Hey folks. I haven't been getting a lot of enjoyment out of the server recently. I know I have characters in ongoing plots but I can't bring myself to log on these days.
I'm thinking it's best I move on and explore other places for the time being. I'd like to make this my official request to forfeit my spot from any plotlines I'm currently a part of to other characters in order to give them an opportunity to be a part of these amazing storylines.
As for my characters, a majority of them will be on their own adventures across Faerun.
Morticia will be exploring the Astral Plane full-time. Rumors across Arabel will say that she has made preparations for a planar journey and hasn't been seen since. Those who visit her tower will find that it hasn't been used since the day she departed.
Kevran has made the decision to return home to his family in Icewind Dale.
Tarron continues his personal pilgrimage across Faerun away from Cormyr, heading westward to aid any suffering villages or towns as best as he can.
Doomguide Anastasia was recalled by her superior back to the Tower of Skulls. It is unknown whether or not she will receive a new mission that brings her back to Cormyr.
The rest of my character vault will continue living their lives like normal.
It's been an amazing year RPing with you guys, I was happy to experience some fantastic stories and watch everyone express so much creativity, both DMs and players alike. There's so many folks I want to say thank you to but I don't really know where to begin.
Voss and Mouse and the rest of the Sins, Hyrulee, Bushy, Ven, Terallis, Cookie, Pilgrim, Darkfangs, Arya, Dismus, Fox, Demonic_Angel, thorien, JadeDragon, Red Mage, Trylobyte, the list goes on.
Thank you guys.
Have fun. I'll miss your energy and your creativity.
Didn't get to interact a whole lot with you but could always see you were a fun and creative sort. Glad you graced the server with your creativity and hope you find inspiration to return eventually.
If not, happy trails and take care.
I am sorry you cannot enjoy the place anymore, but I understand. There are some characters I have struggled with recently, too.
I hope one day to do the For Shan'Shaa arc for you and Cookie. Until then, please be safe, healthy, and happy! Thank you for the wonderful roleplay and discussions, too.
From my experience, such things happen sooner or later to every experienced player. I hope that you will be enjoying everything you are planning to do now and I will be looking forward to seeing you in-game if you'll decide the time has come again.

One way or another, feel free to reach out via Discord, stay safe and enjoy yourself!

Sorry to see you go. Hope to see you return. Have fun where ever you go.
Thank you for the role play we shared amongst our various characters. While the moments were sparse, they were no less enjoyable. Good luck, take care and I hope you find the joy you seek. : )