Cormyr and the Dalelands

Server Setting and Lore Resources => Setting Information and Lore => Topic started by: Edge on Dec 01, 2018, 10:26 PM

Title: Cormyr/Dalelands Timeline [Constant WIP warning!]
Post by: Edge on Dec 01, 2018, 10:26 PM
Over the years, one of the most constant questions we've had from new players and veterans alike is what the history and canon of the server is with regards to the "official" timeline of WOTC, especially with conflicts created by the introduction of 4th and 5th editions and their expansions of and alterations to Forgotten Realms's lore. And while we've always been able to provide a consistent and reliable answer for the beginning of our timeline - "CD's timeline started in 1372 DR, nothing past that in the official timeline is canon here" - answering the question that usually followed, "What happened since then here, then?", has proven more difficult, thanks to the switching of multiple forums and loss of information stored thereon, the failings of human memory, and the changes to the server and loss of older and overwritten versions.

As such, after many requests and attempts, here is what we currently consider the best approximation of a full timeline of events from the beginning of Cormyr/Dalelands to now. Of course, not every event that has occurred is recorded here, but I believe I've gotten most of the big ones - the major setting-shaking events, the prominent changes to known canon status-quo, and the important details involving prominent locations and NPCs.

As the title states, this is pretty much always going to be a work in progress. Between adding future events as they happen and editing or recovering past events that were misremembered or overlooked, this timeline has received several alterations in the process of its creation and will likely receive several more in the future. Please bear with us, we're all only human here. :)

Cormyr and the Dalelands
Timeline of Prominent Events

1372 DR - Beginning of CD canon, end of official canon (RL: roughly 2005-2006)
The Year of Wild Magic
  • Silence of Lolth happens off-screen. Lolth is granting spells again at time of server start.
  • Bane returns from death, destroying Iyachtu Xvim. Zhentarim reorganizes under Church of Bane and Church of Cyric sects.
  • City of Shade returns to the Prime. Tilverton destroyed, occupied by shadow creatures. Beginning of Cormyr-Shade War.
  • Most other "canon" events (Rage of Dragons, etc.) did not occur.

1373 DR (RL: roughly 2007-2008)
The Year of the Long Winter
  • A cult of Auril allies with a tribe of white dragon-blooded kobolds in the Thunder Peaks and collaborate to induce a persistent winter (Fimbulvetr, in the Giant tongue) over the region. The attempt is disrupted by adventurers, and the unfinished ritual casts the leaders of the group into the planes.
  • The night hag Baba Yurgi raises her lair, the Tower of Ruin, in a secluded region of the Hullack Forest. She is slain some time later, but the Tower remains, guarded by constructs, undead, and slaadi.
  • The elven village of Ssrenshen is utterly destroyed. It was confirmed by Deepingdales' intelligence network that while drow were the initial assailant, Shadovar had native infiltrators and traitors from inside Deepingdale and Velethuil's walls. It was ultimately a Shadovar manipulation and an attempt to wipe out much of the Auzkovyn clan of Vhaeraunite drow and elven warriors from Ssrenshen at once. Supporting this evidence, there was an explosion from beneath the city that killed both elves and drow.

1374 DR (RL: roughly 2009-2010)
The Year of Shadowed Hills
  • Cormyr-Shade War ends with an uneasy truce. Thultanthar retreats to the Anauroch. Tilverton remains in its ruined state, ruled by undead and the shadow dragon Umbra Obscuras.
  • Thraxata the Flamefiend, red dragon ruler of much of the Thunder Peaks region, is presumably slain. Her daughter, Varyxia, returns from afar and claims much of her territory.
    • Years later, activity in the area suggests Thraxata may still be alive, simply in hiding or seclusion, possibly working on some scheme, and letting Varyxia keep adventurers' attentions in her absence to avoid them becoming a distraction. There is no concrete proof, however, and divination attempts provide no confirmation either way.
  • An enormous Netherese crystal is dug up in the city of Halfhap. A demiplanar portal is discovered within, leading to an Archive of magic and knowledge guarded by elementals and constructs and locked by intricate magical traps.

1375 DR (RL: roughly 2011-2012)
The Year of Rebirths
  • Matron Zauervs, a powerful Lolthite drow priestess and House matron, allies a massive force of Underdark races and evil creatures and begins a campaign of hostilities against the surface.
    • A powerful ritual performed by the Matron and her priestesses nearly destroys Suzail with a falling asteroid. It is prevented and the city saved by the sacrifice of an Ilmateri paladin, Algon Griff. He was canonized as a saint of the church after his death.
    • The Matron gathers a large force of her followers and attempts an all-out invasion of the Semberholme, intending to raze all inhabited areas therein en route to conquering Highmoon before moving on Cormyr. She is slowed by adventurers and heroes throughout the forest before being finally stopped and slain inside the Temple of the Seldarine in Velethuil.
  • A cult led by a traitorous noble in Arabel attempted to resurrect Bhaal, God of Murder. The ritual was sabotaged by followers of Cyric, and the cult, along with its weakened avatar, were destroyed by adventurers in the Shadow Plane.
  • Darkhold, formerly the central fort of the Cyricist Zhentarim faction, is now under Banite control.
  • A tower headquarters of Cyricist cultists secluded on an island in the Semberholme is emptied and partially leveled. The remains of the tower stand uninhabited to this day.
  • An alienist elven high mage named Evenyiel Toleniensih and his cult opened multiple incursions to the Far Plane that resulted in a great deal of chaos and destruction on the outer borders of Cormyr.  He was eventually killed by adventurers after attempting to open a permanent portal to the Far in a Netherese ruin.
  • A tribe of gnolls in the Sunset Mountains comes to sudden prominence, led by a vicious warlord known as Hogger and accompanied by powerful shamans and conjured demons.
  • The area around and within the ruins of Ssrenshen becomes infested by demons, undead, and bizarre monsters, preventing reclamation of the ruins following the Matron War. A semi-active portal to the Abyss is theorized to remain in its ruins somewhere; it has yet to be located and closed, if it is present. Thus far exploratory attempts have failed to start or found nothing.

1376 DR (RL: roughly 2013-2014)
The Year of the Bent Blade
  • A strange psychic phenomenon known as The Whispers plagues Cormyr. Its presence is eventually tied to the Far Plane, as are the bizarre creatures (also called Whispers) that are sometimes created by and/or from these psychic forces.
    • A rift opens near Castle Crag, resulting in the deaths of several War Wizards and Purple Dragons.
    • A major Far Realm incursion destroys the Violet Flame tower in southwest Arabel following a divination gone awry. The rift was swiftly closed and the tower rebuilt.
    • The source of The Whispers is eventually tracked to a planar prison in the Anauroch, where an entity defined as "the Brain of Iog-Sokot (a deific-like Far Realm entity, of which otherwise little is known)" is trapped or imprisoned. It is eventually destroyed or perhaps more accurately banished, but Regent Alusair Obarskyr, Mage-Royal Caladnei, and several Purple Dragons and War Wizards are lost in the process, thought dead but actually pulled into the Far along with the Brain.
  • A half-fiend adventurer and priest of Tempus, Sybaztien "Bass" Felreaver, leads in the construction of a fortified city/outpost in the Stonelands, Stonehaven.
  • Regency Council of noble house matriarchs and patriarchs formed to rule in Azoun V's stead after the disappearance of Regent Alusair.
  • The village of Waymoot was destroyed by a large orcish force, suspected to have been sponsored by the Zhentarim. The keep held out but the town itself was completely destroyed. The orcs were eventually routed in a sally action by the remaining Purple Dragons combined with a three-pronged assault by adventurers and Purple Dragons on entrenched orcish positions.
  • The city of Immersea was attacked by a dracolich from within the Wyvernwater, who sent an army of undead against the city. The undead were eventually beaten back but large-scale destruction to the city and coastline necessitated extensive rebuilding, much of the funds for which were provided by adventurer donations. The dracolich in question possessed an artifact amulet that increased its size massively; the object was removed from the dracolich during the battle but lost in the chaos and has yet to be found.
  • A mythal within Velethuil was repaired and reactivated, creating a ward around the city that prevents Drow (only full-blooded) from willingly approaching or entering from all directions.

1377 DR (RL: roughly 2015-2016)
The Year of Dawn Strife
  • A large force of orcs centered in the King's Forest, the Helmlands, and the Stonelands attempted another large-scale assault on Cormyr. They were eventually driven back.
  • The green dracolich Dretchroyaster nearly completes a scheme to escape Realmspace and seize godlike power outside the auspices of Ao, only to be slain by adventurers who use a Spelljammer to pursue him to the planetoid system Garden and destroy him and his phylactery there.
  • Zhentarim forces raze the city of Griffon Hill, destroying the Thayan embassy there, then seize control of Stonehaven after an extensive battle. Surviving Thayans flee to the sister embassy in the Underdark city of Sschindylryn.
  • Sakkors, a Netherese enclave, was found at the bottom of the Dragonmere. It is now available for highly-experienced adventurers to explore, though little has yet been discovered other than trolls, constructs, and undead. Oh and wild/dead magic areas.

1378 DR (RL: roughly 2017)
The Year of the Cauldron
  • Strange, alien, horrifying dreams begin to plague much of the populace of the area, beginning with people with connections to chaos - through their bloodlines, their faiths, or their planar travels - then eventually spreading to the rest of the population: commoner, noble, and adventurer alike. The source is eventually discovered to be an impending planar conjunction between the Far Realm and the Prime.
    • Elven priests, under command from an Avatar of Sehanine, perform a dream-quest into the depths of the Demiplane of Dream, where the connection between the dreams and the approaching Far Realm is revealed, as is the survival of Regent Alusair and Mage-Royal Caladnei in that alien realm; it is their presence and will that is, at least in part, responsible for the Far's return. This information is provided mostly by the shade of an otherworldly wizard-poet named Alhazred, whose spirit is trapped within Dream but can observe many waking worlds through divination, and the witch-queen Iggwilv of Oerth, who claims to be observing the planar goings-on and other strange phenomena that have been bubbling up from Toril over the past half-decade.
    • Rivka Rosenfeld, a tiefling mage and failed War Wizard applicant, joins forces with the Lhaksharut Inevitable designation Dharmadas I to construct a force of "living constructs" warded against Far Realm madness to serve as a fighting unit against the impending invasion. These "Warforged" - made from taking mortal souls and placing them in construct bodies - are eventually discovered and peaceful cooperation arranged between them and the authorities, save a rogue member that has to be tracked down and imprisoned for his trouble.
    • Several cerebrotic blots begin to appear as the Far draws closer, most of which are closed by adventurers who daringly enter within the warped terrain.
  • After several months of conflict, a large-scale assault on Stonehaven results in the death, capture, and/or expelling of the Zhentarim occupation. Bass Felreaver is declared a traitor to Cormyr and excommunicated from the Church of Tempus when proof of Zhent collusion is found within the city temple, but is presumed to have escaped Cormyr before or during the occupation. The city is re-occupied and now owned and run by the Purple Dragons, and renamed to Swordhaven. The city's priestess of Tempus and commander of the temple, Kashira Reynault, sacrificed herself in the process of the battle to secure the Lord of War's support for the Tempuran forces and adventurer troupes fighting against the Zhent incursion, and remains within the temple in Swordhaven, petrified as a statue in the center of the temple's grand hall.
  • Velethuil loses Elder Caedor Maerdrym to an assassination by what is thus far considered an "isolated incident" of fiend-blooded elves who tried to divide Velethuil, exploiting the polarized climate of the given time. While some had seen the exposure of one of these, many investigating into the matter are claiming this was an isolated incident, and there is still much controversy surrounding the 'conspiracy theory' that these elves are part of a larger, organized group of elite sun elves who chose to mingle with demon blood.
    • Former adventurer Nadril Nailow is selected as the replacement and newest Velethuil Elder. While was not as hardcore isolationist as Maerdrym, he is still sympathetic to letting Ssrenshen refugees keep in their insular community within Velethuil. Some of these refugees are trying to learn about folks who would typically be seen as enemies or untrustworthy, so not all of them are blood thirsty, but still have the baggage of what happened to their home.

1379 DR (RL: 2018)
The Year of the Lost Keep
A temple to the Firelord Kossuth is constructed by the priestess Nazakra el Akhazen on Espar's Shadow near Eagle Peak, and plans are made (though not yet completed) for another to be built in Arabel. The Kossuthian faith sees a short-lived but fervent spread and growth in the area.
Orcs and Malarite tribes allied together to try killing people, Dalesfolk and Cormyreans alike, in an attempted an effort to bring back the fabled colossus demon known as the Elf-Eater. A group of adventurers had stopped this. An Unseelie fey who went under the pseudonym Primrose, maddened by Malar's ways, facilitated these alliances and attacks.
A series of cultish activities, serial murders, and monstrous assaults on small towns around Cormyr - particularly near Eveningstar and the King's Forest - eventually culminate in the discovery of a lost Netherese enclave, Shalast, in the distant northwestern Storm Horns. Previous discovery of the enclave had been prevented by a large-scale "occluding field" that warded away travelers and explorers as well as blocked divination magic.
  • The city was still occupied, mostly by giants and yuan-ti, and ruled by a Netherese archmage bearing the rank of Runelord, one Karzoug. He was eventually confronted and defeated within his demiplane sanctuary at Shalast's Pinnacle Spire.
  • Karzoug's death and the destruction of his demiplane resulted in the unraveling of much of the persistent magic within Shalast, including the occluding field and the wards that shielded it from the passage of time. While resident creatures seem to be mostly unharmed (save their losses in combat with the adventurers), the city is now in ruins and most of its more fragile treasures were instantly destroyed.
  • In the course of the conflict adventurers discovered there were six other Runelords - each associated with a specific Deadly Sin (Karzoug's was Greed) which in turn was associated with a specific school of arcane magic (Transmutation in this case). According to their discoveries, one of the other six was already active, and the other five would no doubt rouse in response to Karzoug's own awakening and then his death.

The unified dwarven clans of Oghrann - Stoneshield, Crownshield, and Firebeard - begin searching in the Thunder Peaks and surrounding areas for the lost ruins of the holy city of Thunderholme, and call upon local dwarves, gnomes, and dwarf-friends to aid them in the search, intending to reclaim the forgotten halls for their clans and re-establish a dwarven state in the region.

Cults dedicated to the reverence of "Steel Royal" Alusair and "Mage Revenant" Caladnei begin popping up all over Cormyr, often with magically-inclined cultists aiding in creating more cerebrotic blots or summoning Far Realm aberrations to cause trouble. At least one of these cults is led by a young scion of the Dracohorn noble house, who is slain during the course of the investigation; the house's patriarch, Lazare Dracohorn, denies any involvement with the cult activity and relinquishes any claim to hold legal action against the adventurers for the death of his grandson. The majority of Dracohorn house has relocated out of Cormyr for the duration of the Far incursion.

1380 DR (RL: 2019)
The Year of the Black Star
  • A bizarre series of disappearances, kidnappings, and murders were tied back to fiendish activity across the Forest Kingdom, eventually culminating in the destruction of a mining system in the village of Minroe by a woman named Henrike Millerson, an apparent participant and benefactor of the fiendish powers at play. The name or title "Ba'Orman" has also been associated with these atrocities, though further details are unknown. While further information is as of yet still being investigated by authorities, Millerson has been posthumously charged with most of the associated crimes.

  • A strange blot of darkness appeared in the sky over Suzail, visible by day as a slightly-rotating disc of pure darkness and by night thanks to a corona of golden fire that surrounded it. Dubbed "The Black Star" by locals, observing the object directly was determined to cause strange hallucinations and to tamper with mortals' sanity. War Wizard authorities warn citizens to avoid looking directly at the Star, and to report any unusual occurrences due to accidentally doing so to clerical aid.

  • A series of conflicting events orchestrated - apparently - by fiendish and celestial powers with the aid of various groups of local travelers and adventurers began to play out over the early months, particularly in areas around the fringes and farthest reaches of the kingdom or just beyond its borders. While the full details are unknown to all save the participants, it is known that one group was led by tanar'ri, one by baatezu, and one by some manner of celestial, with a possible fourth faction of yugoloth somehow involved. Just as quickly as the conflicts began, they seem to have ended, or at least reached a point of quiet dormancy; how and where this will play out in the future is as of now unknown.

  • With a cataclysmic burst of light and magical power, the Black Star over Suzail erupted into activity, spearing the Dragonmere with green light that eventually resulted in the creation of a huge tower, composed of various materials (natural, unnatural, and outright impossible in some cases), building itself out from the ocean. This Emerald Spire, as it came to be known, quickly was revealed as a primary launch point for the Far Realm's attack, including a visit from the Far-transformed lost regent Alusair Obarskyr herself. Now a twisted creature of rust-iron bones and molten-metal flesh, the "Steel Royal" declared herself the rightful ruler of both Cormyr and her territory in the Far Realm, Xanthe, and demanded the surrender of the Prime kingdom. When such was refused by the king and council, the Spire began to produce living islands from its interiors, which Cormyrian military saw to the destruction of with adventurer aid.
  • Once the islands were dealt with, it was quickly revealed by magical investigation and divination that the Spire held some manner of connection to Xanthe by means of the Black Star, which itself was an active portal between the Far and the Prime. Two groups of adventurers were dispatched into the heart of the Spire, one to descend to its base and destroy its root system as the various islands it created had been destroyed, the other to ascend to its peak and disrupt its communication with Xanthe and, if possible, see to the closing of the portal.
  • Upon the completion of both tasks, a segment of both groups were captured by the Spire's defenses, the power of the Far Realm, the magic of the missing "Mage Revenant" Caladnei, or some combination of the above, and caught in a bubble of "un-time" that forced them to navigate their way through the Spire's crumbling interior and up to the face of the Black Star's portal itself. There they found themselves face to face once again with Alusair, but after some communication and display of their martial and magical prowess as well as their bravery and devotion to Cormyr's well-being, the adventurers were able to convince her that Xanthe and Cormyr should remain separate, and that her place now was to rule over their Far Realm neighbor and leave the Prime to its own devices. Alusair seemed to accept this declaration with some regrets, but returned to the Far Realm without further hostilities, closing the portal behind her and allowing it and the Emerald Spire to collapse dead and powerless into the sea.

  • Another fallen Netherese ruin, Edasseril, was found buried deep in the Vast Swamp, lost amidst the various other remnants of bygone ages swallowed by the mire over the years. The city was found in a state of total petrification, including even vegetation and environment, though signs of the magic fading were discovered by the adventurers and the archeologists who hired them. A single de-petrified survivor was recovered, and investigation into the enclave is ongoing.

  • An elaborate auction for a Netherese relic found in the ruins of Shalast is held in Saerloon in Sembia. Among the participants is Cormyr's own Lady Tesseril Winter, Lord of Eveningstar, who eventually wins the bidding for the object. The auction is then attacked by a mysterious group of cultists, though they are eventually stopped and slain or captured by local authorities with the aid of Winter, her entourage, and local adventurers. Winter returns to Eveningstar with her prize and rumor has it she will be soon seeking adventurer aid once again to investigate its origins in greater detail.

Title: Cormyr/Dalelands Timeline [Constant WIP warning!]
Post by: Fire Wraith on Aug 16, 2021, 09:31 AM
1381 DR (RL: Roughly 2020)
The Year of Reclamations

    Grand Revel
    A splendorous and joy-filled Grand Revel was hosted by the faithful of the Brightwater Halls goddesses, in cooperation with the Rosewood Theater. This event was open to the public for merriment, and it is said that not in many years had Arabel experienced just happiness.

    Goblin War Necromancers
    Two necromancers, a brother and sister, tricked a large portion of Arabel's adventurers into falling for a trap, in which they were forced to fight the risen dead of one of the final battles of the Goblin War. The necromancers escaped, but left with an eerie warning that "this is not the last time the dead shall rise in precious Cormyr."

    Into the Mist(a)
    All around the world, a massive pillar of crimson light could be witnessed shooting into the sky from the Anauroch desert. Though it is unknown what caused this phenomena, after-the-fact investigation has theorized that the light may have been caused by a burst of magical energy from a previously unlocated fallen enclave of the Netherese Empire. The enclave, and its inhabitants, were never found, however; instead, all that was discovered was a massive, freshly-made crater in the desert sands.

    In the middle of Winter, Lord Uleth of Deepingdale, at the behest of the Council of Velethuil, put forth a summons of any and all willing adventurers to aid in the reclamation of Ssrenshen, an elven settlement that had been destroyed destroyed by the Shadovar, and then claimed by the drow led by the Matron of House Zaurvs. Though Matron Zaurvs had been slain years prior, the House and its forces were now led by her three Granddaughters, and at their disposal were an army of fiendish minions of unknown origin.

    Early efforts saw adventurers supporting the offensive of Deepingdale and her forces by avoiding drow ambushes, attempting to slay drow officers and magical items of importance, and then capturing two of the major outposts that had been established by the drow in between Velethuil and Ssrenshen. After nearly a month and a half, the two outposts fell simultaneously.

    The allied forces merged, and began to advance on Ssrenshen proper, hoping to bring about a final assault that would see Ssrenshen returned to the elves of Deepingdale. However, unbeknownst to Deepingdale, a series of underground tunnels had been created, originating from Ssrenshen, and ending just to the north of Highmoon. The three Grandaughters decided to split their forces in twain; one half would remain to defend Ssrenshen, while the other half left to assault Highmoon.

    Unfortunately for Deepingdale, there was no warning of the drow's gambit until the army appeared to the north of Highmoon. In a frantic effort to defend the capital of Deepingdale, Captain Walten called upon a host of adventurers to supplement what militia and guards remained in Highmoon to defend from the assault of the drow, fiends, and their allied shadow dragon. The resulting battle has been titled "The Battle of the Crimson Prarie," for the ground ran red with blood. After a gruelling melee, the enemy army was defeated before they could even reach Highmoon's walls.

    Meanwhile, the allies assaulted the terraformed gates of Ssrenshen, fighting tooth-and-nail against the entrenched defenders. With sabotage and subterfuge, the defenses were breached, and after a ferocious battle, the allies, for the first time in 7 years, set foot within Ssrenshen once again.

    However, the battle was not yet over, for it had been discovered that the one supplying so many fiends to House Zaurvs was none other than the Lady of Change, in exchange for receiving the stolen relic Greenshaft from Moonrise Hallow. Braving almost certain death, a group of adventurers travelled through the permanent gate at Ssrenshen's center, and assaulted one of her many eggs in the hopes of reclaiming this precious relic of The People. Together, they defeated her Aspect, and were able to return Greenshaft back to the temple in Velethuil, until it could safely be given back to its proper home.

    In the aftermath of the effort, Lord Uleth invited all who aided in the reclamation to his estate in Highmoon for a celebratory feast, where rewards and honors were given to those who had done so much on behalf of Deepingdale.

    Edge of Night
    In the ruined town of Tilverton, a great disturbance was felt. At the behest of the War Wizards and Purple Dragons, adventurers were sent to investigate. Somehow, they returned with a group of terrified civilians, who claimed to have been held hostage against their will in the Plane of Shadow. What truly happened there is known only to few, but rumors and speculation are abound.

    What Makes a Man
    There were rumors from Suzail that a top-secret project had been infiltrated by a foreign power, hoping to steal the secrets to Cormyr's warforged. How successful these efforts were is unknown at this time.

    Methods of Madness
    After years of being corrupted from the influence of the Far Realm, adventurers freed the Summer Queen, Winter Queen, and Lord of the Wild Hunt from the corruption.  Most of the courts were saved, however a lingering corruption on the lands remained.

    Temple, Tower, and Tomb
    At the behest of Mage Royal Inthre, adventurers were summoned to locate items of interest for the good of Cormyr. Such items of power were said to have been hidden far and wide, within temples and ruins and other such places of power and danger. How or what these artifacts were, much less why they were so heavily desired, is a mystery.

    Bloody Letter
    In the town of Halfhap, a Purple Dragon was murdered. At first, it was rumored to have been carried out by a group of adventurers who had just arrived in town, armed and glimmering with magic. After a rather tense trial, it was determined that these adventurers were innocent, and the blame was instead put upon the deceased Dragon's wife, and a group of bandits. It is said that at least some of the adventurers were still forced to pay reparations for the chaos that was caused by their sudden arrival.

    The Dutiful Son
    On the southern bank of the Dragonmere, an abbey to Tyr, The Evenhanded, was burned in a reign of fire that came suddenly in the night. Who caused this or why can only be guessed at, though given the rumored stories about its connections to the events that unfolded in the Vast Swamp, some speculate that it may have been a staging ground for greater things.

    Mad Axe: The Thunderholme Campaign
    After a multi-year effort, Clan Oghrann, led by Lord Khondar Stoneshield, has reclaimed the holy city of Thunderholme for the dwarven people. Aided by adventurers from far and wide, the surrounding area was cleansed of monsters, both big and small.

    Within Thunderholme's ruins, the undead that had been enthralled by the Sibilant Shade, Aurgloroasa - discovered to have become a demilich, rather than just the dracolich she had been previously sighted as - were defeated as well. Finally, the rulership of Thunderholme has been returned to the dwarven people as well. Rumors say that there are already ongoing negotiations with both Cormyr and Deepingdale, among others, to establish trade and goodwill for the longevity and restoration of the reclaimed city.

    A group of VIPs were spotted in Velethuil's temple. There is speculation that some had come from Evermeet, though such claims were unsubstantiated on anything other than "feelings." Regardless, a meeting was held within this temple, and in its aftermath, a group of adventurers, accompanied by a foreign Bladesinger of The People, left Velethuil and traveled northward into the Forest of Cormanthor.

    What transpired there is unknown; but in its wake, many strange rumors sprouted. Some claimed that a horrid, powerful monster had emerged, and had been defeated... At least, for now. Others claimed that a long-lost settlement of The People, still populated, was also found. And there were even rumors that a bizarre alliance of werecreatures, drow, and other such nasty creatures had been vanquished.

    Yet perhaps the most bizarre rumor of them all is that there exists in Velethuil a "prophet"; one who is said to have the power to see the future.

    Title: Cormyr/Dalelands Timeline [Constant WIP warning!]
    Post by: Fire Wraith on Jul 18, 2022, 04:07 PM
    Fire Wraith Avatar
    1382 DR (RL: Roughly 2021)
    The Year of Broken Crowns

      -Writeup coming soon. In the meantime see various HWC event posts on the forum here for details about the war and turmoil in Cormyr.