Hey CD! As some of you know (or may not know) my wife and I are expecting our first child in a few weeks and because of that I am going to be around a bit less over the course of December and January as I figure out the new parent thing. Feel free to reach out on Discord during that time or on the boards. I imagine I will poke my head into the game more as a player to relax more than I will be on a DM. I will still be doing SDM things on the board during this time so feel free to keep contacting me about any of that stuff and I will be keeping an eye on my the forums!
Congratulations again! And I look forward to seeing pictures!
Congratulations on the family addition. Best wishes

Just let us know what class the little rascal is gonna start playing first.
Congratulations Dizzy! We'll all be here to torment your PCs when you'll appear!

Congratulations! I'm sure you'll be a fantastic father.
Congratulations and good luck on the DMing of a lifetime

Good luck with the new bundle!! When he or she is old enough, give'em cookies for Daisy!!
Congratulations, man. You're going to do great, I wish your partner and you a smooth labor and a healthy child.

Congrats again on the pending new arrival.
Congrats! I eagerly await Baby's First Click-Kill.
Congrats, Dizzy! Welcome to being a dad.
Grats Dizzy. Be a kick ass dad. I know ya can
Congraaaaats on the child!
Condolances for your sleep!

Aww, congrats!