Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Galena on Feb 09, 2020, 08:44 PM

Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Galena on Feb 09, 2020, 08:44 PM
There's a thread like this for Players and DMs, but not one specifically for the Admins, so I figured I'd make one. There should be a place for us to post the positive feedback we have when it comes to the server in general. While the Bug Report, Support, and Update Request channels on Discord are nice, they're kind of inherently places to complain, and I think that might lend itself to a sense that there is only complaint for the Admins.

Personal Bit:

I mentioned in Discord the other day about how I've used RP as a means of therapy for my various mental health issues. That's been true in some form or another since I was about 14-15 or so (I'm now 33), but a few years back I had an unfortunate incident in ESO that kinda killed my video-game-based RP vibe. It sucked, and while it led to me fixing some things that needed to be fixed, it also created this barrier of anxiety that left me unable to get back into it. I tried on ESO, I tried on SWTOR, I even tried on Champions Online for some reason, but I couldn't get over that hump.

I used to RP on some NWN servers back in the day, like back when the game first came out. NWN was in fact the first game I ended up getting a video card specifically for, which necessitated me building my first machine. I won't get into that in-depth, but suffice to say it's responsible for a lot of my computer literacy.

I don't precisely recall what prompted me to pick up EE, but it was after getting it that I learned that it had sorta re-implemented the multiplayer infrastructure. On a whim, I looked into PW stuff, like hak packs and all that.

I would never have guessed that it would be Neverwinter Nights, of all things, that would help me get over that hurdle. It almost wasn't, in fact, as the first server I'd tried was PotM. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice server and all, but it was brutal, especially if you're not big on playing in groups. It was after spending weeks trying to get to level 4 and dying to a crag cat (again) that I decided to stop playing. I didn't know anything about Ravenloft anyway, and I wanted to try something that was a little more in my lore wheelhouse, so I decided to try an FR server.

I don't exactly know why I picked CD, either, but I'm very happy that I did. I have met a number of people here who've become real friends, people I care about a great deal. It's been a great boon to be able to RP like again, especially at a time where I'm achieving certain states of wellness that I hadn't really believed possible. I've made characters here that I absolutely love, and they've helped me explore so much of what I'm working through. The real benefit can't be overstated; RP helps me understand myself like nothing else ever has.

None of that would be possible without  , @belladonna  ,   ,  , and whatever various Admins were around in the past. You all clearly put a lot of effort and love into this server, keeping it alive all these years and tangling with the horrid mess that is early 00's game development. You've helped build a community that's remarkably friendly, all things considered, and you've provided a place where I've felt safe enough to express myself, and I cannot thank you all enough for it. You are all wonderful, lovely people in my eyes, and I'm certain I'm not the only one who thinks so.

Thank you <3
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Nokteronoth on Feb 10, 2020, 09:48 AM
I've really enjoyed the server, and it's why I've spent 6 years here. I never really thought I'd be all that good at DMing, but the admins along with a few other people pushed me into trying it. And while I haven't been super active lately due to RL stuff, I have really enjoyed it.

To think, I was probably like a single incident from being outright banned a few years ago, to helping train aDMs.

So a thanks to Fire, for hosting and troubleshooting, and being there for some of us that need it.
A thank you to Bella, for handling the background stuff, the LETOs, the notes, tracking, and informing people of admin decisions.
A thank you to Vince, for doing all the coding and bug fixing and tedious hours of work in the toolset.
And last but not least, a thank-you to Edge for keeping events and the server timeline flowing.

(That isn't to say that's everything they do, but just a small fraction.)

Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Arya on Feb 10, 2020, 11:20 AM

Want to thank the Admins (@belladonna            ) for letting me play here even knowing that I have had very mixed feelings about the gaming community as a whole (love but some trends that drove me away for a bit), which I look at Cormyr Dalelands still a part. For letting me play knowing that, and also letting people have grace to play here despite having past mistakes, moments of not always agreeing with them and for being on the opposite side of things. Sometimes it takes months or years to get on the same page, but I thank them for it. I know I would probably not be too welcomed if not for that. 

I also want to thank @belladonna     for some of the roleplay with Rhea and Dae that has totally reinforced they are related, despite their family secrets making them foils of each other (not for public view, dun-dun-dun). And I also was definitely prepared for things happening that did not, and completely made their dynamic more complex. 

I want to thank       for letting me crash at his place at times when I have a conference in proximity to the DC area. :-D 

I want to thank for being willing to let me yell at him at times when I do see something that can be done better. Also still being one of my best friends out there.

This server is not perfect, and it never will be because that is not a realistic expectation, but it always felt more of a home server for me than the server I played on before. 

Many here who play now are also people I have known on the server I played on prior. It is nice to see everyone here able to contribute! 

Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Jerrick on Feb 10, 2020, 11:23 AM
This is more general than specific, because I've only been around since August, but there's a reason I've been here -that- long!
Not only do y'all have a pretty awesome playerbase, but the fact that not only is your DM team active (With a cool quest scheduling system), but the Admin team is active too!
By that I mean that I played on another server for years and years, which of course had ups and downs, but eventually there was a degree of slowdown that happened that made it feel less real and alive, since players 'changing the world' in-game = admin work. And it IS work. Unpaid, under-appreciated sometimes, talent and learning required, work.

So thank you, Admin team, for not only being PRESENT to talk to people, answer questions, and being visible, but for all that actual WORK.
It's frankly amazing, and a big reason why I've stuck around, because everything you're doing -works- to build a really terrific, engaging, and welcoming environment for all of our shananigans.

Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: JadeDragon on Feb 10, 2020, 12:42 PM
I agree with all the above.
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: The Red Mage on Feb 10, 2020, 08:35 PM
I basically became an adult here. There's no bigger compliment I can give than thank you for letting me get my creative fix here with this community once again.
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Arya on Feb 10, 2020, 11:39 PM
Also, I did not get to this, but I wanted to thank for also listening to me ramble about stories, ideas, and also some of my own literary criticism put in a gaming viewpoint. And also helping me figure out some of my oddball concepts to still keep within the spirit of lore when I need another pair of eyes.  
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: kingofaquilonia on Feb 11, 2020, 12:50 PM
I dont see eye with some of you folks at times but i still have some fond memories of the laughs we had in vent/teamspeak way back. Mostly though as it seems most relevant of late. Keep your chin up Vincent, i know folks can come off the wrong way at times but i know you got a full plate bud
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Arya on May 10, 2020, 07:34 AM
@belladonna     for all of the hours into LETO work and pitch-in to help me adjust to being staff again.

   for all the scripting work, along with   and      for all the bug-testing. I know you two are not admins, but admin helpers this time!

     for giving us a home.

Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Melody on May 10, 2020, 07:42 AM
I'd like to thank  and  for all their hard work creating the haks and scripting everything required for us to have the upcoming update. Everything you've done and do is appreciated, from hosting, to scripting, to troubleshooting, and finding new things to add to make the game fun and even more expansive for us.

Thank you to @belladonna for ALL your LETO work. I had no idea how it had changed for EE so all your hard work is genuinely, truly appreciated, and I promise I'll try to keep my own LETO requests to a minimum for the future! And many prayers for a safe move!

Thank you to  for the recent dwarf plot recently as you have an absolutely stellar nose for divulging interesting lore I didn't know, and I love that you reward using Knowledge skills the way you do! It was fun, I'm looking forrward to next. Many prayers for a safe move for you and Ladybug, too!

And thank you all for creating this home for us. CD is the best server I've ever found and I'm grateful for all you do to make it a very warm and welcoming place!
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: canticleofcocytus on May 17, 2020, 12:01 AM
I'll second Melody's post above, and would like to extend it to the DM staff who've helped with relevels and rebuilds as well. Amazing job, everyone! Thank you for being awesome!
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Shantis on May 17, 2020, 01:42 AM
I am grateful to the admins, for all the hard work they did, and for all the effort and dedication to make the server work for so many years. My only regret was not having find this server before.

I am grateful to a friend of mine, who indicated this server to me after having spent a long time without playing nwn, renewing my passion and expectations with this game. And with the right server to enjoy and with a fantastic community and a fantastic group of admins.
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Arya on May 17, 2020, 06:11 AM
Want to add to the admin work comment. Thank you admins for the hard work and effort into the new content and the sweat, tears, and blood that went into the latest hakpak.

Thank you all for keeping this place around!

Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Arya on May 19, 2020, 09:42 PM
Giving thanks to @belladonna for doing six hours of LETO work in a given day. Anyone who can, send her gifts and spoil her with Snapple and luxurious dessert!


Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Shantis on May 19, 2020, 09:52 PM
And she does this often. Thank you very much, Bella!
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Melody on Nov 07, 2020, 03:38 PM
Thank you to all the Admins for doing all this hard work in fixing items. I know it isn't fun, it's a chore, and it's ruffling feathers - but it needed to be done. Fantastic job done on the posts detailing everything and making it as simple as possible given the scope of everything!
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: canticleofcocytus on Nov 07, 2020, 04:12 PM
I want to specifically thank @belladonna for all the hard work she's doing organizing the DM Item returns and changes as well as communicating to the players clearly as we turn in items for review. All of our admins do a great job, but lately it seems like Bella has been putting in extra hours to make sure everything runs smoothly and players can have as little disruption to their rp and fun as possible. Whether it be answering questions on discord about lore and systems, codifying an orderly process for getting DM items reviewed and updated to the new guidelines, or approving special requests on the forums Bella seems to be everywhere at once.

Thank you so much for your dedication and your time doing all that.
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Ten Pidgeons in a Trenchoat on Nov 26, 2020, 07:23 PM
Want to thank all the admins for the work they've been doing regarding both the balancing of items and the assistance with LETO and keeping up with the influx of players, as well as all the work in the toolset outside of that to make the server so vibrant and intriguing for older and newer players alike.
Will be excited to see more.
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Diestormlie on Jan 22, 2022, 06:09 AM
Thank you to the Admins for offering me the time to edit my Character's Journal (posted to the Forums) when it fell afoul of the new rules RE: In-Character Journals.

Additional thanks to the Admins for allowing me to post a link on the Forums to an Off-site hosting with the appropriate warnings! I really appreciate how they worked to balance my desire to write and share something true to my PC whilst respecting the Forum's rules.
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Diestormlie on Jan 22, 2022, 06:10 AM
Additionally/specifically, thank you to Admin Edge for rendering onto me my PC's custom Tattooing kit. I love it very much.
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: snorriht on Apr 12, 2022, 04:19 AM
I'm grateful the Admins for all their behind the scenes work. Thank you very much!
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Diestormlie on Apr 14, 2022, 05:49 AM
Many thanks to Edge for all their help with The Hand That Feeds Setup, both for myself and for the now alive 'Do decent things for Yulash because someone has to!' group!
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: sunzhao on May 19, 2022, 05:48 PM
I don't usually do this, because I'm a very 'to the point' person so I'll keep it short and sweet.

I personally want to thank for always being willing to deal with even my most benign and sometimes repetitive questions, It seems such a trivial thing to thank someone for but far too common I've gotten snark or felt like 'How dare I' ask a question about something I've been presented with. Heck, without your input I would have been far too unsure of myself to attempt a difficult subrace/class. Your general attitude and respect towards players is refreshing and it truly makes me want to play here knowing that there's admins who go out of there way to be courteous and be insanely kind even when it's difficult! 

Thank you again, for all you do!
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Throg on May 23, 2022, 10:46 AM
I wanted to thank all the Admins for everything you all do.  :)  I don't Admins get to hear thanks as often as they should, so.... THANK YOU!!!!!
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Diestormlie on May 29, 2022, 01:38 PM
Thank you to Edge for Quick Turnarounding my PC's Ascension request before their Quest later today!
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: haroshia on Jun 12, 2022, 12:43 PM
Thanks to the Admins for all the lag fixing measures over the last few months.  I know the server has grown, and the AI changes, new server, automated resets, splitting of servers into event and base...all of it is just great and seems to be helping a ton.  
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Melody on Aug 13, 2022, 12:16 PM
I want to thank the Admins for putting in the work they have in simply daily things. Getting to see a bit more of what you have to do on the sDM side of things, I realize how much you constantly have to deal with. From player complaints, to apps, to Hak updates, answering questions, dealing with various other issues, discussing new ideas for CD, all while staying positive and helpful is a huge, huge amount for volunteers.

So thank you for all you do!
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: snorriht on Sep 24, 2022, 06:24 PM
I want to thank those for making all the AI, UCII and other balance changes for the recent patch. I'm playing a warrior character, and it's nice to see more attempted taunts, knock downs and less sneak attack spam.

For me, it makes a playing a warrior build invested in concentration and discipline, feel more valuable.
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Diestormlie on Mar 13, 2023, 08:05 AM
Thank you very, VERY much for FW. They've been very patient with myself (and my dyslexia-induced mistakes) regarding Player Housing Updates etc.
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: snorriht on Apr 13, 2023, 08:01 PM
I just want to give a couple of shout-outs to the Admins and SDM's.

Firstly I really enjoyed the THTF plot, the written lore behind it, and how player-driven events re-shape the CD version of Faerun.

Secondly, I like the direction the server is going, with the updates, re-balancing and streamlining. Even in my brief time here, there has been a tremendous amount of work, for which you all should be rightly proud of.

Thirdly, I appreciate the Helm-like vigilance to support the growth and maintenance of a friendly and positive community. That must take a lot of behind the scenes effort, self-regulation and love for this place.

CD is an unique corner of the internet, and thank you all for implementing and maintaining the structures that make this a warm, welcoming and fun place to escape from the mundane :-)
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Sir Ven on Jan 23, 2024, 01:59 AM
I wanted to take a moment this morning to raise a proverbial glass to Fox.  There's a great deal that I could try and list here, how they have contributed to CD and made it a better place, but I'd only forget something and fall short, I will keep it simple:

To Fox.
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Epi on Jan 23, 2024, 05:57 AM
Second that. My favorite bit of "Fox Magic" was the snowball event around xmas the previous years, and that is probably not even scratching the patina of all the stuff they've contributed to the server. <3 Ty, Fox!
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Jerec on Jan 23, 2024, 09:45 AM
I can only echo the sentiment expressed above.

Thank you for everything, Fox.
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: SewerGoose on Jan 23, 2024, 03:04 PM
Fox will be missed, I remember my first event on CD being Fox's event with Tiddli and his popcorn. It was the first event I had ever been able to really participate in after a couple months on CD, and it was definitely one of my favorites.
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Throg on Jan 23, 2024, 05:44 PM
Foxmagic forever!
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: Arya on Jan 24, 2024, 01:12 PM
Just echoing here Fox will be missed. She did Foxmagic, but she also was happy to setup an awesome final boss fight for a personal questline for me, and she also was willing to give me a little time on a project while I tried to get caught up on other things.  It was also appreciated to feel represented among the admin team as LGBTQIA+ and femme.

I also remember she called me sweet within a few weeks of knowing of me and I just did not think I deserved that. I remember these things, though. While there were times I certainly worried what being an admin on CD would have done, because I have seen how it has been painful on people in the past (a general statement and not specific), I think she has helped the server move forward a few more years than it would have. This is no shade on any existing admins, it is just the reality of the setup.

Personal care takes priority, though, and I respect that. I know I will not be considering picking up staff position (if I were to return) until I have my own energy and mental health accounted for in the process. Thank you again for what you have done for us.

Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: SpacePope on Jan 24, 2024, 06:47 PM
Adding onto what the others have said before: Thank you for all you've done Fox, you took on a impressive amount of responsibilities and left an indelible mark on the server. From the backend improvements to the server, to all the bugfixing and additions you've made, to the admin duties you took on, CD's not the same as it was before you joined. It'd be impossible to list all you've done, and on top of that you were always a joy to talk with. The Discord server won't be the same without all the cat gifs and emojis either!

Take care of yourself. Your health and well being comes first.
Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: aceheart on Jan 24, 2024, 08:20 PM
Take care of yourself, Fox. Thanks for all the coding and building presents (and cat gifs). Hope our paths will cross again some day.

Title: Thank you for the positive Admin experience!
Post by: aliirielle on Jan 24, 2024, 09:35 PM
Adding to what all has been said already, Fox, you will be missed. Not just for all the wonderful work you have done, or your hilarious quests and FoxMagic, but just you as a person. Wish we'd been able to RP or chat more, take care of yourself Fox <3