If an Elf is a forlorn elf from what I have read it's an elf that has no connection to their Elven heritage; how does one go from forlorn status to knowing your heritage? is there like a quest that needs to be requested? what is CD stance on such an elf and how do they get brought back into the fold so to speak.
I have not been on this server long enough to answer your question... But I have encountered this question here and there, and around and around.
When it comes to Forlorn elves, and I presume you mean elves not raised by elves here, I suppose it all depends on several factors such as... How old is your own character, and how welcoming the local community of elves are. For example, if your elf has already lived a century or more with the shorter lived races, watched several generations of his friends and family grow old and die, it is easy to imagine how such a character would be rather morose indeed. That is, someone who could be described as either sullenly melancholy; gloomy, or of a sour temper; sullen and austere; ill-humored; severe. Such a person would, understandably be hard to approach, and perhaps would not even desire to associate with other elves who are just prancing around without a seeming worry in the world. Thus in such a case, I would imagine such a character would need to encounter an elf who really wishes to save a fellow elf who knows not of who he his, an elf who does not understand his own heritage. With such a character, I would probably make a Leto request for the removal of the racial language: Elven, so that it can be learned if such an individual can be found on the server.
If your character is of younger age, if your character has set out into the world at a younger age to search for his own kind, well, then ultimately I think it would be just a matter of joining some local elven player faction, or retiring early to live in one of the elven towns found on the server.
And if your elf is a drow or half-drow... I think the lore-appropriate difficulty ramps up quite a bit. After all, I think I have read some lore than killing a half-drow on encounter is actually a sign of mercy, and full-blooded drow would just kill a lone drow unless that forlorn drow can be used as some form of a barbarian slave...
My main character started out as a forlorn elf. Or at least a forlorn-ish elf, with some knowledge of Elven culture, but very little connection to it.
There are no hard rules on how to stop being forlorn."Forlorn" is not a mechanical status, or a tag, or a flag, or anyting like that. There are no apps required to recognise the change, and there is no quest requirement. It all depends on how you want to roleplay it, which I personally think is the perfect way for handling it rules-wise. Becoming part of the elven community is a long-term RP goal that can be realised in quests, but it is also a very viable goal for RP outside of quests.
There are some things you MIGHT want to do. For example, learning Elven as a language if the character doesn't know it already (with an IC tutor). Or learning more about the Elven community through RP with other players. Or using RP to source more information on the Elven pantheon, possibly having the character convert eventually (depending on what the character's classes are, this particular thing might require a DM quest/approval). Or becoming more active in the local community (such as participating in elf-centric events like the Aelous or elf-centric plotlines).
Quests, are, of course, a possible and uniquely valuable avenue for character development, but are not strictly needed to progress elf-ification :)