In addition to my oh-so-fun work schedule, my family will be growing by one more future girl gamer in late May. Unlike my previous pregnancy, this one has had several health complications (nothing dangerous, but definitely draining). I'm still recovering from my latest bout of colds and sinus infections.
What this means is that in spite of my best efforts, LETO requests and other similar miscellaneous admin requests may experience delays of anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. I apologize for that in advance.
Also, my playtime has noticeably taken a hit. I'm typically available only on Monday, Friday, and Saturday evenings.
Take care of yourself! :-( Seeing health problems from staff makes me sad.
Let us know if we can do anything to help!
*Many well wishes and thanks for the work done especially in the light of the real stuff going on.*
Meep Bella you take care of you, and meep I think we all understand and yay for the baby being healthy
Sending out thoughts and prayers for a smooth last few weeks and delivery.
I hope things turn out well for you, Bella. Prayers are in my heart and head for you and yours.
All the best Bella. Thinking good thoughts and praying to the Goddess for you.
Wow! Life really has sucked the game energy out of you. Glad you are doing alright, though. :-)
As always, let us know when/if you need anything, even if just some sublimated game time.