Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: aalnyar on Dec 04, 2023, 06:43 AM

Title: Bladesinger Question
Post by: aalnyar on Dec 04, 2023, 06:43 AM
Good morning everyone.

 I am hoping once my character app if approved he wanted to work towards becoming a Bladesinger who are the current bladesingers on the server and at what level does a Bladesinger teach a new one? I also wanted to chat with those to make a plan towards that to keep the rp real.
Title: Bladesinger Question
Post by: cherrycoke2l on Dec 04, 2023, 08:21 AM
I play one of the bladesingers on the server, Ary'Keryn Elerdel. Note that the below is only my perspective (I'm just a player, not staff), and other bladesinger players may or may not share my view. Also, my bladesinger is a very old character, and things were a bit different back then.

  • From what I've seen in the past few years, people tend to take their bladesinger levels when they're around 20th lvl. This is due to the relatively fast pace of levelling and time needed for bladesinger training. My personal take on this is that the training should take at least several RL months. I think this is a good compromise between what's feasible considering player's enjoyment and in-setting credibility, since elves aren't very hasty, especially with such things. To my knowledge there's no level cap which allows you to start training, but handling bladesinger training takes time: Ary takes potential trainees on missions, validates their skills and attitude, and only after that makes the decision to train someone or not. Then there's the training itself, and you have a 20th lvl character that's usually some form of Ftr/Wiz/EK that needs relevel into BS once all the training is done.
  • Side note: in the past some of the bladesinger requests were additionally prolonged, because the bladesinger-wannabes were somewhat controversial characters (such as Moon Elf with a drow parent), and required additional DM event. There was also the case of one such failed quest.
  • For a chat thing, we have the Elves of Semberdale discord server that's not very active, but it can be used for communication between bladesingers. Feel free to join, the link is in the Elves of Semberdale subforum (though I may need to refresh it). In general, I feel the elf faction hasn't been overly active recently, as there were practically no reports in the last Aelou. I'm guessing this is just silence before the storm ;)

Other bladesinger characters I know are Eina Laurina Taure and Faewynn, but I haven't seen them much lately (not that I'm super active myself).
Title: Bladesinger Question
Post by: DubiousScroll on Dec 06, 2023, 09:37 PM
It really shouldn't take a bunch of months to train a bladesinger, at least not just the first level of the class.

I know Leane's gotten the training done for level 1 in 1-2 weeks of RL time, as it's just level one.  There's plenty of training from levels 1-10 going on as well.
Title: Bladesinger Question
Post by: aalnyar on Dec 10, 2023, 09:55 PM
One thing I would like to do is once if I make it I would like to communicate with the others and share information with them and learn from them if possible.
Title: Bladesinger Question
Post by: cay on Dec 14, 2023, 09:55 AM
Nelanthalas is supposed to be training to become one, too. I think I met with Ary once, but due to horrible timing on my part, no second training mission was possible yet. That was in ...August I think.