Hello, everyone, this is my first post, and hopefully my new Persistent World of choice. :-)
So a couple of quick questions:
1. English is not my first language, so how forgiving are you guys when it comes to some shortcomings in terms of grammar and vocabulary? Can I count that you will consider something an honest OOC mistake and not the character being unable to properly speak?
2. I hate the feeling of being lost. Is there any tried way for a newcomer both to NWN: EE (played NWN2 for over a decade on non-English-speaking PWs) and the server to quickly adapt and start role-playing? I enjoy guilds such as military/city watch and paladin orders.
3. The problem with migrating games and servers is the fact that your first character usually ends up useless. Is there anyone who could give me tips on building a paladin with prestige classes in mind? Every PW is different, so it kinda sucks when you build a character only to find out that things don't exactly work as you thought they did.
4. How friendly is this PW in terms of LN/paladin characters?
Hey there! Welcome

1. English isn't my first language and I've never had any issues. People are forgiving, and there are a lot of us on the server who aren't native speakers.
2. From my point of view, the best way to quickly adapt to the server is to not hesitate and ask questions. You can use the forum, but the Discord is also pretty active, and probably better if you have a lot of small questions. One tip I'd give is to make sure that your first character is an outgoing and sociable one, just to make it easier on yourself so you can meet people more easily.
3. I don't know much about building paladins, but there's an entire channel dedicated to builds and mechanics on the server's Discord. Optimizing a build is not forbidden here and you're free to ask for help. There's even a custom excel spreadsheet some people use to craft ready-made builds you can follow, if you give them some guidelines around what race/class or archetype you want to play.
4. Very friendly! The main hub area, Arabel, is mainly good aligned, but neutrals are fine too.
Long time player and former staff here,
1. No one will give you a hard time over spelling or grammar. The occasional typo might lead to some laughs, but no one will hold it against you if you clarify OOC you will "pass" on the gold instead of "ass on the gold".
2. I'd check out the Discord server where there's a server map pinned in the General section to help you get around. We're generally not a "Find out IC" server and people will point you in the direction of shops or dungeons. There's also a Dungeon List with vague locations listed in the Player Resources forum to encourage you to explore.
If you're interested in a military faction, you'll want to check out the Purple Dragons. It's done a bit differently here where the player faction aren't the rank-and-file soldiers, but basically the crown's shock troops they send in to deal with monsters and issues not suited for regular soldiers.
3. Paladin / (Bard or Rogue) / Hospitaler is a go-to powerbuild option (and what I play), but there are plenty of viable options beyond that. If you mess up your build, relevels or rebuilds are commonplace and easy enough to get approved so long as you're not going from like, pure wizard to pure fighter. I'd send you my build sheet, but I lost it in a drive death. But, if you have an idea of generally what you'd like to do, check out the Mechanics Discussion channel in Discord and people can help. If you'd like a full mock up, Nokteronoth or Misty are our demigods of PC building and have a nifty excel sheet to help.
4. You shouldn't have any problem. Cormyr is a Lawful Good nation and, while there are unsavory areas of the server, they're easily avoided. PC conflict is incredibly rare here, but that doesn't mean that everyone is averse to it. It's very unlikely you'll need to worry about PvP and the server isn't balanced around it.
Hello and welcome!
We certainly do all we can to make CD welcoming to new players and you don't have to worry about asking. Be sure to join us on discord too where you can also ask specific lore and mechanics questions and get answers usually very quickly. While using the discord is not mandatory for players its definitely greatly recommended.
discord.gg/cormyrdales also you absolutely can poke me directly if you have any more questions

1. Neither is mine and I get to inflict it on the poor unsuspecting players from above and bellow. And judging from your initial post you are fine really. Don't worry about it, after all NWN is one of the best ways how to improve your English. If it worked for dumb ol' me it'll work for everyone.
2. Getting into NWN: EE and its very specific mechanics can be bit intimidating at first but very much worth it. If you have experience with NWN2 though it should be much easier for you. We have few introductory quests thart should also take you around the main areas and show you first few locations but the easiest way how to get around when you're new and not getting lost though is to join forces with some other adventurers!
3. You actually don't have to worry about that here too much because CD allows for rebuilds and relevels to fix all the early mechanical mistakes you might make being new (or for many of us even old) to the server. Up to lvl 12 you're even allowed to make some major changes to your character concept like deity, alignment or main classes as you might find out that your character naturally turned in other direction than you originally planned and that's fine. Rebuilds and relevels are availible at all levels.
4. Cormyr with the Arabel as the main hub is LG/LN focused which means it great place for such characters to get involved. My main character being LN Helmite and most played alt LN member of purple dragons. Depending on choice of deity or focus you'll certainly find characters willing to take your character under their wings as well
More a note on point #4:
As a whole, characters are also generally different and unique. So it ultimately also comes down to the way the character is played that may determine social acceptability. There are paladins as well as LN characters that are perfectly fine. I've also known others of the same that act put and generally don't fit with the area either. So, yeah. Cormyr is primarily good aligned, but the answer is a little more open-ended as "It's all based around how the character is played, regardless of alignment."
Another question, this time for reusing my previous character bio. What's the status of Eagle Peak in the server lore? What can you share about the location? I can see some search results, but as there is very little info on it in canon sources, I thought it would be best to ask for server lore specifically. I am making a paladin of Torm.
Another question, this time for reusing my previous character bio. What's the status of Eagle Peak in the server lore? What can you share about the location? I can see some search results, but as there is very little info on it in canon sources, I thought it would be best to ask for server lore specifically. I am making a paladin of Torm.
Server canon deviates in 1372, so you'll want to ignore anything that takes place after that point. There's a server timeline
here, which may or may not be helpful. The 2021 server plot has yet to be added, but I don't believe Eagle Peak was affected in any substantial way. You may want to check with
Edge as I think he was the last DM to do something vaguely in that area, but I may be incorrect.
Otherwise, there was a rather lovely update done to the Citadel of the Rampant Eagle in the module (it previously didn't exist other than the exterior).
Eagle Peak is still intact, and has been relatively sheltered from much of the hostilities that endanger the rest of the server. They're not without threats, though - the surrounding mountains are full of orcs, goblinoids, bandits, and other monsters, and nearby hostiles in dungeon locations include duergar, Cult of the Dragon devotees, and demons.
Also a new player here! What cannot go wrong is a pure build, learnt that from experience. Pal with CoT or other pal PRCs. I am playing a Pal/rdd(gold dragon), once I get to 21 I may ask the dm to allow me to relevel, to get the skills and feat right. I have always been terrible and builds but do not enjoy following a spreadsheet.
Just to note with the mentioned layout that paladin has level restrictions I'm that you must have HALF your total levels as paladin at all times. The only prcs that contribute to this are Divine Champion and Hospitaler.