Hi everyone,
This is Arya, or
Arya Kalarathri. I deleted my email associated with the login a while back and have been unable to recover the email and thus the account. So if anyone had sent me messages over the past year, I regret to admit I cannot access them.
On the upside, I am trying to peek in. I will not be around as often as I used to be, but here I am. There had and still is a lot of inner personal work (even healing) I had and have been doing. Though most of my time has been being busy, and trying to get some writing in, I definitely had to evaluate how I wanted to approach gaming and gamer communities in wake of some matters that came up for me. I will not bore anyone with the details of that, people who know, know. :-)
I really missed everyone here though. I hope to roleplay with people I did before, and hope to roleplay with newer folks, too!
Love you all.
I look forward to getting to know your characters some.

FIGHT ME and I can get hold of you like a billion other ways.
FIGHT ME and I can get hold of you like a billion other ways.
Is that your way of going...
"I will find you."
(cue Taken quote)
I'm happy to hear from you. Sorry to hear about the email.
So glad you're back! It's good to play with you, again!
Welcome back from both me and ironmaid.
Hi everyone,
This is Arya, or
Arya Kalarathri . I deleted my email associated with the login a while back and have been unable to recover the email and thus the account. So if anyone had sent me messages over the past year, I regret to admit I cannot access them.
Love you all.
<3 Just an fyi. If you have tried to PM me at all on the forums this past year or more, I did not get it. Try tagging me under the new forum handle. Thanks! Me and the administration have tried all we could to get the old handle back.