Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Suggestions & Ideas => Suggestions Archive => Topic started by: Fox² on Feb 25, 2022, 02:48 PM

Title: A bump for the Unyielding Defender class?
Post by: Fox² on Feb 25, 2022, 02:48 PM
Defensive Stance is blackboxed and we're unable to change it's properties. We attempted to change its uses per day to 12, but also ran into issues there.
Title: A bump for the Unyielding Defender class?
Post by: Edge on Feb 25, 2022, 04:04 PM
My suggestions for enhancing the class have been to focus on mitigating damage rather than avoiding it - giving them more DR, elemental resistances, regen, and/or SR, possibly tied to being in Defensive Stance if that's possible without too much headache.

They're still solid enough as far as AC - they're heavy-armor characters, after all, and most use shields; it's not difficult for my UD to hit AC ~70 with Improved Expertise active, for example, though that does have the side effect of ignoring Defensive Stance - but I think improvements to the class could still be considered, just in alternate venues than just "make their AC bigger".
Title: A bump for the Unyielding Defender class?
Post by: Edge on Feb 25, 2022, 09:07 PM
gorirah Avatar
If Defensive Stance is blackboxed, then it would need to be removed and replaced with new features.
That is a RIDICULOUS amount of work to ask of our scripters. What's more likely to happen is leaving it alone, like most other blackboxed functions, and adding things around it.