Does Ranger still get the dualwield feats and can use them even if they do not have the dex for it?
Thanks for the info!

just a note, that feature only works in light or cloth armor.
We actually give them Ambidex and TWF for free at level one as well, so that they can dual-wield without penalty in Chain Shirt. It's part of our attempt to adjust from 3.0 to 3.5 mechanics, where Chain Shirt was Medium Armor in 3.0 then changed to Light in 3.5.
But yes, anything with AC 5 or higher, you shouldn't be using the dual-wield if you don't have the Dex to support it, despite the mechanics of the game technically allowing it.
another reason CD be great. Sorry for my wrong information. In the past when helping people with concepts I often had to point that nwn feature out.
No worries, I figure not everyone's aware of all the alterations we've made.