Cormyr and the Dalelands

Server Setting and Lore Resources => Setting Information and Lore => Topic started by: Fire Wraith on Jul 02, 2023, 11:23 PM

Title: Wealth and Influence Tokens
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jul 02, 2023, 11:23 PM
Wealth Tokens

An alternate form of reward for DM-run plotlines is Wealth Tokens. These represent actual in-character wealth of a reasonably significant amount. Players are normally unable to amass this kind of money, as in-game gold is treated as largely an out of character measure due to the nature of NWN gameplay, and thus unable to influence storyline events with it. This is a mechanism to allow players to achieve (and use) that sort of wealth and influence, in the form of these wealth tokens.

What are they?
In game, they're a token in your inventory representing of something, whether that's something general like a hoard of gems or an account full of money at a bank in Suzail, or it can be something more specific, like a favor owed by a particular NPC, influence in a specific place or region, and so forth. The exact details will depend on the awarding DM and the circumstances of the quest. For example, a questline that ends in claiming a Dragon's Hoard might grant a share of the riches, while one where you help a certain powerful NPC might simply be a favor from them, or they might be willing to donate to a charitable cause on your behalf (but wouldn't just give you the money). Some will be more limited than others, and this should be discussed with the DM granting the token.

How do I get one?
Wealth tokens are available as a potential DM-granted reward at the end of any quest series where a character would be eligible for a DM item, and are requested INSTEAD OF that DM item. Note that this is at the discretion of the DM, and they may decide that it's not an appropriate reward. The exact nature of the wealth and where it came from are entirely up to the DM.

What can I do with one?
Possession of such a token gives you a certain amount of disposable wealth, and this money can be used in plotlines at the discretion of the DM running it. The only limits are the sorts of things that money can buy, and that the DM running that quest is willing to allow. Examples might include hiring mercenaries, purchasing supplies or services in large quantity, and so forth.

Are they reuseable?
No - once the token is used/spent, it's gone.

Can I use them to buy a house or fund epic spells?
No, in that you don't need to - those things can be purchased with regular gold, which is easy enough to earn at high level.

Can I use them for other things like setting my character up as a wealthy merchant?
This would essentially be transforming the nature of the token, and may be allowed depending on the circumstances.

Will these tokens be required for certain quests?
No. No quests, even main server plots, will outright require the expenditure of wealth tokens. They may however make certain aspects of those quests easier, which again is entirely at the discretion of the DM in question. You will not, though, have to use them or fail.

Why is this necessary?
It's not something you need to ever consider. It's merely intended as a route for those PCs who want to amass that kind of in-character wealth, and have that wealth be available to spend.

Won't this penalize characters who opt for items instead, or don't get into lots of DM quests?
Anyone without a wealth token is simply in the same position that every character on CD has been for the life of the server. You can still always persuade NPCs that possess sufficient wealth to spend it, which was the only option available before (and still is).

What if my character comes from a wealthy background? Shouldn't I have one or more of these?
Characters from Noble or wealthy merchant backgrounds may have families that are wealthy, but they themselves do not have direct control over that wealth. You might get your clothes, Inn rooms, and daily expenses paid for, but your family isn't just going to extend you the money to go hire a small army or buy a ship or something on those lines. You would have to go and ask your NPC family members to do so on your behalf (and the DMs will decide the response).

Can I trade in old DM items for these?
Due to the circumstances and issues involved, no, previously awarded DM items may not be exchanged for wealth tokens.
Title: Wealth and Influence Tokens
Post by: Fire Wraith on Jul 18, 2023, 04:41 PM
Additional note:
-DMs will determine the exact nature of the token based on the theme of the quest, and notify the player of what this would be to make sure there's no misunderstandings.
-Once that's done, then the DM submits the request for approval (by any SDM or Admin) along with the rest of the DM item requests for that questline.