Over the past few decades I've written a good number of character stories, world stories and other things. I guess I can post my novels here. they are free fan fiction and from views and downloads folk seem to like them. There are also many many pc stories ive written with dm help in adventurers surrounding the novels. So I'll put a few down here for your enjoyment.
Children of Hell Desperation: 1rst book in the Children of Hell Trilogy
Children of Hell Seperation: 2nd book in the Children of Hell Trilogy
Children of Hell Resolution: I'll start the outline in august or September (taking a break right now)
Related Pc stories:
journal of Aiauta: Fawn's mother/ Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn
Lauriella previous life: Lauriella has permanently lost her memory (that's how I deal with crossover characters but many have enjoyed her story so I'll put it down here with the addons I wrote on harvest moon.
narfell.us/forum/topic/30805/lauriella-sithmore?page=1Life in Cormyr:
harvestmoonconsortium.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=96&t=2808There are many, many more stories and adventures you can find on my site:
www.harvestmoonconsortium.com from many other people. All are welcome to enjoy.