As previously mentioned in voice, I have mulled the past few days over possible ways to implement a Paladin/Cleric oriented PRC for followers of Mystra. Please keep in mind I do not actually know anything about scripting in this game, I just want to throw my ideas out here!
Mystic Fire Knight
The Knights of the Mystic Fire serve Mystra by guarding her temples and questing for lost magical troves. They develop increased ability to use magic, counter hostile magic and defeat enemy spellcasters.
Class: Paladin or Cleric
Deity: Mystra
BAB: +7
Ability to cast Arcane Spells lvl 2 or higher
Class Features:
BAB: +1
Bonus Spells: New levels gained in Mystic Fire Knight advances spells like gaining a level in the highest divine caster class.
1: Silencer 1/day
2: -
3: Silencer 2/day, Empower Spell
4: -
5: Spellshatter 1/day
6: Silencer 3/day
7: Spellshatter 2/day
8: -
9: Silencer 4/day
10: Spellshatter 4/day, Spellbreaker 1/day
Silencer (?): At class lvl 1, the Mystic Fire Knight can strike her enemy with a disruptive strike, using her melee weapon, in order to silence enemy spellcasters. (On-Hit Silence/Deafen, I do not know which works better, nor how the DC or lvl might be changed in order to actually make it effective). This can be used once per day, increasing by 1 use on lvl 3, 6 and 9.
Empower Spell: At class lvl 3, Mystic Fire Knights gain the Empower Spell Feat (this is to compensate the Improved Spellcasting (Ex) feat of the supplement for MFKs in the Champions of Valor Lorebook).
Spellshatter: At class lvl 5, a Mystic Fire Knight can attempt to deliver a Greater Dispel Magic with a melee-attack. This can be used once a day, increasing to two uses on lvl 7 and four uses on lvl 10.
Spellbreaker: On class lvl 10, a Mystic Fire Knight can attempt to decrease their enemies resistance to spells by delivering a Greater Spell Breach to their target with a melee strike. This is limited to 1/day.
Please note that I do not know -how- unbalanced or underbalanced this suggested progression would be. However, I have half a mind to have taken into account dispells and such have a tendency to be very almost useless due to high spell resistance, or just bad luck, so I figured a few more uses would be decent. Anyway, this is just a suggestion for a possible PRC catered to a lesser-served deity, and specifically something paladins especially might find neat. I also did not take in any weapon focus requirement since Mystra's FW is Shuriken and that would make the whole stuff pointless IMO.