Hello, CD Devs,
I was digging through your hak file and noticed that the long sword sheath, and Back Pack. I noticed that these assets are in the Wings option for characters. Is there way to set them or items for a character. So that they can use the command to toggle them on and off?
Perhaps as a cloak setting?
No, these assets are in the wings options for every character.
No I mean....make them a cloak setting...
Oh. That would require HAK reworks and such. No the option right now is getting the DMs to set your wings to the # for the sword or backpack. Then use the command /togglewings
Both of these are available as Neck options when crafting clothing using the tailoring models.
There are waist sheaths as well under the Belt section.
Yep, what DA said.
Dunno why they're in the wing slots, to be honest. While it's possible to have them put on with LETO and use the /togglewings feature to show or hide them, we wouldn't allow it as the game would treat them as actual wings and allow flying without the proper spell active or actually possessing wings.
Both of these are available as Neck options when crafting clothing using the tailoring models.
There are waist sheaths as well under the Belt section.
I think she was wanting to be able to toggle it on and off if it is in the wing slot like the actual wings can be done.
But as Edge said, the system in place would think you had wings and would give you the fly widget if you toggled them on which is why this won't be happening.
What can be done is make two copies of the same outfit and have one copy with and one copy without the scabbard/backpack etc. Just swap between the two outfits. We do have some bags IG that are100 wt reduction and tagged for "clothing only" just so people can do things like this with multiple clothing outfits without weighing them down.
There are a number of scabbard and backpack things in the wing section. Not sure why tbh. Presently there is no way to access them in-game.
We do have some bags IG that are100 wt reduction and tagged for "clothing only" just so people can do things like this with multiple clothing outfits without weighing them down.
The clothing bags giving only 60% weight reduction.
The bags that give weight reduction, and are weight reduced themselves are the best option for clothing I've found. They'll still weigh less than 1 lb.
There are a number of scabbard and backpack things in the wing section. Not sure why tbh. Presently there is no way to access them in-game.
Exactly what he said. I've seen them used in other places a usable items that can be activated to add the pack, and there sword to your chacarter's back. I can provide screen shots in a little bit. Though maybe a DM can help test this theroy at some point.

Again, those slots would register as having "wings" equipped via our scripts and allow you access to flying.
Oh really? I wasn't aware. Well dead subject then. ^^
We do have some bags IG that are100 wt reduction and tagged for "clothing only" just so people can do things like this with multiple clothing outfits without weighing them down.
The clothing bags giving only 60% weight reduction.
Depends on which ones you find !
... also I could just be an old bastard that has outdated gear that's not in the mod anymore.
I could easily exempt those from the flight check. You'd need a flight widget anyway, and the game doesn't normally give you one unless you're supposed to be able to fly.
I might poke around with it, as I can see instances where it might be worth having something independent of the clothing option.
It's pretty cool feature i've seen on other servers.

I could easily exempt those from the flight check. You'd need a flight widget anyway, and the game doesn't normally give you one unless you're supposed to be able to fly.
It hands it out any time you successfully use the /togglewings command to make your wing slot appear.
They would need to be exempt from both the flight widget and feat, as well as the /toggglewings command, as that saves wing appearances, and would overwrite anyone's actual wings if they have them saved.
Yep. It'll basically need to be a separate command probably, in part since we don't want to mess anyone up who already has wings. I'll look at ways to do it.
The clothing bags giving only 60% weight reduction.
Depends on which ones you find !
... also I could just be an old bastard that has outdated gear that's not in the mod anymore.
The one you can readily buy in Highmoon does only 60%. If there is better than that in the loot tables, than I was just unlucky never to roll one up.
Yes there is still 100% weight reduction bags in the loot tables....I think you can only get them by doing the epic level places.
There are and you can.