So, out of curiosity, I'm wondering how this is supposed to work now.
Does this do 5% of total XP overall, or total for that level?
Does it also strip RP XP?
Does the counter decrease?
If the counter does not decrease, but the XP is still lost, will you have to get more combat XP to make up for the RP loss, or RP for longer?
As I understood it, the RP XP meter says 'Character has X RP XP needed towards level Y. If X = Y, then can level. X < Y, cannot level.' (Basically, I'm not good at the comp language stuff.)
My wonder is mostly around how the loss interacts with the counter. Because if it doesn't decrease the counter, but you still lose the XP, will there be some error between the counter and your actual number?
I suspect Vincent has it done just how he wants it, but trying to wrap my head around exactly what happens.
The loss is applied toward the XP you can gain from hunting. The "RP XP Counter" does not change due to this loss.
Thank you for the fast reply, Belladonna.
Good to know that exploration and looking for a challenge won't be quite so painful by the penalties working properly!
Full clarification:
Loss upon Respawn should be 10% of the total GP you are carrying, up to a maximum of 250,000.
Additionally, a respawn will cost 5% of the XP needed to gain your next level, if the player is over 5 Hit-Die. This loss will not take from RP XP, nor will it cause a level loss. Therefore it can be hunted back.