Cormyr and the Dalelands

Announcements => Admin Announcements => Topic started by: Fox² on Jun 05, 2022, 09:45 AM

Title: Now There Are Two of Them!
Post by: Fox² on Jun 05, 2022, 09:45 AM
Now There Are Two of Them!

4.09a1's module update today sees a significant server infrastructure overhaul completed by Fire Wraith and Fox. With the ever-expanding size of our community and the demanding strain on a single NWN server, we are splitting the server into two shards and implementing automated restarts for the main server.

Connection details for both servers has changed. Please connect with: for the main server. for the event server.

The Main and Event Servers

The main server holds everything you love and cherish. It is where you will login to play daily for both roleplay and dungeons. The new event server is where dungeon masters will now host scheduled quests. Spontaneous ad-hocs will still happen on the main server, but any ad-hoc that host its players on the event server will now also do so.

You can connect to either server directly from the server browser or via IP/Port, or you can transition between both servers via portals in both servers OOC Rooms.

Event Server:

  • When logging into the event server, you will always be logged in back at "In the End..." unless you are relogging into an OOC area, or are still in an active Quest Chat with a DM.

  • From "In the End..." you can only access other OOC areas. You will not be able to access any other areas without a DM.

  • Using Return or respawning from death will always return you to "In the End..."

  • If you log in to the event server with a new character or a character who hasn't yet completed character setup, you will be automatically transferred to the main server to finish character creation.

  • It spins!

Main Server:

  • The main server will now automatically restart every 44 hours. When joining the server you will be notified when the next server restart is. You can also check how long there is until the next server restart with /restart.

  • SDMs and Admins can delay an automated restart with /delayrestart <minutes>.