Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Anidith on Feb 28, 2023, 09:55 AM

Title: To Everyone - Thank You
Post by: Anidith on Feb 28, 2023, 09:55 AM
To the Players, Admin, and Staff
  I have been on the Server now for 19 days, and just amazed at the time and the effort everyone brings to bring CD to life. I have met people from around the world that share this server. I will admit this is a different online experience, than I have ever experienced. Having played some of the more popular MMORPG's usually as solo player. I was lost I have fumbled made mistakes, my typing and spelling are atrocious at even the best of times. We live in world now that where spelling is easily corrected by the selection of a word. I know personally most of my mistakes are caused by my brain working faster than my fingers. But then again, I see it happen with others and I just let it go. But I am not here to talk about me although it is my favorite subject. (I do seem to have a bit of a narcissistic streak in me but don't we all?) :D

I am here to thank you for your interactions with me There are so many of you to thank this would practically become a short story. So, forgive me if I don't mention everyone's name or player. I have come to learn the courtyard in front of the Seraph is the place to be, parties are made conversation had, and it is a place to meet others. I have had many great conversations there. So, for those players you have my thanks. To FireWraith, VincentO7 Thank you for allowing me to bring Anidith and Frayanheir back to life To FireWraith I am sorry to be such pest at times, so an additional thank you for putting up with me.  To Arya I don't have enough words to say what I think about you, I think you were the first I thought of as a friend, but you have become more than that my mentor, advisor, a councilor but most importantly my best friend even though we live so far apart. Tôi yêu bạn bạn của tôi  forgive me if I got that wrong. Then there is kriegeternal another true friend even though our PC's are supposed to hate each other we overcame that, your willingness to put up with my requests for RP scenarios has shown me much generosity on your part, I can't thank you enough. Azule the first one to take one of my PC's out beyond Arabel you are a wonderful player, again someone I do consider a friend. Janissa a new friend again someone that has taken me under a wing and opened up the lands of CD to me. and lastly my newest friends those of you of House Ravenshadow, your welcome and willingness to help on my newest endeavor has told me much about you and CD in general so thank you. Before I finish this as someone new to the server, I have been an observer most of the past 19 days, I hope you realize that you all have become a very large family of sorts and like all families there will be arguments, disagreements things all families go through, so thank you for adopting me into it.

With much love to all of you