any characters missing them.

  • Fixed Heartwarder's missing Heart of Passion charisma skill bonuses. This fix is retroactive.

  • Fixed Heartwarder's missing Heart of Passion +2 bonus to Turn Undead checks.

  • Fixed class bonus effects (Invisible Blade AC, Duelist's Precise Strike, Bard Arcane Spell Failure reduction etc) becoming stuck on the PC for that server reset if the PC leveled out of the class.

  • Fixed class bonus effects (Invisible Blade AC, Duelist's Precise Strike, Bard Arcane Spell Failure reduction etc) not being updated when the PC's ability modifiers were changed through buffs / debuffs.

  • Fixed class bonus effects (Invisible Blade AC, Duelist's Precise Strike, Bard Arcane Spell Failure reduction etc) not persisting through death.

  • Removed the buff bar effect icon for class bonus effects (Invisible Blade AC, Duelist's Precise Strike, etc) to cause less confusion with actual spell buffs.

  • Fixed class AC bonuses calculated from ability modifiers (Invisible Blade AC, Profane Beauty, Protective Personality, etc) to be recalculated when the ability modifier changes from buffs/debuffs.

  • Fixed class AC bonuses (Bladesong, Profane Beauty, Protective Personality, Druid/Barbarian/Ranger stacking dodge AC bonuses, etc) to use the highest available bonus rather than the last applied.

  • Fixed Barbarian AC bonus to also be applied when naked.

  • Fixed Druid AC bonus to also be applied when naked.

  • Fixed Ranger AC bonus to also be applied when naked.

  • Fixed Ranger AC bonus to also be applied when naked.

  • Fixed Invisible Blade AC bonus to also be applied when naked.

  • Fixed Duelist's Precise Strike bonus to only be applied to weapons finessable by the PC, fixing non-finessable weapons that weighed less than 40 lbs being incorrectly granted precise strike's bonus.

    Fixed Duelist's Precise Strike incorrectly granting small races wielding two-handed medium size finessable weapons precise strike's bonus.

  • Added spell metadata to Feint Mastery.

  • Fixed Duelist not receiving Deflect Arrows at level 9. This fix is retroactive.

  • Fixed Shadow Adept not receiving Darkvision at lvl 7. This fix is retroactive.


  • Fixed an exploit that allowed Epic Mage Armor to be reapplied for free after resting.

  • Fixed Epic Mage Armor losing its spell metadata and becoming undispellable after swapping armor.

  • Fixed Epic Mage Armor having its duration refreshed to 24 hours when swapping armor.

  • Fixed Epic Mage Armor being temporarily lost if the character got naked.
    Note: Polymorphed/shifted characters do not receive any AC bonus from epic mage armor. This is an intended balance decision at this time.


  • Fixed Shadow Weave wisdom penalty for non shadow weave users only being applied if the equipped armor had a gender restriction item property.

  • Fixed Shadow Weave wisdom penalty for non shadow weave users being removable via resting or using restoration spells. The penalty can only be removed by unequipping the armor.

  • Fixed Shadow Weave wisdom penalty for non shadow weave users being blockable by having an immunity to ability decreasing effects.

  • Fixed male gender restricted items not being usable by anyone, and female gender restricted items being usable by everyone.

  • Fixed Ambidexterity being permanently gained if an equipment item that gives Two-Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat was equipped during level up/login. This fix is retroactive.

  • Fixed various ancient item scripts that were incorrectly setup for tag based item scripting and were causing shenanigans across the server, including (albeit extremely rarely), but not limited to: randomly deleting items from other player's inventories.


  • Elemental damage resistances have been removed from all PC subrace skins and replaced with the appropriate elemental damage resist feats for the following subraces. This change is retroactive upon log in:
    • Aasimar
    • Tiefling
    • Half-Vampire
    • Axani
    • Cansin
    • Air Genasi
    • Dust Genasi
    • Fire Genasi
    • Ice Genasi
    • Magma Genasi
    • Smoke Genasi
    • Steam Genasi
    • Water Genasi
    • Half-Tanarukk
    • Fey'ri who have taken Fire Resistance as a demonic ability.

  • Half-Celestials, Half-Fiends, and Alu-Fiends now automatically gain their racial spell-like abilities. Any characters missing their spell-like abilities will be automatically granted them upon log in.

  • Added and updated all subrace skins for all standardized templates in the module's palette.


  • Druid/Shifter's Dragon Shape has been expanded to include all standard chromatic and metallic dragon colors. You can select your 3 dragon colors that appear in the shifter/druid dragon shape radial menu with /setdragonshapes. After selecting your dragon shapes you must rest before you can shift.

  • Dragon Shape's 40/+6 Damage Reduction has been replaced by 20% damage immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing.

  • Normalized Dragon Shape scaling.

  • Changed druid/shifter dragon shape as well as shapechange's red dragon to use reduced hitbox sizes, whilst also being a little visually smaller too. Dragon shapes should be party and door friendly.

  • Polymorphed drow and duergar characters no longer receive daylight penalties.

  • The following PC polymorphs now have their scaling normalzied to 100%:
    • Troll
    • Pixie
    • Umber Hulk
    • Red Dragon
    • Fire Giant
    • Balor
    • Iron Golem
    • Badger
    • Boar
    • Penguin
    • Dire Badger
    • Dire Boar
    • Chicken
    • All druid/shifter dragon shapes
    • Parot
    • Rat
    • Snake

  • Fixed keen not correctly merging on creature weapons for druid and shifter shapes. This does not apply to other polymorph spells/effects. Builder note: Keen is still blackboxed on creature weapons, this is a script fix specfic to to druid/shifter polymorphing only.

  • Fixed the hidden decreased AC item properties on special armors being copied to wildshape / shifter polymorphs which would result in lowered dodge AC.

  • Fixed Shifter's Basilisk and Medusa petrification abilities ignoring boss and other NPC's petrification immunities.

  • Added missing spell metadata to Shifter's Basilisk and Medusa petrification abilities.

Alternate Forms

  • Rewrote all of the alternate form scripts to a modernized and more flexible system. All alternate forms now use new widgets. All old widgets will be automatically exchanged with the new widgets when logging in. If you receive the wrong widget or don't receive any updated widgets, or want to swap your widget for one of the available color variant, please post a Misc Request.

  • Normalized the following form's scaling to 100%, fixing both small and large forms that could become problematic on extreme height PCs:
    • Werebear Hybrid Form
    • Werecat Hybrid Form
    • Wererat Hybrid Form
    • Werewolf Hybrid Form
    • Wereboar HybridForm
    • Wereshark Animal Form
    • Wereshark Hybrid Form
    • Wolfwere Hybrid Form
    • Fox Hengeyokai Animal Form
    • Fox Hengeyokai Hybrid Form
    • Badger Animal Form
    • Aranea True Form
    • Yuan-ti Pureblood Snake Form
    • Tibbit Animal Forms

  • All permanent supernatural effects granted by the forms are now all bundled under one "Polymorph" effect icon to be less confusing with other actual spell buff icons.

  • All forms now have spell metadata and are displayed in /viewspells.

  • Fixed alternate forms restoring characters to alternate player race appearances, which often resulted in breakage in other systems.

  • Added wolfwere hybrid and animal form widgets, with grey (default) and white color variants.

  • Added fox and badger hengeyokai animal and hybrid form widgets.

  • Added aranea true form widget. (No hybrid widget at this time.)

  • Added wereshark hybrid and animal form widgets.

  • Added yuan-ti pureblood snake form widget.

  • Updated werebear's hybrid appearance to use the new werebear model we added with one of our last hak updates.

  • Tibbits now have variant color options for their animal form: black (default), white, and tabby. Contact a DM to replace your current widget with the variant color your PC is.

  • Lythari now have variant color options for white or grey. Contact a DM to replace your current widget with the variant color your PC is.

  • Werebears now have variant color options for their forms: brown (default), polar, and black. Contact a DM to replace your current widgets with the variant color your PC is.

  • Using /setportrait or /editdescription while in a form will save those permanently to that form, allowing you to have different portraits and descriptions for your true form vs animal form vs hybrid form.

  • Accessory VFX are temporarily removed while in an alternate form.


  • Characters can no longer level up whilst polymorphed or whilst using an alternate form.

  • Removed various old resrefs from the module palette that were marked for deletion or depreicated by newer systems.

  • Fighting styles are automatically and retroactively granted to all PCs now, with the following exceptions:
    • Arcane style requires an application via a LETO request.
    • Monk styles are only automatically granted to monks.

  • Added experimental automatic fixes for the darkness/ultravision and web/dex AC bugs.

  • Fixed the evil option for turning in the Mirror Quest not marking your journal as completed if you were over HD 13.

  • Fixed Druidic being able to be spoken with tongues.

  • (Potentially) improved client crashloop detection to be more reliable.

  • Characters will now load directly to their bind spots on first login after a server restart, skipping unnecessarily loading In The Beginning.

  • Fixed players being removed from quest chat when transferring between servers.


  • Fixed the fence's store check in Pit's Edge failing to correctly identify whether the PC has Thieves' Cant.

  • Azoun will no longer greet DMs and NPCs entering the beginning character creation area.

  • Corrected the hidden door spot checks in the Mirror Quest dungeon to be search checks.

  • Added trash bins to In The Beginning character creation area.

  • Fixed transitions inside Violet Point player home.

  • Fixed the bar counter occluding visibility in Shadow Lark Cabaret player home.

  • Moved the exit point transition in Mordekainen's Mansion forward to fix pathfinding accessibility issues.

  • Disabled grass sprites in Calantar's Way - Immersea to Hilp and The High Road - East of Eveningstar to not interfere with player house decorations.

  • Fixed the missing return caravan option for Suzail to Arabel.

  • Fixed Fisk's description.


  • Fixed PartyKeyAllowed variable on cd_portal_jump script to correctly check party members for the portal key.

  • polymorph.2da now supports overriding the polymorph appearance's size category, perspace, creature perspace, footstep sound type, hit distance and preferred attack distance as well as overriding the creature's scaling, tail, and wings.

  • The old inn door script, tailoring model NPCs, and music players have been deprecated and replaced in all areas of the module. See this thread for more details:

Dungeon Masters

  • Fixed using /dmrename when possessing an NPC not updating the Rod of Naming to then reuse that last set name when used.

  • Fixed /dmfidestroy not destroying the closest object when targeting yourself.

  • /dmfidestroy will no longer destroy doors unless the door is directly targeted.

  • Path tool and command can be used on placeables to create transitions between existing placeables.

  • Fixed not being able to change a 1 way path to a 2 way path on doors.

  • Fixed not being able to use the path tool on placeables to create custom portals without requiring creating a new placeables via the /createpath command.

  • Trying to use a path from the exit of a one way path will now tell you it's a one way path rather than "You can't use this".

  • DMs can use locked paths.

  • Fixed /setscale reset not reverting a character's edited scaling back to their original scale.

  • Added /createportal <tag> for creating a cross-server portal destination. Use /portal <tag> to portal targeted players to the portal destination. Note: Portal tags are shared between all DMs. You will be prompted if attempting to overwrite an existing destination; please list any tags you are using for other DM's awareness.

From Fire Wraith:

  • Fixed appearance changer head model scripts to include missing heads

  • Fixed Dhedluk War Wizard Tower's confused transition issues trapping players in a locked player home.

  • Various fixes to Evereska event areas.

  • Portal in Sschindylryn to Arabel Sewers now leads to/from Yulash's outskirts instead.

  • Fixed Hezrou having an invalid invisible appearance.

  • Various tweaks to Suzail:
    • Added map pins to various areas for points of interest.
    • Renamed Suzail City to Suzail Eastern Promenade. The teleport key for this area has been adjusted accordingly.
    • Added additional teleport locations around Suzail.
    • Added a door for the Huncrown Estate.

  • Fixed limited venison stock in Velethul's treetop merchant.

  • Player house updates.

From Edge:

  • Various balance tweaks to the  low level underdark Sschindylryn dungeons.

From Rykka:

  • Various fixes and tweaks to Sschindylryn

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Oct 05, 2022, 02:36 AM
CD Module 4.09b1 Hotfix 1

These out-of-band hotfixes have been applied live to the server and are current to fix a few bugs in the interim between module updates.

  • Fixed barbarian rage being dispellable.

  • Fixed lythari who had been incorrectly given the werewolf widgets during character creation prior to 4.09b1 being upgraded with the new werewolf widgets, rather than be given the new lythari specific widgets. This fix is retroactive and any lythari upgraded with the wrong widgets should receive the correct widgets upon login.

  • Fixed characters being given duplicate alternate form widgets upon login. Duplicate widgets will be automatically removed from anyone affected.

  • Fixed DMs not being timed out from quest chat after logging off for more than 60 minutes.

  • Fixed windwalker's air walk ability.

  • Fixed /listenrange reporting characters not in quest chat as being in quest chat, and vice versa.

  • Added white werewolf alternate form widgets.

  • Fixed PCs logged out in a destroyed area who're sent back to the module start location upon login not being forwarded to their bind point.

  • Fixed keen not transfering to shifter or druid shape's creature weapons.

  • Corrected Fisk's age.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Oct 11, 2022, 10:24 PM
CD Module 4.09b2

Scripted Quest & XP System Fixes

  • Fixed handing in the Slaad Tower quest completing the quest for all party members.

  • Fixed handing in the Witch's Gem quest completing the quest for all party members.

  • Fixed an exploit that allowed collecting the reward from the highmoon bandit mirror quest twice.

  • Fixed an exploit present in the majority of scripted XP quests that allowed XP to still be awarded after the scripted quest's XP level cap.

  • Fixed a bug that when near your combat XP cap allowed earning combat XP over your combat XP cap.

  • All XP reward functions have been rewritten. Excess RPXP awarded from all sources (scripted quests and faery ticks) will now roll over to your next level. Excess RPXP will not roll over if you're at ascension cap.

  • Combat XP can be earned when within 1,000 XP of ascension if your combat XP cap hasn't been reached yet. This fixes being unable to re-earn lost combat XP from crafting or dying, as well as not being able to earn your final combat XP if you had maximized your RP XP first before combat XP.

  • The XP values in your character sheet are now updated in real time, rather than only when the character sheet is opened.

  • RPXP Faery ticks will always award XP up until 1 XP away from ascension cap, rather than stopping 1 full tick away.

  • Scripted quests can be turned in at ECL 20 unless the reward XP would take you past your ascension cap.

Global Weather

  • Areas are now affected by a global weather system, with different weights for rain, thunderstorms, and snow depending on the module season:
    • Summer has a very low chance of rain.
    • Spring has a moderate chance of rain, and an increased chance of thunderstorms.
    • Fall has a moderate chance of rain, and a low chance of snow.
    • Winter has a high chance of snow.
    • These values may get tweaked over time to find a natural pattern.

  • Only areas flagged natural, above ground, and exterior are affected by the global weather system. Areas can be flagged to ignore the global weather system with the area int variable OVERRIDE_GLOBAL_WEATHER 1. You can force an area to use the global weather system regardless of area flags with USE_GLOBAL_WEATHER 1.

  • Control Weather will only change the weather in the current area. After 20 minutes, the area will be subject to the new weather changes by the global weather system again.


  • Misc fixes to a player home.

  • Aesthetic visual overhaul to the Arabel Warehouse ant tunnels' tileset.

  • Aesthetic visual overhaul to the white chess pieces in Ogre Lord's Redoubt.


  • Updated lythari, wolfwere, and werewolf animal models to use the higher quality Project Q wolf models.

  • Green Knight's Challenge and Knight Errant's Oath of Wrath won't consume feat uses if used against invalid targets.

  • Fixed Green Knight's Cut the Corruption being unusable if transmutation was a forbidden spell school.

  • Using return now displays a timer, which can be cancelled to stop you from returning.

  • Reviving/Raising/Resurrecting will now display a progress bar for both the healing player and target. If multiple people attempt to revive a target at the same time or are interrupted/cancel reviving the target, the progress bar displayed to the target may be incorrect or prematurely closed.

  • Characters will stand back up if their reviving attempt is cancelled or interrupted.

  • Fixed being able to begin reviving targets before they were dead.

  • Added feedback whenever a character stops or finishes reviving a target.

  • Fixed barbarian rage being dispellable by spells and being removed in dead magic zones.

  • Creature statues now save their facing at spawn and will return to that facing if ever turned another direction, instead of attempting to face a waypoint which if didn't exist would make the statue face toward 0,0.

  • Fixed Spell Sequencer rejecting subradial spells.

  • Fixed shadow weave penalties from equipped items being applied accumulatively every time the character transitioned areas.

  • Fixed removing any shadow weave penalty item removing all shadow weave penalties when it should only remove the penalty associated with the removed item.

  • Shadow weave penalties gained from using shadow weave magic items will now expire on rest. This does not include equipped items, which can only be removed by unequipping the shadow weave item.

  • All shadow weave penalties are now -2 wisdom, instead of -1d4 to fix an exploit that allowed characters to reroll their penalty.

From Fire Wraith:

  • Updates to various player houses.
  • Fixed Suzail East's teleport key reported in the teleport key finder.
  • Fixed various areas using generic area tags.

From Rykka:

  • Additional underdark updates.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Oct 13, 2022, 10:41 PM
CD Module 4.09b3


  • Fixed Sschindylryn Outskirt's portal to Yulash.

  • Migrated Sschindylryn's ferry from Sschindylryn Gates to Sschindylryn Outskirts.

  • Fixed Temple of Selune's Recovery Wing rest areas, again.

  • Fixed Temple of Selune's Recovery Wing exit transition facing you backwards.

  • Fixed transition issues with 2 player homes.


  • Green Knight's Indestructible feat's death effect immunity is now permanent and does not require reapplication via using the feat.

  • Green Knight's Challenge can only be used on hostile creatures, as opposed to both hostile and neutral creatures.

  • Fixed the Bandit Mirror quest's journal entries not always being updated correctly at each stage of the quest.

  • Fixed the reviving progress bar not being removed from the target if the last reviving player was interrupted during their revive.

  • Spells that increase/decrease physical damage on the character sheet now report their damage increase as "Physical" rather than the confusing "Bludgeoning".

  • Minor tweaks to the global weather system algorithm.

  • Fixed not being able to unset persistent accessory VFX.

  • Added support for wing and tail model overrides for alternate forms.

  • Changed wererat's alternate hybrid form to Project Q's better model.

  • Lythari now gain stat bonuses in animal form:

    +2 AC
    +1 AB
    +6/10 Damage Reduction
    +2 Strength
    +4 Dexterity
    +4 Constitution
    +2d8 Temp HP

Dungeon Masters

  • Fixed resetting /setvisualtransform not restoring a character's original transforms (such as scale) under certain edge cases.

  • Fixed /viewspells not working for DMs, which was inadvertantly broken in the last update.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Oct 19, 2022, 03:35 AM
CD Module 4.09b4

Scripted Quests

  • Completing a hub exclusive quest will remove the other hub's in-progress quest from your journal.

  • Quest journal messages are now hidden during login to reduce the wall of combat log messages.

  • Fixed the Yulash Down the Drain quest not being updated on login.

  • Fixed the Yulash Spiderhaunt Death Knight quest not being updated on login.

  • Fixed the Yulash Spiderhaunt quest dungeon transitions.

  • All quests now display the maximum level for earning XP in the journal, as well as what quest they're mutually exclusive with.

  • The Witch's Gem quest now remembers if you've started the quest after server restarts.

  • Fixed multiple exploits with The Witch's Gem quest.

  • Fixed the Witch's Gem not flagging characters as having defeated the four spirits if any of the spirits were killed indirectly (such as suicide by damage).

  • Quest items can no longer be sold to stores.

  • Reduced the weight of the painting quest item.


  • Fixed shadow weave item penalties being reapplied accumulatively on login.

  • Shadow weave penalties from using a magic item will only be applied if you did not already have penalties from that item.

  • Fixed Ranger's losing Ambidexterity/Two-Weapon Fighting when equipping any item after having equipped special AC light armors such as elven chain.

  • Equipping special AC light armors such as elven chain on ranger will no longer display the ranger abilities disabled combat log feedback message.

  • Changed the server's 10 minute restart warning to 15 minutes.

  • Minor player house fixes.

  • Server weather changed from Summer to Fall.

  • Fixed the Duergar subrace setup script.

From Fire Wraith

  • Restored the missing monument in Suzail Palace District.

  • Minor player house fixes.

  • Fixed the name of one of the dogs in Shadowdale.

  • Updated quest areas.

From Rykka

  • Updated the Thayan Enclave in the Underdark.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Nov 06, 2022, 09:51 PM
CD Module 4.09b5


  • Updated Hawk's Perch Trading House.

  • Added memorabilia to Ashabenford Inn.

  • Player house updates.

  • In The Beginning's beginner store now sells ammunition in stacks of 5000.

  • All NPC conversations in In The Beginning are now instanced and private.

  • The Keeper of Languages sphinx in In The Beginning can no longer be pushed out of place.


  • Fixed blinkstrike always reporting Vrock Noble as the NPC's name.

  • Fixed henchmen such as Shadow Double subjected to friendly fire breaking the commoner faction for the attacker.

  • Fixed NPC casters attempting to use horse menu feats as enhancement buffs, which would cause some NPCs such as the Memory of Netheril NPCs to break and stand still when entering their buffing routines.

  • Rewrote the majority of summon/henchmen AI scripts, fixing many edge case issues that resulted in either slow and indecisive AI behavior, or caused AI to stand still trying to use invalid abilities and feats.

  • Added /toggleaispells which permanently toggles your summon's ability to cast non-healing spells and abilities on or off. This can be overridden per summon with /order spells [on|off]

  • /order to attack will now lock summons to that target until either the target dies or a different command is issued to the summon with /order or with voice commands.

  • /order to move a summon will now order the summon to Stand Your Ground at the targeted location.

  • Added /order spells [on|off] to toggle the targeted summon's ability to cast non-healing spells and abilities on or off. This overrides /toggleaispells.

  • Decreased Marut and Marut Champion's personal space and creature spacing.

  • Replaced all summoned dragon appearances with smaller hitbox versions. n.b. Whilst improved, the crystal dragon hitboxes are still large in some axis and will require a hak update to improve further.

  • Summoned Tulani Eladrin will now use its bard song.

  • Reduced frequency that player summons use knockdown and taunt.

  • Bioware AI will correctly use Flurry of Blows and Rapid Shot now.


  • Added /bow for playing the radial menu bowing animation.

  • Disabled the default *puffs on a pipe* emote messages played when the smoking VFX emote is triggered by a typed emote or via /smoke.

  • Minor tweaks to the weather system algorithm for weather changing patterns.

  • Weather system will now work with lightning storms. Note that lightning is partially hardcoded in the engine, and lightning flashes on your screen won't play until you change areas.

  • Weather system will now work correctly in artifical flagged areas, such as cities.

  • Weather system is disabled on the event server. DMs can use the available DM tools to change an area's weather to their needs.

  • Rare chance of lightning strikes during storms.

  • Fixed multiple areas incorrectly subject to weather because of odd area flags.

  • Fixed being able to revive other characters from any distance.

  • Fixed Shadow Weave feat penalizing non-transmutation and evocation spells.

  • Fixed Tenacious Magic feat granting +4 dispel magic DC bonus on transmutation and evocation spells.

  • Changed Ancient Gargoyle racial type to Monstrous Humanoid.


  • NPC conversations can now be set to private with int variable CONVERSATION_PRIVATE 1. The old private conversation specific OnDialogue scripts are now deprecated.

  • NPC conversations can now be instanced with int variable CONVERSATION_INSTANCED 1. The old instanced conversation specific OnDialogue scripts are now deprecated

From Fire Wraith

  • Player house updates.

  • Key lock removed from Velethuil Treetops. Note that this only allows access to those the elves consider non-hostile.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Nov 14, 2022, 05:02 AM
CD Module 4.09b6


  • Player house updates.

  • Fixed missing return caravan option from Ashabenford to Yulash.

  • Fixed Yulash to Hillsfar caravan option charging too much for distance traveled.

  • Moved Violet Flame and Shadowdale's generic high magic arcane shops to the global shop system.

  • Removed duplicate ultravision scroll from the generic high magic arcane shops.

  • Moved generic weapon stores to the global shop system.

  • Arabel, Yulash, and Sschindyrlyn's pawn shop inventories are now shared.

  • Significantly optimized the Violet Flame's placeable counts.

  • Added door locks to the Forest Edge inn rooms.

  • Removed defunct inn room keys from the Wanted Wyvern store.

  • Fixed drinks being sold in stacks of 100 in the Moon and Stars, Silver Wink, and The Old Man.

  • Removed +10 Healing Kits from multiple stores.

  • Replaced trigger area transitions entering the sewers in Arabal Southeast with usable sewer grate placeables.

  • Added a bind point to Duskturn.

  • Fixed an issue where the wrong World Serpent keys were taken from a PC when leaving the World Serpent.

Sneak Attacks, Devastating Critical, and On Hit: Damage Weapon Enhancement Spells

  • All sneak attack progressing classes now count as attacker and defender classes for Uncanny Dodge II's sneak attack immunity, as well as Battlerager. This change adds Arcane Trickster, Divine Trickster, Divine Seeker, Blackguard, Invisible Blade, and Battlerager to classes counted for sneak attacking a creature who has Uncanny Dodge II, and adds those classes to the classes counted for denying sneak attacks if the target has Uncanny Dodge II.

  • Sneak Attacks denied via Uncanny Dodge II now give feedback to the attacker.

  • Devastating Critical's floating text and combat log attack roll feedback now display again.

  • Devastating Critical's bonus damage is now applied as a custom damage type.

  • Devastating Critical's bonus damage can now trigger cleave.

  • Elemental Weapon and all other On Hit: Cast Spell weapon damage enhancements can now trigger cleave.


  • Fixed Lolth's Meat granting its bonuses from non-melee kills if a melee weapon was held at the time the creature's death, such as from spells or delayed damage.

  • Fixed Lolth's Meat to also apply on killing any NPC not using Bioware AI.

  • Added spell metadata to Lolth's Meat.

  • Hide in Plain Sight now requires both a minimum of 10 ranks spent in Hide and Move Silently, as well as a minimum of 10 points with modifiers to succesfully use HIPs.

  • Added spell metadata to Terrifying Rage.

  • Fixed saving throws versus Terrifying Rage automatically failing if the target was immune to fear.

  • Changed Terrifying Rage's voice emote responses to being feared to only have a 25% chance of happening, instead of always being played.

  • NPCs voice emote responses to being feared by Terrifying Rage are now hidden from chat. The voice emote sound will still be heard.

  • Creatures succeeding their saving throw versus Terrifying Rage are now made temporarily immune, bringing Terrifying Rage's aura in line with other condition auras.

  • Creatures immune to paralysis are no longer immune to Terrifying Rage's effects.


  • Summon/henchmen AI will no longer try to dispel AOEs if their spell casting is toggled off.

  • Adjusted summoned crystal dragon's hitbox scaling.

  • Changed Faerio'phax to use Bioware's white dragon appearance with some scaling adjustments to fix hitbox targeting issues that could make targeting allies or ice wraiths near Faerio'phax impossibly difficult.

  • Fixed balors' lack of immunity to fire damage.


  • Fixed Swordmages gaining Demonic Servitor's AC bonus, again.


  • Fixed not being able to open stores on the right side of the screen.

  • Fixed ultravision's darkness fix being incorrectly ran when See Invisibility ended.

  • Ultravision's darkness fix will only run if the character had been subjected to darkness whilst affected by ultravision.

  • Fixed some saves failing on a natural 20.

  • Fixed saving throw rolls and VFX appearing for non-creatures.

  • Custom saving throw rolls are no longer shown if the target is immune to the save type, mirroring bioware's save roll behavior


  • Fixed default base game portraits being locked from use.

  • Removed all uses of <race> tokens in NPC conversations.

  • Migrated associate commands to a new category topic in /help.

  • Disabled /normal and other phenotype swaps while mounted.

  • Updated all website link references from to

  • Compacted /hidestatus /lfg /lfrp, and /subdual status information on login.

From Fire Wraith

  • Player house updates.

  • Fixed grass placeables z-fighting with tileset decals in Arabel Central.

  • Moved the World Serpent room key seller from the bar to inside the same area as the World Serpent Rooms, attempting to fix duplicate keys being sold. Note that there's still some cases where rooms might still be made available when they shouldn't be, these will be fixed in a later update.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Nov 19, 2022, 07:06 AM
CD Module 4.09b7


  • Player house updates.

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent inn door locks to not receive their scripts.

  • Fixed Swordhaven to Shadowdale caravan link.

  • Reordered Shadowdale South's caravan destination options to be in logical order by distance.

  • Minor placeable optimizations and tweaks for Warbling Seraph Upstairs.

  • Fixed broken elevation triggers in the Violet Flame.

  • Fixed the ant tunnels in the Infested Warehouse not appearing in /listdungeons.

  • Fixed Faerio'phax's attack and personal space distances.

  • Made all remaining 17 cats and 13 dogs in the module pettable.

  • Fixed visibility issues in the Warbling Seraph Arena.


  • Added Battlerager to Uncanny Dodge 2's sneak attack calculation.

  • Corrected Lolth's Meat being misspelled as Llolth's Meat.

  • Unified all generic sit scripts.

  • Joining a party will automatically add you to the party leader's quest chat channel.

  • Fixed Bioware AI activating and stacking the same auras multiple times.

  • Added /touchon and /diceprivate to the login settings' message.

Dungeon Masters

  • Fixed activated voice widget targets blocking typing ellipses.

  • /questchat fill will now attempt to use your current channel first before seeking a random unused channel when used without inputting a custom channel.

  • Fixed DMs losing their quest chat channel when unpossessing an NPC if the channel was created whilst possessing an NPC.

  • /setareadamage now supports "lightning" and "electric" as aliases for electrical damage.

  • Fixed /setvisualtransform roll and yaw being swapped.

  • Deleted the old tailoring models from the server palette.

From Fire Wraith

  • The Royal Court in Suzail has finished renovations, and is now once more open for both commoners and nobles alike with appropriate business. The Gallery of the Swords of State has also been fully reopened to one and all to see within the Court.

    Similarly, the Royal Palace, whose foyer had been serving as a temporary throne room while the renovations were completed, is no longer being used for such functions, and is being returned back to its original state.

    Cormyrean Noble PCs including Baronets and Knights should message Fire Wraith to receive a token for access to the Royal Court.

  • The War Wizards have performed a survey of the capital, and dispelled some lingering weather-affecting magic that was causing certain parts of Suzail to see strangely colored sunlight.

  • The Purple Dragons of the Suzail Citadel have received a new and better statue of King Azoun IV, after one of their number destroyed the previous one for being poorly made and not doing his Majesty justice.

  • The cat in Eagle Peak is now pettable.

  • Updated a player home.

  • Removed a player home/business at request of the owner.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Nov 28, 2022, 12:56 AM
CD Module 4.09b8


  • Dungeon loot reset timers are now synced with the dungeon encounter respawn timers, with a minimum reset timer of 20 minutes (the current loot respawn timer). Effectively, this change prevents dungeon loot respawning before encounters do in high level dungeons.

  • Fixed encounter respawn timers in Twilight's Edge being set too short.


  • Fixed Dragon Disciple characters created after 4.09b1 not being automatically granted their dragon breath feat at level 3. This fix is retroactive.


  • Time Stop now pauses all spell durations for affected creatures, area of effect spells, items, and other objects.

  • Area damage heartbeats and underwater drowning are now paused during time stop.

  • AOEs are now paused during time stop and won't deal ticking damage.

  • NPCs no longer use some boss abilities such as Blink Strike during time stop.

  • Time stop will attempt to place you back into combat with your target once time stop ends, hopefully reducing incidents of being suddenly flatfoot.

  • Attempting to cast a spell that's on cooldown no longer consumes the spell slot.


  • Fixed SLA Neutralize Poison not removing poisons.

  • Added spell metadata to Terrifying Rage's aura.

  • Fixed Terrifying Rage's aura being dispellable when entering dead magic areas.

  • Barbarian Rage now extends the duration of an already active rage.

  • Dispelling Thundering Rage will now dispel the item property bonuses from your weapons.

  • Fixed weave dead areas dispelling Thundering Rage from your weapons.

  • Divine Might and Divine Shield now extend their own duration if they were already active.

  • Corrected spell metadata icons for Divine Might and Divine Shield.

  • Divine Might and Divine Shield's "out of Turn Undead uses" message is now private and not displayed to other players.

  • Divine Might and Divine Shield now tells you how many uses of Turn Undead you have remaining when used, with combat chat feedback warnings at 2 and 1 uses left.


  • Added THTF event specific boss scripts.

  • Fixed out-of-module init scripts not being executed during server startup.

  • Area processing and player house/generic scripted object initialization on module load is now done in batched processing.

  • Fixed Brew Potion using Craft Wand's spell blacklist. Neither had any spells blacklisted, so this is really a moot changelog note, but at least a bug is fixed!

  • Some critical combat feedback messages such as being unable to cast a spell due to cooldowns or being out of epic spell slots are now privately echoed into your chat window to prevent them being lost in the combat log scroll. You can disable this behavior with /togglecombatfeedback.

  • Fixed some typos in quest chat notification join messages.

  • Fixed global pawn shops being immediately reset without waiting for its maximum time limit whilst players were still inside any of the pawn shop areas.

  • Fixed attacking combat dummies setting nearby friendly NPCs to hostile.

  • Added support for custom scripted diseases and poisons.


  • Added creature int var NO_TIMESTOP 1 to make a creature immune to time stop.

Dungeon Masters

  • Updated DMNPC areas.

From Fire Wraith

  • Added a player house.
  • Made some minor tweaks to Suzail (mostly outside the Royal Palace)
  • Fixed some minor errors in the Royal Court area.

From Ladybug

  • Updated Purple Dragon barracks in Swordhaven.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Nov 29, 2022, 04:45 AM
CD Module 4.09b9


  • Player house updates.

  • Various minor fixes to the Purple Dragon barracks.

  • Added scripted combat dummies to the Purple Dragon barracks.

  • Fixed Sschindyrlyn's weapon store conversation's second open store option not opening the global store.


  • Fixed restoration spells removing all effects from the target.

  • Fixed hostile NPCs attacking ground cast area of effects.

  • Fixed the calculation used for modifying effect durations to correctly modify durations from their remaining duration, and not from their total duration.

  • Migrated Mordenkainen's Mansion to the new spell cooldown system that was introduced in 4.09b8.

  • Fixed Silence auras permanently granting sonic damage immunity if the affected creature was immune to silence type effects.


  • Bard Song and Curse Song can now be sung unless the bard is muted. Songs will continue to not be able to be sung inside areas of silence that block all sound, such as from the spell Silence.

  • Bard Song and Curse Song can now affect muted enemies. Songs will continue to not affect creatures inside areas of silence that block all sound, such as from the spell Silence.


  • Fixed combat dummies missing their default portrait if no portrait override was set.

  • Fixed the effects of alcohol being dispellable.

Dungeon Masters

  • Fixed resetting standard areas flagging the area as a cloned area.

  • DM permissions and authentication system has been updated, please check staff announcements in discord for more info.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Dec 05, 2022, 12:38 AM
CD Module 4.09b10


  • Player house updates.

  • Fixed access to Thunderholme's armor shop.

  • Winter is now here!


  • Fixed timestop breaking in areas with either a large amount of creatures, or in areas with PCs carrying lots of items.

  • Fixed Evards Black Tentacles attempting to grapple DMs.

  • Fixed Epic Mage Armor's AC bonus sometimes applying to polymorphed creatures.

  • Shape Mastery is now persistent.


  • Fixed Bioware AI spell casters attempting to attack themselves if they had accidentally hit themselves with an AOE spell.

  • Hostile Bioware AI will wait for a significantly longer cooldown before attempting to taunt a target that was succesfully taunted recently.

  • Fixed Bioware's default corpse decay timer destroying NPCs who were raised and are still alive.

  • Fixed summoned associate's Open Lock and Disable Trap skill nerfs being removable with restoration spells.

  • Associate names are now saved when using /namesum, /namehench, etc and are now persistent when summoned again. Names are saved per creature. Use /namesum, /namehench, etc without a name to reset an associate's name.


  • Updated Sequencers to hopefully more reliably cast at your caster level.

  • Fixed being able to scribe, brew, and craft wand spells from item cast spells when in /toggle crafting modes.


  • Updated the season to fall/winter.

  • Fixed various area heartbeat or "party" scripts incorrectly targeting DMs in the area.

  • Fixed creature saving throws counting Universal Saving Throw bonuses twice.

  • Regeneration items and bleedout/stabilization rolls are now paused during timestop.

  • Clicking the compass will now tell you the current year, season, and story chapter.


  • Added creature int var DISABLE_ASSOCIATE_NAME_OVERRIDE to disable renaming the associate NPC.

Dungeon Masters

  • Patched a server crash when possessed creatures attempted to cast wildshape. As a result, possessed creatures can no longer cast wildshape.

  • Fixed /setareatheme.

From Vincent

  • Updated the OOC Room with winterfest decorations.

From Terallis

  • Updated Arabel Central with winterfest decorations.

From Fire Wraith

  • Added Winterfest event scripts and NPCs.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Dec 09, 2022, 05:53 AM
CD Module 4.09b11


  • Fixed Swordmage's incantation casting ability check to check base charisma score, rather than the modified bonus score.

  • Fixed Chaos Slash, Elemental Protection, Flame Gauntlet, Mordenkainen's Sword, Ogre's Might, and Void not checking the caster's casting ability.


  • Rewrote how corpse decay timers function, fixing issues with some summoned creatures and other creatures such as the Living Statues in Caverns of Death not being despawned.

  • Fixed respawn menu not being reopenable once closed when petrified.

  • Added the Phildave 2022 community winter event scripts.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Dec 21, 2022, 05:04 AM
CD Module 4.09b12


  • Player house updates.

  • Added support for seasonal winter textures to the Forest and Mountainous Forest tilesets.

Player Commands

  • Improved where /move allows you to move, fixing some instances where you should logically have been able to /move into a placeable or onto a tileset table or bed but weren't able to previously.


  • Fixed caster levels with Practiced Spellcaster feats sometimes causing the caster level to exceed the character's hitdice.


  • Fixed boss abilities such as Blink Strike not being interrupted if the creature became stunned, knocked down, etc.

  • Fixed Blink Strike double dipping damage if the victim was caught between overlapping hit detection checks.

  • Fixed Blink Strike charging through placeable walls.

  • Fixed various old creatures that were still using immortality previously used to prevent death from the old Devastating Critical feat, which also made them immune to various status effects.


  • Player House/Special Scripted Object initialization is now done the first time the area is loaded, rather than at module startup, significantly decreasing module load times by around 600%.

  • Added Wererat, Assassin alternate form hybrid appearance widget.

  • (Potentially) Fixed drinking potions sometimes dropping you out of expertise mode.


  • Added creature int var BLINKSTRIKE_DISABLE_VULNERABILITIES 1 to disable the default vulnerabilities applied to a stunned blink striking creature.

  • Creature int var Blink_Damage has been replaced by string var BLINK_DAMAGE, which accepts all standard damage formula inputs for flat, dice roll, percent of max hp, and percent of current hp damage formulas: 10, 1d10, 10%, 10%%. Default is 200.

Dungeon Masters

  • Fixed /listenrange returning no PCs for Dungeon Masters.

  • Fixed /editdesc sometimes editing the wrong description field on overriden items.

  • Removed the legal space restrictions from /move for DMs and DM possessed NPCs, allowing DMs to position NPCs wherever they like, or even phase through doors.

  • Fixed chat messages sent through stationary The Voice NPCs as well as items, doors, and placeables targeted by the Voice Widget not being heard by DMs or players.

  • Copied and imported event areas will now always be displayed at the top of the list of event areas in the area chooser.

  • Fixed aura uses being consumed but not activating when spawning encounter creatures.

From Fire Wraith

  • Fixed the missing dungeon tag on Deepgrave's dungeon entry.

  • Removed dungeon tags from the exterior areas around Tilverton.

  • Removed the dungeon tag from the Green Valley exterior area.

  • Fixed the above ground area flags in Maerimydra - Sewers South.

  • Various fixes to floating placeables or misplaced area transitions across the server.

  • Returned Cinderella's silver shoe stolen by one of the Shadowdale NPCs.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Dec 29, 2022, 09:37 AM
CD Module 4.09b13


  • Player house updates.


  • Fixed various exploits with Alter Self.

  • /setalter is now automatically set when attempting to use Alter Self if it had not already been set.

  • Fixed extended Alter Self having double the caster level against dispels.


  • Added area int var DISABLE_CLASS_MOVEMENT 1 to disable class movement bonuses in the area (monk speed, barbarian fast movement)

From Fire Wraith

  • Fixing a floating tree in Moonsea Coast area.

  • Fixed missing skybox and fog clip distance in Northride - Shadowdale Border area.

  • Player house updates.

  • Fixed some z-fighting placeables in Suzail Royal Gardens.

  • Standardized Blue Dragon NPC ranks in Marsember.

  • Event area updates.

  • Removed "The" prefix from the Way of the Manticore areas.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Jan 20, 2023, 06:51 AM
CD Module 4.09b14

Player Commands

  • Added /toggleaoo:

    Toggles your ability to take Attacks of Opportunity against vulnerable enemies. This is particularly useful for spell casters who would otherwise interrupt their spell casting to attack enemies running past you/shooting a bow in melee range of you/etc.

  • Fixed numerous bugs and exploits with /leap.

  • Fixed /leap not correctly jumping you correct distances for scaled PC heights.

  • /leap now provokes Attack of Opportunities from enemies in combat.

  • Made /leap slightly faster.

  • /listpcs now lists players on other servers first, followed by DMs on your server, then hidden players, then the list of players and their areas. The area you're in is always listed last.


  • Traps now automatically respawn.

  • Flagged traps now automatically become unflagged.

  • Destroyed doors now automatically respawn.

  • Fixed traps that could only be recovered once per server reset.

  • Made the transitions to Arabel's outskirt corner areas easier to find.

  • Migrated various Arabel guard NPCs in each gate district onto POST_ waypoints and onto our NPC rest/unarm system.

  • Replaced placeable doors with actual doors in Arabel's gate districts.

  • Plot flagged all placeables in Arabel's gate districts.

  • Blocked /leap and flight through the Haunted Halls fenced entry hall.

  • Plot flagged all placeables in Wyvernspur Crypt.

  • Blocked /leap through the fences in Wyvernspur Crypt.

  • Blocked /leap through the fences in Silent Ossuary.

  • Web placeables in Arabel Sewers will now automatically respawn.

  • Web placeables in Arabel Sewers now highlight as being attackable/destroyable.

  • Blocked /leap and flight through the web placeables in Arabel Sewers.

  • Fixed Niall's store in Thunderholme.


  • All On Hit: Cast Spell item properties are now cast on hit.


  • Updated Blizzard's VFX.

  • Fixed Dimension Door / Shadow Jump / Abundant Step infinitely casting when cast too close to yourself.

  • Fixed Dimension Door kidnapping friendly NPCs.

  • Updated Shadow Jump's VFX. (nb. If you have both Shadow Jump and Abundant Step, Abundant Step's VFX will take precedence until our next hak update)

  • Updated Abundant Step's VFX.

  • Updated Tree Stride's VFX.

  • Fixed Elemental Weapon's cessation effect's duration using turns instead of hours.

  • Elemental Weapon can now be cast on bows, crossbows, and slings.

  • Fixed being able to cast Elemental Weapon on improper items by targeting the creature.

  • Fixed Bless Weapon not being able to be directly cast on gloves
  • Fixed Keen Edge being incorrectly castable on bracers if cast directly on the item.


  • Fixed losing RPXP Faery ticks if a tick was earned in between earning enough XP to level up but before completing the level up.

  • Locking a door will now also lock transition linked doors.

  • Updated current server plot chapter to "Book IX - Chapter 3 - Long Live The Queen".


  • Added trigger int var NO_JUMP 1 to define drawn areas players cannot /leap or /move to, through, or out of.

  • Added trigger int var NO_D_DOOR 1 to define drawn areas players cannot dimension door/shadowjump/abundant step to, through, or out of.

  • Added trigger int var NO_FLY_ZONE 1 to define drawn areas players cannot fly to, through, or out of.

  • All door/placeable auto close/lock scripts are now deprecated. Please use the following variables instead:

    • int AUTO_CLOSE_DELAY <seconds> - How many seconds until the object auto closes. Recommended values are 300 (5 mins), or 1800 (30 mins) which are the standards across the module.

    • int AUTO_CLOSE_LOCK <0|1> - Whether the object should lock when it automatically closes.

    • string AUTO_CLOSE_DESTINATION_DOOR <tag> - Used for asymmetric door transitions, where the transition destination is a waypoint instead of a door, but you still need a door on the other side to open/close/unlock/lock with this door. This works both when your door automatically closes/locks, and when a player opens/closes/locks/unlocks your door. Nb. this is only one way, to have two asymmetric doors lock/close/open/unlock each other you have to setup AUTO_CLOSE_DESTINATION_DOOR on both.

  • Added placeable int var AUTO_RESPAWN <1> will set a placeable to respawn after being destroyed.

  • aet_gen{chst|door}_* scripts are now deprecated and have been removed:

    • Respawning traps are now automatically handled by our global event system.

    • Lock bashing is now set with int var LOCK_BASHABLE 1.

    • Auto closing/locking doors and placeables are handled with AUTO_CLOSE_DELAY and AUTO_CLOSE_LOCK int vars.

  • Added placeable int var ATTACKABLE 1 to configure an object to display and act as being a hostile/attackable placeable.

  • cd_portal_jump, cd_portal_jump2, and cd_portalpartyck have been deprecated. Portals are now created with the Scripted Objects system:

    • Consolidated features from all 3 scripts.

    • Fixed delayed portal actions being interuptable.

    • Added new optional features configured with variables.

    • Portals now use the transition/door mouse hover cursor.

    • Unlocking a portal with the portal's key will allow anyone the ability to use the portal until locked again. Portals will automatically relock after 5 minutes.

Dungeon Masters

  • Spell casting combat log messages now display the spell target and metamagic type when a spell begins to be cast, to bring feature parity with feedback messages when spells have been finished being cast.

  • Fixed /setskillrank setting a skill to 0 if using skill name with a space not encapsulated in quotes as the second argument.

  • Added missing feedback messages for /setvarstring.

  • Standardized /setareavar* feedback messages to match all over variable setting command messages.

From Fire Wraith

  • Player house updates.

  • Removed Winterfest event area.

  • The Behemoth has a new model.

  • You can now give treats to cats and dogs.

  • Flower vendors have picked up a side business selling treats for cats and dogs.

  • Event area updates.

  • Cradle of Mielikki updated to reflect current server events.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Feb 13, 2023, 05:55 AM
CD Module 4.09b15

Player Commands

  • Fixed /listpcs "Online Players" being listed after the hidden player list.

  • Fixed not being able to manage your outfits via the /outfit command if your inventory was full.

  • Added /editfamiliar to change the appearance of your cat familiar.

  • Added /editcompanion to change the appearance of your bear and wolf animal companions.

  • /dragonshape menu now shows the dragon's portrait and has help text with the dragon's description and its shape statblock/bonuses.


  • Fixed secret doors not teleporting the player when used.

  • Fixed traps on respawned doors not being detectable by PCs.

  • Fixed ground traps double respawning and being not detectable by PCs.

  • Fixed locked doors in Wyvernspur Crypt not auto closing or auto locking, and not being bashable.

  • Player house updates.


  • Fixed Blizzard's aura VFX not being removed with /endmyaoe.

  • Fixed elemental damage from ranged weapons being able to trigger cleave.


  • Fixed encounter popup descriptions triggering when the encounter was inactive.

  • Fixed encounter popup descriptions to be seen by all nearby party members, and not just the PC triggering the encounter.

  • Fixed popup descriptions not working on placeables.


  • ab_desctrig_mult and ab_desctrig_once are now deprecated. Popup flavor text descriptions are now set through string var POPUP_FLAVOR_TEXT <message> for areas, triggers, encounters, useable placeables, and doors. You can optionally use string vars POPUP_FLAVOR_TEXT_DAY and POPUP_FLAVOR_TEXT_NIGHT instead to have separate day and night descriptions.

  • Added creature var floats SPAWN_POSITION_X and SPAWN_POSITION_Y which will move a creature to the given position when spawned, allowing decorative static creatures to be placed in illegal locations, such as inside placeables or outside the tileset walkmesh.

  • Added creature int var EQUIP_TORCH_NIGHT 1 to allow a waypoint patrolling NPC to equip a torch with the tag "NW_IT_TORCH001" from their inventory at night.

  • Added support for Jasper's AI_TALK_ON_CONVERSATION arrays on creatures using Bioware AI scripts.

From Fire Wraith

  • Player house updates.

  • Fixed missing stores in Ends of the World.

From Rykka

  • Updates to Arabel East.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Mar 08, 2023, 06:22 PM
CD Module 4.09c1
Fire Wraith

  • Player house updates.

  • Removed the old Clockwork Security area in Arabel.


  • Changed the date to Winter/Spring 1384.

  • Areas module wide should now be set to Springtime rather than snow-covered.

From Vincent


  • Fire Bomb items now use their own scripts instead of Incendiary cloud. Damage is set at 4d6+10, and SR no longer applies.

  • Acid Bomb items now use their own scripts instead of Acid Fog. Damage is set at 4d6+10, and SR no longer applies.

  • Alchemist's Fire's weapon buff now lasts for 2 hours and casts at CL 10, rather than 1. Additionally it can no longer be stacked with other Elemental Weapon style buffs.

  • Acid Flask can now be applied to weapons in the same manner as Alchemist's Fire. It also lasts 2 hours, and will not stack with other Elemental Weapon buffs.


  • Updated OOC Room

  • Updated Arabel Central


  • Added baseline Tier 6 loot for future dungeons. Overhauls and edits mentioned below were carried forward into this Tier.

  • Overhauled all 5 existing Tiers of Wondrous Items. In general, most Amulets and all Boots now have AC on them. 

  • Boots of Striding were re-envisioned to differentiate from Boots of Hardiness. 

  • Boots of Reflexes and Tumbling were completely changed and no longer exist in higher tiers. 

  • Boots of Reflexes are replaced later on by Hoppy Feet and Boots of Nimbleness. 

  • Boots of Tumbling are now Boots of Nobility. 

  • Items with random 1 or 2 points of AC were given Tier appropriate AC. 

  • Numerous weapons that had damage types that did not stack with their base type were fixed.

  • The following items need to be swapped out if you possess them, as they were too far out of property alignments: Hoary Cloak of Hoggoth, The Deaf Ear.


  • Balors and Pit Fiends summoned by Gate spells, as well as a number of dungeon monsters have been reverted to lesser fiends to help maintain the narrative power of those creatures.  No mechanical balance was changed.

  • Black Slaadi have similarly been reverted to lesser Slaadi.

Fox also has a number of scripts that were hotfixed already, but I'll add the details when she's back.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Mar 17, 2023, 01:28 PM
CD Module 4.09c2
Fire Wraith

  • Player house updates.
  • Replaced some old/bad mist placeables in the Arabel Bathhouse Hot Springs area.
  • Removed the old version of Arabel Central that was causing issues with teleportation.
  • Imported and set up areas for upcoming Evereska quests.

From Vincent


  • Added a fix for Arabel Central

From Fox:


- Player house updates.


- Fixed Acid Flask and Alchemist Fire not buffing ranged weapons.
- Fixed Acid Flask and Alchemist Fire buffing enemy's gloves if thrown at the enemy.
- Fixes some ILR bugs with equipping certain T4 items.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Mar 19, 2023, 08:01 PM
CD Module 4.09c2-Hotfix 1

Inventory Sizes and You!
Characters with an excessive amount of items in their inventory can cause a multitude of server scripts to error, as well as potentially becoming a source for undue lag on the server. We are now enforcing a soft cap of 1400 items in player inventories, and a further hard cap of 1600 items.

At 1400 items you will receive a message in-game in your combat log and next to your portrait that you are carrying too many items.

If you continue to collect items, you will eventually become be restricted from looting or buying items and will be required to reduce your inventory size before you can loot or buy items again. If you accidentally drop or sell an item whilst restricted, you'll be able to loot or buy it back.

If you happen to cross over the 1400 item threshold whilst dungeoning or through normal play, that's okay! Just remember to sell/reduce your loot/excess items before you log off.

Individual item stacks such as arrows, potions, scrolls, etc only count as 1 item.

For reference: A inventory can hold 360 1x1 items; so to exceed 1400 items would require you to fill many bags to the brim with more 1x1 items. On the staff team we have multiple player merchants, faction quartermasters, etc who're holding very large inventories of gear and roleplay items and even we don't come close to this limit. This change will only affect a very small percent of outlying characters.

  • Fixed some locked dungeon boss chests in T5 dungeons automatically relocking too quickly. These chests will now relock with the dungeon's respawn encounter and door/trap reset timers.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Apr 06, 2023, 07:15 PM
CD Module 4.09d1

Settings Menu

  • Various common settings such as /touchon, /diceprivate, /hidestatus, /questchat color, /hidehelm, /toggletail, rest animation; as well as your current server spawn and temple respawn bindpoints can now be accessed in the new /settings menu, which can also be accessed via your class radial menu, or from the crafting skills conversation.

    n.b. Until our hak update, when using the class radial menu action you'll then have to click on yourself to open the menu.

Scribing, Brewing, and Wand Crafting

  • Casting a spell on a blank scroll, bone wand, or magical potion bottle now opens a NUI menu for crafting:

    • You can now select how many items to craft (up to 100 at a time for scrolls and potions, 10 at a time for wands).

    • Calculated crafting costs are now shown before crafting.

    • Wand and potion appearances can be customized during crafting. Appearances are saved for each spell when crafted (ie. so a potion of haste will remember what your last crafted potion of haste looked like).

  • Blank scrolls and magical potion bottles now stack to 100 (nb. Until our hak update, if you split these stacks you'll have to drop and pick up the items again to combine them).

  • Spells up to innate level 6 can now be craft into wands, with exceptions for shadow double, shadow walk, and teleport spells which cannot be craft into wands.

  • Spells up to innate level 5 can now be brewed into potions, with exceptions for teleport spells which cannot be brewed.

  • Removed /togglescribing, /togglebrewing, and /togglewandcrafting.

  • Newly purchased Sheafs of Scrolls, Casks of Empty Potion Bottles, and Boxes of Unechanted Bone Wands now come with 100 items for unpacking. Sheafs and casks will unpack 10 at a time, boxes of wands will unpack 1 wand at a time.

Trap Crafting and Disassembling

  • Trapper's Toolkits are now sold by fences and a select few other NPCs in the module. These kits come with 20 charges, but may be recharged up to 50 charges by successfully disassemble Strong, Deadly, or Epic traps.

  • A Trapper's Toolkit is required for all trap crafting. Trap crafting can be accessed by either using the toolkit on yourself or on trap material components, or via the Crafting Skills radial menu. Attempting to craft a trap will consume 1 charge. Failing the Craft Trap DC has a 10% chance of consuming the trap's material components.

  • The Trapper's Toolkit can be used on a trap kit in your inventory to attempt to disassemble the trap, giving you between 40 to 100% of the disassembled trap's material components back. Attempting to disassemble a trap will always destroy the trap regardless of success or failure. Successfully disassembling a strong, deadly, or epic trap will recharge the trapper's toolkit 1 to 3 charges. Failing to disassemble a trap will consume 1 charge from the toolkit.

  • Epic fire, electrical, frost, and sonic traps can now be crafted. Other epic traps will be supported in a future hak update.

  • Fixed recovered epic traps being unidentified.

Item Writing/Editing System (Books, Scrolls, Letters, Paintings, Plushies & More)

  • The book/letter writing system has been replaced with a new bespoke system:

    • To write on an item, use a quill (or other appropriate tool for other editable items) on the item to open a NUI menu.

    • The appearance of many items can now be changed, depending on the type of editable item.

    • Items can be locked/unlocked so that only the person who locked it can edit it.

    • You can now copy the title, description and where applicable the appearance of other editable items.

    • Writing costs a variable amount of ink (or other cost unit for other editable item types) per character changed. By default, most editable items cost 1 ink (or other unit) per 20 characters.

    • Color tokens can now be used in editable items.

    • Languages can now be written inline in item descriptions that can only be read by someone capable of reading the language. (See below for more)

  • Stone figurines are now sold in Thunderholme and Sschindylryn.

  • Runestones and mage sigils are now sold in the Violet Flame, Shadowdale, and Stoneflame Tower.

  • Paintings are now sold in Arabel, Yulash, Suzail, and Sschindylryn.

  • Food & cooking ingredients are now sold in Sschindylryn, Suzail, Berrybriar, and Highmoon.

  • Plushy templates are now sold in Berrybriar and Sschindylryn.

  • Maps and cards are now sold at all standard scribe stores.

  • Quills/books/letters/signet rings/ink wells/etc from the old system are no longer supported, and are not compatible with the new system.

  • Signet rings, seals, and packages have been removed for the time being.

  • Custom drinks are not yet included in the new system, but are planned for a future expansion for the editable item system.

  • Note that while some of these editable items such as the plushie sewing kit might be themed around "sewing" or "chiseling", this is predominately for a lack of better all-encompassing crafting type. If you wish to use the plushie sewing kit or stone chiseling tools to instead roleplay your character making another type of simple toy or figurine, such as a wood carved figurine, that's acceptable too as long as you're not going outside the bounds of creating simple non-magical toys/figurines.

    For all crafted items, anything magical or anything that might convey any sort of mechanical benefit requires applying for the item on the forums through the Roleplay Item Requests board.


  • Languages can now be used inline in creature, door, placeable, and item descriptions using [language:text]

    Two lines of text are written on this sign, the first line reads "[elven:I'm written in elven!]", and the second line reads "[draconic:and I'm written in draconic.]


  • The bindstone widget has been removed from all characters. Server restart spawn points are now set with /setspawn, or through the /settings menu.

  • Bindstone locations can now be added to player houses and faction areas, please read the Builders section of the changelog for details.

    Bindstones have been added to all existing player houses and factions, locked to the house or faction area's front door key.

    If a bindstone location was missed from your player home or faction area, please send a private message to Fire Wraith, Fox, Vincent, and Edge on the forums with a screenshot of the location you want a bindstone added, and the key tag for locking the bindstone. Please do not send us areas you have updated yourself for adding bindstones. We will do this for you.


  • Player house updates.

  • Added a underdark fence vendor to the road between Sschindylryn and Maerimydra.

  • Updated the mirrors in Icegloom to fix bugs and to provide a significantly higher challenge.

  • Fixed doors in Arabel Sewers B2 that lock after the first time they've been opened.

  • Fixed inn room door costs using the incorrect variable in multiple areas.

  • Fixed floating and other placeable issues in The Drunken Badger.

  • Removed The Drunken Badger's defunct room keys.

  • Fixed various party key locked portals not being locked by default.

  • Respawn locations have been added to all temples and attended indoor shrines.

  • Fixed the traps on the doors in Silent Ossuary - Main Floor to be one-shot traps.

  • Added some climbable crates and a ladder to the barricades south of the Temple of Waukeen in Yulash.

  • Fixed the boss encounters in Crumbling Cliffs spawning either multiple rust monsters or multiple kobold chieftains.

  • Added rest zone decorations to Crumbling Cliff's rest area.

  • Removed Uncanny Dodge 2 from Silent Ossuary's bats.

  • Tweaked spring weather's chance for rain and thunderstorms.


  • Fixed Magic Circle versus Alignment's effects being applied versus the wrong alignments.

  • Fixed Magic Circle versus Alignment's immunity to fear being applied versus all alignments.

  • Fixed Magic Circle versus Alignment's burst spell effect only affecting creatures within a radius around the caster, rather than from the targeted location.

  • Fixed Momento Mori, Greater Ruin, and Mass Penguin's DC sometimes being calculated incorrectly.

  • Fixed Favored Soul's epic spell save DC calculation.

  • Epic Spell: Dragon Knight summoned dragon type is now selected through a new menu accessible through /settings or /dragonknight.

  • Fixed Epic Spell: Dragon Knight summons having wildly different spell resistance values. All dragon knight summons now have 28 spell resistance.

  • Fixed Teleport SLA not functioning.

  • Fixed druid's Transport via Plants to be mass teleport.

  • Fixed Word of Chaos's metadata not being flagged the spell effects as a harmful spell.

  • Rewrote Whirlwind:

    • Whirlwind is now a proper AOE spell effect and can be ended with /endmyaoe or by resting.

    • Whirlwind no longer spins the player camera, just the character.

    • Added spell metadata to whirlwind.

    • Fixed whirlwind removing all other AOE objects in its area of effect. Whirlwind now removes the same cloudlike effects as Gust of Wind.

    • No longer teleports medium size or smaller affected creatures to the center on every failed save, but instead slowly drags them in.

    • Ticking damage on an affected creature is now combined instead of each die being applied separately.

    • Fixed whirlwind continuing to damage a formally trapped creature who managed to escape the spell's area of effect (such as if they were rescued with dimension door).

    • Updated whirlwind's VFX.

  • Fixed Gust of Wind erroneously removing all cloud VFX from its area of effect, which would cause it to remove decorative cloud VFX from areas as well as VFX attached to abilities or spells that Gust of Wind should not be able to remove. This also fixes Acid Spit's VFX often being reported as being "invisible" because the VFX was being removed by players using Gust of Wind.

  • Fixed epic spells and other extraordinary effects not being removed from other creatures when the effect's caster rests.

  • Fixed epic spell slots being incorrectly replenished when relogging.

  • Fixed Tenser's Transformation and Divine Power stacking.

  • Fixed Holy Aura and Unholy Aura stacking with each other.

  • Fixed Bless stacking with different spell and spell-like ability versions of itself.

  • Fixed Bless's burst spell effect only affecting creatures within a radius around the caster, rather than from the targeted location.

  • Fixed Freedom to correctly remove Bigby's Grasping Hand, Bigby's Crushing Hand, and Bigby's Clenched Fist.

  • Added spell metadata to Bigby's Grasping Hand, Bigby's Crushing Hand, and Bigby's Clenched Fist.

  • Rewrote Prestigitation to be a proper spell script and effect, fixing numerous bugs.

  • Added spell metadata to Prestidigitation.

  • Rewrote Comprehend Languages to be a proper spell script and effect, fixing numerous bugs.

  • Added spell metadata to Comprehend Languages.

  • Comprehend Languages can now be scribed/crafted.

  • Rewrote Tongues to be a proper spell script and effect, fixing numerous bugs.

  • Added spell metadata to Tongues.

  • Fly now tells you when its effects expire.

  • Misdirection now tells you when its effects expire.

  • Nondetection now tells you when its effects expire.

  • Added target immunity feedback for Maze.

  • Fixed Otiluke's Resilient Sphere's spell metadata being incorrectly set as harmful when cast on yourself or on a friendly target.

  • Fixed Otiluke's Resilient Sphere not removing its invulnerability from victims under certain situations.

  • Otiluke's Resilient Sphere can now be destroyed with disintegrate, per the spell's description.

  • Otiluke's Resilient Sphere can now be correctly dispelled by dispelling spells.

  • Fixed Blade Thirst incorrectly lasting for 1 turn / CL instead of 1 hour / CL.

  • Fixed Camouflage not using PRC caster level bonuses or other CD specific spell/spellhook changes.

  • Added spell metadata to Camouflage.

  • Brambles and Spikes now correctly give a weapon bonus piercing damage instead of bludgeoning, unless the weapon's base damage type is piercing in which case they will continue to give bludgeoning as the bonus damage type.

  • Fixed Magic Weapon and Greater Magic Weapon incorrectly giving gloves bonus piercing damage instead of bludgeoning.

  • Fixed Magic Weapon and Greater Magic Weapon's cessation effect's duration when cast on gloves using turns instead of hours.

  • Fixed Cloud Kill not applying spell metadata correctly for its movement speed penalty when the AOE is entered.

  • Fixed Fire Shield stacking with Frost Shield if it was cast after.

  • Fixed Fire Shield stacking with Mestil's Acid Sheath.

  • Fixed Fire Shield's duration to be 1 round / level.

  • Fixed Fire Shield and Frost Shield stacking with Death Armor, Circle of Bones, and Wounding Whispers.

  • Added spell metadata to Fire Shield.

  • Fixed maximized Feeblemind multiplying its d4 roll by 4.

  • Fixed Prayer's burst spell effect only affecting creatures within a radius around the caster, rather than from the targeted location.

  • Fixed Prayer treating neutral creatures as hostile, which would result in neutral NPCs becoming hostile.

  • Fixed Crusade's burst spell effect only affecting creatures within a radius around the caster, rather than from the targeted location.

  • Fixed Crusade treating neutral creatures as hostile, which would result in neutral NPCs becoming hostile.

  • Fixed Emotion: Courage's burst spell effect only affecting creatures within a radius around the caster, rather than from the targeted location.

  • Fixed Emotion: Hope's burst spell effect only affecting creatures within a radius around the caster, rather than from the targeted location.

  • Fixed Mass Death Ward's burst spell effect only affecting creatures within a radius around the caster, rather than from the targeted location.

  • Fixed Power Word, Kill not using PRC caster level bonuses or other CD specific spell/spellhook changes.

  • Fixed Power Word, Stun not using PRC caster level bonuses or other CD specific spell/spellhook changes.

  • Added spell metadata to Power Word, Stun.

  • Fixed Resistance not using PRC caster level bonuses or other CD specific spell/spellhook changes.

  • Added spell metadata to Resistance.

  • Fixed Scare not using PRC caster level bonuses or other CD specific spell/spellhook changes.

  • Added spell metadata to Scare.

  • Fixed Scare's attack, damage, and saves penalty not being removed with Remove Fear.

  • Fixed Scare's attack, damage, and saves penalty being applied regardless if the target was immune to fear or not.

  • Fixed Scare's damage penalty only penalizing magical damage, which would result in no damage penalty if the affected creature did not do magical damage.

  • Scare's damage penalty now appears as Physical Damage on the character sheet.

  • Added scaling spell damage to Sound Burst.

  • Added Shape Mastery to Sound Burst.

  • Fixed Virtue not using PRC caster level bonuses or other CD specific spell/spellhook changes.

  • Added spell metadata to Virtue.

  • Fixed Awaken not using PRC caster level bonuses or other CD specific spell/spellhook changes.

  • Added spell metadata to Awaken.

  • Added spell metadata to Creeping Doom.

  • Fixed Negative Energy Burst not healing and buffing friendly undead targets when the caster was using shape mastery.

  • Fixed Flare not using PRC caster level bonuses or other CD specific spell/spellhook changes.

  • Added spell metadata to Flare.

  • Fixed Electric Jolt not using PRC casterlevel bonuses or other CD specific spell/spellhook changes.

  • Added scaling caster damage bonus to Crumble.

  • Fixed Battletide's damage penalty only penalizing magical damage, which would result in no damage penalty if the affected creature did not do magical damage.

  • Fixed Recitation's damage penalty only penalizing magical damage, which would result in no damage penalty if the affected creature did not do magical damage.

  • Fixed Recitation's burst spell effect only affecting creatures within a radius around the caster, rather than from the targeted location.

  • Fixed Power Word, Blind not affecting creatures with between 51 to 100 hit points.

  • Implemented Disrupt Teleport.

  • Added spell metadata to Dimensional Anchor.

  • Fixed Dimensional Anchor not being released if the victim or caster was offline when the spell's duration expired.

  • Fixed Sunscorch's damage not being halved on a successful reflex save.

  • Fixed Sunscorch's damage not being doubled against undead.

  • Create Undead Army no longer dismisses existing skeletons, allowing additional castings to summon more skeletons within the henchmen limit.

  • Fixed Shield of Archons losing absorption power when cast as a maximized spell.

  • Fixed Tide of Battle incorrectly being cast as an evocation spell, rather than transmutation.

  • Fixed Sunbeam applying full damage to all creatures. Full damage is only applied to to undead and ooze.

  • Shapechanger typed creatures can revert to their natural form when baleful polymorphed via the Unpolymorph radial action, as per the spell description.

  • Fixed various listed caster levels for Cast Spell: item properties for bioware spells. Nb. Some custom hak spells will continue to list no CL or an incorrect CL until one of our hak updates.

  • Divine Power's hitdice based affects are now capped to the spell's caster level for non-divine class casters. This change reduces the effectiveness of divine power scrolls, potions, and other items to make Tenser's Transformation the better alternative for non-divine caster characters, particularly for arcane casters who otherwise could use divine power in liue of tenser's transformation and not suffer from arcane spell failure.


  • Arcane Trickster

    • Fixed Arcane Trickster's Ranged Legerdemain unlocking locks that require keys and disarming undetected or undisarmable traps.

    • Fixed Ranged Legerdemain using an incorrect max range.

    • Added feedback messages for Ranged Legerdemain.

    • Updated Ranged Legerdemain's dice rolls to be more verbose in what type of skill was being attempted (disable trap or open lock) as well as standardized the dice rolls to be in line with other disable trap/open lock skill rolls so that it can display things like *success not possible*

    • Ranged Legerdemain feat uses won't be consumed if attempted on an invalid target.

  • Druid & Shifter

    • Wild Shape is now subject to wild magic and dead magic. Entering a dead magic zone will dispel active wild shapes.

  • Dragon Disciple

    • Fixed some instances where dragon disciples weren't automatically granted the correct wing color for their chosen type on leveling up to dragon disciple 9.

  • Bladesinger

    • Fixed Song of Fury not activating.

    • Added feedback messages when activating or deactivating Song of Fury.

    • Added spell metadata to Song of Fury and Song of Celerity.

    • Song of Fury and Song of Celerity will be deactivated if an off-hand item is equipped or a weapon other than a longsword or rapier is equipped.

  • Arcane Warrior

    • Fixed Channel Spell uses starting at 0 on first login after a server restart.


  • Fixed Bioware AI recasting Divine Shield whilst already under the effect of Divine Shield.

  • Fire vulnerable trolls on the brink of death can be killed if hit by a lit torch.

  • Fixed Bioware AI attempting to attack DM avatars if damaged by a DM.

  • Improved the reliability of the HP percentage of hostile creatures updating if the creature is healed.


  • Fixed unequipping an item with a bonus feat property causing off-hand weapons without any proficiency requirements (such as books) to be unequipped.

  • Fixed special AC armors inadvertently ignoring ILR item equip tiers and other scripted use restriction properties.

  • Added spell metadata to Chaos Shield.

  • Fixed removing accessories spamming the combat log with unnecessary debug messages.

  • Fixed the XP values in the character sheet not updating immediately if a DM adds or removes XP or levels from the PC if the PC had their character sheet open.

  • Added /pauselevel to pause your PC's leveling, capping your maximum experience points 1 point away from your next level. XP will not be banked if you reach your cap while paused. Bounties/Scripted Quests cannot be handed in whilst leveling is paused.

  • Tweaked the RPXP Fairy's algorithm's "activity momentum system" to be more consistently rewarding in more situations where players are actively playing when solo.

  • New characters who are either a underdark race or who have set their origin region to The Underdark can now exit character creation and begin in Sschindylryn. Note that The Underdark is still a work in progress, and does not fully support the new character experience. You will need to visit the surface for most dungeons, questing, leveling, and shopping.

  • Fixed character's OOC Room return locations being reset when using the server portals. Return locations are only cleared if the return location was to a dungeon.

  • You can now use /afk in the OOC Arena to return to the world.

  • Added /return as an alternative to using your Return class radial.

  • Fixed Emotion: Hope and Emotion: Courage's incorrect innate level for crafting, which was 4 but should be 3.

  • Fix recovered epic traps being unidentified.


  • Fixed ROOM_COST -1 not setting a InnDoor lock to be free.

  • Bindstone locations are now created by placing a waypoint tagged `BINDSTONE_LOCATION` in the area. An optional var string `BINDSTONE_KEY_TAG` can be set on the waypoint to restrict use of the bindstone to characters possessing a key item with the given tag. An optional var int `BINDSTONE_REQUIRE_PATH` 1 may be set to require the PC to have a walkable path to the bindstone location to be able to bind it, in the case of an area being split into subareas with different houses in it.

  • Fixed `OVERRIDE_SPELL_DC` on AOE objects pulling the variable from the AOE object and not the caster.

  • Respawn locations are now created by placing a waypoint tagged `RESPAWN_LOCATION` in the area. If an area is divided into subareas with different temples and shrines, then each subarea must be given its own waypoint with a distinct `RESPAWN_LOCATION_SUBAREA_ID` int variable (ie. the first waypoint will be int 1, the second int 2, and so on.)

Dungeon Masters

  • Fixed mispelt arcane trickster class name for /setclasslevel.

  • /dmcoloritem and the item coloring wands can now be used by SDMs.

  • Bounty quest scripts are now removed from cloned or DM encounter spawned NPCs.

  • Added /copyplc and /pasteplc for copying and pasting placeables.

  • Fixed /setskillrank only accepting skill names and not 2da row numbers for the skill id.

From Fire Wraith


  • Player house updates.

  • Fixed Amersara in the Eyes and Ears of Arabel not being plot flagged.

  • Fixed incorrect charges / item use property on the Unfiltered Coffee Grounds sold in the Zhentarim Trade Station.


  • Removed animal companion conversation from various inappropriate summons.

Dungeon Masters

  • Added allow_halfvamp to the PC subrace setter for setting up standard

From Rykka


  • Added a new low level dungeon comparable to the Goblin Bolthole, Crystal Mines, to outside Sschindylryn in the Blackwing Gorge.

  • Maerimydra South and North have been reconnected.

  • Maerimydra South and East have been reconnected.

  • Added a travel route between Sschindylryn and Maerimydra.

  • Extended the Burning Road into the Burning Crag.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Jul 08, 2023, 08:24 AM
CD Module Update v4.10a1

View changelog for CD4 Hak Update v4.00a1 here:

This changelog also includes any changes from the Hak Update that are player facing changes that affect races, feats, spells, etc.


  • Added Tempest.

  • Characters whose exotic race template changed their racial type from their base race can now use racially restricted items of their base race, ie. a "Wood Elf Copper Half-Dragon" can use both elf and dragon items.

    Note that this only functions if your subrace field has been set correctly, which should always include both your base race and template name for all races whose base race isn't human.

    ie. "Sun Half-Elf Tiefling", "Shield Dwarf Aasimar", etc. If your subrace field is abbreviated or missing the character's base race you'll need to submit a LETO request to have your subrace corrected if you want to use racially restricted items. Human base races do not need a LETO request to add "Human" to your subrace.

  • Dodge AC on exotic race skins has been replaced by Natural Armor character feats, which gives untyped AC bonuses. This change is retroactive for all PCs.

  • Combat animations can be customized through /animations or /settings.

  • If your character has wings or is otherwise capable of flight, you can now use /fly and /land to use flying combat animations.

  • Combined Lingering Song and Extra Music into Empowered Music, with additional effects.

  • Fixed Divine Champion to accept ranged weapon focus feats for its class requirements.

  • Arcane and Divine Trickster now have their own sneak attack feat lines.

  • Barbarian Rage, Divine Might, and Divine Shield are now instant feats.

  • Barbarian Rage now removes the effects of taunt from the character and provides immunity to taunt for the duration of barbarian rage.

  • Use Magic Device's cost table has been rebalanced for our server's item values. T5 and T6 items will require higher UMD.

  • Appraise increases the max sale price of items to stores by 1,000 GP for every 5 base ranks.

  • Fixed many caster and metamagic feats not being available for selection on PRC caster levels.

  • Added all base race sub-variants to character generation.

  • Added more armor appearances for special armors (Adamantine, Mithral Fullplate, Elven Chain, etc)

  • All characters of all genders, races, and phenotypes can now wear cloaks and robes in any fighting or sitting style. Some robes or cloaks might not animate correctly.

  • Removed CaGUI. Players who still wish to use it can install it manually:

  • Buffed Halberd, Maul, and Whip weapon stats.

  • Added two-handed Longspear.

  • Added missing epic trap types: Holy, Tangle, Blob of Acid, Gas, Negative.

  • PC widget, skin, languages and DM tools have been moved into their new "Dungeon Master Items" and "Player Character Items" palette categories.

  • Weapon Focus Unarmed, Weapon Specialization Unarmed, Improved Critical Unarmed, Overwhelming Critical Unarmed, and Devastating Critical Unarmed now applies to druid and shifter creature weapons.

  • Dragonsong Lyrist and Harper class levels now add to bard song's uses per day.

  • Fixed Unyielding Defender's Defensive Stance to have 12 uses per day, and overhauled Defensive Stance's effects.

  • Item containers can now be renamed with /renamebag or by using the Edit Container radial menu. Some containers can have their appearance changed.

  • Enabled many previously disabled /animation commands, and added many more new commands.

  • Custom combat dummy presets can now be saved and loaded through the combat dummy conversation. Presets are account bound and shared across all of your characters.

  • Loot is now automatically identified by your lore skill when opening loot chests.

  • T5 and T6 loot item gold values have been increased. Coupled with the new Use Magic Device item value table introduced in the hak update, this change sets the majority of T5 items' UMD class emulation to DC 20, and T6 items to DC 25. This change is retroactive for all loot items.

  • The stealth skills penalty and dropping of invisibility and stealth mode when opening treasure has been removed. Instead, all nearby enemies will be given temporary true seeing and will be called to your location. Sanctuary will still be removed when looting.



  • Added Tempest.

Diabolic Disciple

  • Diabolic Disciple's hellfire abilities now do Hellfire damage.

Druid & Shifter

  • Weapon Focus Unarmed, Weapon Specialization Unarmed, Improved Critical Unarmed, Overwhelming Critical Unarmed, and Devastating Critical Unarmed now applies to druid and shifter creature weapons.


  • Doomguide's Bond of Fatal Touch now adds the Ghost Touch property to weapons.


  • Barbarian Rage now removes the effects of taunt from the character and provides immunity to taunt for the duration of barbarian rage.

  • Barbarian Rage is now instant.


  • Added Favored Enemy: Ooze and Favored Enemy: Plant feats.


  • Dragonsong Lyrist levels now add to bard song's uses per day.

  • Harper levels now add to bard song's uses per day.

  • Lingering Song and Extra Music have been combined into a single feat: "Empowered Music".

    The duration of the character's bard song lasts one additional turn, and curse song an additional 5 rounds. The effective level of all songs are increased by 2 where perform skill requirements are met for the new empowered song level, and the character gains an additional number of songs per day equal to their positive charisma modifier to a maximum bonus equal to their bard song progressing class levels.
    Empowered Music replaces Lingering Song. If you had Extra Music but not Lingering Song, Extra Music will be changed into Empowered Music on login. If you have both Lingering Song (now Empowered Music) and Extra Music you will need to request a relevel or rebuild to change Extra Music to a different feat.

Unyielding Defender

  • Fixed Unyielding Defender's Defensive Stance to have 12 uses per day.

  • Updated Defensive Stance's effects:

    +4 dodge AC.
    +2 attack bonus.
    +2 physical damage.
    +2 universal saving throws.
    +10 temporary hit points per unyielding defender level.
    10% physical damage immunity at level 8, increases to 20% at 13, 30% at 18.
    1 regeneration, increases to 2 regeneration at level 10.
    Immunity to being flatfoot.

Divine Trickster & Arcane Trickster

  • Divine Trickster and Arcane Trickster now have their own sneak attack feat lines. Existing Trickster PCs will have their pre-epic trickster sneak attack feats corrected on login. Epic Tricksters who had LETOed Improved Sneak Attack feats onto the character will need to request a relevel to redo their epic levels.


  • Removed the default monk eye glow. Level 20 monks will be given the Eye Color Control widget on login to apply eye glow effects.

  • Replaced Shadow Jump with Abundant Step.

Arcane Archer

  • Imbue Arrow now operates on a cooldown that refresh uses instead of blocking uses after casting. Cooldown timers can be seen on /viewspells.


  • Blast Infidel now operates on a cooldown that refresh uses instead of blocking uses after casting. Cooldown timers can be seen on /viewspells.


  • Arcane Fire now operates on a cooldown that refresh uses instead of blocking uses after casting. Cooldown timers can be seen on /viewspells.

Knight Errant

  • Fixed Heroic Shield uses not being refunded if used on an invalid target.

  • Fixed Heroic Shield not being useable on neutral creatures and incorrectly reporting them as enemies.

  • Heroic Shield use now operates on a cooldown that refresh uses instead of blocking uses after casting. Cooldown timers can be seen on /viewspells.

Shadow Adept

  • Fixed Shadow Adept not granting Darkvision at level 7.

  • Fixed Shadow Adept granting Greater Shield of Shadows early at level 4 instead of 8.


  • Fixed Sunburst removing all persistent VFX reusing the darkness visual effect when it should only remove the darkness spell.

  • Mordenkainen's Force Missiles now do Force damage.

  • Hold Undead now ignores paralysis immunity.

  • Fixed Blizzard's initital damage having an incorrect AOE range.

  • Fixed Murderous Mist not being craftable.

  • Fixed Murderous Mist's spell resistance calculation.

  • Tenser's Transformation's bonus attacks per round is now calculated from caster level instead of hit dice.

  • Tenser's Transformation can no longer be dispelled with /viewspells.

  • Fixed Nature's Favor stacking with itself.

  • Fixed Nature's Favor's attack bonus going beyond its +10 cap.

  • Fixed Nature's Favor and Nature's Avatar persisting on non-animal typed characters.

  • Identify can now be cast on other creatures.

  • Increased Identify's duration from 10 rounds, to 10 turns per level.

  • Increased Identify's max lore bonus from +20 to +30.

  • Updated animal buff VFX.

  • Updated Imbue Arrow VFX.

  • Updated Awaken VFX.

  • Updated Whirlwind VFX.

  • Improved visibility of Creeping Doom.

  • Updated Acid Spit's VFX.

  • Fixed copper dragon knight's alignment restrictions.

  • Fixed /dispelme not dispelling epic spells.


  • Divine Might and Divine Shield are now instant.


  • Item containers can now be renamed with /renamebag or by using the Edit Container radial menu. Some containers can have their appearance changed.

    • DM item containers cannot be renamed.
    • Containers will keep their original name suffixed in parentheses.

  • Fixed Amulet's of Nondetection not working vs Detect Alignment spells.

  • Added new book, letter, runestone, and food appearances to the writable item system.

  • Added new potion bottle appearances to brew potion.

  • Drinking alcohol items now displays the name of the item being drank in the combat log instead of just "<character name> drinks."

  • Custom food items created with the writable item system can now be eaten.

  • T5 and T6 loot item gold values have been increased. Coupled with the new Use Magic Device item value table introduced in the hak update, this change sets the majority of T5 items' UMD class emulation to DC 20, and T6 items to DC 25. This change is retroactive for all loot items.

  • Removed standard bioware crafting materials from all shops across the module.

  • Removed deprecated item crafting shards from loot.

  • Scrolls can always be used if the spell is in the PC class's spell list or domain spell list, regardless of the "Use Limitation" properties on the scroll unless the scroll has the "All requirements must be met" property.

  • Fixed wands with low item charges periodically not being usable via UMD.

  • DM items can no longer be sold to stores.

  • Items with different names can no longer be combined into stacks.

  • General arcane stores now sell blank scrolls individually and in stacks of 100.


  • Increased Halberd's base damage from 1d10 to 1d12.

  • Increased Maul's base damage from 1d10 to 1d12.

  • Renamed Spear to Short Spear.

  • Added large size two handed Long Spear with 1d10 x3 damage.

  • Increased whip's damage from 1d2 to 1d4, increased critical multiplier from x2 to x3.


  • Updated Use Magic Device item value emulation table.

    Maximum GPClass DCRace DCAlignment DC

  • Appraise now increases the maximum sale price characters can sell items to pawn shops by 1,000 GP for every 5 base ranks.

Areas & Dungeons

  • Updated Shadow Plane, Lava Goblins, Sakkors, and Witchlord's area visuals.

  • Fixed grass tiling in Arabel Central.

  • Treasure chests will drop gold instead for any item that is above the party's maximum item tier carry level.

  • Treasure is now automatically identified by the looter's lore skill when opened.

  • The stealth skills penalty and dropping of invisibility and stealth mode when opening treasure has been removed. Instead, all nearby enemies will be given temporary true seeing and will be called to your location. Sanctuary will still be removed when looting.

  • Resting in the OOC Arena is now instant.

  • Replaced the map of the Moonsea in the Warbling Seraph upstairs common room with a map of Cormyr.

  • Various updates to Suzail and Thundarlun areas to update placeables by Fire Wraith.

  • Player house updates.

  • Faction area updates.

Emotes, Animations, and Flying

  • Enabled /kneel, /layback, /pushups, /defeated, /rest, /layfront, /shrug, /leantable, /pose, /cower, /layside2, /sitknees, /sitcrossed2, /armrest, /cheer4, /shield.

  • Added /lunge, /lunge2, /layback3, /bow2, /bow3, /sitlotus, /sitlotus2, /pray3.

  • Combat animations can be customized through /animations or /settings.

  • Demonblade can now be used on females without breaking the character model.

  • Large phenotypes can now use the alternate sitting animations and all fighting styles. Note that support for large phenotype is not garaunteed and some animations may appear broken on large phenotypes.

  • Right clicking on a chair / "Sit" object will now open a sit menu with all the different sitting styles instead of opening the standard radial menu.

  • If your character has wings or is otherwise capable of flight, you can now use /fly and /land to use flying combat animations.

  • /leap now jumps all characters 5 meters forward regardless of gender, race, or character scale.

  • /leap now longer makes characters invisible briefly at the end of the animation.

  • /leap's animation now lands characters on the ground when changing elevation.

  • Improved Flight's line of sight check so that it should fail less when trying to fly between locations with elevation changes.

  • Fixed Flight triggering the area's enter and exit events, which in some areas would result in multiple fade to black screens.

  • Flight now reorients your camera's facing to the direction of flight when landing. This can be disabled in /settings.

Combat Dummies

  • Custom combat dummy presets can now be saved and loaded through the combat dummy conversation. Presets are account bound and shared across all of your characters.


  • Creature health percentages are now displayed in the damage level label instead of in the creature's name.

    Please use a filehost instead of hotlinking to Discord. Read More.

  • ATTACKABLE 1 placeables now display their damage level label under their name.

  • Fixed invalid languages being translated as common in descriptions.

  • Fixed examine revealing unidentified item descriptions.

  • Fixed misspelled Aglarond language.

  • /usefeat called shot can now be used with /usefeat called shot arms and /usefeat called shot leg.

  • /usefeat will now target the nearest enemy if you don't currently have a target.

  • Tailoring models will no longer cycle through invalid armor part appearances.

  • Fixed not being able to feed potions to associates.

  • Private dice roll messages are now prefixed with (Private).

  • Disabled being able to take Druid or Cleric levels with Favored Soul.

  • Disabled being able to take Monk or Paladin levels if they and their associated PRCs did not make up for at least half of your class levels after HD 2.

  • New characters who have not yet agreed to the server rules are now presented with a server rules agreement screen before being able to talk to the subrace setter.

  • Split the Origin Region selector conversation's list of region options into pages, fixing issues with large resolutions or UI scaling.


  • Added placeable int var HIDE_WITH_SECOND_STORY_TILES to hide a dynamic placeable from a player if the player's "Hide Second Story Tiles" setting is set to Auto or Always. This should be used sparingly.

  • Area heartbeat damage script is now deprecated. Area heartbeat damage is now set with area variables:

    string AREA_HB_DAMAGE_TYPE The damage type name.
    string AREA_HB_DAMAGE_AMOUNT The amount of damage. Accepts the same input as the /damageme player command.
    int AREA_HB_DAMAGE_EVERY_NTH_ROUND Only damage every nth round.

  • Creature animation sets (fighting styles, flying, old) are now set with int ANIMATION_SET <animationsets.2da>.


  • Creature chair sitting animation styles are now set with int ANIMATION_CHAIR_SIT  <0..7>.


  • Added area int variable AREA_SHADER_FLAGS for enabling screen space shader effects. Multiple effects can be enabled by combining their values (ie. 9 for greyscale + underwater)

    1 for greyscale Shadow Plane effect.
    8 for underwater effect.
    16 for heat haze effect.

  • Added area variables for adjusting basic color correction in an area. A tool will be added to the Builder Module to allow previewing these values at a later date.

    int AREA_SHADER_CC_ENABLED 1 to enable color correction.
    float AREA_SHADER_CC_HUE in degrees to shift hue.
    float AREA_SHADER_CC_SATURATION to adjust saturation, starting at 1.0.
    float AREA_SHADER_CC_GAMMA to adjust gamma, starting at 1.0.

Dungeon Masters

  • Added /setanimationset <animationsets.2da|animation set name> to change a NPC's animation set.

  • Migrated all DM widgets to the Dungeon Master Items category.

  • Migrated all PC widget, skin, and token items to the Player Character Items category.

  • Fixed /settrapdetectdc and /settrapdisarmdc.

  • PC skill rolls will now display the PC's base ranks in a skill and their bonuses from their ability modifier and items/spells.

  • Removed WingTailAccess. Characters now have access to all character wing and tail options through the DM PC Appearance Changer.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Jul 11, 2023, 08:33 AM
CD Module v4.10a2


  • Fixed PCs losing their wings on login. If you lost your wings, please contact a DM to have your wings readded.

  • /normal and /fix now reload your character model to fix any stuck body parts caused by animations. At this time, the fencing animation style is known to break female's right thigh.

  • Fixed Alternate Form: Animal and Alternate Form: Hybrid feats missing their names and description.

  • Fixed instant feats with invalid AltMessages broadcasting to the combat log. This fixes using the fighting style feats sending the character's name into the combat log.

  • Fixed PCs gaining unusual AC bonuses from items/effects.

  • Fixed special AC armors returning mismatching AC when copying from the tailoring model to PC.

  • Fixed wings being hidden when equipping a hidden cloak.


  • Updated season to Summer.

  • Updated chapter to Book X: Destiny of Man, Part 2: Stormfall.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Jul 14, 2023, 04:17 AM
CD Module v4.10a3


  • Fixed feat cooldowns not replenishing feat uses.

  • Fixed mercurial longswords beign treated as two handed weapons by devastating critical.

  • Fixed stacks of 100 blank scrolls in arcane shops being sold at exuberant prices.

  • Fixed effects not being removed from PCs after respawning from death.

  • Fixed subradial spells on druid/cleric/paladin/ranger not being considered legal spells for the character's casting level.

  • Removed the pillar placeable that had appeared on top of the OOC Arena exit portal.

  • Fixed UMD skill checks on scrolls under 1,000 GP value on characters with less than 5 UMD.

  • Fixed Alter Self widget not opening the Alter Self conversation.

  • Fixed /sit normal using the incorrect animation.

  • Fixed "Cheering and Dancing" in the /move menu using the incorrect animation.

  • Fixed old MD bookshelves spawning items from incorrect loot tables, resulting in excess gold drops in Arabel Sewers.

  • Restored Arcane animations on Shantis in the OOC Room Memorial.

  • Fixed Frost Giant's mirrors not spawning clones.

  • Fixed shield and weapon appearance tailoring to validate item appearances.

  • Fixed shield appearance tailoring not being able to cycle to some shield appearances, such as the new Gil-Galad tower shield.

  • Removed all non-standard player race appearances used by MD's old system of hiding tails and wings from all PCs on login.

  • Fixed Alter Self and Eye Color Control widgets not being granted to druid/shifter and monk characters respectively when they should have been given.

  • Fixed crashloop detection not resetting its crash counter after cleaning a PC's TURD.

  • Temporarily disabled Mordenkainen's Magnificant Mansion pending bug fixes to the area to fix area loading issues that would trap and crashloop players.

  • Fixed Paladins not being able to take further paladin levels under certain multiclass level calculation edge cases.

  • Fixed Lawful Evil characters not meeting Lawful Evil item alignment checks.


  • Devastating Critical's damage is now included in the weapon's damage combat log feedback.

  • Devastating Critical now displays its own damage seperately in the combat dummy session report.

  • Added pray3 and layback3 to /setrestanimation.
Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Jul 30, 2023, 10:40 PM
CD Module v4.10a4

With this update we are considering work on our module's update to .35-40 complete and the v4.10a module branch stable. This update concludes our module's code freeze/feature lock that was established with v4.09d1 in April.

In short, we are now accepting area submissions and updates from players and from the server build team again.

As a reminder, before beginning work on any updates to your existing player areas you must first request the latest version of the area from the admins. All player areas were last updated by us in April with v4.09d1 which added bindstones to all player houses/taverns/inns/faction areas.


  • Fixed NPCs not sitting in chairs. This fix required changing all chair tags in the module from PLC_Chair to PLC_CHAIR.

  • Fixed simple/limited creature models not using their appear/disappear animations when flying.

  • Fixed flight being executed too soon within the current AI Action, which could result in the AI Action being repeated (this often caused you to recast spells that had been cast immediately before flying).

  • Fixed area heartbeat damage not defaulting to 10 damage if a custom damage amount wasn't configured on the area.

  • Fixed special armor cast spell item properties not being useable on characters who didn't have Heavy Armor Proficiency feat.

  • Fixed special armors visually appearing as unequippable on characters who didn't have Heavy Armor Proficiency feat.


  • Fixed Emerald Enclave's faction area entrance not being locked until after the first person entered the area.

  • (Fire Wraith) Fixes made to Suzail - Estate Row and Royal Gardens and Suzail - Promenade and Royal Palace.


  • Added "Prefer Flight By Magic" in /settings, also toggled with the command /togglemagicflight. When Prefer Flight By Magic is enabled your wings will be kept hidden when flying if your character is capable of magical flight.


  • Re-enabled Mordenkainen's Mansion.


  • Added experimental ground attack telegraphs being tested with Blink Strike.

  • Fixed Blink Strike stunning the creature when charging over sloped terrain.

  • Fixed Blink Strike creatures being able to attack or turn in between their cast animation finishing and the blink strike charge being executed.

  • Fixed Blink Strike's hit detection having gaps on the edges of the charge path.

  • Fixed Blink Strike hitting enemies standing behind the creature.

  • Changed Blink Strike's damage type to Force.

  • Updated Blink Strike's VFX.

  • Fixed Blink Strike's VFX not following terrain height.

  • Fixed AI continuing to use special boss abilities when their AI had been disabled by a DM.


  • PC character age and deity is now listed in your character sheet.

  • Added /setage to set your character's age. Remember to update your character's age when they have their namesake day!

  • Removed /getdeity.

  • Added Plant racial type to Combat Dummy options.

  • Added missing gold umbrella to Lady's Taste shop.

Dungeon Masters

  • Get Deity widget tool has been removed.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Jul 31, 2023, 04:24 AM
CD Module v4.10a5


Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Aug 16, 2023, 12:21 AM
CD Module v4.10b1


  • Fixed telegraphs not being removed if the owner changed areas.

  • Fixed Age and Deity on the character sheet sometimes not being displayed on PCs when opening the sheet.

  • Fixed AI trying to use boss abilities on creatures they can't see, such as trying to use Blink Strike on PCs on the other side of a wall.


  • Shadow Weave item properties are now hidden from PCs who don't have the Shadow Weave feat.


  • Added option to /settings to disable screen distortion effects.

  • Updated story to Book X: Destiny of Man, Part 3: Stormwake.


  • Updated builder module. Please see the builder module changelog for more specific information.

  • Scripts fw_elevate_oe and fw_elevate_ox have been deprecated by cdb_trg_elevate.

  • Scripts hc_ent_rstarea and hc_lv_rstarea have been deprecated by cdb_trg_saferest.

Dungeon Masters

  • Fixed dungeon masters not being able to swap animation presets or use ACP feats. Nb. Animation sets aren't saved for DMs between server restarts.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Aug 21, 2023, 02:53 AM
CD Module v4.10b2


  • Fixed a suspected server crash during area loads.

  • Fixed black screens after loading areas with resource overrides sometimes not being cleared correctly.

  • Fixed EFFECT_PARALYZE, EFFECT_IMMOBILIZE, EFFECT_FRIGHTENED, EFFECT_PETRIFIED not being applied to plot or immortal creatures.


  • NPCs and PCs will display whether they are sneaking, invisible or in sanctuary under their nameplate if visible.

  • PC party members can always see other party members who're sneaking. (Because of engine limitations, you still can't see them if they're invisible or in sanctuary currently.)


  • The Semberholme has seceded from Deepingdale into the newly formed dale, Semberdale. Area names, conversations, placeable descriptions and items have been updated appropriately.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Aug 28, 2023, 03:27 AM
CD Module v4.10c1

With this module update, some tweaks are being made to the server configuration as a speculative fix to a server stall resulting in a server crash we've been seeing over the past year that occurs during area loading, though the exact reason isn't known to us due to the type of crash not giving us a crash dump. This change will result in slower area load times for players. Load times should approximately be what they were again from before July 2022 when we first tweaked area load times.


  • Player house updates.

  • Updated various player home, guild, and business areas to conform with the _ph_ reserf naming convention. Some bindpoints set to these areas may need to be bound again.

  • Fixed Yulash - Sewers - Lower Reaches being incorrectly flagged as an above ground exterior area.

  • (Banshee) Quest area updates.

  • (Banshee) Updated Ashabenford exterior and Ashabenford - Temple of Tyr interior

  • (Rykka) Updates to dungeons in testing.

  • (Rykka) Various miscellaneous fixes and tweaks to a number of underdark areas.

  • (Rykka) Updates to Maerimydra - North to reflect server events.

  • (Rykka) Fixed various issues in Sschindylryn - Central The Toy Box.

  • (Rykka) Redesigned Sschindylryn - Central The Toy Box's layout to separate rooms by distance, partially resolving LOS issues.

  • (Rykka) Added more locations for player housing in Sschindylryn Central Markets and Drow District.

  • (Rykka) Added Sschindylryn - The Tangle.

  • (Dorca) Added Sschindylryn - Outskirts - Sligo Qu'Madonest - The Inkblot.


  • Fixed Swordmage incantation DC's scaling incorrectly off a character's base charisma score, and not charisma modifier.

  • Fixed shifter and druid wildshapes not merging skill bonus/penalty properties or custom damage immunity/vulnerability properties for custom skills/damage types.


  • Fixed on-spawn creature buffs such as premonition and greater stoneskin sometimes not being cast.


  • Fixed stealthed PCs being revealed to other non-partied PCs.

  • Immunity to poison or disease will give 100% damage immunity to each respective damage type.

  • Fixed 100% damage immunity on PC racial skins to be immune against vulnerability decreases to mirror damage immunity feat behavior.

Dungeon Masters

  • Resetting or destroying areas will remove linked paths/portals from connected areas.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Oct 07, 2023, 09:49 PM
CD Module v4.10d1

Character Deities

  • Character deities are now selected during character creation after having selected your origin region. Existing PCs will be required to select their deity on login by talking to the Divine Ascendant in the OOC Room if your currently set deity doesn't match the exact name of one of our valid deities.

    With exception for Aasterinian and Asgorath, if your character follows an aspect of a deity, please select the deity themself.

    A note for Kara-Tur worshipers: Because of a dire lack of information presented in our sourcebooks for individual Kara-Tur deities, we were only able to incorporate Kara-Tur's religious paths. If your character worships an individual deity (such as one of the Eight Million Gods), please select the religion that applies most for your character.

  • Clerics will be required to reselect their domains after selecting their deity (or after taking their first cleric level) if one of their domains isn't valid for their deity.

  • Racial or region locked deities can be unlocked with the help of a DM (and an approved Misc Request for new PCs).

Character Origin regions

  • The Character Origin Region selector has been updated to use a NUI menu instead of a conversation.

  • Added support for selecting Zakhara, Maztica, and Maerimydra as origin regions.

  • Added support for selecting Sigil and Faerie as available origin regions with a DM unlock.


  • Player house updates.

  • OOC Room changing room doors can now be locked.

  • Fixed Semberdale - Ssrenshen area region names.

  • Corrected Caverns of the Claws regional area name to Stonecliff.

  • Monsters in Arabel sewers, Yulash sewers, Arabel's ant warehouse, and Calanter's Way bat cave will no longer chase PCs outside the dungeon.

  • Added Wayside Refuge on The North Ride between Shadowdale and Halfhap, which provides a public camping ground with a global pawn shop and an outdoor arena. This area has a discoverable teleport key, can be bound as your server restart spawn point, and can be set as your temple respawn location.

  • Weight reduction medical cases, trunks, and scroll cases can be bought in Wayside Refuge and Sschindylryn Markets.

  • Equppable baskets and various equippable food can be bought at generic food vendors.

  • Updated item use restrictions on all temple store items.

  • Fixed Nether Archives puzzle portal.

  • Updated Hogger, Hob, Faerio'phax, and Minotaur Stormwitch with experimental latin lyrics.

  • (Fire Wraith) Fixed z-fighting placeables in Suzail - Estate Row and adjusted some ponds.

  • (Fire Wraith) Fixed floating lamp in Suzail - Docks.

  • (Fire Wraith) Suzail Promenade and Royal Palace: Merchants will now announce their wares, and certain nobles may exchange a bit of gossip outside the palace.

  • (Fire Wraith) Suzail Estate Row and Royal Gardens: Fixed a issue that was causing players to be able to walk through the closed gates of certain estates.


  • Shifter Drider shape will use a female appearance for female PCs.

  • Updated Shifter's Gargoyle Shape appearance.

  • Using /setportrait or /editdescription while in a polymorph (both spell or druid/shifter ability) will save those permanently to that polymroph, allowing you to have different portraits and descriptions for your true form vs each polymorph.

  • Fixed Tempest losing Tempest Defence AC and Two Weapon Versatility when affected by stat ability changing effects.

  • The following PRCs no longer require application to unlock:

    • Demonic Servitor
    • Diabolic Disciple
    • Doomguide
    • Heartwarder
    • Silverstar of Selune
    • Windwalker


  • Shadow Weave's permanent -2 wisdom penalty is now automatic for characters who don't worship Shar.

    Nb. If a DM already took -2 wisdom from you and you receive a further -2 wisdom, you must contact a DM to have +2 wisdom given back.

  • Shadow Weave can no longer be taken on clerics who don't meet the feat's domain requirements.


  • Dwarves no longer need to submit a LETO request for the Dwarven Waraxe weapon feats (focus, specialization, improved critical, etc).


  • Added support for Magical Tattoo items. Magical tattoos whilst in a PC's inventory can provide minor benefits, as if it were an equipped item. Magical tattoos can be rewarded from extended plotline quests.

  • Renamed all old functionless Myth Drannor imported unique power potions to "Empty" versions of themselves.

  • Painting now requires a paint brush item and paint palette items, replacing the previous single "Painter's Palette & Brush" item.


  • Fixed save vs. spell rolls suffering a -5 spellcraft penalty on non-wizards rolling vs general spell school saves.

  • Fixed saves not including Divine Grace or Dark Blessing save modifiers.

  • Fixed saves vs creature powers incorrectly including spellcraft save bonus.

  • Epic spells can now be cast by ECL 21 characters via their special abilities radial menu.

  • Lowered chance of hellball wild surges.


  • Round numbers will be displayed in your combat log when using combat dummies.

  • Fixed telegraphs becoming stuck if the player changed servers via the server portals or changed areas while a telegraph was active in their last area.

  • Fixed NPCs sitting in chairs turning to face the player when talked to.

  • Added a Return option for Sschindylryn for underdark races, origins, or bindstone bound characters.

  • Fixed telegraphs not being updated for players or DMs possessing other creatures.

  • Updated server story to "Interlude" and updated season to Fall.

  • Added Blast Infidel to /usefeat.

  • (Fire Wraith) Fixed cats stealing dog treats.


  • Deprecated cd_openpawn, cd_openstore, cd_openstore2, and all other generic store scripts. All new stores should now use cdb_openstore included in the builder module. Documentation can be found in the toolset forum.

  • Added door/transition int var NO_HOSTILES which blocks hostile NPCs from chasing PCs across transitions.

  • Added door int var NO_USE, which makes a door not usable.

  • Added placeable/door/creature int var DISCOVERY_MASK, which sets the object's discovery mask. (Whether the object can be highlighted and whether the object's text bubble appears when moused over or when tab is pressed.)

    To use multiple options, sum up each option you want to use. eg to disable highlighting for both mouse over and tab, use 3.

    Default: 0
    None: -1
    Highlight when moused over: 1
    Highlight when tabbed: 2
    Text bubble when moused over: 4
    Text bubble when tabbed: 8

  • Added placeable float var OVERRIDE_VISIBLE_DISTANCE which overrides the maximum distance at which a dynamic placeable will be sent to the client from the server and rendered. The default distance is 45.0 (4 and a half tiles). This should be used very sparingly if used to increase an object's visible distance. Do not use it on small objects like chairs or tables, this is for making large scaled up statues or buildings visible at long distances.

Dungeon Masters

  • Locked deities can be unlocked on a PC with ALLOW_DEITIES 1. Setting this variable will also allow a PC to reselect their deity.
    nb. This will not unlock deities that are restricted because of a PC's class requirements or alignment.

  • Locked origin regions are now unlocked with ALLOW_REGIONS 1 on the PC. Setting this variable will also allow a PC to reselect their origin region.
    nb. For PCs created after this update, this will also automatically remove and swap old regional languages. Old PCs will still require manual DM intervention to correctly change regional languages.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Oct 13, 2023, 02:08 AM
CD Module v4.10d2


  • Player house updates.

  • Fixed Swordflame's bulk stores.

  • Fixed generic food merchant's bag of ingredients item.

  • Fixed generic toy/plushie store only selling 1 children's toy bell.


  • Fixed Shifter's new gargoyle form not being able to fly.


  • Fixed Brambles and Spike's weapon restrictions.


  • Fix sequencer items being unable to cast their spells.

  • Fixed magical tattoos not applying on login.

Boss Abilities

  • Rewrote all boss ability scripts to use our new boss ability script system, fixing various bugs and adding telegraphs to various abilities where appropriate.

  • Rend and Slam's AOE radius now increases in size with the creature's personal space, fixing issues where the AOE would be smaller than the creature's size.

  • Fixed Blink Strike not stunning the NPC when crashing into objects.

  • Fixed Unstable Golem's grease spray not being a proper AOE.

  • Added various configuration options for all boss abilities for builders and DMs.

  • DMs can disable abilities on NPCs after having set them.

  • Acid spit now ramps up damage based on the amount of time a creature has spent standing in the acid, rather than the lifetime of the acid itself.

  • Rebalanced acid spit's default damage configuration for DMs. Acid spit now does 0.7% damage per second spent in the pool every second up to a maximum of 7% damage per second.

  • Fixed Meteor Swarm.


  • Fixed various module NPCs missing weapon proficiency feats after class and racial proficiencies were deprecated in 4.10d1.


  • Damage formula strings as used in /damageme, area heartbeat damage variables, etc now support summing multiple damage rolls deliminted by a plus sign (+). eg: 20 + 6d10, 1d20 + 10%.

  • Damage formula strings now accepts floats.


  • Fixed POPUP_FLAVOR_TEXT area enter event.

Dungeon Masters

  • /setupbossnpc now also sets NO_WHIRLWIND 1 which will make the NPC immune to Whirlwind's CC effect. NPCs will still take damage from standing in whirlwind and failing their saves.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Oct 17, 2023, 11:53 PM
CD Module v4.10d3


  • Player house updates.


  • Fixed Green Knight's Challenge being incorrectly usable on plant creatures.


  • Removed Bioware's "Target is immune" debug whisper messages from Bane and Feeblemind.

Boss Abilities

  • Fixed Blink Strike preannouncing its intention to blink strike before the blink strike had begun to be cast, which could sometimes be cancelled by the AI if the AI decided to do something else between the announcement and spell cast.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Jan 21, 2024, 03:23 PM
CD Module v4.11a1

Scroll, Potion, and Wand Crafting

  • Increased gold cost on all scrolls by 50%. Decreased gold cost on all potions by 25%. Wands are unchanged. This now makes potions the cheapest to craft, followed by scrolls, then wands.

  • Changed the XP cost formula to be independent of gold cost, and instead be calculated as 1 + item caster level + 1 per spell innate level. Overall this will reduce XP costs for high level spells, but may slightly increase the cost of some low level spells.

  • Metamagic wands can now be crafted (extended, empowered, maximized). Metamagic wands have an increased XP and Gold cost, increased by the metamagic spell slot level increase. The XP formula is 1 + item caster level + (1 per spell innate level * (1 + metamagic spell slot level increase)). Gold is plus an additional 50% per metamagic spell slot level increase.

  • Innate level 7, 8 and 9 spells for scroll crafting now requires T4 diamond powdered spell ink found in loot. The following spells also require an additional material component for crafting:

    • Crusade now requires Holy Ointment.

    • Energy Immunity now requires Malachite Dust.

    • Gate now requires Planar Tuning Forks.

    • Implosion now requires Flawless Lodestones.

    • Mordenkainen's Disjunction now requires Hizagkuur Shavings.

    • Premonition now requires Polished Mirror Fragments.

    • Shadow Double now requires Shadow Powder.

    • Time Stop still requires Dragon Blood.

    Overall, these changes are aimed at making potions and wands competitive options with scrolls; reducing XP costs for crafting; providing more options for players to trade for items from crafters by trading spell ink; and adjusting the ready availability of some high level scrolls to adjust and rebalance the spell item economy on the server.

    The drop rates of ink and material components may be tweaked over time as we try to strike a balance, but we'd like to encourage people to first wait for the economy to settle in as people begin to first collect these new items first before we plan any tweaks.


  • Fixed War Wizards in Eagles Peak who really wanted to sit.

  • Fixed numerous broken shops in different module areas after the 30+ separate generic shop scripts that had been added over time by various builders that had been merged into one global script in a previous update, which broke a few outlying shops that had been setup in non-standard ways.

  • Minimap exploration and pins now persist across server restarts.
    • Pins and tile exploration are not persistent in event or player areas.
    • Tile exploration will be reset in areas if the area's layout is changed in a module update.

  • Added a pettable frog to Wayside Refuge.


  • Fixed Red Wizard's Spell Power feat's bonus incorrectly scaling at the wrong levels.

  • Fixed Fellfrost Cross attempting to damage plot placeables and doors.

  • Fixed Dragon Breath attempting to damage plot placeables and doors.

  • Fixed goad not being considered a finessable weapon for duelists.

  • Fixed duelist's damage bonus being applied to unarmed attacks if a finessed weapon was unequipped.

  • Fixed Demonic Servitor to allow Zuggtmoy as a valid deity.


  • Fixed Alter Self not correctly updating creature size until the character changed areas.

  • Fixed Alter Self being able to be used when polymorphed, which resulted in various bugs and exploits.

  • Summons will now appear in your /viewspells menu and can be dismissed.

  • The following spells will now only override the same spell on a target if the new spell is cast at an equal or higher caster level:

    • Bless
    • Silversteel Veil
    • Crusade
    • Recitation
    • Prayer

  • The following spells will not be applied/replace a higher spell if a higher spell in its spell line is already active. (ordered by highest to lowest):

    • Crusade > Recitation> Prayer


  • Fixed some cases where the death screen would incorrectly report you as being petrified if you were petrified earlier.

  • Fixed tailoring systems having to make a separate copy of an edited item for every edit made to the item, which often resulted in item's being dropped to the ground if you didn't have at least one full inventory tab's worth of space available.

  • Fixed global pawnshop inventories not resetting correctly.

  • Fixed Dragon Disciple and Hellbred's vision buffs stacking with itself.

Dungeon Masters

  • Fixed /dmplaysound


  • Migrated all 3000+ treasure loot items out of our treasure area into the item palette under a new Treasure Table category. On the player side, this won't be a noticeable change. On the developer's side, this will allow much faster and easier access to adding or editing loot items.

    Loot items in the palette accept a few variables for configuring randomized item stack sizes or charges:

    • string CDT_ITEM_CHARGES to set the amount of charges to spawn a loot item with. This accepts flat numbers, die rolls, and additions. ie: 20 + 2d6

    • string CDT_ITEM_STACKSIZE to set the amount of items in a stack to spawn a loot item with. This accepts flat numbers, die rolls, and additions. ie: 20 + 2d6

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fox² on Jan 23, 2024, 11:58 AM
CD Module v4.11a2


  • Fixed item value calculations for UMD when using metamagic wands.


  • Fixed Father Milligan's store in Huthduth.


  • Fixed treasure table specific loot not spawning in various containers.


  • Added int var ITEM_OVERRIDE_UMD_COST to override an item's gold value for calculating UMD requirements.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Feb 01, 2024, 02:24 AM
CD Module v4.11a3


  • Corrected the OOC Room to reflect Spring season.
  • Guards in Essembra will no longer be hostile by default.
  • Imported new and updated Evereska areas for the ATAE quest series.

  • Added fixes for Druid spell Nature's Beauty (Vincent:   Nature's Beauty: Changed to point at a custom Aura script. Aura now causes a Fortitude Save OnEnter for a 3 round Blindness. If that save is failed, the target then makes a will save vs death. If either save is made, the target is immune to the respective effect for 10 rounds. )

Dungeon Masters

  • Added a command to /resetareabytag to try and clear up problem crash areas without a reset.
  • Added a PC Renamer and PC Archiver NPC from Fox, although these will need further testing before being used. At present these are not accessible normally to players.


  • Added a prototype function to swap (dynamic) placeables above/below the floor, making them seem to appear/disappear at the use of a button

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Feb 04, 2024, 11:05 PM
CD Module v4.11a4


  • The exterior for certain areas now reflects recent events.
  • The Halfway Inn is now available to be teleported to/from, and the Inn there is a valid Bind point for those involved in the ATAE quest.
  • Additional updates will follow in hotfixes.

  • Made a number of changes to revert recently recompiled scripts to their previously stable configuration to address recent issues.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Feb 05, 2024, 07:15 PM
CD Module v4.11a5

  • Made more adjustments to the script base to fix apparent compilation issues.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Feb 06, 2024, 09:02 PM
CD Module v4.11a6

  • Reenabled Area changes from 4.11a3 and 4.11a4.

  • Reenabled fix for Nature's Beauty from 4.11a3.


  • Added just over 1,000 new loot table items, including the Tier 6 loot, courtesy Edge, Ladybug, Bella, GarageTrashcan, and Fury.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Feb 15, 2024, 03:02 AM
CD Module v4.11b1


  • Disabled fix for Nature's Beauty from 4.11a3 due to lag concerns.
  • Paladins of Sune and Selune should now be able to take levels in Hospitaler and Divine Champion freely.
  • Updated the Character appearance setters to allow next/previous access to the new heads. You can also use /sethead to access them.


  • Uploaded some fixes for items with cost and other minor errors that had previously been hotfixed.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Feb 17, 2024, 02:30 AM
CD Module v4.11b2

  • Minor overall fixes for general stability.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Feb 28, 2024, 06:45 PM
CD Module v4.11c1

  • The server has been updated to NWN patch 8193.36-12, and corresponding NWNX updates. Please let us know if there are any issues.

  • Made a few fixes to improve stability while transitioning on the Event Server.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Mar 03, 2024, 02:59 AM
CD Module v4.11c2

  • The gates to the Festival Grounds outside Halfhap should now be appropriately locked (and relock as necessary) when not in use.
  • The Lathanderite Temple in Eveningstar now has a new lead priestess, with the former high priest aiding her in semi-retirement.

  • Divine Might, Divine Shield, and Barbarian Rage should now properly extend their durations again.
  • Timestop and similar abiltiies should function correctly now, and trigger their cool-down timer once more.
  • The DM Quest Area Import tool will now properly allow DMs who have updated to the .36-12 patch to import quest areas.
  • Players that receive a new Persistent Runestone for any reason should receive a chatlog message helping alert them to this, in case they somehow gain a duplicate.

Title: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Mar 14, 2024, 02:08 AM
CD Module v4.11c3

  • A new bookstore has opened in Eveningstar, courtesy of Ladybug.
  • The Fox Tail manor player house outside Marsember has been readded.
  • The Lady's Taste in Arabel now sells fancy umbrellas in Pink and Dark Cherry colors too.
  • Updates to some DMNPC areas.

  • Drinking Habsmefaaj without sufficient immunity to poisons should be a lot more dangerous now. Drinking it while poison immune will now only get you drunk.
  • Fixed an issue with the head selection script skipping some of the new elven female heads.

Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Mar 18, 2024, 11:57 AM
CD Module v4.11c4

  • Made some minor adjustments to hopefully improve stability.
  • Fixed an issue with the head selection script skipping one of the gnomish female heads.
  • Made some fixes to the trap crafting scripts.

Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: Fire Wraith on Mar 22, 2024, 12:25 PM
CD Module v4.11c5

Recompiled the script base using the updated .36 compiler.
Fixed an issue with the Book Writing/Editing script.
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Apr 07, 2024, 08:20 AM
CD Module v4.11c7
Areas/Module content
Added the new Forum and Wiki links to the OOC lounge (Thanks FireWraith!)
Fixed floating door in Evereska (Thanks FireWraith!)
Item fix to the Soul Eater Greataxe and a Kama. (Thanks Edge!)

Diabolic Disciple
- Hellfire:
    - Damage now scales correctly at 8d6+1d6/level
    - Now uses HD for SR
- Iron Power:
    - Buff is now correctly set at 2ab/2dmg, 2ab/4dmg at level 10.
    - Buff now correctly affects allies.
    - Now instant cast.
    - Now shows in the buff list NUI.
- Hellfire shield:
    - Now shows in the buff list NUI.
- Iron Skin:
    - Ability is now usable.
    - Now shows in the buff list NUI.
- Hellfire Storm:
    - Damage now scales correctly at 10d6+1d6/level
    - Now uses HD for SR
- Dread Might:
    - Now shows in the buff list NUI.
    - Now instant cast.

Dragonsong Lyricist
- Song of Strength:
    - Now shows in the buff list NUI.
- Song of Speed:
    - Duration is now 1.5 turn + 1 round/CL. Multiplied by 2 at epic. The 1.5 turn base duration is not multiplied.
    - Fixed the self-targeting.
    - Now shows in the buff list NUI.
- Song of Healing:
    - Now shows in the buff list NUI.
- Curse Song added to the feat list.

- Soft Fall is now mechanically implemented

Shadow Conjuration line of spells (Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Conjuration, and Shades):
    - Now all correctly use illusion versions of the spells they're conjuring.
    - They now all use Illusion spell DC and Caster Level.
    - Shadow Conjuration - Darkness: now has the correct range.
Flame Arrow:  now correctly does 25 damage when maximised.
Vine Mine - Entangle: now correctly has a 1 turn / level duration.
Nature's Beauty:
    - Spell is reworked: Blind for 3 round on a failed Will Save, then make a Fortitude save vs Death.
    - Doesn't proc saves & VFX on corpses anymore.
Nature's Favor:
    - Scaling is fixed. It used to only give the CL 1 effect until CL 16.
    - Fixed the CD custom spell damage scaling for uniformity with how other spells use it (this is a buff)
Added CD's custom spell damage scaling to spells that missed it:
    - Delayed Blast Fireball
    - Nature's Wrath
    - AoE element of Vitriolic Sphere
    - Heartbeat ticks of Cloudkill
Holy Sword: can now be cast on gauntlets. Divine fists!
Blade Thirst: now scales like GMW (Thanks Vince!)

Yulash Slaad Tower: The quest is now offered at lvl 6+, so fresh adventurers aren't sent into a slaad den too early. (Thanks FireWraith!)

Changes to the checks for caster PRC requirements. No noticeable changes for players, except that Silverstar of Selune now requires you to be able to actually cast 2nd level spells (enough casting stat/spell slots), like other divine PRCs already did.
Fixed the book editing script. (Thanks FireWraith!)
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Apr 16, 2024, 12:28 PM
CD Module v4.11c8
Areas/Module content
Semberdale - Dripping Forest West: Removed the wild tressyms and poppers. Begone, cute winged kittens!
Arabel Sewer B1 - Restored 17 missing encounters (Thanks Vince!)

Fixed invisible/difficult to click transitions in:
Calanthar's way - Bat Cave
Cormanthor - Moonsea Ride - North of Halfaxe Trail
Cormanthor - Boggy Forest
The Sunset Mountains - Crater

Underdark (Thanks Rykka!):
The Platinum Spire is once again open for business. Now as Inn-style rentable luxury apartments.
The Forward Camp has been cleaned up a bit and added to the server permanently. It will take more time to repair though.
The Temple of Lolth is no longer covered in the dead and dying failures of the war.
The Illicit Grotto bathhouse has been added. (Collab with Epi!)
Nobles are no longer guarding the North Gate, having returned to their affairs.
The Pale Oath has been strengthened in their domain.
The inner-city damage from the the war has been cleaned up. The roads re-opened.
The upper echelon of the Southern District has been added.
The Great Theater of Maerimydra has been added.
Some old faces have returned to the Dancing Drider
Various new NPCs out and about. (No new dialogs yet.)
More of Melrida's Skulls hidden.

Player homes/groups:
Updated some player homes (Amethyst Keep & House Desarn).
Updated the Sunmantle's Guildhall rules.

Items (Thanks Edge!)
Tweaks to some new items that were overtuned for their tier:
   - Nightwatcher - Swapped Greater Dispel for Lesser Dispel on-hit
   - Bloodsought - Reduced negative damage to 1d6
   - Lichkiller - Reduced vs undead damage, swapped Greater Dispel for Dispel on-hit

Diabolic Disciple:
   - Iron Power vfx made less intense.
   - Iron Power now on a 1 round cooldown to prevent spam (still infinite use!).

Moonblade: duration fixed to 2 turn / level.

Optimized a script that ran on every character rest.
Removed an obsolete script that caused players to crash on transitions.
Improved server stability through ghost-script-hunting.

Added an example on how to use the /lock language command to the NUI help menu.
Added Wiki address to the /help NUI.
Fixed forum address in the /help NUI.
Updated the server rules in the /rules menu.
Temporary rollback of one of the minimap script that was causing issues.
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Apr 28, 2024, 01:55 PM
CD Module v4.11d1
This update includes changes to many elements affecting mechanical balance of the server. Considering the amount of changes, there may be oversights. Be warned that numbers may be tweaked once we've had time to see how it all looks once tested live.

Areas/Module content
Arabel East:
- The refugee crisis is now over. Area has been updated. (Thanks Koffie!)

- Initial revamp of the area, refugees are settling back into the area. More updates to come. (Thanks FireWraith!)

- Blue Draykn has been entirely revamped. (Thanks Nokteronoth!)

- Various fixes to Maerimydra
- Fixed an hostile NPC in Maerimydra South
- Fixed floating placeables in player home - Amethyst Keep

- Tressym's Meow shop is now accessible.

Hullack Forest -  Wanton Wyvern Inn Exterior:
- Teleport point fixed.

Spell changes

- All cantrips are now unlimited use. UNLIMITED POWER!

- Added to ranger spellbook. Level 4.
- Now provides: +1 constitution, strength and dexterity per 2 caster level. +2 shield, armour, deflection, and natural armor class, +1 per 4 caster level. +1d10 wisdom and +2 to attack rolls. +20% non-physical immunity +1% per caster level.
Explanation: This is a bandaid fix to make Animal Companions usable, as they've long been useless on the server. The immunity is to compensate for the AI not knowing how to dodge away from danger, and numbers may definitely be changed in future updates if this feels over or undertuned once people have time to test it.

- Bosses are now immune to Whirlwind's crowd control effect.

- Can now be cast as a Silent, Still, or Quickened spell.

Planar Ally:
- Now correctly gets an increased duration with Spell Focus in conjuration.
- Now uses the Summoning Books system to select the summoned creature.

Shadow double:
- Double now spawns with a Premonition effect DR shield of the caster level if summoned by a CL 15+ arcane caster, so the unbuffed double doesn't get instantly squished.
- Shadow Adepts summoning a shadow Double now benefit from double the duration.

New Spells
Iceberry & Flameberry
- Druid 3/Ranger 2: Enchants the user's animal companion, granting it +1d10 cold (or fire) damage, regeneration of 1 hit point per round, and 10/- cold (or fire) damage resistance. 1 turn per level duration.

Mass Longstrider
- Druid 5/Ranger 4: Mass version of the Longstrider spell.

Recharge timers have been added to some abilities. These work like the Tempest's Flurry cooldown: that is, the recharge timer begins once the ability is used (i.e. -not- when its duration expires), and each charge is gained back according to when it was last used. This means you can still quickly spend all charges of an ability if it has more than one, and you'll gain back all of these once the recharge timer is up, or you can stagger usage to favor a rolling recharge of ability uses.

Arcane Fire:
- Cooldown removed

Blast Infidel:
- Cooldown removed

Barbarian Rage:
- 25 minutes recharge

Divine Wrath:
- +3 ab/saves +1d6 damage
- +5 ab/saves +2d6 damage at HD 20
- Damage resistance now scales with HD, not PRC level. Scales from 10/+3 to 25/+7 at HD 25.
- Duration now 5 + 1 round per Charisma modifier
- 10 minutes recharge
- Now instant use

Elaborate Parry:
- 2x/day
- 50 minutes recharge
- NUI metadata added.

Lay on Hand:
- 10 minutes recharge
Smite Evil:
- 2x/day, 4x with Extra Smiting
- 10 minutes recharge

Smite Good:
- 2x/day, 4x with Extra Smiting
- 10 minutes recharge

Undead Graft:
- DC changed to Palemaster Level + Highest of Charisma or Intelligence modifier
- 10 minutes recharge

Deathless Master Touch:
- DC changed to Palemaster Level + Highest of Charisma or Intelligence modifier
- 15 minutes recharge

Shadow Daze:
- Duration now 2 rounds per SD level
- 5 minutes recharge
Shadow Evade:
- DR now scales from +3 to +6 instead of +2 to +5
- 20 minutes recharge

Song of Celerity:
- 4 minutes recharge

Feint Mastery:
- 15 minutes recharge

Rallying Cry:
- 25 minutes recharge
Inspire Courage:
- 20 minutes recharge
War Cry:
- 10 minutes recharge
Oath of Wrath:
- 10 minutes recharge
Final Stand:
- 25 minutes recharge

Perfect Self:
- 20/+4 DR instead of 20/+1
Stunning Fist:
- Duration now back to the pre-EE 3 rounds
Empty Body:
- 1x/day
- Duration now 1 turn per 2 monk levels
- 20 minutes recharge
Wholeness of Body:
- Now heals an amount equal to 10% of the monk's max HP x the monk's Wisdom mod.
- 10 minutes recharge

Seeker Arrow:
- 15 minutes recharge
Arrow of Death:
- 15 minutes recharge
Hail of Arrows:
- Now adds 1d6 dmg per Arcane Archer level on top of the current damage
- 15 minutes recharge

Minor fix for compatibility with NWN build 36-13
Tweak to the Maerimydra portal script. Duergars can now enter.
Fix to some admin commands. (Thanks FireWraith!)
Fix to some misassigned constants.
Fixed prototype elevation script in Castle Truesilver. (Thanks Raysiel!)

Wildshape rework
This update includes a complete rework of druid and shifter's wildshape, aiming at giving the two classes a stronger identity with two diverging paths to follow. The goal of this rework is also to fix most of the remaining issues, bugs, and general mechanical weirdness associated with wildshape.

Considering the amount of changes made, numbers may be adjusted later on. Everything has been tested, but there could be bugs. Please report them in the #bugs channel of the Discord if you find any.

- Druids who have Dragon Shape. ONLY those who had dragon shape. Non-dragon shape druids are fine.
- Shifters.

Currently existing shifter characters who wish to keep to a more spellcasting-focused playstyle may relevel to druid.

In accordance with how such massive class changes have been handled in the past, currently existing shifters who had spellcasting focused items may post in the Replacing DM Items board to ask for a one-time edit to their affected DM items. Note that this only applies to spellcasting-focused stats like Bonus Spellslots that are now unusable.

Summary of the changes:
- Shifter now has no Caster Level progression.
- Shifter now gains full AB progression.
- Tumble added to the Shifter skill list.
- Armor Class (AC) merging from items now fully takes gear into account. This should lead to an AC progression curve through the levels and gear tier that more closely ressemble what other characters can expect.
- Weapon Focus: Unarmed and associated feats now automatically provide the right focus for weapon using forms. This means a shifter should focus on Unarmed feats to enhance their melee capabilities.
- Stat rebalance of all forms.
- Innate Dodge AC entirely removed from -every- shape.
- Form abilities' DC now scale with the players' Wisdom.
- Many models swapped to higher quality ones.
- Druid AC bonus now adds both Druid and Shifter levels. Still +2 at 5 and +4 at 10.
- Dragon Shape is now a shifter exclusive capstone.
- Epic Wildshape is now a (new) druid exclusive capstone giving access to Elder Treant, Myconid Sovereign, and Mist Dragon form.
- All abilities become infinite use past the level you'd have infinite use of the form. (You already had infinite use, but this prevent having to constantly unshift/shift for QoL)
- Backend change to the way gendered forms are chosen, using work done by Fox for Drider form. Simplified some of polymorph.2da and the wildshape script.

Shape specific changes (other than stat changes):

Panther form
- Replaced with cougar form.

Boar form
- Replaced with raven form.

Earth Elemental:
- Can now Hurl Rocks.

Epic Wildshape
- Requires epic character, 26+ Wisdom and Wild Shape 6x/day.
- Replacement for Dragon Shape.
- Treant has an AoE Entangle ability that does slashing damage and can hurl rocks. Similar skin to the elementals. Vulnerable to fire.
- Myconid has a corrosive spores ability that dazes foes and does acid damage. Similar skin to the elementals. Vulnerable to fire.
- Mist Dragon has Corrosive (acid) breath, Scalding (fire) breath, and Gust of Wind as abilities. Similar skin to the shifter dragon. Immune to fire and acid.

- All breaths now do the same amount of damage.

- Charm -> Daze.
- Daze duration doubled for the epic version.
- Daze radius increases to 8.33m at epic.

- Now a Krenshar. Fear gaze, 5 round duration. 10 at epic.

- Non-epic and epic version now both use a greataxe.

- Spikes ability only targets enemies.
- Cap upped to 8.

- Now a Dire Spider. Giant spider at epic (slightly bigger model, enhanced stats, and a stronger bite).
- AoE Web Ability.

Dire Tiger
- Now an Umber Hulk.
- Confusion Gaze ability. 2d3 rounds duration. DC increases at Shifter level 16+

- Psionic Barrier now has turn/level duration. 20/+7, 10*shifter level shield.
- Mindblast now does Shifter level/2 d6 damage, instead of /3. DC increases at Shifter level 16+.
- Mindblast duration now 2d3 rounds.

Undead Forms:
- Requirement changed: 24+ Wisdom.
- Turn Resistance added to every forms.
- Risen Lord now uses a Greatsword. Goodbye x4 crits.
- Spectre has the same invisibility changes as Kobold.

- Spells changed to fit the loss of CL scaling. Now uses shifter levels only for scaling.
- Rakshasa dispel replaced with a new version, capped at 20 Caster Level.
- Lost its staff.

- Chaos Spittle changed to 1d4+1d4/Shifter level

- Now a Lupinar.
- Has access to Hold Monster, Healing Circle, and Magic Circle vs Evil.
- Spells use Shifter levels for CL.

Construct Shapes
- Removed.

Epic Kobold:
- Invisibility now Improved Invisibility.
- Duration is 10 rounds.
- Metadata added for the NUI.

Dragon Shape:
- Requirement changed: Wisdom 26+ and Shifter level 14+.
- All breaths now do the same amount of damage, except Poison which does less due to the poison on-hit. DC improves with wisdom modifier.
- Stats adjusted: maximum AB/AC should be similar to what it was in a party, with self-buffed dragon shifters losing around 4 AB compared to the current status.
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on May 07, 2024, 11:43 AM
CD Module v4.11e1
Module palete change
- Fixed some tags on the wildshape skins.

- Maerimydra's Fire Giant stopped being so angry.
- Fixed a typo in the items sold by the Tressym Meow.
- Fixed a typo in the Ants Warehouse quest dialogue - Eyes and Ears of Arabel.
- New dungeon added for testing. Not yet connected to the maps.
- Blue Draykn Inn updated again. (Thanks Nok!)
- Updated Underdark - Sschindylryn - Central Markets for player business entrance (Ray)
- Finalized aqueducts dungeon in the Underdark. (Thanks Rykka!)
- Updated trophies in the Violet Flame
- Wyvern Caverns dungeon rework. (Thanks Misty!)
- Two new UD dungeon added for testing. Not yet connected to the maps. (Thanks Rykka & Edge!)

Player Areas
- (Diestormlie) Added Qu'za Zhaunil to Underdark - Sschindylryn - Central Markets (Ray)
- (Lanira) Updated Coin Toss and Vespillio player home (Ray)
- (Pretzel) Added player home and transferred another (Ray)

Creature/item palette
- Summoned Huge and Greater elementals now use a weapon so that they can be buffed with Elemental Weapon.
- Cursebound Bandits Ogre boss is now evil.

Iceberry and Flameberry
- Don't stack together anymore.
Summon Creature VII to IX:
- Players can now choose the type of elemental summoned using the /elementsum command. Example: /elementsum earth
Kali's Kamikaze Kobolds:
- Now works as described.
Energy Buffer:
- Can now be cast on others.
- Cap of 20d6. Prone for 2 rounds on a failed save.
Energy Drain:
- Drain 4d8 levels.
- Cap of 25d8.

- Rallying Cry and Final Stand now truly have a 25 min refresh.
- Barbarian Rage refresh timer fixed.
- Divine Wrath now gives the correct AB/Saves/Damage bonus at HD25+
- Fixed wildshape forms abilities being unusable if your first level wasn't Druid.
- DC of shifter's medusa shape petrification gaze lowered.
- DC of shifter's spectre energy drain lowered. Drain effect enhanced.
- Wildshape's Dragon breath damage slightly lowered.
- Shifter forms abilities CL fixed for Harpy Cry, Mindblast, Imp. Invisibility.

Spell Focus: Conjuration
- Non-undead creatures summoned by summon spells now have +4 to all physical stats. (This counts towards the +12 cap)
Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration
- Non-undead creatures summoned by summon spells now have +8 to all physical stats. (This counts towards the +12 cap)
Epic Spell Focus: Conjuration
- Non-undead creatures summoned by summon spells now have +12 to all physical stats. (This counts towards the +12 cap)

Spell Focus: Necromancy
- Undead creatures summoned by summon spells now have +4 to all physical stats. (This counts towards the +12 cap)
Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy
- Undead creatures summoned by summon spells now have +8 to all physical stats. (This counts towards the +12 cap)
Epic Spell Focus: Necromancy
- Undead creatures summoned by summon spells now have +12 to all physical stats. (This counts towards the +12 cap)

- Fixed Ranger AC checking for the wrong armor type.
- Potential fix to the Ranger debuff bug. Please test it and report!
- Fixed Swordmage keeping its AC bonus when using a 2 handed weapon or ranged weapon.
- Optimised a script that checked for PCs epic spells.
- Potential fix to the server-wide chat bug.
- Fixed a bug that led to skin properties stacking back onto the player skin when using wildshape. Affected players need to get in touch with a DM ingame to get a new skin.
- Fixed an issue where the builder module sent messages about deprecated scripts repeatedly (Ray)

- Added new DM commands to let DMs add and remove Epic Spell Feats to and from player characters.
- Added a new NPC DMs can spawn to let players archive their characters. (Thanks to Fox who had it fully coded already!)
- Added a new NPC DMs can spawn to let players rename their characters. (Thanks to Fox who had it fully coded already!)
- Added a new variable for DMs and dungeon builders to use. Enemies might be learning some player tricks...
- Modified the DM Export tool to allow DMs to backup their quest areas on the Event server to mitigate losses from server crashes (Ray)
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on May 15, 2024, 12:34 PM
CD Module v4.11e2
Module palette change
- Creature palette updated with new dungeon additions
- Solifigids in the Aqueducts dungeon have had their scale fixed. No more lil' baby monsters.

- Wyvern Caverns last chest is now correctly locked (Thanks Misty!).
- New T5 dungeon in testing has been updated according to feedback (Thanks Misty!).
- More tweaks to an upcoming UD dungeon (Thanks Rykka!).
- Removed duplicate Blue Draykn Inn in Yulash.
- Two new Underdark dungeon implemented for testing. Not yet accessible to players. (Thanks Rykka!)

Player Areas
- (Pretzel) Removed stray keys on the lawn and slight area update.
- (Pretzel) Updated description of placeable in player home.
- (Ray) Updated an Orb of Doom's name in a Drow shop

Ravaging Storm
- Now has the CL boost.
- Now works with Shape Mastery.
- VFX frequency lessened.

Ethereal Visage
- Duration is now Turns/level
- DR now becomes 20/+4 at 18 and 20/+5 at 25

Shadow Double
- Fixed a rare bug that could give the Double spells it shouldn't have.

Deafening Clang
- Can now be cast on gauntlets. Deafening fists!

Knight Errant
- Inspire Courage refresh timer increased to 30 min. 100% uptime was an oversight.
- Final Stand duration fixed (it was missing the *2 from KE levels)

Shadow Dancer
Summon Shadow:
- Now Instant Use.
- 20 minutes refresh timer.
- Now summons a clone of the caster, similar to the Shadow Double spell, but the clone cannot cast spells. It can use certain SLAs.
- The clone is Death/Mind immune, as it is a shadow.
- SD level 3: SD level round duration
- SD level 6: SD level * 2 rounds duration
- SD level 9: SD HD * 2 rounds duration
- Epic shadowlord Feat: 1 hour per HD duration. Premonition effect on spawn. +12 all phys stat.

Shadow Evade:
- Now Instant use.
- Fixed a script error that gave more AC than expected.

Shadow Daze:
- Now uses HD for SR piercing calculation.

Epic shadowlord:
- Now granted for free at Shadow Dancer level 12. Characters who are currently at or above shadowdancer level 12 may submit a relevel request.

Monk AC Bonus:
- Now granted at level 1.

Uncanny Dodge I:
- Now granted at level 3 to Monks. No relevels are needed (script magic!).

Tongue of Sun and Moon:
- New feat added to Monks at level 17. As implemented: the monk can understand all spoken non-secret languages. No relevels are needed (script magic!).

- Fixed popup text description script not working on triggers or encounters.
- Potential fix to the disappearing feats bug.
- Added Sap to the weapon finesse list.
- Trolls can now be killed with Hellfire damage.
- Fixed an error in AC calculation when using wildshape and wearing one of the custom base armors (Adamantine/mithral/etc).
- Fixed an error in the book writing script.
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on May 21, 2024, 05:18 PM
CD Module v4.11e3
- Fixed a few typos in the Rose Leaf Monastery dialogues and descriptions.
- (Underdark) Fixed a typo in an NPC's description in Maerimydra North.
- (Underdark) Vhaeraunite and Ghaundhar/Sewers fixes (Rykka)
- (Underdark) Inferno Cleft area added (Rykka)
- (Underdark) Updated Sschindylryn drow and duergar district (Rykka)
- Rumors speak of a powerful orc tribe settling in the Thunder Peaks... A new T5 dungeon has been added. (Misty)
- Added Pretzel Player Home.  No it is not made of pretzels. (Raysiel)
- Updated Coin Toss to remove sentient curtains. The new curtains are much better behaved and cost half as much! (Raysiel)

- Shadows summoned by Shadow Double and the Shadowdancer Shadow summon have stopped spamming voicelines.
- (Shadow Dancer) Shadow summon now has a base 3 round duration.
- (Shifter) Harpy Cry daze duration and DC reduced.
- (Shifter) Umber Hulk confusion gaze duration and DC reduced.
- (Shifter) Krenshar fear gaze duration reduced.
- (Shifter & NPC Mindflayers) Mindblast damage type now Psionic.
- (Barbarian) Terrifying Rage DC now uses base skill ranks, not modified ones.

Greater Bull's Strength
- Spell metadata added for the NUI menu.
- Now provides +8 strength.

Keen Edge
- Now correctly tries to target gloves if the target wears a shield without a weapon in the right hand.

Deafening Clang
- Now correctly tries to target gloves if the target wears a shield without a weapon in the right hand.

Holy Sword
- Now correctly tries to target gloves if the target wears a shield without a weapon in the right hand.

Bless Weapon
- Now correctly tries to target gloves if the target wears a shield without a weapon in the right hand.
- Now provides the correct feedback when the target isn't valid.

Greater Magic Weapon
- Doesn't work on Magic staff anymore.

Chill weapon
- Doesn't work on Magic Staff anymore.

Sonic weapon
- Doesn't work on Magic staff anymore.

- Added the /jumphench command to jump your henchman to you.
- Updated the /help menu with information about the /jumphench command.
- Optimization to the Swordmage AC script. Protective Personality AC now works unarmed, as it did before.
- Added a new command to let DMs take the skillpoint payment from PCs learning a language. LETO requests for language payments are not needed anymore. Please post a Misc Request and ping a DM in the Discord if you need to pay for a language.
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Jun 02, 2024, 06:57 PM
CD Module v4.11e4
- (Rykka) The Vhaeraunite dungeon in the underdark is officially accessible and live (Ray)
- The ATAE story arc is starting to affect the world at large, and certain areas have been updated to reflect that (Ray)
- Added respawn point to the Bane temple near Voonlar
- Renamed the scribe shop in Suzail's North Gate area
- Updated description of Hullack's guard lieutenants
- Hellfire vulnerability added to Icegloom dungeon creatures where applicable
- Fixed area transition in Thunder Peaks - Western Foothills - Old Double Back
- Updated T5 orc dungeon (Misty)
- Updated loot tables for Weeping Crypt dungeon boss room (now drops T5 armors)
- Updated loot tables for Sakkors dungeon boss room (now drops T5 weapons)
- Fixed 200+ broken container loot tables covering nearly every dungeons. MOAR LOOT!
- Updated spell list of Sakkors Lich boss

- Removed outdated description that indicated an item couldn't be altered in any way. Forced themes and items with mechanically enforced appearance locks still remain
- Fixed T5 Boots of the Creeper having lower stats than the T4 version
- Fixed typo on Orichalcum Half-Dragon skin
- Added Werecrocodile (Animal and Hybrid) widget
- Added Wereraven (Animal and Hybrid) widget

- (Barbarian) Terrifying Rage updated. Now does the following: While the barbarian is raging, any enemy that comes close to him must make a will save opposed by 10 + the barbarian's base intimidate check or become panicked for 1d3+1 rounds. All opponents also receive a -2 penalty to attack and saving throw rolls and 30% spell failure for 10 rounds. Fear and Mind immunity protect from the effects of Terrifying Rage.

- (Cleric) Domains had a slight rework. Spells have been added to some domains that were lacking in bonus spells, duplicates have been removed, and some spells are now granted earlier:
Animal: Baleful Polymorph [4] instead of polymorph self, Nature's Avatar [9] instead of Shapechange
Destruction: Murderous Mist [4] & Inferno [5]
Earth: Greater Stoneskin [6], and Earthquake [7]
Evil: Shadow Mask [2] and removed the superfluous Unholy Blight
Fire: Flame Lash [1], Fireball [3rd]
Good: Early Tongues [2] & Hold Undead [3]
Plant: Entangle [1], Spike Growth [3], Vine Mine [4]
Strength: Early Mass Bulls [5], early Stoneskin [4]
Sun: Replaced the duplicated spell with Faerie Fire [1] & Replaced Sunbeam [7] with Sunburst [7] added Undeath's Eternal Foe [8]
Trickery: Displacement [4]
Chaos: Early Freedom [8]

- (Arcane Archer) Imbue Arrow now uses total HD for the Spell Resistance check
- (Divine Champion) Divine Wrath cooldown correctly set at 10 minutes

- Resist Poison now provides 10/- resistance against poison damage
- Resist Disease now provides 10/- resistance against disease damage
- Whirlwind Attack now has the same range as Improved Whirlwind Attack
- Improved Whirlwind Attack now hits twice
- Improved Whirlwind Attack requirement reduced to 18 dex

Reverse Gravity
- Any flying ability now provides immunity to Reverse Gravity, instead of the old script which only checked for the spell or the presence of wings

- Updated Giant Boulder Throw spell (2da # 775 ) to accept DC and Damage overrides (Ray)
- Added Werecrocodile lycanthrope
- Added Wereraven lycanthrope
- Added /copyspellbook DM command
-> This lets a DM possessing an NPC copy its spellbook onto a PC. For use when helping wizards rebuild/relevel.
- A typing indicator will now appear under players nameplate once they've had the chat bar focused for a few seconds. There is a delay between it toggling on and off, and it doesn't show when sending a Tell (unless you manually type in /tell "playername" instead of clicking a portrait of using the player list)
- Added /hidetyping to toggle off the visibility of your typing indicator. The command is also available through /settings.
- Status of /hidetyping is now listed on player login, similarly to other player toggles
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Jun 06, 2024, 02:26 PM
CD Module v4.11e5
- Moved ~75 creatures that still used Jasperre's AI to our default AI.

- (Barbarian) Bugfix to Terrifying Rage not proccing saves.

- Full removal of all of the old Jasperre's AI scripts. Expect changes to the behavior of certain monsters. Please report to #Bugs on the Discord if a spellcaster enemy isn't casting spells at all. This change should reduce errors, limit lag, and make certain monsters more dangerous (Highmoon Bandits have stopped walking back and forth for no reason, for instance)
- Potential fix for the character targeting bug.
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Jun 21, 2024, 01:06 PM
CD Module v4.11e6
- MARSEMBER OVERHAUL: The port city of Marsember has been completely rebuilt from the ground up by Fox.  Thanks to Rykka for the finishing touches on the project. More thanks go to Eidolon for the NPC work in Star Keep.  Marsember will continue to evolve over the next few updates with more NPCs, merchants, etc. (Ray)
- The ATAE story arc continues to affect the world, and more areas have been updated to reflect that.  Be on the look out... (Ray)
- New T6 dungeon added for testing. Not linked to the rest of the module yet. (Edge/Lady)
- T6 Asylum dungeon rework merged for testing. Not linked to the rest of the module yet. (Misty)
- New UD dungeon equivalent to King's Forest Orcs added for testing. Not linked to the rest of the module yet. (Edge/Lady)
- New Sewer Dungeon added to Sschindylryn (Rykka/Lady/Edge)
- The Society of Stalwart Adventurers has been loaded but not connected, pending an area revision in Suzail (Rykka). A future announcement will be made when open.(Ray)
- Updated sitting script in 316 areas to use the right one.
- Shop in Mouth of Gargoyles fixed
- Shield Up and Shrug in the /move menu now trigger the right animation
- Immortal tag removed from the new DM helper NPCs
- Several player homes have been added or revised (Jwhite, Pretzel, Ali)
- UD Vhaeraunite dungeon fixes.

- Now an offensive cantrip doing 1d3 fire damage.

- Psionic Concussion Blast ability now does psionic damage (monster ability)
- (Bard) Bard song is now instant use.

- Typing indicator won't show for DMs and possessed creatures.
- Size values for character scaling now respect Forgotten Realm maximum and minimum heights. You should expect taller elves, smaller dwarves, and so on. (FireWraith)
- Backend fixes to abuse prevention systems.
- Enabled T6 item drops
- Cleaned up an obsolete talk command related to spell VFX
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Jun 26, 2024, 12:00 PM
CD Module v4.11e7
News and Announcements
- We are incredibly saddened to announce that Avariel (Kaylynn/Renee), the player of Charity Brightsong, and Tigerlily, the player of Skye Synter, passed away some time ago and are no longer with us in this world.  They played on the server between 2021-2022.  Those that had the pleasure of knowing them will miss them dearly.  The In Memoriam section in the OOC Area has been updated to honor and remember them both. (Ray)

- Word of a smuggling ring beneath Marsember filters through the rumor mill. (New T4 dungeon added for testing) (Lady)
- Suzail Eastern Promenade has been expanded and enhanced (Thanks to Aliirielle!)
- The Society of Stalwart Adventurers is now open via Suzail Eastern Promenade! (Thanks again Rykka for the Society build!)
- (UD) Update to the Hook Horrors dungeon (Edge)
- Update to the T6 Asylum dungeon (Misty)
- Update to the T6 Gallery dungeon (Lady)
- Marsember teleport points now work correctly (Ray)
- Various minor tweaks and fixes in Marsember, including the grounding of the flying frog. (Rykka/Ray)
- The Priestess of Tymora in Marsember no longer speaks like a Priestess of the Morninglord and has stopped selling Umberlee wares due to multiple Cease and Desist orders. (Ray)
- Sschindylryn Central Markets has been tweaked (Rykka)
- Vincent Klennard is no longer locked out of his front yard. (Ray)
- (UD) Vhaeraunite Mischief Makers can move again
- Removed Restoration scrolls from Berrybriar's Temple and the Leaves of Learning
- Loot and store bought wands that were useable by Clerics can now also be used by Favored Souls (May have missed a few, if so, please report them in #bugs in the Discord).

- Added /setname to set a temporary alternate name. Character will show a "Disguised" status when under a fake identity. Use /clearname to return to your default name.
- /hidestatus hidden status will now show even if you're in the same area as the character that's hidden.
- DMs/Builders can now assign their NPC's animation sets (arcane, demonblade,etc) using the local variable ANIMATIONSET int <animationsets.2da #>.  The NPC must be a dynamic model (i.e. halfling/human/elf would work, ogre would not). (Ray)
- Languages in descriptions are now properly translated (or not) on placeables/items/etc that are set up to display them. (Ray)
- (Spell) Find Traps can now be extended.
- Wereraven alt form can now fly.
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Jul 01, 2024, 12:42 PM
CD Module v4.11e8
- Updated ~13000 placeables in 357 areas to use the correct sitting script.
- Dispelled the flying table in the Blue Draykn Inn
- Restored treasure script on Broken Jaw Orcs' crate of worg treats
- Update to the T6 Gallery dungeon in testing (Lady)
- Update to the T6 Asylum dungeon in testing (Misty)
- Update to the pirate dungeon in testing (Lady)
- Fixed the level check blocking entry to the Curse Bound Fortress dungeon
- Sakkor's Lich now respawns more often and its spawn trigger has been modified to prevent players from being stuck.
- Removed the locks on the doors of the Weeping Crypt.
- Fixed the conversation from Amesara for the Newbie quest in Arabel sending PCs to Tiddli instead of Elhazir.
- [Player business]  The Rook's Castle is now open in Yulash - City - South (Ray)
- [Player home]  Jack's ship is now docked and ready for ship shenanigans shipnanigans. (Ray)

Abilities, skills & feats
- (Barbarian) Rage now dispels active mind affecting effects on the barbarian (fear, daze, confusion, etc) when it's used at barbarian level 10+
- (Dragonsong Lyricist) Dragonsong feat now gives the expected +2 to Perform. (this doesn't count toward the +50 cap)
- (Divine Seeker) Sacred Stealth has been reworked. Now a permanent +5 bonus to Hide and Move Silently. (this doesn't count toward the +50 cap)
- (Ranger & Druid) Trackless Step now works in natural underground areas.
- (Shifter) Manticore Spike ability now uses your weapon enhancement bonus to determine DR piercing. Crit damage has been reduced.
- Epic Reputation feat now gives +4 to Perform. (this doesn't count toward the +50 cap)
- The new Skill Focus and Epic Focus feats for all custom skills except Knowledge Netheril provide the correct bonus to their respective skill.
- Spells stored in a spell sequencer will now be listed on the item description. Description will update on currently owned sequencers after they've been used once. (Ray)

Spring Cleaning!
- Five deprecated sitting scripts have been removed.
- 101 references to a deprecated script library have been removed, along with the script itself.
- Deprecated 45 scripts tied to the Alter Self system and cleaned up some potential bugs.

- Improvements have been made to the Buff on Perception script enemy casters use to make it more robust. Expect less enemy casters not getting their buffs.
- Setting the new SHAPE_MASTERY int variable to 1 on an NPC will now give it shape mastery.

Alter Self
Alter Self has had a slight rework and lots of behind the scene improvements:
- There are now six save/load slots. Appearances already saved to slot 1-3 are still saved to these same slots.
- The Alter Self conversation now allows editing ones height.
- Innate Alter Self conversation doesn't refer to a spell anymore.
- The spell version of Alter Self doesn't allow editing wings/tails anymore.
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Jul 04, 2024, 04:46 PM
CD Module v4.11e9
- T6 Gallery dungeon updated (Lady)
- Pirate dungeon updated (Lady)
- Fixed the level check script at the entrance of the Broken Jaw Orc dungeon
- Removed Baleful Polymorph from the Memory of Netheril spellbook
- The dog of the Roseleaf Monastery now welcomes treats

- Shape Mastery code added to Mass Blindness/Deafness
- Thrall to Demon feat fixed to give it its +1 DC to all spells as described
- (Demonic Servitor) Summon boosts the class provides now also include an increase to Spell Resistance:
    Adept Summoner: 30 SR
    Master Summoner: 35 SR
    Master of Puppets: 40 SR
- (Demonic Servitor) Temp HP bonus to summons is now an increase to their max HP.
- A new DM command has been added to hide the combat log server wide, only useable on the Event server: /togglecombatlog (Note that it'll still show feedback message such as RP XP gain or abilities failing from being out of uses)
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Jul 06, 2024, 12:41 PM
CD Module v4.11f1
- Removal of the DMFI wand skill diceroll dialogue
- Hezrou Summon now has stun on-hit instead of Vorpal
- Fixed a typo in the dialogue from Kristy Mirndon in the Seraph

- Eagle Peak exterior + shrine interior update (Lady)
- Hag lair dungeon added for testing (Lady)
- Pirate dungeon tweaked some more (Lady)
- Strange lights and sounds have been noticed from a long-missing artist's manor not far from Ashabenford.
    T6 Dungeon, The Abandoned Gallery has been added! (Courtesy Lady/Edge)

- Rumors spread of disappearances and strange happenings within the forests around the Moonsea Ride, not too far from the Abby of the Golden Sheaf. Odd lights and sounds seem to be haunting the woods, and multiple groups of adventures sent to investigate have never returned.
    T6 Dungeon, The Seven Oaks Abandoned Asylum has been added! (Revamp and upgrade to T6 courtesy of Misty. Original dungeon by Terallis!)

Player homes
- The shop in Rook's Castle has been resupplied and is officially open for business (several bug fixes - Koffie)
- The Royal Forest and Housing Authority has evicted an adventurer for illegally taking up residence in the King's Forest.  The home has been spirited away to another location and all memory of it being in the King's Forest has been erased.  Indeed a worthwhile use of War Wizard resources. (Ray)

Bugfix/Spring cleanup
- Removal of the DMFI wand skill diceroll scripts
- Increased the delay in a script in the hope of preventing werecreature PCs from showing up as naked once returning to their normal form
- Knowledge skills now all require training (i.e. 1 point) to be rolled
- Persuade dicerolls will now display as Persuade/Diplomacy, like they do on the character sheet
- (Shadow Adept) Greater Shadow Shield is now listed in the buff NUI
- (Heirophant) Divine Spell Power now gives +2 DC and +2 SR piercing, like its arcane counterpart
- (Demonic Servitor) DC bonus to spells now also affects Conjuration Focus.

- These abilities are now subject to Wild (unless noted below)/Dead Magic zones: Lay on Hand, Wholeness of Body, Shifter's Kobold/Spectre invisibility SLA, Drow's Darkness SLA, Blast Infidel, Arcane Fire, Windwalker's Windsong, Divine Champion's Divine Wrath
- Wild Magic code changed to not cause surges on the use of Supernatural abilities (Su):  Blast infidel, Arcane Fire, Dragonsong, Wildshape, Knight's Errant Fear Cry,  Windwalker's Windsong, Silverstar's Moon's Hand, Shadow Adept Shadow Shield, Doomguide's Bond of Fatal Touch, Shadowdancer's Summon Shadow, Divine Wrath, Lay on Hand, Wholeness of Body

New stuff!
- Six new skills added to the NUI help menu
- Six new skills added to the diceroll chat commands: /knowdales, /knowunderdark, /knowelves, /knowengineer, /profession, /survival
- Added /setprofession to set your profession. The chosen profession will show on your character sheet and in dicerolls, but cannot be changed past level 12 without the help of a DM. You need ranks in the profession skill to choose a profession
- Added layside2 as a Rest Animation setting
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Jul 15, 2024, 08:36 AM
CD Module v4.11f2
- NEW: The Brass Lamp (player business) has opened up in Sschindylryn - Central Markets.  Check it out! (Eidolon, Rykka)
- UPDATE: The ATAE story arc continues to affect the world, and more areas have been updated to reflect that.  Be on the look out... (Ray)
- Hag lair dungeon has been updated (Lady)
- Pirate dungeon has been updated (Lady)
- Boss of the Gallery dungeon has been updated (Lady)
- Asylum dungeon has been updated (Misty)
- Removal of the Adamantine Breastplate (T4) drop
- Mercurial Longsword now has a base damage dice of d8
- Added a check to the Subrace checker NPC (FireWraith)
- Fixed guards and purple dragon NPCs armors showing a belt (Vince)
- Bindpoint added to: Eilistrean Enclave, Harper base, The Veiled Secrets
- Lock removed from the Storm Horns' Duergar dungeon entrance
- The sword Moonblade of Eilistraee has been renamed to Lunar Blade of Eilistraee to prevent confusion

- (Blackguard) Edits made to certain scripts to enable Blackguard spellbook and remove the SLAs from active characters
- (Assassin) Edits made to certain scripts to enable Assassin spellbook and remove the SLAs from active characters
- (Fighter) Now gains a bonus dodge AC. 1 at level 6, 2 at level 8, 3 at level 10, 4 at level 12. No relevel needed
- (Monk) Added a fix so that monk AC bonus gets automatically added at level 1 without the need for a rebuild
- (Green Knight) Cut the corruption: useable on gauntlets and now uses the same targeting as Keen Edge
- (Green Knight) Take Their Heads: useable on gauntlets and now uses the same targeting as Keen Edge
- (Demonic Servitor) DC to Enchantment and Conjuration now scales by +1 at level 12, 15 and 18
- (Demonic Servitor) AC changed to Shield and script changed so they keep the AC if using an offhand, as long as it isn't a shield
- DMs adding an epic spell to player characters will now add the feat at level 1 to prevent relevels from wiping the spells
- Added Hold Undead immunity to Bosses
- Fixes to deity/alignment checks for certain fringe combinations (Ray)
- /reportxp now shows how much XP you have earned in the current level.  Good for knowing if you have enough for epic spells (Ray)

Epic Feats, Spells, and Epic Spells

Devastating Critical
As was said when the feat was first changed, the damage was always an initial test and subject to further tweaking. After careful consideration and some math behind the scene, the damage bonus provided by the feat has been adjusted and will now vary depending on the weapon being two-handed or not as well as its base critical threat range. This is to bring the overall damage curve of these weapons into a closer average proximity with one another, rather than having any one be a clear outlier or 'better' than the others by a significant margin. Damage is as follows:
One-handed weapon:
18-20: 15
19-20: 25
20: 35

Two-handed weapon:
18-20: 25
19-20: 40
20: 50

Epic Mage Armor
The spell has been changed to take into account base casting ability modifier on top of the type of armor, to reward investment in a character's casting ability modifier, with a cap on the AC amount. This will slightly reduce the AC gain for hybrid fighting-casting or 'gish' characters, bringing the average AC closer in line to other martial classes, while keeping the same AC gain for pure casters and DC casters, smoothing the curve across those build types. The numbers are as follow:

Base Armor AC    Epic Mage Armor AC Bonus
0                +9 + Base Casting Stat Modifier (max of 7)
1                +8 + Base Casting Stat Modifier (max of 7)
2                +7 + Base Casting Stat Modifier (max of 7)
3                +6 + Base Casting Stat Modifier (max of 7)
4                +5 + Base Casting Stat Modifier (max of 7)
5                +4 + Base Casting Stat Modifier (max of 7)
6                +4 + Base Casting Stat Modifier (max of 7)
7                +4 + Base Casting Stat Modifier (max of 7)
8                +4 + Base Casting Stat Modifier (max of 7)
11                +4 + Base Casting Stat Modifier (max of 7)
NOTE: Mystic theurge level 10+ always gets the max AC for their armor type, as they're already forced into splitting stats.

Heroic Alliance
Attack bonus has been reduced to +3. Damage bonus has been changed to physical and reduced to +3.

Heroic Empowerment
Because most of this spell wound up not stacking with Heroic Alliance, the bonuses and benefits from this spell have been rolled into the Tenser's Transformation and Divine Power spells, respectively, to keep the average benefit the same and remove a 'necessary' epic spell choice/spent slot. The spell has been removed. The benefits were not translated 1:1 with the old spell, but the overall increase of both spells has been improved.

Characters who had the spell researched are eligible for a one time free replacement with an epic spell of their choice, or a gold and combat xp reimbursement. The feat will be automatically removed from characters at a later date.

Divine Power
Now provides a divine damage bonus equal to your base number of attacks per round once level 21+. Added to Druid spellbook as a 5th level spell. Epic casters of the appropriate class will benefit from that damage bonus even if they use the spell through an item.

Tenser's Transformation
Now provides a magic damage bonus equal to your base number of attacks per round once level 21+. Also provides a Dodge AC bonus equals to half your base number of attacks per round once level 21+, rounded down. Epic casters of the appropriate class will benefit from that damage and AC bonus even if they use the spell through an item.

Storm of Vengeance
Spell Damage scaling fixed so it doesn't benefit from double the scaling received by other spells

Spell Damage scaling fixed so it doesn't benefit from double the scaling received by other spells

Creeping Doom
Damage cap increased to 2000.

Light descriptor removed.

Improved Invisibility
Concealment bonus reduced to 10%. Now reapplies invisibility every 3 rounds until the spell expires or is dispelled.

Now removes any temporary HP from a creature and deals 95% of its max HP in untyped damage on a failed save.
Death effect removed.

Spell damage scaling has been added/fixed for certain spells:
- Magic Missile
- Shadow Conjuration - Magic Missile
- Force Missile
- Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm
- Firebrand
- Ball Lightning
- Flame Arrow
- Combust's initial hit
- Melf's Acid Arrow's lingering damage
Damage added to missile spells is divided by the number of missiles.
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Jul 19, 2024, 12:58 PM
CD Module v4.11f3
- Two T6 belts with wrongly set ablity bonuses have been fixed (this is a buff!)
- Increased spell level of Longstrider on the Elixyr of Travelling sold near Yulash
- Fixed the Gallery dungeon level lock script
- NEW: There are rumblings and whispers of illegal smuggling activity in the Southern Canals of Marsember.  Can you find where the notorious smugglers are conducting their illegal operations? (New T4 dungeon is now live.  Thank you, Ladybug!)(Ray)
- Updates to Pirate and Hag dungeons (Ladybug)
- Drow and other ne'er-do-wells can now rest in The Veiled Secrets before getting stabbed by other Drow and ne'er-do-wells. (Ray)
- Player house added: Aramon (Ray)

- Heroic alliance: Fixed a visual bug
- Tenser's Transformation: Fixed a bug where damage was wrongly set to Divine
- Tenser's Transformation: Fixed a bug with item use
- Mordenkainen's Sword: summon can now die. Stats have been rebalanced.
- Divine Power: Fixed a bug with item use
- Implosion: Damage type changed to Force.
- (Green Knight) Fixed Take Their Heads and Cut the Corruption not working
- Fixed Demonic Servitors receiving monk's level 17 feat, no relevel needed
- Updated the animation list in the Help menu
- Melf's Acid Arrow: Fixed the lingering damage not applying the scaling damage
- Melf's Acid Arrow (Greater Shadow Conjuration): Fixed the lingering damage not applying
- Metric height is now reported by the OOC mindflayer and the alter-self dialogue when adjusting character scaling
- A big chunk of the the accessory VFX system has been rewritten. Rotation should now work, and ~50 obsolete scripts have been removed.
- Monks and ECLs eye glow added to the Accessory VFX system. These can now be scaled/moved/rotated.
- Fixed several issues with traps not respawning properly (Ray)

AI Changes
- Tweaks have been made to how the AI decides who to attack
- Turn Undead has been removed from the AI functions
- Summons should now be able to (mostly) hold aggro. Monsters will still swap target at times or have preferences
- AI now has a cooldown on Curse Song use
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Jul 28, 2024, 03:22 PM
CD Module v4.11f4
- Fixed a typo in the name of the mountain orcs from the stonelands
- Low-T3 Underdark dungeon added for testing (Edge)
- Player Business: Qu'za Zhaunil updated
- Player housing: Qu'za Desarn updated
- Updated Swamp Hag dungeon (Lady)
- Updated Drow Treehouse dungeon added for testing (AliceOfTheVoid)
- Marsember Morninglord temple no longer sells tridents due to a cease and desist order (Ray)
- Exit from Marsember smugglers dungeon now works properly
- After much murdering, Drow can finally rest in the Veiled Secret (For real this time. Ray)
- Player Home Added (Aramon)(Lanira / Ray)
- Player Home/Business Updated (Lanira / Ray)

- Fixed a bug with rotation of permanent accessories after a server reset
- Fixed Draconic Horns vfx rotation and scaling
- Added /togglehood (same result as /togglehelm)
- Fixed a bug that led to massively inflated HP/AC/AB values on a few summons
- Potential bugfix/improvement to Audience of Stone and Mass Penguin script

- At level 5, the assassin has learned how to cast without Arcane Spell Failure in Light Armor as long as they do not use a shield larger than 'small'
- Spells added to the spellbook, see the notes below
- Caster Level now scales past the normal progression as the Assassin gains levels. +1 caster level at level 3. +2 caster level from level 4 to 9. +4 caster level at level 10+. This bonus stacks with the Practised Spellcaster feat, but cannot go past total Hit Dice.

- Smite Good refresh timer reduced to 6 minutes
- Spells added to the spellbook, see the notes below
- Caster Level now scales past the normal progression as the Blackguard gains levels. +1 caster level at level 3. +2 caster level from level 4 to 9. +4 caster level at level 10+. This bonus stacks with the Practised Spellcaster feat, but cannot go past total Hit Dice.

Demonic Servitor
- Fixed the bonuses to summons' stats being dispellable
- Fixed a bug in the HP calculation of the summon bonus (different from the bugged summon HP/AC/AB values listed above)

- Smite Evil refresh timer reduced to 6 minutes

Green Knight
- Added a 25 minute refresh timer to Challenge

Shadow Adept
- Fixed a bug where class levels would give an unlisted bonus against Spell Resistance

- Tempest Flurry refresh timer reduced from 6 to 5 minutes

This update introduces a complete rework of the custom spell damage scaling that was gained through levels and the archmage class. As a reminder, the spell damage scaling was used as a way to keep spell damage relevant versus the much inflated HP values of most of enemies in the lategame.
Instead of adding a flat d6 value to most spells, the base damage of each spell will now be multiplied by the following values:
Caster Level:

To reward further investment in spellcasting, focus feats, a higher casting stat, and archmage levels all add to this multiplier as follows:

Focus Feats for the given spell school:

Casting Stat (includes buffs):


Note that these multiplier don't apply to damage against Player Characters, so as to not make Mastery of Shaping even more necessary than it is.

Hopefully, this change will help keep damage values closer to the intended scaling between base spell damage, instead of lower damage spells reaping much more benefits out of a flat damage value than higher damage ones, as a percentage of their total damage. This change also aims at providing a way for characters focusing on spellcasting over melee/ranged attacks to scale their damage above and beyond what "gishes" can achieve, and enhance an archetype that we felt was lacking.

We understand that this introduces a deep rebalance of how spellcasting plays on Cormyr and the Dalelands. Please expect future adjustments to these multipliers or to certain spells base damage if we notice issues ingame as we all learn to accomodate this change in "meta".

TLDR: This is a -big- change, expect hiccups. We will adjust things as we see how it plays.

Acid splash
- (Player only) 2d4+1 damage at level 5, 3d4+1 at level 10, 4d4+1 at level 15, 5d4+1 at level 20.

Acid Fog
- Lingering cloud now does 4d6 damage

Beltyn's Burning Blood
- Now benefits from spell damage scaling

Bestow Curse
- Added to Blackguard (2)

Bigby's clenched fist
- Now benefits from spell damage scaling

Bigby's crushing hand
- Now benefits from spell damage scaling

Blade Barrier
- (Player Only) Damage now caps at 15d6.
- Orientation bug fixed. Note that this disables the use of /endmyaoe and timestop pausing the spell.

Breath of Fire
- d10 -> d8 damage

Chromatic Orb
- Now benefits from spell damage scaling
- Effects reworked as follows:

Circle of Doom
- Cap of Caster Level 20 removed

- Duration changed to 1 round / caster level
- Damage changed to 1d4 constitution damage on a failed fortitude save vs Poison (Immunity protects against it)

- Now has a set duration of 1 round per 3 caster level.
- No save.

- Added to Assassin (4)

Divine Favor
- Added to Blackguard (1)

Entropic shield
- Added to Blackguard (2)
- Added to Assassin (2)

Electric Jolt
- (Player only) 2d4+1 damage at level 5, 3d4+1 at level 10, 4d4+1 at level 15, 5d4+1 at level 20

Elemental Weapon
- Can now be cast on creature weapons (i.e. summons without a weapon)

- Now also lowers Charisma
- Duration of the debuff is now permanent
- Can be removed with Restoration, Greater Restoration, or Mist of Eldath
- Fixed a bug with Maximize metamagic

Find traps
- Added to Assassin (1)

Finger of Death
- Now benefits from spell damage scaling

- (Player only) 2d4+1 damage at level 5, 3d4+1 at level 10, 4d4+1 at level 15, 5d4+1 at level 20

Flame Arrow
- Added to Assassin (2)

Ghostly Visage
- Added to Assassin (1)

Healing Sting
- Now benefits from spell damage scaling

Horizikaul's Boom
- Damage increased by +1 per 3 caster level

Ice Dagger
- Damage increased by +1 per 3 caster level

Incendiary Cloud
- Now a conjuration spell (as in PnP)
- Bonus damage lowered to 1 per 3 caster level

- Damage increased by +1 per 2 caster level

Improved Invisibility
- Made the script more robust, shouldn't bug out and leave people invisible anymore.
- Added to Assassin (4)

Isaac Lesser Missile Storm, Greater Missile Storm, Firebrand, and Ball Lightning
- Now benefit from spell damage scaling

Keen Edge
- Can now be cast on creature weapons (i.e. summons without a weapon)

Khelben's Warding Whip
- Now removes two effects per rounds, three if you have Greater Spell Focus: Abjuration

- Added to Assassin (1)

Gaseous Form
- Added to Assassin (3)

Greater Magic Weapon
- Can now be cast on creature weapons (i.e. summons without a weapon)
- Added to Blackguard (3)

Larloch's Minor Drain
- Damage increased by +1 per 3 caster level

- Added to Blackguard (1)

Magic Missile (and Shadow version)
- Damage increased by +1 per 3 caster level, divided by number of missiles

Melf's Acid Arrow (and Shadow version)
- (Player Only) Lingering damage now 2d6.

Meteor Swarm
- Damage changed to 1d6 per caster level
- The "safe zone" was not a thing, despite the description. No change, but worth mentioning.

Murderous Mist
- Damage increased by +1 per 3 caster level

Negative Energy Ray
- Damage increased by +1 per 3 caster level

Negative Energy Burst
- No change, but it never had a +20 cap on the damage. Description was updated

Phantom Steed
- Added to Blackguard (3)

Phantasmal killer
- Fixed a bug where the spell would be blocked by death immunity
- Now benefits from spell damage scaling

Polar Ray:
- d6 -> d8 damage

- Added to Assassin (1)

Undeath to Death
- Now only targets enemies

Raise Dead
- Added to Blackguard (4) and Paladin (4)

Ray of Frost
- (Player only) 2d4+1 damage at level 5, 3d4+1 at level 10, 4d4+1 at level 15, 5d4+1 at level 20.

Shadow Hand
- Cleaned up errors in the script and added Spell Damage Scaling

Shadow Double
- Removed Tenser's Transformation and See Invisibility from list of copied spells

Slay Living
- Now benefits from spell damage scaling

Spell Resistance
- Added to Blackguard (3)

Spike Growth
- Now benefits from spell damage scaling

- Added to Blackguard (2)

Storm of Vengeance
- Electrical damage is now 5d6

- Fixed a bug where spell damage scaling wasn't applied correctly

True Seeing
- Added to Assassin (4)

Vitriolic Sphere
- Lingering damage increased to 2d6

Wall of Fire
- Orientation bug fixed. Note that this disables the use of /endmyaoe and timestop pausing the spell.
- Bonus damage lowered to 1 per 3 caster level.

- Now benefits from spell damage scaling
- Now stuns for 2 round on a failed Will save if the targets succeed their Fortitude save.
- Fixed a bug where the spell would be blocked by death immunity.

Pernicious Magic
- Fixed missing bonus to CL against Spell Resistance under certain circumstances

Shadow Weave
- Fixed missing bonus to CL against Spell Resistance
- Fixed an instance of malus to DC for Evocation and Transmutation that stacked on top of the malus to caster level

Spell Focus: Abjuration
- Focus feats now provide 20% / 40% / 60% more HP to the shielding from the Energy Resistance line of spell and Protection from Magic Energy.
- Focus feats now provide 25% / 50% / 100% more levels of spells absorbed by the Spell Mantle line of spells. If you have Greater Spell Focus Abjuration, they are auto-extended when cast. This includes Shield of the Archons.
- Greater Spell Focus increases the number of spells removed per round by Khelben's Warding Whip to three.
- The d20 when making a dispel check is now set at a minimum of 5, 10, or 15, according to the level of Abjuration focus.
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Aug 12, 2024, 09:39 AM
CD Module v4.11f5
- Updated T3-T4 Drow Treehouse dungeon (AliceOfTheVoid)
- Fixed bugged respawn in the T4 pirate dungeon
- T6 Croaking Swamp dungeon updated and linked to the module (Lady)
- T6 Eye of the Storm cultists dungeon added for testing (Lady)
- NEW: The Unicorn and Crescent Inn is open in Evereska Southeast (Thanks Pretzel!)
- Gave the Pit Fiend Gate summon the right AI scripts
- Noxis Lance T4 spear typo fix
- Green Knight added to use limitation of the Hornblade scimitar sold in Mielikki's shrine
- Fixed certain monsters having the wrong version of Hellball and/or Greater Ruin. Expect them to now pierce higher level of SR.
- Nexalan language is now automatically granted to characters selecting a Maztican origin.
- Both tiers of the Ruby Greatsword of Hellfire now do some hellfire damage
- The Zhent in the Cloven Shield is no longer in her underwear after many complaints.  Tavern profits are now down 50%.

- Reworked the feat cooldown system to make it more robust: it shouldn't be possible to provoke multiple cooldown timers from one use of a feat anymore
- Fixed bugged damage value in the Breath of Fire script
- Fixed bugged damage value in the Mordenkainen's Force Missile script
- Fixed Ray of Frost being wrongly set as Conjuration
- Storm of Vengeance damage redistributed to 3d6 acid / 3d6 electrical
- Added blackguard and assassin to item use limitations on crafted wands that use spells on their class list
- Tweaks to the monster spell damage scaling function
- Added "Default" to the quest chat color selection menu
- Cantrips cast at a higher level through metamagic aren't infinite anymore
- 9 new VFX player accessories added
- Heartwarder's Fey Transormation now provides the correct spell immunities
- Kurtulmak's favored weapon is now correctly set as Spear (either long or short)
- Added a way for DMs to give Epic Reputation Feat to PCs, check the hak changelog for details
- Sticky Bombs are now an official Boss Ability available for DMs/Builders to use.

Emotes and OOC color formatting
Dialogue will now automatically be formatted to distinguish emotes and OOC talk from character speech. By default, text in between asterisks *like this* will be considered an emote, and text following a double slash // or double parentheses (()) will be considered OOC.

- This can be toggled OFF in /settings
- An alternate way to emote can be found in /settings: "Speaks like this" and emotes like this
- I repeat: this can be toggled off in /settings if you dislike it!
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Aug 27, 2024, 03:10 PM
CD Module v4.11f6
- NEW: Badger Gryzzly, famed not-so-famed suvivalist and adventurer, has arrived in Cormyr to sell his renowned Wilderness Gear!  He is currently set up north of Waymoot in the King's Forest. (Ray)

- Eye of the Storm dungeon update (Lady)
- Bullywug dungeon update (Lady)
- Added the PC archiver to the AFK room
- Yulash's goblin boss respawn timer adjusted
- Hullack's goblin boss respawn timer adjusted
- Cormanthor's Ossuary Guardian has had a lock added to his door to prevent him wandering around so much
- The horse summon items now summon the correct color horses and barding.  "Decorative" barding now uses the red barding.  The Cormyrean Warhorses summon the proper - color horses as well, and use the purple barding. (Ray)
- The fountain in Yulash no longer smells bad, and as a result, no longer has a complex. Hooray! (Ray)
- Player housing has been added (Dan)

- Fix to the chat color system so that DMs can still hear PCs
- Fixed barbarian rage bugs introduced with the cooldown system backend rework
- Fixed Knight Errant's War Cry refresh timer not working
- Fixed the DM combat log toggle command so it works with the other DM tools
- Dispel rolls won't be hidden by the DM combat log toggle command anymore
- Disabled automatic battlecries on abilities used by NPCs
- Zakhara origin region now correctly gives Midani language
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Sep 02, 2024, 05:44 PM
CD Module v4.11g1
- Updated the server to NWN preview build 37-7
Players can stay on the stable release for now, but this should bring stability, performance, and networking improvements to the server along with new diagnostics tools to help us find the cause of issues when there's any. It also enables a few new tricks script-wise.
- Enabled new diagnostics' tools to detect stalls and crashes

- Replaced deprecated sitting scripts in some module areas
- Updated T6 Eye of the Storm dungeon (Lady)
- Added Green Door Inn and Trade Post, courtesy of Pretzel!  This is accessible via Farsea Marshes - Bogside Trading Post
- Disabled leaping in Suzail's Royal Court
- Updated Suzail Promenade area and NPCs conversations (FireWraith)
- Added level lock to the entrance of the Croaking Swamp dungeon
- Fixed Arabel guards and Purple Dragon NPCs' outfits
- Updated Coin Toss (Lanira)
- Added Player Home (Terallis)
- Added Player Home (Hitetsu) 

- Added the /bardmode command to display VFX notes above your character's head while singing. Use again to toggle it off.
- Fixed /vision for Hellbred
- Minotaurs are now immune to Maze, as was already listed in the spell's description
- Targets under the effect of Dimensional Anchor are now immune to Maze, as was already listed in the spell's description
- (Monk) Abundant Step is now correctly set as a supernatural ability and not subject to wild magic surges
- (Shadow Dancer) Shadow Jump is now correctly set as a supernatural ability and not subject to wild magic surges
- (Druid & Shifter) Changed the Polymorph vfx that plays when shifting/unshifting for a softer one
- (Druid) Script added to automatically remove Wildshape 5 & 6 and grant Infinite Wildshape (animals) at Druid level 14
- (Shifter) Script added to automatically grant Infinite Wildshape (animals) at Shifter level 8. Note that this doesn't unlock the Dire Animal version of those shapes.
- (Shifter) Medusa shape replaced with Otyugh shape, which has a new projectile trash vomit AoE ability
- (Shifter) Script compatibility update for 37-7. Optimized the script that ran before/after polymorph.
- (Divine Champion) Fixed Divine Wrath being infinite use, not having a cooldown, and not showing on the NUI
- (Half-Dragon) Breath weapon updated. Half-Dragons breath now does 8d10, DC 26.
- (Dragon Disciple) Breath weapon updated:
    1-3: 3d10 & DC 22
    3-7: 6d10 & DC 25
    7-10: 8d10 & DC 28
    10+: 8d10 + 1d10 per 2 level above 10
                28 + 1 DC per level above 10
- (Spell) Dismissal: Fixed the script not adding the +6 to DC listed in the spell description.
- (Spell) Word of Faith: Now allows a Will save on the Unsummon effect and Fortitude vs the Blind
- (Spell) Blasphemy, Dictum, Holy Word, Word of Chaos: Now pierce SR
- (Spell) Targets of an Epic Spell should now correctly add their Spellcraft Bonus to Saves
- (Spell) Greater Restoration spell school set to Conjuration (was wrongly listed as Necromancy)
- Added /endmyaoe to the Help menu
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Sep 09, 2024, 06:02 PM
CD Module v4.11g2
- Server updated to NWN 37-8

- Updated Eye of the Storm dungeon (Lady)
- Updated T6 swamp dungeon (Lady)
- Mushrooms have stopped floating in the Semberdale (Pretzel)
- Tahlran's house updated (Pretzel)
- Morgan's house updated (Pretzel)

- DM command to hide the combat log should now display skill rolls and more feedback
- Compatibility update of the Polymorph scripts with NWN 37-8 (optimization weeeee!)
- Edits to the class lock script to make it compatible with the changes to divine PRCs

Divine PRC changes
Silverstar of Selune
Now named Silverstar
Allowed alignment now "Any Good"
Can now be taken by Rangers, FS (only in epic), and Paladin (counts towards the half level rule)
Can now worship Selune, Sehanine Moonbow, Eilistraee, Hathor, or Sharindlar

Allowed alignment now "Any Lawful"
Can now be taken by Ranger, FS (only in epic), and Paladin (counts towards the half level rule)
Can now worship Kelemvor, Jergal, Urogalan, Dumathoin, Naralis Analor, Osiris, or Chronepsis
Now requires focus with favored weapon of the character's deity or proficiency if its favored weapon is martial or exotic

Can now be taken by FS (only in Epic)
Can now worship Shaundakul, Akadi, Aerdrie Faenya, Valkur, or Talos
Now requires focus with favored weapon of the character's deity

Allowed alignment now CG, NG, TN and CN
Can now be taken by FS (only in Epic)
Can now worship Sune, Sharess, Lliira, Hanali, Sharindlar, or Sheela Peryroyl
Mobility requirement removed
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Sep 30, 2024, 02:13 PM
CD Module v4.11g3
- Morgan player home update (Pretzel)
- Statue name in the Violet Flame corrected
- Tahlran's player home updated (Pretzel)
- Updated the OOC area to Autumn (Vince)
- Merged Arabel Central seasonal changes (Ray)
- Elhazir's shop had a makeover (Ianira)
- Added Shades scroll to the treasure table
- Nightmare mount alignment swapped to Neutral Evil
- Temple of Tyr's exit in Ashabenford shouldn't lead to the middle of the temple placeable anymore
- Fixed Tanglefoot bag's and thunderstone's tag preventing its use in crafting traps
- Changed doors in King's Forest - Waymoot - The Silver Wink to hopefully stop leaking
- Added player home (Misty)
- Updated player business (Ianira)

- Server now supports MAC_ARM64 clients
- Hellbred /vision truly fixed and feedback added to show when it works
- Fixed some typo in the DM NPC skill set command script
- NO_JUMP variable won't prevent DMs from using /move and /leap anymore
- Added Sleight of Hand to the list of skills checked by the fence shop
- Ninja-loot prevention script tweaked to reduce AI jank in dungeons. More specifically, it shouldn't alert the entire area anymore
- Added CD_EPICSPELLSCALE Float Variable so dungeon builders and DMs can scale NPCs epic spell differently from non-epic ones
- Tweaked CD_SPELLSCALE Float variable to allow values from 0.01 and up
- Fixed Ogre Lord's Redoubt chessboard being used to spawn way too many enemies and lag the server
- Fixed Ogre Lord's Redoubt devil spawn being used to spawn way too many devils
- Fixed Cavern of Death's coffin being used to spawn way too many shadows
- Fixed hostile dispel of Alter Self not restoring the right character size, and a few other issues
- Added 3 new deadly exciting Boss Abilities, with more to come! (Ray)
- Added framework to allow Boss Ability damage types to be configurable.  NOTE: Existing BA's have not been updated to accept this framework yet.  WIP.

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- Fixed Conjuration Focus and Demonic Servitor summon boost being dispellable
- (Shadow Double) The double won't equip weapons in inventory anymore. Summon it without a weapon equiped to have it fight unarmed. This also applies to Shadow Adept and shadowdancer's double
- (Heirophant) Blast Infidel damage scaling changed to 5d6 + 2d6 per Heirophant level
- (Archmage) Arcane Fire damage scaling changed to 5d6 + 2d6 per Archmage level
- (Disintegrate) Now does half damage on a successful save
- (Hellball) Now does 15d6 of fire, acid, electrical, sonic, and -cold- damage. Yes, this applies to enemy hellballs too.
- (Speak with Animals) New spell! Added to Druid 1/Ranger 1/Bard 3/Cleric with animal domain 1
- (Moonblade) Can now be cast on gauntlets and the VFX has been changed to make it look different from Bless Weapon
- (Momento Mori) Added the spell damage scaling modifier to the damage component part of the spell
- /animal now requires Speak with Animals to be active to be used, unless the speaker is a Green Knight or currently polymorphed into an animal
- Added support for a new feat: "Epic Reputation (Clandestine)" that gives +4 to Disguise, Sense Motive, Bluff, and Intimidate. Like Epic Reputation (Famous), it cannot be chosen on levelup
- Removed the +4 bonus to Taunt from "Epic Reputation (Famous)"
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Oct 08, 2024, 10:16 AM
CD Module v4.11g4
- UPDATE: The ATAE story arc continues to affect the world, and areas have been updated to reflect that.  Be on the look out... (Ray)
- UPDATE: Badger Gryzzly and his traveling Wilderness Gear shop has moved!  He can now be found on the eastern outskirts of Eveningstar! (Ray)
- ADDED: Player business "The Moonlit Pearl" in Marsember - Northern Canals.  Check it out!  (AnOldFriend)
- Removed the tree Markers from the Brightwater Halls
- Fixed a typo in the sheaf of scrolls item
- Fixed the level lock in the Bloodhorn Depths and Varyxia's Lair
- Fixed the level lock for Marsember's pirate dungeon, which was set too high
- Adjusted the timer on the Behemoth dungeon spawn to reduce instances of reaching the boss but it not spawning
- Jelka's Grove dungeon updated (Edge)
- Updated Player Home (Preztel)
- Updated Player Home (Misty)

- Fixed DM epic spell & feat command
- Fixed animal appearance list for speak with animals
- Tibbits and Wolfwere can now speak /animal in their human form
- Spell damage scaling can now affect creatures possessed by a DM
- Updated the DM's area import tool NWN version check to allow client version 37-11
- Greatsword appearance #18 is now unavailable to PCs
- Updated BA_DEATH_EXPLODE and BA_DISPEL_CONE default values

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Assassin) Poison resistance feats now scale poison DR from 2/- to 10/-
- (Delayed Blast Fireball) Now respects Shape Mastery
- (Druid & Shifter) On-Hit properties now properly merge when using wildshape
- (Spell Breach) Now correctly removes Elemental Shield
- (Verdigris Tsunami) New epic spell! Divine character only. Does 30d6 bludgeon/15d6 slashing/15d6 piercing damage (treated as +7) in a massive area and entangles for 3 rounds, no save nor SR. Players get a save to dodge the entangle.
- (Mummy Dust) New epic spell! Summons an epic mummy to fight for the caster (Thanks to Misty for the help on that one)
- (Dragon Knight) Spell duration increased to 8h
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Oct 22, 2024, 11:51 AM
CD Module v4.11g5
- Updated the server to NWN 37-11
- Updated NWNX to build 37-10

- Stoneland goblin village dungeon updated (Ladybug)
- Storm Cultist T6 dungeon linked to the rest of the module (Ladybug)
- The Green Door Trade Post and Inn is now officially open for business.  It is located in the Farsea Marsh.  Don't forget to pet a catoblepas on your way there.  They need love too. (Pretzel)
- The last of the refugees in Arabel East have finished returning home, though they will still be some time settling in at Thunderstone and elsewhere (FireWraith)
- Updated Morgan's house door and safe autolock
- Marsember's Sewer Lord now has his proper tail
- Mummy Dust stats adjusted
- Updated Freedom spell scrolls with an accurate description and the right class limitations
- Trent the Dealer won't lift a finger to help those getting attacked anymore
- Marsember's pirate guard won't speak to players who are too low level to enter the dungeon anymore
- Updated Moonlit Pearl, Cups of Joy, and Duskturn Inn's doors in hopes to prevent sight/sound leaking. Please report if it continues (Ray)
- Added minimum level check for T4 Marsember Warehouse (Ray)
- Stopped hostiles from Marsember Warehouse entering Marsember Southern Canals and starting drunken fights (Ray)
- Added level check feedback to Marsember Warehouse guard (Ray)
- Added player home (QueenOfLagDying)
- Revised player home (Koffie)
- Archived player home (Zhin)
- Creature palette updated

- Refactored the Spell DC function (nothing changes for players, but makes Dev life easier)
- Optimized OnEquip and OnUnequip event script
- Mummy Dust doesn't fly in like Superman anymore
- Tweaks to character validation script to prevent it from kicking people for no reason
- Innate Alter Self now allows use of /alterself save and /alterself load commands to save and load appearances and skip the conversation. Only values 1 to 6 are valid for now
- Added a VFX to Alter Self when loading a saved appearance
- Fixed an exploit with instant use feats being useable while dead
- Added /spellwidget and /spellwidgetconfig, which opens an NUI spellbook to complement the radial menu and quickbar. Please note that these will require testing; expect adjustments if this causes performance issues. Ingame documentation of this feature will remain minimal until we've had a chance to see that it works correctly. MASSIVE thanks to WilliamDraco for sharing the code that made it possible.
- Katana and Bastard Sword now receive 1.5 str damage modifier when held with an empty offhand, except for Swordmages as they're not supposed to two-hand their weapon. Note that they are still and will continue to be considered one handed weapons in terms of property allowance for loot and DM item values
- Updated Boss Ability scripts to print a message in the server log when activated for better crash tracking. (Ray)
- Fixed several bugs in recently added Boss Abilities (Ray)

Ioun Stone Rework
Every Ioun Stone except the Dusty Rose one have had their effect changed. Note that only one Ioun Stone can be active at a time. This aims to provide players with more interesting options to choose from. Existing Ioun Stones will have the correct buff, but their description will be outdated. New ones will have the correct description.
- Scarlet Blue: +1 DC and +0.1 damage scaling for Intelligence based spells
- Blue: +1 DC and +0.1 damage scaling for Wisdom based spells
- Pink Green: +1 DC and +0.1 damage scaling for Charisma based spells
- Deep Red: +1 Attack Bonus (subject to the +20 cap)
- Pale Blue: +2 Magical Damage to attacks
- Dusty Rose: +1 Dodge AC (unchanged)
- Pink: +1 Regeneration

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Shifter) Added feedback on the amount of uses remaining for forms special abilities such as Mindblast. Chat feedback can be toggled off with /togglecombatfeedback or the same option in /settings
- (Hierophant) Fixed a bug preventing the +2 to DC from applying to lingering AoE spells such as Grease or Storm of Vengeance
- (Ravaging Storm) Fixed a bug that lowered the DC after a few cycle of lightning
- (Spike Growth) Now respects Shape Mastery targeting
- (Alter Self) Now shows duration in the NUI widget
- (Shadow Double & Shadowdancer's Shadow) Shadow can't drown anymore, because a shadow doesn't breathe
- (Divine Power) Duration now 5 rounds + 1 round / level
- (Static Orb) Added to druid spellbook as a level 4 spell
- (Phantasmal Killer)
    Now benefits from spell damage scaling of the correct school (it was set to transmutation)
    Now stuns for 2 round on a failed Will save if the targets succeed their Fortitude save.
    Damage increased to 5d6.
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Nov 04, 2024, 03:24 PM
CD Module v4.11g6
- Eye of the Storm T6 dungeon updated (Lady)
- Drow Treehouse pending rework merged for testing (Alice)
- New T5 Lunar dungeon added for testing (Ladybug)
- Fixed floating placeables in the Blue Draykn Inn (Pretzel)
- (Player home) Fixed Morgan's cat and dog AI script
- House area updated for Eirik and Natalia (Terallis)
- Removed a floating mushroom in Eveningstar - Peaceful Glade
- Added new vfx hood and monocle to the vfx conversation
- Fixed the AI of the Underdark sewer spawns
- Bindpoint added to The Cloven Shield tavern in Marsember
- Creature palette updated
- Swordflame Tower is back to selling Freedom scrolls in stacks of 10
- Added player home (Pretzel)
- Added player home (Ozzy)
- Added player home (Goodapallo)

- Fixed a bug with /order and /spellwidget causing every spell to order summons around and /order to cast spells
- (NPC ability) Petrification Gaze is now party-friendly
- (NPC ability) Bebilith's Ruin Armor now unequips target's armor and covers them in web (VFX to hide the skin). Removed armor is auto-equipped after five rounds, which is the duration of the VFX.
- (NPC ability) Knockdown Bolt now only knockdown on a failed Discipline check. DC is affected by the base AC of the armor that's worn. Heavier = easier to resist.
- (NPC ability) Wing Buffet now only knockdown on a failed Discipline check. DC is affected by the base AC of the armor that's worn. Heavier = easier to resist.
- Optimized Hellball's script
- Refactored all elemental weapon and related scripts to simplify future dev work
- Fixed a typo in the golem overload boss ability
- Fixed an error in Druids and Demonic Servitor backend scripts for some feat removal/addition
- Dwarven Waraxe now also receives the 1.5 strength modifier when wielded with an empty offhand, except for Swordmage
- Spell widget NUI will now refresh on player respawn

Bleedout and death system
Some small changes have been made to the bleedout system so that healers more often have time and opportunities to heal up downed allies past the early levels.
- Entering bleedout now always starts you at 0 if the hit wasn't enough to instantly kill you
- Bleedout limit is now -10 - Constitution Modifier. This takes into account gear and buffs. For example, a character with 22 constitution will now only die at -16.

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Alter Self) Saving and loading an appearance now also saves/loads the portrait and description, so you can have a portrait and description specific to each saved alter self appearances
- (Shifter & NPC's SLA improved Invisibility) Fixed a bug that made it possible to attack while staying invisible. Ability has been reworked to work like the Improved Invisibility spell
- (Greater Magic Weapon) Now provides an Enhancement Bonus to ranged weapons, not just an Attack Bonus
- (Phantasmal Killer) Can now be extended
- (Shadow Spray) Fixed a lot of bugs with the spell. Daze duration now 1 round +1 round per 4 caster level, to a maximum of 4 rounds. Strength penalty now 4 (it was already doing 4 str damage due to errors in the script)
- (Shadow Hand) Now does 10d6+4 damage
- (Animal Companion) Wolves can now be set to a fox appearance using the menu available in /settings
- (Familiar) Cats can now be set to a fox appearance using the menu available in /settings. Yes, they'll still sound like cats
- (Shadar Kai race) Now has a racial feat giving the appropriate uncapped +skill bonuses. Skin bonuses on existing skin will automatically be replaced with the feat
- (Shadar Kai race) Sneak Attack bonus is now tied to the Shadar Kai feat and stacks with other sneak attack feats. Any existing Shadar Kai who had another sneak attack feat added as a placeholder must have it removed
- (Brownie race) Now has a racial feat giving the appropriate uncapped +skill bonuses. Skin bonuses on existing skin will automatically be replaced with the feat
- (Brownie race) Does not get Skill Focus: Hide nor Skill Focus: Move Silently anymore, since those were given as compensation for the capped skill bonuses they had. Both feats will automatically be removed from existing characters
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Nov 17, 2024, 09:31 AM
CD Module v4.11g7
- Updated Evereska areas (Koffie)
- Blizzard scrolls are now useable by Druid (only applies to new scrolls)
- Silence scrolls are now useable by Bard (only applies to new ones)
- Rotated North of Waymoot to proper orientation
- Fixed Marsember - Moonlit Pearl wall issue
- Added player home (aalnyar)
- Added guildhall (i will carry you)
- Updated player home (Pretzel)
- Updated player home (QueenOfLagDying)

- Fixed a bug with the bleedout system and temporary negative constitution preventing true death
- Typing /fix will now also clear temporary "Unconscious" nameplate overrides
- Fixed a longstanding bug in the treasure spawn script
- Added a backend function to help find TMI errors
- Added Shadarkai and Brownie racial feat to the ECL check script
- Updated the entry on shifting in the Help menu
- Added documentation for /spellwidget to the Help menu
- Added the "GStoneskin" int variable for DMs and Builders to make monsters buff up with Greater Stoneskin on spawn. Variable's value is the caster level the spell is cast at
- The /return tool can't be used while mounted anymore
- Added Monkey Hengeyokai animal form and its widget

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Archmage & Heirophant) Fixed a bug that gave both these classes +2 to SR checks over what they should have
- (Dismissal) Fixed a bug with the DC calculation
- (Luck of Heroes) Fixed the feat not working at all versus spells
- (Cloudkill) Fixed a bug that stopped constitution damage from stacking past -4
- (Druid & Shifter) Devastating Critical: Unarmed does not provide Devastating Critical: Creature Weapon when shapeshifting anymore
- (Unyielding Defender) Defensive Stance now allows characters to move at half walking speed, unaffected by movement speed increases, as well as using consumables
- (Transmute Metal to Ironwood) Now works!
- (Mass Hold Person) Now correctly checks if the target is a native outsider
- (Mass Lonstrider) VFX tweak
- (Freedom) VFX tweak
- (Longstrider) VFX tweak
- (Reverse Gravity) VFX tweak
- (Expeditious Retreat) VFX tweak
- (Otiluke's Resilient Sphere) VFX tweak
- (Archmage) Arcane Fire now has a casting VFX
- (Hierophant) Blast Infidel now has a casting VFX

Persistent News System (Raysiel)
- HEAR YE, HEAR YE!  A new in-game interface is now available to read news, announcements, and advertisements
- For the Surface folks, "The Heartlands Herald" is a broadsheet that can be purchased from vendors across Arabel, Suzail, and Marsember, as well as Highmoon, Ashabedford and Yulash.  Buy one and use it to see the latest news!
- For the Underdark folks, there are shadowy Rumormongers scattered throughout, such as the Toy Chest, the Markets in both Sschindylryn and Maerimydra, and so on.  Speak to them to get the latest news and rumors!
- Stories and Advertisements will last 45 days to start before being removed.  They will be ordered from newest to oldest, and will tell you how old the entry is.
- Speaking of Advertisements, players belonging to factions/guilds/businesses can make a Misc Request on the forums to add a short Headline/Advert to the Heartlands Herald / Rumormongers for the low low price of 500GP!  Recruitment posts, announcements of player run events, adverts on specials in your restaurant, etc.
- This system is not intended to replace the forum posts for news/chronicles.  Instead it is meant to be a supplement to those stories, and allow characters to read about events in-game and in-character.  Hopefully, with enough DM's contributing to it, it will help the world feel a bit more alive and interactive.
- Please be patient over the next few days as DMs add more stories and announcements to it!
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Dec 03, 2024, 08:29 AM
CD Module v4.12a1
- Removed Bioware's default beholder anti magic cone from the few custom beholders we had that used it and replaced it with our custom one (Edge)
- Evereska area update
- Croaking dungeon updated (LadyBug)
- Lunar dungeon in testing updated (LadyBug)
- Updated Arabel Central in preparation for the future change of season (Ray)
- Fixed Swordhaven courtyard for future snow accumulation (Ray)
- Fixed Sunmantle merchant, as well as adding a lever to lock/unlock front door from inside (Ray)
- Updated player home (Jamais)

- Disabled Bioware's default beholder anti magic cone
- Added /reaction command to open the Reaction Limit Score Calculator.  This is used to determine what your visible racial traits (wings, tail, etc) add up to what the limit is for certain cities/regions.  This helps you choose what traits need to be covered in order to not cause issue where you are.  These settings save between uses. (Ray)
- Fixed a bug with Death effects not killing players
- Identifying an unknown language is now tied to Intelligence and not Item Lore
- Added a backend tool for Devs to bugfix players with permanently stuck VFX accessories

Warlock Class
- The class is now available! Thanks to Vince for all the work designing the docs, and the rest of the balance team for all the finetuning.
- See for more details
- Please treat this as a Beta. Expect further changes to the class, be it balance adjustments (nerfs or buffs), or adding new spells and feats, once we can gather some data on how it plays. It's also the first time I code in a class, and I tried to bugtest it as best I could, but there may very well be some bugs. If you find any, please report them in the #bugs channel of the Discord.
- Requests to rebuild an existing character into Warlock can be posted to, though details on which type of character will be allowed to do so are still TBD

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- Areas of effect: There is now a cap of 8 active AoEs per character, after which the oldest AoE will be removed to make space for the new one
- (New Spell) Added Mass Freedom of Movement (Bard 6; Druid 7; Animal 8; Travel 8 )
- (Premonition) Now absorbs 35/+7 damage instead of 50/+7 (this change only applies to player characters, not NPCs)
- (Whirlwind) Now has a fixed 5 round duration. This is a placeholder tweak until the spell can be reworked as its current implementation is proving too disruptive (both for and against players). More changes will come in the future
- (Improved Invisibility) Refresh timer is now 4 rounds by default. 3 rounds with Greater Spell Focus: Illusion. 2 rounds with Epic Spell Focus: Illusion. This effect is tied to the caster, so an Illusion focused wizard can give stronger Improved Invisibility to their party members.
- (Gust of Wind) Added to druids as a level 3 spell
- (Epic Spells) Added new casting Sound FX to most epic spells to make them stand out, using Baldur's Gate II casting SFX chants. Due to NWN limitations, it's possible some races may not actually have casting SFX chant, but for those that do, enjoy!
- (Mordenkainen Sword) Now an Evocation spell like in PnP
- (Mummy Dust) Removed the Fear Aura from the summon
- (Epic Mage Armor) Backend optimization to the script
- (Druid & Ranger) Black and Brown bear animal companion model updated to a newer one
- (Shadow Spray) Replaced the OnHit VFX for a (hopefully) less buggy one
- (Stinking Cloud) Now correctly checks for SR on entry
- (Hide in Plain Sight) Replaced the existing anti-abuse mechanics applied to Hide in Plain Sight with a 3 seconds cooldown, as the current implementation had too many issues and led to unreliable gameplay
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Dec 05, 2024, 10:15 AM
CD Module v4.12a2
- Fixed a function that caused the server to crash (this was already hotfixed, but listing it here for notekeeping)
- Warlock will now count as Arcane for the Gem of Life quest
- Warlock Pact selection will now save the character once the Pact is chosen, to prevent issues with rollbacks if there's a crash soon after
- Adjusted the active AoE Cap per caster down to 8 as it was wrongly set to 9
- Added a ~secret~

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Warlock Invocations) Fixed the math for DC calculation of non-Eldritch Blast/Cone/Chain/Doom invocations
- (Warlock Invocations) Added a debuff VFX to the Essence modifiers that have a debuff
- (Warlock Invocations) Self-buffs now replace old instances of themselves to prevent overcrowding the buff NUI
- (Walk Unseen) Fixed the spell not appearing in the NUI Buff Window when cast at CL lower than 16
- (Wall of Perilous Flame) Damage increased to 2d6 + half of the Warlock Charisma modifier for both damage type, to make it more of an option versus Tenacious Plague and Chill Tentacle
- (Brimstone Essence) At Warlock level 16 and above, the lingering burn damage is increased to 2d6 + the Warlock's Charisma Modifier
- (Tymora's Smile) No longer an active ability. Now grants +2 to saving throws. This bonus doesn't count toward the +20 cap.
- (Eldritch Chain) Reduced the delay before it hits
- (Hideous Blow) Now applies a VFX to the equipped right hand weapon when active (the effect will reapply if you swap weapon, too!)
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Dec 06, 2024, 07:58 PM
CD Module v4.12a3
- Updated NWNX with a new tweak graciously provided to us by Daz from the NWN Dev Discord to prevent crashes when there's a corrupted character file in a player's vault. Going forward, if you login and notice a character is missing from your character list, it means the character is corrupted and you need to contact the Admins so a backup can be restored
- Updated Lunar Light dungeon (Lady)

- Added /reaction to the Help menu
- Warlock Essence NUI window will now save its position on your the player's screen
- Truly fixed Warlock counting as Arcane for the Gem of Life quest this time I swear

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
Note that most of these were already active as hotfixes
- (Brimstone Essence) Lingering Burn damage increase is now tied to caster level, not Warlock level
- (Walk Unseen) Now has 1 turn / Caster Level duration
- (Flee the Scene) Adjusted the VFX on the mirror image, and using it in a Dimension Door locked area will spawn the image at the selected target
- (Edlritch Doom/Chain/Cone) Fixed a bug where invisibility wouldn't break on use
- (Eldritch Cone) Now deals damage to enemies in a -small- area around the caster, in addition to the cone. This is a temporary tweak which might get reverted if it proves too strong
- (Resurrection) Now fully heals the target if it's unconscious
- (Raise Dead) Now restores the target back to 1 HP if it's unconscious
- (Chilling Tentacle) Fixed a bug in the damage calculation. Also, cold damage is now 2d6 + a third of Charisma Modifier
- (Warlock - Battle Caster) Feat should now work
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Dec 12, 2024, 11:53 AM
CD Module v4.12a4
- Updated Lunar Light dungeon (Lady)
- Updated lighting in Arabel Sewers B2 (Vince)
- Updated armor appearance for Selunite Temple Guards in the Selunite Temple (Vince)
- Updated armor appearance for Claire and Jo in Arabel Central (Vince)
- Fixed the AC value and appearance of Torwalder's Stand armor (only for newly acquired ones)
- Fixed a typo in Ring of Fortitude [Eldritch] name (only for newly acquired ones)
- Swapped the Cold and Electric pieces of the Witchlord's Keep elemental puzzle so the colors match the correct element, and added more VFX to it to make it noticeable

- Fixed a potential source of rare-but-not-rare-enough crashes tied to NUI events (Spell Widget and Essence chooser to be precise)

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Devour Magic) Fixed the math on Eldritch Master increasing the CL cap
- (Caster's Lament) Added a VFX if it removes an hostile enchantment on a friendly target, and fixed some script logic
- (Battle Caster) Fixed the Arcane Failure reduction being too low
- (Eldritch Essence) There is now a feat to open up the /essence NUI menu instead of having to type the command. Warlocks will automatically get it on login (Thanks to Vince for the icon!)
- (Eldritch Chain) Cleaned up script logic and fixed it not being able to critical hit
- (Defensive Stance) Can now be toggled on/off at will, but doesn't provide Temporary HP anymore
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Dec 20, 2024, 03:11 PM
CD Module v4.12a5
- Updated the server and module to NWN 37-12
- Winterfest festival grounds are open! They are located at the western outskirts of Halfhap (near the caravan).  Announcements about events will follow. (Ray)
- Added a trashcan to the Wayside Refuge
- Fixed Yulash start location bindstone not being correctly set to the Blue Draykn Inn
- Fixed Morninglord weapons in Marsember Temple to use Lathander deity lock. (Ray)
- Updated Purple Dragon barracks for winter holiday (Ray)
- Added player house (Mirror)
- Added player house (Lilian)
- Lunar Dungeon added and linked to the module (Lady)
- Hulack goblin's dwarven Bolthole update (Misty)
- Starwater Keep dungeon had a makeover and is open for business (Lady)
- Creature palette updated

- Removed a now unnecessary fix in the SpellAbsorption script

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Empty Body) Now displays its duration in the buff NUI window and duration correctly set to 1 turn/monk level
- (Warlock Essences) Now correctly displays a VFX when a debuff effect expires
- (All Dispel Spells and Mordenkainen Disjunction) Now respects Shape Mastery targeting rules
- (Warlock & Favored Soul) Fixed an interaction that made them use Wisdom instead of Charisma to determine invocation DC if the character had levels in both classes
- (Defensive Stance) Now adds a subtle VFX overlay on the character while the stance is active
- (Shadow Double SLAs - Shadow dancer and Shadow Adept) Cannot be used while polymorphed anymore
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Dec 29, 2024, 08:35 AM
CD Module v4.12a6
- Asylum monsters tweaked (Misty)
- Fixed the redacted spawn location in the Lunar Light dungeon
- Berrybriar now has a resting spot
- Lunar Temple dungeon updated (Lady)
- Starwater Keep key fixed (Lady)
- Evereska areas updated (Phaesporia/Melody/Blackheart/Aliirielle/Pretzel)
- Eveningstar East transition fixed
- OOC Lounge Gargoyle removed for Winter

- Water and Earth elementals cannot drown anymore

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Cleric domain: Air) Chain lightning and Control Weather swapped. Control Weather is now level 6, and Chain Lightning level 7, to prevent duplicates in the spellbook
- (Skill Focus: Ride & Epic Skill Focus: Ride) New feats added
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Jan 02, 2025, 03:11 PM
CD Module v4.12a7
- The green stench of Elves has been removed from the Velethuil areas (lighting update) (Ray)
- Added Suzail - Northeast Promenade and Gates update (Aliirielle)
- Added bind points to a couple of Suzail areas - bind keys are discoverable (Ray)
- Added trash bin to Suzail pawnshop (Ray)
- Updated player house name (Xaerien)
- Updated player house (Lilian)
- Fixed a misnamed trap in Lightning Peak dungeon
- A shipwreck has been discovered in the Sea of Fallen Stars with rumors of great treasures left within (New T4 dungeon Wreck of the Albatross added for testing - Lady)
- Updated drow treehouse dungeon (Alice)

- Mount widgets will now dismiss a summoned mount if the mount is targeted (Ray)
- Updated the language payment DM command to take into account the discount for Changelings
- (BETA) Added /customize command. Documentation regarding this feature will be added once it's more fleshed out and bugs have been ironed out (Thanks to Liareth and Palmweaver from the NWN Dev Discord for most of the code)

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Skill Focus: Ride) Fixed it not working
- (Warlock) Added 5 new Eldritch Essences tied to Pact selection: Hellfire Blast (Reflex), Abyssal Blast (Fortitude), Celestial Blast, Star Blast, Fey Blast. Their description will soon be added to the Wiki
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Jan 10, 2025, 09:09 AM
CD Module v4.12a8
- Server updated to NWN 37-13. Good news, this fixes the bug where we were randomly showing up as offline on the Beamdog masterserver!
- NWNX updated to 37-13
- Albatross T4 dungeon updated (Lady)
- Added a new T4 dungeon for testing (Alice)
- Semberdale Drow Dungeon updated (Alice)
- Hullack goblins loot fix (Misty)
- Fixed duplicate teleport Key for Deepingdale - The East Way and The East Way - Rolling Hills
- Theavos won't let people use his portal for free anymore
- Minimap will now automatically be explored in the main Arabel areas and Yulash - South
- The world continues to change to reflect the ongoing ATAE plot (Raysiel)
- Updated The Old Skull Inn doors to fix sight/hearing leaking (Raysiel)
- Added player house (LadyAsh)
- Added player house (Pun)
- Updated player house (Diestormlie)
- Updated player house (Lilian)

- Fixed broken Builder module scripts
- Removed two obsolete scripts
- Removed obsolete references to the USE_SEASONS area variable
- Improved the NUI Tailoring script
- Edited zep_openclose to only speak a string if one exists (Raysiel)
- Added the /addteleport command to save teleport keys to be used with the new Teleport NUI Window. Note that the Key Finder Widget will automatically save keys it finds when it's used

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Eldritch Doom & Eldritch Cone) Fixed a bug when interacting with Evasion
- (Flee the Scene) Fixed the clone being naked when wearing one of our custom AC armor such as Elven Chainmail
- (Eldritch Cone - Celestial) Enabled a new Holy explosion VFX
- (Teleport spells) Teleporting somewhere now requires the character to have been in the destination area before. This uses the saved minimap data, and a local variable set on the character runestone on a succesful teleport or when using the Key Finder Widget in case an area update wipes the minimap. This check doesn't apply to Player Homes and always explored areas such as Arabel
- (Teleport spells) Casting the spells will now open up a NUI window listing your known teleport destinations. You can add new destinations by using the Key Finder when in an area with a public Teleport key, or use the new /addteleport command


NOTE ON TELEPORT SPELLS: While they've been scripted to use the minimap data to prevent everyone having to run all over the place to unlock the teleportation in each area, the system isn't perfect and you /might/ not have any minimap data saved for an area that saw updates since last you went there. Going forward, make sure to use the Key Finder Widget or Teleport at least once to areas you wish to permanently unlock.
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Jan 16, 2025, 06:57 PM
CD Module v4.12a9
- Tweaked Eye of the Storm dungeon (Lady)
- Albatross dungeon update (Lady)
- New undersea T4 dungeon updated (Alice)
- Sunmantle Guildhall TP key typo fixed
- Fixed a corrupted value in the Tailoring models that was causing errors
- Updated player home (LadyAsh)

- Chest armor #209 can now be used by female characters
- Refactored the AI scripts. Builders: do not use the ai_b_default* and ai_ch_ac* line of scripts going forward
- Refactored the head chooser script for Alter-Self and the OOC Mindflayer. This allows access to previously hidden heads. Please use restraint in not using nonsensical heads like the skeleton or cyclops ones unless they somehow apply to your character
- Removed 111 obsolete scripts
- Removed one obsolete conversation
- Removed two obsolete Tailoring NPCs from the Immersea Tailoring Shop
- The NPC AI has had a lobotomy and now doesn't mind staying in damaging AoEs. The AI shouldn't run back and forth over damaging clouds anymore and will now focus on what it does best: attacking its enemies
- Fixed a few errors with the Teleport scripts
- Warlocks with the appropriate Pact can now learn their Patron's language
- Half-Orcs and Dwarves with a nature class (Druid/Ranger/GK) are not prevented from learning Sylvan anymore
- Updated the Area Import script to support the latest NWN version
- Tailoring NUI (/customize) will now be smaller on screens with a low resolution
- Added /teleportlist
- Fixed a few issues with Teleport
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Jan 24, 2025, 11:07 AM
CD Module v4.12b1
- Added a Teleport Key to five areas that were supposed to have one
- Fixed a few chests that were incorrectly set to be destructible in the Yulash goblin dungeon
- As the damage is repaired, Evereska returns to how it was before the siege
- Sea T4 dungeon update (Alice)
- Updated Nalfeshnee's creature models
- Fixed the gnome shopkeeper with a broken head in Immersea Imports
- An elven ranger near Berryrbiar grew back his missing head

- SPAWN_VFX variable fixed (Raysiel)
- Examine window will now hide the challenge rating of other players. NPCs' challenge rating will still be displayed, as is the character level when using /listpcs
- Fixed the previous fix for female torso model #209 (which is actually torso #210)
- Fixed some bugs in the tailoring NUI window
- Fixed more bugs with Teleport
- Fixed the radial menu bug that made it leave a permanent white trail until client restart. This required disabling the NUI menu on right clicking chairs.
- The tailoring NUI is now useable anywhere for DMs

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Bombardment) Fixed the spell hurting friendlies despite its description saying it only hurt enemies
- (Silversteil Veil) Fixed a few bugs in how higher CL versions of the buff were detected
- (Crusade) Fixed a few bugs in how higher CL versions of the buff were detected
- (Bless) Fixed a few bugs in how higher CL versions of the buff were detected
- (Prayer) Fixed a few bugs in how higher CL versions of the buff were detected
- (Recitation) Fixed a few bugs in how higher CL versions of the buff were detected
- (Warlock) Eldritch Blast damage dice now increases to d8 at Caster Level 21+
- (Dragonsong Lyricist) Epic version of the DSL songs will now be enabled if the bard has 21 or more levels of Bard + DSL and has 5 levels of DSL
- (Shifter) Removed the fire VFX from Epic Minotaur's axe
- (Clairaudience/Clairvoyance) Duration is now Turn/level
- (Power Word: Stun) Now a large AoE. Now stuns targets with more than 150 HP on a failed fortitude save
- (Power Word: Kill) Now kills all targets in the area under 100 HP, without any saving throws. Targets above 100 HP must make a fortitude save. If this saving throw fails, they must make a Will save or die. Those who succeed their will save still take 10d6 points of magical damage and are stunned for 2 rounds.
- (Spell Focus: Divination) Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, See Invisibility, and True Seeing spells are automatically extended when cast
- (Greater Spell Focus: Divination) Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Find Traps, and True Seeing all provide an extra +10 skill bonus to their respective spot/listen/search bonus
- (Epic Spell Focus: Divination) Premonition damage reduction is increased to 40/+7
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Feb 01, 2025, 11:39 AM
CD Module v4.12b2
- Updated T4 aboleth dungeon (Alice)
- Fixed ancient handaxe weapon being +5 instead of +6
- Updated weapon shop in "In the Beginning..." area (Alice)
- Fixed Cormanthor Drow boss using Baleful Polymorph
- Shield of War item is now useable by Green Knights
- Fixed an infinite trap in Wyvernspur dungeon (Alice)
- Added PH_TAILORING_STATION waypoint, which enables the NUI tailoring menu when nearby without having to spawn a tailoring model
- Added three new accessories to /accessories : Inquisitor hat #1, Inquisitor hat #2, and a feather. Thanks to Mibs for the models!
- The world continues to change to reflect the conclusion of the ATAE plot. (Ray)
- Updated the Eveningstar - Eastern Outskirts / The High Road - East of Eveningstar transition to hopefully stop breaking. (Ray)
- Added player home (Aceheart)
- Added player area (SnorriHT)
- Updated player home (Pretzel)
- Updated several player homes (Koffie)
- Updated Rooks Castle (Koffie)
- Updated Cups of Joy (Koffie)
- (Alice) Dispelled the magic making trees and plants float above the ground in:
    Semberdale - The Flowing Crossroads
    Deepingdale - Peaceful Forest Path
    Deepingdale - A Quiet Clearing
    The Stormhorns - Gnoll Pass - South
    The Stormhorns - Gnoll Pass - Central
    The Stormhorns - Gnoll Pass - Peaks
    The Stormhorns - Gnoll Pass - East

- Fixed Sakkors' dungeon level check on entrance
- Fixed tailoring menu not being useable away from tailoring models for DMs
- Added the "HIDE_TYPE" int variable for DMs and Builders to hide a creature type from the above system
- Added /usefeat Taunt (it's not a feat, but that's just simpler this way)
- Recall portals outside of Arabel have been repaired
- Optimized Flame Barrage boss ability script
- Tailoring model script update to prevent a few errors
- Added NO_EDGETILES variable for builders.  It will disable the repeating edge tiles of an area.  Documentation will be updated (Ray)
- Examining a non-player creature will now display its type below its challenge rating if you have enough of the correct Knowledge:
    Know Nature : Animal, Beast, Fey, Giants, Humanoids, Plants, Vermin, Ooze
    Know Arcana: Constructs, Magical Beasts, Dragons
    Know Planar: Outsiders, Elementals, Aberrations
    Know Religion: Undead

NOTE: This is just a small Quality of Life tweak. This doesn't change any rule regarding what creature is covered (or not) by these skills, nor govern how they should be used in quests.

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Warlock - Darkness) Fixed it rolling against spell resistance by mistake
- (Windwalker - Airwalk) Fixed having to reapply it twice if it was dispelled
- (Power Attack) Now scales from -1 AB/+1 DMG to -5 AB/+5 DMG. The scaling is tied to a character's base attack bonus, at a rate of -1/+1 per 4 base attack bonus, with a minimum of -1/+1.
- (Improved Power Attack) Now doubles the damage scaling of Power Attack
- (Mass Penguin) Made the faction check for targets more reliable
- (Divine Might) Now dispelled by /dispelme
- (Divine Shield) Now dispelled by /dispelme
- (Deepwood Ambusher) New prestige class! Credits to IronGauntlets for the theorycrafting, and to the balance team for finetuning. Details are available here! (
- (Half-Dragon) Now gains +6 strength instead of +8, and +3 AC instead of +4. This change is retroactive and will be automatically applied to existing Half-Dragons on login. For those who may now have feats they do not qualify for (ex: Devastating Strike), a relevel will be required:
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Feb 09, 2025, 11:54 AM
Note: starting now, hak and module changelogs are combined
CD Module v4.12b3
- Aboleth dungeon update (Alice)
- Wreck of the Albatross dungeon update (Lady)
- Added two new VFX to the VFX conversation, a pirate hat and a sword scabbard (thanks to Nibbles for the models!)
- DM command to swap appearances now has the same VFX as Wildshape
- Removed some debug feedback that had sneaked into the Combat Dummy conversation script
- Increased the Z axis limits for the accessory system

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Rogue) Fixed some rogues not having Sap weapon proficiency
- (Warlock) Pact selection NUI will now appear a few seconds after login if a pact hasn't been chosen.
- (Epic Feat - Blinding Speed) Now has an 1.5 Turns + 1 Round / HD duration. Cannot be dispelled. Instant cast. 8 minute cooldown. Unaffected by Wild Magic. Requirement lowered to 24 Dex.
- (Wildshape) The scripts tied to wildshape have been fully rewritten. This is mostly a background change that won't affect players, but expect less jank and strange exceptions tied to Wildshape
- (Wildshape) Added /wildshape, also accessible through /customize. This new menu works as a Shapes Widget for druids and shifters, as well as allowing customization of forms when right clicking on a forms' icon, if any alternative appearance is available. As a reminder: Left Click -> Shift to that form. Right click -> Edit its appearance override, if there's one.
Note: Icons are placeholders for now

- Anointed Knight New class! 10 level PRC aimed at martial classes wishing to add some magic oil to their life. Thanks to JBJ for the initial class writeup and to the balance team for finetuning. Thanks to IronTyrant for the icons! Details available here (

- Renamed the tails in the .2da so they all appear together in the Toolset dropdown
- Fixed Elder Water Elemental being too thicc to hit anything
- Added a new impact VFX for Inspired Strike
- Added the entries for Anointed Knight
- Reverted the dual-wielding wand change

- Added Female Elf head #240
- Compiled 203 creature models that weren't compiled
- Added 5 new ability icons (recolors for each wyrmling shape)
- Added a new high quality crocodile portrait (Jalthex)
- Added two new VFX (Nibbles)

- Updated Blinding Speed description
- Renamed a few wildshape to more generic names, now that they can take on different appearances
- Added Anointed Knight .tlk entries
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Feb 22, 2025, 02:23 PM
CD Module v4.12b4
- Various changes have been made to the server's setup, which should increase stability and performance
- Greatly improved Event server restart time by disabling treasure table generation
- Arabel Palace updated (The Mirror)
- Albatross dungeon update (Lady)
- Fixed a few more floating trees and other placeables (Pretzel)
- Aboleth dungeon update (Alice)
- Purple Dragon's meeting room can now be locked
- The spider in Underdark - Brightwater Lake - Southwest isn't hostile anymore
- The marut in the World Serpent now has the correct appearance
- Fixed a typo in the Death's Choice bow description (will only show on newly found items)
- Waukeen's Temple in Yulash now has infinite courage potions
- Spell Resistance values on items have been increased. This change is retroactive to existing items:
    T6: +28 -> +34
    T5: +24 -> +30
    T4: +22 -> +26
    T3: +18 -> +22
NOTE: DM items can't be auto-updated. To get these updated, tag me in #support on the Discord.

- Added /autocast, also available through the /settings menu. This toggles automatic queuing of certain spells and abilities when they're used against a target. Applies to:
    Eldritch Blast
    Eldritch Chain
    Ray of Frost
    Acid Splash
    Electric Jolt
    Inflict Minor Wounds
    Arcane Fire
    Blast Infidel

- Fixed Bat, Owl, Seagull and Eagle appearance not being able to fly
- Disabled /toggletail while mounted

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Githyanki & Githzerai) Now have 10/- Psionic DR.
- (Deepwood Ambusher - Ambush Stance) Cooldown is now reset on rest, in case it ever breaks
- (Defensive Stance) Minor script optimization
- (Nature's Avatar) Now dispelled on unshifting
- (Delayed Blast Fireball) Fixed instances of the spell dealing its damage twice, and made it respect Shape Mastery
- (Wildshape) Added Gorilla, Crag Cat, Cheetah, Seagull, Eagle, Penguin, Ostrich, Monkey, Crab, and better cat models to the possible appearance swaps

- Added accessories.2da (unused for now, but will be used by an upcoming NUI VFX Accessory system)
- Anointed Knight can now qualify for Tempest PRC
- Fixed purple banners appearing green
- Fixed too many 2da errors to count. So many. Soooo many. None that should affect people, though some PRCs that had overtly restrictive feat choice should now have that fixed.

- Added a HD chicken appearance to replace the old one
- Compiled some models that weren't compiled
- Fixed the recent new heads appearing wrong under area shaders and certain spell effects. Note that they'll still not display transparency from stealth/invisibility correctly

- Updated Monk's Perfect Self description
- Updated Druid's class description so they fit the Forgotten Realm version of the class
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Feb 24, 2025, 01:14 PM
CD Module v4.12b4b
- Fix attempt for the cause of most of our crashes over the past few months
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Feb 27, 2025, 02:16 PM
CD Module v4.12b5
- Renamed the few remaining Balors, and updated their description
- Fixed the charge cost on Ring of the Ghost
- Added a few instances of uses of the Rare Spawn system
- Aboleth dungeon update (Alice)
- Player home updated (LadyOfAsh)
- Player home updated (Koffie)
- You'll know it when you see it (

- Fixed the (enabled, but unused until now) Rare Spawn system. Dungeon builders have a new toy to play with
- Fixed an error in /damageme's documentation in /help

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Shadowdancer - Summon Shadow) Shadow shouldn't be naked when wearing special armor anymore

- Robe #20-21 don't hide shoulder parts anymore

- Compiled a supermodel (no, not that kind)
Title: Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Post by: SpacePope on Mar 01, 2025, 10:27 AM
CD Module v4.12b6
- Updated the server and NWNX to version 37-14
- Fixed a resting area not working in Underdark - Aqueduct Exterior
- Fixed a transition in Underdark - Aqueduct Exterior
- Increased chance of ~mystery stuff~

- Fixed the cause of most of our crashes (for real this time!)

- Fixed a typo in accessories.2da