I have been given the chance to fix the painful amount of typos that haunt me to this day inside of the Ends of the World shop, as well as fix/add/remove descriptions and details. I've been gone a good long while, and recognize that it is entirely possible that the place has been interacted with on some level or another for plots.
My question is, is there anything that I should take into account when editing the building? Things that were stolen or added, burnt down or secreted away? Events that could be referenced?
Thanks in advance,

(<_< I teach English. I do a mental happy dance whenever I see someone do this.)
In seriousness, I can't think of anything. I'm not super-familiar with the area.
I feel you. I want to blame my having made the area a million years ago, but I am pretty sure I at least had access to a spellcheck back then; so I am uncertain how I missed so many. They make me groan and wince and they need to go away. There are many grammar issues to tidy up as well.