Cormyr and the Dalelands

Server Mechanics and Systems => Updates and Roadmap => Public Update Previews => Topic started by: Vincent07 on Aug 28, 2023, 08:18 AM

Title: New Class: Alchemist
Post by: Vincent07 on Aug 28, 2023, 08:18 AM
The following is my potential CD conversion of PF's Alchemist class.  This would be another base class.



Hit dice: d8

Alignment: Any

Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Light Armor

Skill points: 6 + Int modifier

Base Attack Bonus: 3/4

Primary Saving Throw(s): Fortitude, Reflex

Class Skills: Appraise, Craft Weapon, Craft Trap, Disable Device, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Nature), Listen, Open Lock, Search, Set Trap, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Tumble, Use Magic Device

1: Alchemy, Bomb 1d6, Brew Potion, Mutagen
2: Discovery, Use Poison
3: Bomb 2d6
4: Discovery, Uncanny Dodge
5: Bomb 3d6, Resist Poison
6: Discovery, Cognatogen
7: Bomb 4d6
8: Discovery
9: Bomb 5d6
10: Discovery, Venom Immunity
11: Bomb 6d6
12: Discovery, Greater Mutagen
13: Bomb 7d6
14: Discovery, Persistent Mutagen
15: Bomb 8d6
16: Discovery, Grand Mutagen
17: Bomb 9d6
18: Discovery
19: Bomb 10d6
20: Discovery x2, Awakened Intelligence

21: Bomb 11d6
22: Discovery
23: Bomb 12d6
24: Discovery
25: Bomb 13d6
26: Discovery
27: Bomb 14d6
28: Discovery
29: Bomb 15d6
30: Discovery

Alchemy (Su): Alchemists can fashion magical potion-like extracts in order to store spell effects.  In effect, they prepare their spells by mixing ingredients into a number of extracts, then "cast" the spells by imbibing said extracts.
Extracts behave like spells in potion form, and thus can be dispelled by dispel magic, using the Alchemist's level as the caster level. Unlike potions, extracts may have powerful effects and duplicate spells that potions could not.
An alchemist can create a number of Extracts a day, as shown on the table above.
An alchemist has a book of formulae that detail the Extracts an alchemist can create.  They begin with 2 formulae in their book, and gain an additional formula at each level increase. Additionally, Alchemists can learn additional formulae much like a Wizard adds additional spells into their spellbook.
To learn or use an Extract, the Alchemist must have an intelligence score equal to 10 + the Extract's level.
The DC for any Extract requiring one is 10 + the Extract's level + the Alchemist's Intelligence modifier.
Implementation Notes:  Basically this works like a Wizard spellbook, but only has 6 levels and uses an altered spell list, provided below.  Although NWN will treat this as "spellcasting", for the purposes of RP, you are not casting spells, you are brewing and imbibing potions.
See the Alchemical Formula list below for a list of available Extracts.

Bomb (Su): Alchemists are adept at quickly mixing volatile chemicals and other reagents into alchemical bombs that they can then throw. An Alchemist can use Bombs a number of times per day equal to their class level + Intelligence modifier.
Using a bomb requires a standard action and provokes an attack of opportunity.  Thrown bombs have a range of 20 feet and require a Ranged Touch Attack to hit.  Bombs do 1d6 Fire damage + 1 per Intelligence modifier. Bomb damage increases by 1d6 for every odd Alchemist level. Those caught in the blast are allowed a Reflex save for ½ damage.  The DC for this save is 10 + ½ the Alchemist's level + the alchemist's Intelligence modifier.
Discoveries may modify Bomb's effects.

Brew Potion (Ex): At 1st level Alchemists receive Brew Potion as a bonus feat. An Alchemist can create a potion from any Formula they know up to level 5 that is capable of being brewed into a potion. Brewed Potions imbibed by an Alchemist gain a CL bonus of ⅓ the Alchemist's levels.

Mutagen (Su): At 1st level the alchemist learns to create a mutagen that they can imbibe to increase their physical prowess at the cost of their mental abilities. Only one Mutagen may be active at any given time.  Mutagen grants a +2 Natural Armor bonus, and +4 magical bonus to the chosen physical ability score. The associated mental ability score receives a -2 penalty.
Depending on the physical ability score chosen, the following mental ability score is penalized:
Strength > Intelligence
Dexterity > Wisdom
Constitution > Charisma
Duration is 10 minutes per Alchemist level.
Implementation Notes: This line of abilities may need the most tweaking. As we saw with Rage, raw ability gains are not super useful on CD, especially at higher levels.

Cognatogen (Su): As Mutagen, but inverts the abilities, boosting mental ability scores while penalizing physical scores.

Greater Mutagen (Su): Increases the Mutagen Natural Armor bonus to +4, and the ability score bonus to +6.

Grand Mutagen (Su): Increases the Mutagen Natural Armor bonus to +8, and the ability score bonus to +8

Persistent Mutagen (Su): At level 14, the effects of a Mutagen (or Cognatogen) last for 1 hour per level.

Discovery (Su): At 2nd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the Alchemist makes an alchemical discovery.  Discoveries may only be selected once. Discoveries that modify bombs do not stack. The DC for any Discovery that calls for one is 10 + ½ the alchemist's level + their Intelligence modifier.

Use Poison (Ex): At 2nd level, the Alchemist becomes adept at using poisons to coat their weapons, and will never accidentally poison themselves while applying poison.

Resist Poison: At level 5 the Alchemist gains a +4 bonus to Fortitude saves made vs poison.

Venom Immunity (Ex): At level 10 the Alchemist becomes immune to poison.

Awakened Intelligence (Su): The Alchemist gains +2 to their Intelligence score.
Title: New Class: Alchemist
Post by: Vincent07 on Aug 28, 2023, 08:20 AM
The following is a list of available Discoveries, their requirements, if any, and a brief description of the effects.

Acid Bomb
Converts Bomb damage into Acid damage.

Alchemical Wings - Alch 6
Alchemist gains magical flight for a number of minutes per day equal to their caster level.

Alchemical Zombie
Creates an alchemical zombie summon under the alchemist's control. (Similar to Animate Dead)

Blinding Bomb - Alch 8
Bomb now blinds for 1 minute on a failed Fortitude save.

Concussive Bomb - Alch 6
Converts Bomb damage into Sonic damage, reduces damage dice to d4s. Targets are deafened on a failed Fortitude save.

Confusion Bomb - Alch 8
Bomb does 2d6 less damage, but targets hit are Confused on a failed Will save.

Cursed Bomb - Alch 12
Targets damaged by Bomb are affected as if by Bestow Curse on a failed Will save.

Darkness Bomb
Bomb creates a cloud of Darkness for 1 round / level. (As the spell, no damage)

Dispelling Bomb
Targets in the area are hit with a Dispel Magic at the Alchemist's Caster Level. (As the spell, no damage.)

Elemental Mutagen
Gain Resistance 5/- to Elemental Damage while under the effect of a Mutagen. Increased to 10/- with Greater Mutagen.

Elixir of Life - Alch 16
Revives the target as if by a True Resurrection.  Usable once per day. (1/day Resurrection SLA)

Force Bomb - Alch 8
Converts Bomb damage into Force damage, reduces damage dice to d4s. Targets are knocked down on a failed reflex save.

Frost Bomb
Converts Bomb damage into Cold damage.

Glassfoot Bomb
Bomb covers the ground in glass Caltrops for 2d6 rounds.

Glitterdust Bomb
Bomb covers the area in Glitterdust. (As the spell, no damage.)

Grease Bomb
Bomb creates a pool of Grease at the target location. (As the spell, no damage.)

Healing Bomb
Bomb heals friendly targets in the area of effect. Undead targets take damage. (Probably like a scaling Healing Circle)

Holy Bomb - Alch 8
Converts Bomb damage into Divine damage. Does extra damage vs Undead.

Inferno Bomb - Alch 16, Smoke Bomb
Bomb leaves behind a cloud of fire, similar to Incendiary Cloud.

Neutralizing Bomb
Bomb removes ongoing effects in the area. (As Gust of Wind)

Plague Bomb - Alch 8, Smoke Bomb
Converts Bomb damage into Disease damage. Targets are afflicted with a disease on a failed Fortitude save.

Poison Bomb - Alch 12, Smoke Bomb
Converts Bomb damage into Poison damage. Targets take Constitution damage on a failed Fortitude save.

Shock Bomb
Converts Bomb damage into Electrical damage.

Smoke Bomb
Bomb creates a Fog cloud that obscures sight at the target location. (Similar to Obscuring Mist)

Stink Bomb
Bomb creates a Stinking Cloud at the target location.

Sunlight Bomb - Alch 10, Blinding Bomb
Bomb creates a brilliant flash of sunlight at the target location. (Similar to Sunbeam)

Tanglefoot Bomb
Bomb creates entangling roots at the target location. (Similar to a tanglefoot bag.)

Terror Bomb - Alch 8
Bomb frightens those in the area of effect for 2d4 rounds on a failed Will save.

Void Bomb - Alch 6
Converts Bomb damage into crushing bludgeoning damage. Reduces damage dice to d4s. Targets are slowed on a failed Reflex save.
Title: New Class: Alchemist
Post by: Vincent07 on Aug 28, 2023, 08:21 AM
Alchemical Formula:

Cure Minor Wounds

Level 1:
Comprehend Languages
Cure Light Wounds
Detect Alignment
Endure Elements
Expeditious Retreat
Mage Armor
Magic Weapon
Protection from Alignment
True Strike

Level 2:
Alter Self
Bear's Endurance
Bull's Strength
Cat's Grace
Cure Moderate Wounds
Eagle's Splendor
Elemental Weapon
Find Traps
Fox's Cunning
Ghostly Visage
Lesser Beast Form
Lesser Restoration
Owl's Wisdom
Protection from Arrows
Resist Elements
See Invisibility
Undetectable Alignment

Level 3:
Beast Form
Cure Serious Wounds
Gaseous Form
Greater Magic Weapon
Keen Edge
Magic Circle vs Alignment
Protection from Elements
Remove Blindness/Deafness
Remove Curse
Remove Disease
Water Breathing

Level 4:
Armor of Darkness
Beltyn's Burning Blood
Cure Critical Wounds
Death Ward
Elemental Shield
Emotion: Courage
Emotion: Hope
Freedom of Movement
Improved Invisibility
Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Neutralize Poison
Polymorph Self

Level 5:
Energy Buffer
Lesser Mind Blank
Mestil's Acid Sheath
Monstrous Regeneration
Spell Resistance

Level 6:
Druth's Necrotic Shield
Ethereal Visage
Globe of Invulnerability
Greater Beast Form
Greater Stoneskin
Legend Lore
Protection from Magic Energy
Shadow Double
Shadow Walk
Tenser's Transformation
Trollish Fortitude
True Seeing