Blackheart Update - 2024
Hey everyone!
I've been asked quite a few questions privately over the last few months - and each of them have been fantastic. So fantastic, in fact, that I wish to share some of the public-relevant ones and offer an explanation of what my CD plans are for 2024.
It's been a bit of a rough patch for me over the last 2ish months or so. The world got a bit crazy (which meant my work and sleep schedule got torched), I had to rewrite my novel, and I cancelled my last plot (ARTA) due to technical issues.
Understandably, this led a lot of people to ask: Am I quitting CD? Will I quit DMing?
Answer: No! Quitting CD has never even crossed my mind, nor has quitting DMing. The technical issue was simply too much of an issue to continue a plot. When I run plots with multiple groups and varied schedules, timing is so important. One group being delayed begets every other group being delayed. Things go out of order. Schedules change. Delay delay delay. People forget things. I forget things. Setups get ruined. I cut setups short. Plot quality suffers. Still crash anyway. Despair.
So, then, I've been asked: "Are you going to run plots again? Is TOAFK still on the table? If so, when?"
Answer: Yes, and yes! I will start running plots again when I'm comfortable in the technical integrity of the server. Which, I hear, has made substantial discoveries and progress thanks to the efforts of the staff members who have been working on it. TOAFK is still, at present, planned to start signups in the Fall, and then start events in Winter.
People have reached out and excited about TOAFK, which is fantastic (and for more information on this, you can find it here (https://forums.cormyrdalelands.com/index.php?topic=22064.0))! I'm always happy to receive questions and comments about it. Aside from "when and where can I sign up," I've been asked: "is there anything I can do to get ready for the plot? Is there something my character can be involved in to effect the way the plot will start?"
Answer: Yes, and yes!... but not yet. I need the server to be stable before that can happen, because just like with DoM, I'll be running prequel plots for a few groups.
In more heartwarming news, I've been asked a few times: "Do you want help running the plot?"
Answer: Unlike with DoM, yes! This time, I will be accepting the help of fellow staff members who would like to volunteer to run plots/groups. And, as per usual, I will also be enlisting the help of builders who would be willing to craft areas for plot use. I'll be putting out a signup for such efforts in Summer.
So, thank you to everyone who has reached out and been kind and supportive - and sorry to those who were negatively impacted by my cancellation of ARTA. I'll be doing my best to get back to fun plotting and excitement in the near future.
... And speaking of un plotting and excitement in the near future...
Consider this an announcement/confirmation that the Wandering Storyteller will be returning to Cormyr this Summer!
We'll be slashing swords and slinging spells amidst the greatest battles Faerun has ever seen! Learn the history of the Forgotten Realms; face off against the greatest villains (or heroes) in the multiverse; and, most importantly of all... get some sweet, sweet DM items!
I look forward to running some more fun for everyone soon! :D
- Blackheart
Blackheart Update - 2024 - Part 2
I'll go ahead and get the bad news out of the way: due to a change at my command, I'll no longer be able to run ToaFK as a server plot.
Bad news. I know. There's no easy way to say it. This has been a change that has been a few weeks in the making, and I'd hoped that the wind would blow a different way. Unfortunately, I'm not in control of my fate at my rank. The position I'm being switched to will be far more demanding of my time, and in a way that's difficult to predict. It'll make running a server plot impossible, even if I had 3x the volunteers.
For those that did volunteer to help me, I really do appreciate it. For those that were looking forward to the plot, I'm sorry.
As long as I hold this new position (which will likely be for the next year and a half) I'll be unable to run anything that's intricate or large-scale.
I may still do something what what I had approved in the future, be it as an actual server plot (when my schedule allows) or a couple of slow-burn smaller-scale adventures that eventually build into something bigger.
I will still be running the Storyteller to its completion to the best of my ability.
Thank you for understanding. I hope to still be able to see y'all in game on a decently frequent basis.
- Blackheart
Blackheart Update - 2024 - Part 3
I'm back from a much needed vacation. Certainly feeling a lot less stressed, and now some of the dust has settled around my life situation.
Keeping it brief - I'm still going to be very busy, though not as busy as I thought. But I will be preparing to move overseas within the next year or so.
What does that mean?
I still can't run the server plot I wanted - but I can still run other stuff.
I have plans - fun plans! Some plans will be for big groups (Storyteller, Beach Episode, Elf Christmas, and more) and some will be for small groups (The Muse, some personal plots I promised to run, and more).
In fact, there's a project that I've been looking forward to running - one that's actually be in the works for almost 2 years now! And as a show of good faith, I'll reveal some details about it and what the status of its development is!
It's name is... Necropolis (Working Title).
It's a plot that will feature a rather special location in Faerun that is a city-sized burial ground for the dead from a civilization that has been gone for a very long time. Many mysteries lurk within its depths... As do many enemies.
Some PCs have already received a brief experience of this place... many of whom are still around. Those that are can tell you just how dangerous it will be to unravel the riddles held within and to fulfill the quest!
The plot will be heavy elven themed, but not elven exclusive. However, I will not take evil aligned PCs, or anyone that's not in good standing with the elves. Part of it is IC reasons, and part of it is OOC convenience given what I need the dynamic of the group at large to be like. Also, due to some environmental effects, dragon-blooded PCs (Half Dragons, Dragon Disciples, Spellscales, etc) will not be able to participate.
I'll take a few parties, and will even have a bit of help. This Necropolis is pretty big - we've already got about 40 new areas built for it, and will need another 20-30 more to call the project fully complete! It's had spurts of activity in development over the years, though what we're really waiting for is Evereska to be done, as the outcome of that plot will heavily impact the start of this one!
Faction involvement will also be taken into consideration. Some factions will be quite interested - and some may be less so, and that's totally ok! I have heard some rumblings of a lot of other projects on the horizon beyond just my own. :)
The plan is to finish up the area building after Evereska is done, and to give the server a few months of cooldown before doing something elf-related again. The best guess I can give is that this plot will start sometime at the beginning of 2025!
I've done a ton of research for it, and have some great ideas and a lot of awesome builder help - and I will put out a call for even more!
It's not quite the server plot I'd hoped to run, but I think that this will still be a memorable experience for those that are able to participate. More information will come in the future!
Thanks again to everyone who has been patient and kind to me. I look forward to doing what I can to keep DMing and providing fun for everyone!
- Blackheart