Regardless of faith, drow noble houses are usually structured the same with minor differences. Each noble house holds an Inner Web and an Outer Web. The Inner Web consists of the Matron/Patron, their children, their grandchildren, the House Wizard, and the House Weaponmaster. The Outer Web consists of everyone else in the house; adopted, distantly related, slaves, servants, etc. Those of the Inner Web hold all the respect and protections the power of their Noble House as a whole affords them, while the Outer Web is protected, yet doesn't hold nearly as much respect or authority, similar to minor nobility in human societies. In the instance the city is ruled by Lolth or Kiaransalee, and a single house holds power at the top, the house itself is called the First House and the matron leading it is referred to as Valsharess, or Queen.
Aside from mercantile cities such as Sschindylryn, drow cities usually have either a ruling house or a council of great houses at the top, followed by greater houses and then minor houses. Beneath this are the common houses with little to no structure or power. Unless adopted into a noble house and branching off into a sister or brother house, the main way to ascend to nobility is to collect seven members total with a drow matron/patron at the head, a house weaponmaster, a house wizard, and an heir. The prospective noble house must then make arrangements and convince one of the greater houses to go to either the ruling council or the ruling house and formally present them as well as their assets as well as their chosen sigil. Once everything is in order, and they are accepted, the drow house is turned into a minor house.
In Chaulssin, half-shadow dragons are held in a much higher regard than their pureblooded peers. In traditional Lolthite society, those with fiendish blood, Draeglolth at the highest, are seen as a blessing upon the House and a sign of Lolth's favor. In Kiaransaleean society, undead and partially undead members are held in higher regard as being closer to the Revenancer. For the rest, various diluted drow bloods will be treated differently depending on the city, though overall the drow seem to hold the promise of power over racial purity, with the exception of half drow who are seen as little better than servants or slaves (unless the product of surface Vharaunites in which case they are treated much better). Albino drow, also called Szarkai, are so rare and revered in the Underdark that the house who birthed one will make an attempt to hide them from the world and protect them from the backstabbery of drow society. It is not unheard of that, once found, other houses will make an attempt to take the Szarkai by force and adopt them as their own.
Matron Mothers and Patron Fathers are almost always clerics of the reigning faith of that city (or at least the Household). Not all are members of the city's church, however, though the greater houses and the ruling house or council is often both the ruler of the house and a high ranking cleric of the church. In Lolthite society, warlocks pacted to Lolth and favored souls are seen as gaining her blessing/favor and accepted as members not only of the church, but as Matron Mothers.
Foreign nobility, noble houses from other cities, have more power than common drow houses but less than that of the minor nobility, regardless of their house's power in their home city. In order to be taken seriously, they must establish themselves with the ruling council or house, much like how one becomes a noble house in the city.
Every noble house, regardless of its city origin or the colors the house favors, has its own unique House Sigil. The ruling Matrons/Patrons make it a point of never allowing the same Sigil used by another House, even that of a different city, so as not to cause confusion unless it's a branch of that specific house. In times of war, this becomes invaluable so allies do not mistake each other for possible enemies in the maze-like caverns that surround their cities.
These are the ranks of the Inner Web. The Outer Web holds no ranks.
Matron Mother/Patron Father: The leader of the drow house, the Matron Mother (in Lolthite or Kiaransaleean society) or Patron Father (in Vhaeraunite or non-traditional society) is at the very head and commands all the respect, authority, and assets of that house. Theirs is the final say in the occurrences of the house, though the power comes at a cost. Often, they are held responsible for the actions of those under their roof and sacrifices in Lolthite society are common to placate feuds when one house isn't ready to annihilate another.
First Daughter/First Son: The First Daughter (in Lolthite/Kiaransaleean society) or First Son (In Vhaeraunite/non-traditional society) is the 'firstborn' to the Matron Mother/Patron Father and heir to the household. It is not unheard of for the Matron/Patron to pull the strings for their child's murder should they fail to uphold what is expected of them. Each child is given the rank of their birth (excluding those who died or were sacrificed) and is their position of respect and power in the house. For example, in a Lolthite house of four daughters and three sons, you'll have the First Daughter, Second Daughter, Third Daughter, Fourth Daughter, then the First Son, Second Son, and Third Son. With the exception of the heir (the First Daughter in Lolthite society), should one of the children take the rank of House Wizard or House Weaponmaster, that rank is considered above their own and they will be known by that title.
House Weaponmaster: Usually held by a male regardless of faith, this position is for the best fighter in the household as well as the militaristic leader of the house's forces. This rank is respected even by other noble houses due to the skill it takes to attain it and is second in power only to the Matron Mother/Patron Father and the First Daughter or First Son.
House Wizard: Usually held by the most magically skilled and knowledgeable, at times this position can also be granted as a favor by the Matron Mother/Patron Father.
Consorts: Be it the favored lovers of a Matron Mother or a harem owned by a Patron Father, these drow, and sometimes other races, hold little to no power in the house. Their purpose is to appease the house Matron/Patron, though death be to any who mess with them for drow are notoriously jealous lovers. The head of the consorts is usually called the Favorite.
There are three ways to gain nobility in drow society:
--Going through the process of creating a noble house in character as explained above. ((Warning: Unless a NPC is the Matron/Patron, this will result in your PC being retired))
--Being born into the household either through the Inner Web or the Outer Web.
--Being adopted into the noble house through lots of roleplay regarding that house and proving your character's worth ICly (similar to knighthood in human societies). They will become a member of the Outer Web.
One may work from the Outer Web to the Inner Web, though doing such will require more roleplay and may require your character be retired for such a position depending on Admin discretion.