I don't want my coat to be evil....
"No! Put the sword away! You can't cast atonement on yourself if you fall!"
Me: But He's your partymate?!
Kebs: Yeah.. but he's just a walking pile of 300 XP to me.
(Edge and Bella.. Yes.. that Kebs)
rofl Keebs, there's a name I haven't seen in ages.
Now I'm wondering if I should go digging through the remnants of my old RDR and other prior server logs for old gems.
And from my PnP days...
To the DM " No that won't work "
DM: Why not.. I said I'd let it ?
"I have a question for pun purposes."
"We've got a tea chain going here. Like a tea bucket brigade."
"Shoggoth loves you!"
"He tekeli-likes you~"
"... the door's having a laugh, right?"
"Cats don't understand the world of finance, dear."
"Oh god she's gonna eat the extra"
"That's... not... half bad... ...never mind, it's as bad."
"Yes, sir, I am aware that was a balor. Yes, sir, I do know my orders. No, sir, I do not know th' location of my pants at this time."
"I don't get pants, apparently. I get a mankini."
"Yes, sir, I am aware that was a balor. Yes, sir, I do know my orders. No, sir, I do not know th' location of my pants at this time."
"I don't get pants, apparently. I get a mankini."
Update: "Finally! Pants!"
"Well, pyromania is the gift that keeps on giving?"
"How do you summon a defective devil?!"
"He should have named him Hiss."
"So would that mean he gets the Dodge feat for free?"
"I believe his anaconda don't want none unless you got puns, sir."
*andi.exe has encountered a fatal error and needs to reboot*
"If he takes the Ice Genasi template, he can't be a bard, or named Vanilla."
"Bastion, not going to lie, I had to read the first line of your description a few times before I realized it did not say you were wearing a "leather thong" >.>"
"Deadpool, the patron saint of the internet"
"Bastion, not going to lie, I had to read the first line of your description a few times before I realized it did not say you were wearing a "leather thong" >.>"
Ironically enough.... it is a typo and -is- supposed to say thong. It just doesn't mean the type of thong she was implying.
Its supposed to be a jade pendant hanging from a leather thong.. something like this...

"I d-don't think letting people stroke my s-snake is a good idea anymore"
I was wondering how long until that joke came up.
"O Shaundakul, I grant thee half a million lions and the request that you in your almighty wisdom send the next sevenscore travelers to visit Waterdeep to view the majesty of the world's largest ball of yarn."
Since it comes up:
"Yes he's mine. I don't know who the mother is. I got him from a separate or parallel plane in which an avatar or personification of death, not a deity but rather the occurance, made him in a bucket of water from a flower and gave him to me. And no, I'm not high."
"The worst part is, this is not the first time I've turned to Jerry Springer to solve a problem."
"Let's see, how many Torm symbols can I get on my outfit?"
"So... you can't keep his hands off of you?"
"Stop using my Snapple against me!"
"The fuck's a Mammon?"
"It's a big elephant thing."
"It's an archfiend of greed and lust."
"... augh. Get it out of my head. Greedy horny elephants."
"Confession is on Thursday and Saturdays but I forgot last night because of worms."
"You should totally have the murderdoll steal the artifact."
"Okay, that is NOT what I was thinking when you said magic stripper."
*singing* "Everyone loves Magical Stripper, 'cause the stripping she does is ever-so-clever."
"Kay, so headed out after this, and got facemelted by an attractive plague woman."
"Blind dates suck."
"That skirt's going to be awkward when you get goosed by a beholder."
"I've got some very simple instructions on your character problem.
To Control Alts...Delete."
"It's like if James Bond had no social skills. ... so not like James Bond."
"Think they hopped on the good foot and did the bad thing?"
"Stop trying to bard."
"I need to find some of the emotes from My Immortal because yes that's how cheesy this is supposed to be."
"It looks like X-rated Lisa Frank blew up in here."
"...I want bear

"Paladins are basically frat guys."
"Well, suicide by gnome is certainly an interesting way of avoiding talking to your ex."
"This pile of dirt...we must interrogate it!"
"Some people just can't hold their blunt force trauma."
"I just don't think I'm physically capable of doing a Genocide."
" Yes, but I do the pointy hat trick much better than he does. "
You have no idea how much this made me laugh this morning!
I aim to please

"As you look back you see a Kobold squatting over a charred man, and laying eggs into his chest cavity - where it had eaten away at him before."
"I'll just wave goodbye."
"He's a DEX build. It's how he can get his foot in his mouth so frequently."
"That crab has the best rolls of the night."
"I roll to persuade the house."
"You look like a reluctant veterinarian."
"You know it's been a good event when you have to use the plural of Hogger."
"If only we had the light of the sun to navigate by..."
"Don't worry, at least we've got The Crimson King's sunny disposition."
"This guy is definitely a Skyraven for sure... he's afraid of his mom too."
"You now believe that all rivers are powered by magic"
"How much experience do we get for the children?"
"Okay, let's go and see Aelie's balls!"
"We should take him to a whorehouse to rub his ass for more genies."
"I'm trying not to imagine a gem-studded dwarven thong."
"It's an impressive gilded codpiece, actually."
There were so many options last night... but here are a few of the best:
"Do you not have rope? I think I can go buy rope."
"Don't drink that, it makes you grabby and snatchy and stealy."
"He's getting away again! This is why you need more rope!"
I haven't laughed that hard in a LONG time.
Dream's got me good the other night.
Nyacelil said...
"What do you intend to do for Cas'tharia"
And Purity NPC responds
"I intend to banshee you from this plane!"
" Bav's the "Father" of Aelie's baby. My sweet goddess this how Toril ends! "
"There's a good sociopath."
" If I survive I will still be hungry ! "
"Is it considered immoral to use Flesh to Stone on gnomes, and then put them on the front garden as ornaments?"
"You ever do a kegstand with divine magic? Well, it's your lucky day!"
"Make your dwarf drink his fairy beer."
"How much gold did we get?"
"Gold? I got five yaks and a cow."
"You know, it doesn't really define the quality of the pornographic drawings... what if the book is nothing but highly-suggestive stick-figures?"
"The man has been knighted! You do not sass Sir Mix-A-Lot!"
From a recent Pathfinder game:
"Is Perception dexterity based? I'm a thief, it should be."
"Let's see what else I can make naked."
"Why would an Orc have a book?"
"The well-read ones go faster."
"Argh! Open the skeleton!"
"Wow, this place looks so different without all the blood!"
"How do you accidentally stage a prison break?!"
"Look, just because I can twist the laws of reality to suit my whim doesn't mean we can't approach things practically."
"I need it for a napkin."
"That's what the cloak is for."
"Or loincloth."
"I think we all just need to count to ten and breathe, alright?"
"There's a dead prostitute bleeding on the tavern floor!"
"...See, it's that kind of negativity that's bringing the group down, Darius."
(From one of my ventures as an evil character years back)
"I think we all just need to count to ten and breathe, alright?"
"There's a dead prostitute bleeding on the tavern floor!"
"...See, it's that kind of negativity that's bringing the group down, Darius."
(From one of my ventures as an evil character years back)
Everyone knows killing a prostitute isn't an act of evil, it's an act of mercy, and a good way to get your money back.

"And you haven't even touched your asparagus!"
"He's going to be beaten at his own game."
"... you're going to find someone to smarm him to death?"
"Hold still, just stay in the fire and let her work."
"You don't just read the book. Buy him dinner first."
"Dunno let me catch ya cultin' no more!"
"That wasn't a lady. That was horrible."
"I really need to kill who invented cloaks. They cover the best parts."
"Ryn.. You coming yet or just breathing hard? "
"Technically if you tie the babies together, then you're not dual-weilding. It's youngchucks."
"I suddenly know how dwarves burrow underground...like worms, except with, you know."
"I somehow think they will be best of friends...or beating on each other."
"Please don't piss off the flowers...."
"Why is the rest area on fire?"
"He's a slaver! He's not a real people!"
"Not being the boss of Operation Evil Enslavement does not absolve you!"
"I do not have a glowy butt!"
"If we are eaten alive by another tribe, the joke's on you."
"In a world where clerics can bring you back to life if you fall, is it now 'the only thing sure in life is taxes'?"
Cultist Supply Warehouse for Fun and Prophet
"No, I'd like it to be an inspiring weapon as well."
"Yes. Yes, I am a cyborg bear wearing a full-sized lizardman as a hat, and I will not be stopped."
"Diplomacy: beating someone up and making them look forward to more?"
"Let's just do the necessary beating."
(I know. Out of context stuff lately has been about beating!)
RJ Quotes:
"That's not archery. That's bullshit."
"Murder hobos raising children can't use Dr. Spock."
"I need that head of lettuce."
Person1: "Who do we grab?"
Person 2: "Me. Don't worry, there's enough of me."
"I don't want to go to bed! I want to talk about toilet summons!"
" Gladiatorial penguins on ice? "
Person 1: "We're not going down in those sewers, are we?"
Person 2: "Not unless our married guy jumped down there to escape his wife."
"We are going to the governor's mansion to go free that married guy, right?"
"Surely we won't need to fight his wife?"
"I'm feeling a bit too sober."
"Good gods, is there ANY plane this b^!(# has not gotten d*@$ from?!?"
"You just...asked me to adopt you."
"Teach him some while you are there, eh? One of the faithful should not have to rely on coin for their prosperity."
"You hit them with the sharp part until they die."
"These things are used to killing adventurers."
"It's like reading Deadpool as written by Stephanie Meyer."
"And that is the moment where the adventurers, later in life, will look back and say, 'That is where I got cancer, fighting the uranium elemental'."
"One day we will go a whole week without quoting Mystery Science Theatre. This is not that week!"
"She's supposed to ask before she tries to kill me!"
"I've always wanted to dress up in drag in a filthy sewer."
"I am one with the sofa."
"Their fruity gooeyness might be overpowering! Ward yourselves!"
"She throws men across rooms as a routine."
"I need to assure myself of my own masculinity."
"So, how do you barricade the library?"
glyph of wardinged, and secured with bookshelves and an immovable rod>
"Oh, and that shrapnel is cold iron. And poisoned."
"...I think you just violated the Fairy Geneva Convention."
"We take our sleep very seriously."
"Not listening is how we free imprisoned archmages!"
"Holy shit, you're still here?"
"Look on the bright side. You all have lovely green eyes now."
"Thought you being undead would shut you up."
"She passes over the book of Balor General Erotica Art and then goes back to browsing as if she hadn't just shared a horror with the poor paladin."
"Bad vine, bad!" *eats it to punish it*
"I should bring minotaurs everywhere..."
"...we're negotiating with a lump of butter, sugar, and spice."
"What am thingymabob?"
"You mean you don't want to lick the strange magical device?"
"Can I pickpocket Santa?"
"It's not a uniform, it's a tin can that just happened to unexpectedly walk into a fey circle that altered it's coloration."
"I'm not going to help him change! His wife's scary!"
"Velenya, something's wrong with your husband. He keeps hitting his face."
"Snakes are not, to my knowledge, typically incendiary."
"I'll never challenge you to a drinking contest. I'd never be able to practice arcana again."
"... Subtle, right." *eyes the slums where smoke might be seen*
"Please, please say that entire AFK was Paythin on the privvy, regretting his life choice."
"I think we've gone too far when the conversation shifts to sexual encounters with demonic spiders."
-As long as you know you're being addressed, a name's a name.
-Well, if that were fully true than 99% of Arabel's population would be named Mr or Mrs F***you.
-By the Gods, the Dragons and all the whores of Arabel... it is Amaiss, the green!
- -All- the whores?
-As long as you know you're being addressed, a name's a name.
-Well, if that were fully true than 99% of Arabel's population would be named Mr or Mrs F***you.
-By the Gods, the Dragons and all the whores of Arabel... it is Amaiss, the green!
- -All- the whores?
-Every- one of them. Even you, Blackhair
".... it summons guys."
"... push it again!"
"You told me 'Keep the spirit of Ogre Babes'."
"This is the politest circumstance I've ever seen of "Have a dead body!"."
"I can never make use of this thing."
"Was bombed by the murder."
"There is now an ass-shaped hole by the fire. In the shape of my ass."
"You are a dwarf." *She looks to Ludwig, as though it were surprising.*
"Three Dwarves?"
"Four... It is that time of the year, is it not this?"
"The festival has returned?"
"And lass Three dwarves is called an apocolypse....for whoever they are mad at"
"Yes, that's a good idea. Get drunk, -then- go try to be murdered by orcs."
"By the winged mother, I would have said ... it was a breeze"
"We didn't know it was until the mushrooms kicked in."
"We are all paying ass emeralds."
"I have no explosives. Just a hammer and a lot of free time."
"My dragon parts got chopped off."
"I'm...going to go pet my dragon."
"Figures a man has to fill the holes."
"hurray for the booz'tel'quessir"
"It's not making me crazy anymore."
"Better'n one! I can run screamin' for a while!"
"What was that he just said about evil pot pies?"
"Why do you keep touching that nude portrait?"
"There's no where on a piano to happily put your dick."
"She has a point. A gross point. But a point."
"The mage needs to die first."
"On this day of Re 'en Cormea...Blackie ditched his loving Rothe bride. ;("
"If he's one of those who is missing, he's staying missing."
"No! Don't! He'll talk again!"
Vince says: I have hundreds of bones. I could bone for days.
"Wanna talk crime when I'm up."
"Hi NSA."
"Please take that hammer everywhere with you."
"*He held like no man had held before.*"
"I see a hammer opportunity."
"This had better be worth that doorknob."
"I am debating being naked again."
"You wouldn't happen to have any helms or clothing...?"
*feels along the length of it, wondering if it's fluffy!*
"You trade treasure by stabbing it many times."
"Blackie is a magical girl confirmed."
"And I hurt myself on a metal rooster."
"You did."
"You killed it, though."
"Do not touch that sword. It does miserable things."
"... so she can get her bulky butt over the chasm of creamy demise."
"Goodbye, candy vampire! ... How do you taste?"
"We've successfully wiped out a new form of life whose main crime was eating candy!"
"I can't decide if I'm pissed or despairing so I'm going for both! I call it pisspair!"
"He publishes a book with a character [allegedly] like me, but with a more ridiculous figure."
"I have 'loth blood on my tits."
"...A string of syllables just attacked me."
"Let's go and say hi. With pointy things."
"... and bring their delicious healing assets back."
"I am going more into portals than to the privy..."
"...There's a walking explosion."
"It has some quality to it that makes me want to squash it with the biggest blunt object I can find."
"Places like these. They have what is called a 'Homeowner's Association'. It is, eh... a Baatezu concept."
"It's worse in armor. Believe me."
Priest (possessed by an RJ): "*Trident to the face. Worse than being clotheslined.*"
"What the HELLS is that thing?!"
"Dead, yes?"
"Hey. Cool. Free whore house. *Click.*"
Not on CD, but from a pen and paper game this evening:
"Wait, what are we supposed to be doing with the whores??"
"-Ohhh... just let me prepare a spell, I can fix this.
-And this is how some disaster usually begins... Exactly with those words."
"She must have apples in that armor."
"Let's go frame a man for a crime he did commit."
"Someone left their skin here by the gnome."
"... only on CD."
"Why are people here throwing paper around?"
"If the world ends Saturday I will be very annoyed. I haven't finished the new Metroid yet."
Not from CD, but hilarious (click on it to enlarge):

"Holy oil...the kind that makes you go 'oh gods' when you use it?"
"But I am married...Married and sore, now."
"Oops, forgot to turn my butt on."
"I smite undead and I cannot lie
You other clerics can't deny
When a lich walks in with no flesh upon his waist
And a soulgem in your face, he gets stung"
Can we not add Demiplane of Nightmare to the list of holiday destinations?
"Wakey wakey... do elves even eat bacon? Eggs and some vegetarian blasphemy?"
"Because of us, that poor king has to do his job today."
*after being offered arborean evermead*Nayu A'nen: *smiles and shakes her head* I still have to fly... *apologetically
Nayu A'nen:
[Tell] I wanna fly high but not *that* high 
There are days when being Sumest is the best in the world.
What started it.

"Have you considered the health benefits of circumcision?"
"We must move slowly and together, and with care. Once you fall into the Doom Onion it is your Doom."
"Many ogres were punched."
"Let me go get a break and we can go beat up a dragon, get your dress back."
"She charges bravely against the dangerous forces of hygiene."
"Do you ever notice, they always ask about mothers?"
"...They have mother issues, clearly."
"Stabbing 'em in the face is a LOT more satisfying!"
"In fairness, I haven't had any scotch since breakfast."
"Little horns never get the job done"
"I wouldn't know"
"Anyone who objected might of got a fight me bro"
"Yeah. It's all over us. We know it very intimately at this point."
"Awww, all the loot died."
"So, all in favor of not lingering in a shrine to the demon so ugly he needed two faces to hold it all?"
"Going from 0 to 60 degrees in the snap of an eye."
"Alhazred-senpai, save us."
"You are going to have ectoplasm in your socks."
"What you need is helping cleaning up all the money... traps, I mean."
"Huh. If that's the case, I'm a proud whore."
"Well, that makes you a popular whore, but a dismal entrepreneur."
"Because that's just what you need to do, send a bunch of sexually-pent-up holy warriors with chastity vows into a thirty-way frog orgy. There is no way they're coming back without looking up the really weird porn in five minutes."
"At this point I'm just having fun killing people."
"Stop messing with the madness water."
those things vivsect people alive!!!
All they wanna do is can your brains
yeah well I like mine where it is thanks....
They're not being unreasonable
They're not unreasonable. Its not like they're gonna eat your eyes.
*high fives Edge *
Nuclear Nibbles (Bushy Fro)
Hey Autumn it's Atom, from the office down the hall.
Pin the stability on the donkey, got it.
Not D&D or NWN based, but still epic enough and hilarious enough out of context it needs to be posted. Also this thread needs a bump.
"I should just start bombing my farm instead."
"Logic. My one weakness."
"Having you around is like having a small shield that I don't have to pay attention to."
"Welcome to the blood war"
"I don't know what the hell 'physics' is, but I'll drink to it."
"Your reward is 404 xp but we couldn't find it."
What is warfare if not full-contact negotiation?
"Were some old halfling legs that did too. I removed them."
Good job on the rear, EL.
"If we run into any Mi-Go I wonder if I can get them to sign my book."
"This is why you don't petrify your whole city. It fucks up your commute something awful. ... I'm sorry, should I have had a less Lawful Evil response for that?"
"Get off her asshole"
"My butt is now skeleton free"
"I grapple the guard's neck with my handcuffs"