Cormyr and the Dalelands

Server Setting and Lore Resources => Setting Information and Lore => Deities and Pantheons => Topic started by: Fox² on Sep 17, 2023, 10:38 PM

Title: Zakharan Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 17, 2023, 10:38 PM
Zakharan Pantheon

The gods of Zakhara into three groups: major (often called Great), local (often called common), and savage (also called heathen). Savage deities are not recognized in the teachings and tales of the Loregiver. These include the Forgotten Gods of Nog and Kadar, the cults of the islands and the Hill Tribes, and the unfeeling elemental gods of whom the genies speak in hushed tones. Savage gods also encompass the extraplanar trespassers worshiped by outland priests. As a rule, "enlightened" Zakharans do not venerate these savage deities. Many Zakharans are quite tolerant of the misguided folk who do, but others-especially moralists-consider such heathen beliefs an affront to the Loregiver and all that is civilized and good.

Major gods (Greater Deities) have the largest, most organized churches in Zakhara, because they recognized throughout the Land of Fate. These include Brave Hajama, Honest Hakiyah (Mistress of the Sea Breezes), her brother Noble Haku (Master of the Desert Winds), Jisan of the Floods, Kor the Venerable, Najm the Adventurous, Selan the Beautiful Moon, and Learned Zann. Members of the League of the Pantheon also consider Jauhar the Gemmed a Great God, though she is recognized only in their area.

Local gods (Lesser Deities) are recognized in the word of the Loregiver, but they are not worshipped universally. Well-known in one area or city, a local god may be unheard of just 10 or 20 miles away. The followers of local gods do not gain the benefits of a large church organization.

  • Bala
  • Hajama
  • Hakiyah
  • Haku
  • Jarmik
  • Jauhar
  • Jisan
  • Kar'r'rga
  • Kor
  • Najm
  • Ragarra
  • Selan
  • Shajar
  • Thasmudyan
  • The Faceless God
  • The Lost One
  • Vataqatal
  • Zann
Title: Zakharan Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:11 PM
Bala of the Tidings, Bala of Ill Tidings

Lesser Zakharan Deity
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Symbol: The zither
Portfolio: Music, celebration, relief of suffering, rebellion
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Good, Suffering
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, CN
Favored Weapon: Zither string (rapier)

Also called Bala of Ill Tidings, this common god of music was openly beloved in Mahabba, long ago. When Pantheists took control of the city, her worshippers were forced to continue their faith in secret.

Bala has been depicted as a middle-aged woman, dressed modestly but colorfully, playing a zither. So wonderful is her music that the genies come to dance for her, and the other gods pause from their work at the hint of a song. Such are the legends.

Song lifts the spirit to goodness.

The voice was made to sing, and the mind to create praise for all things. Bring news to the unenlightened and joy to the suffering. Speak freely and openly among friends. Strike against those who seek to silence our tongues (moralists).

The Faith:
The Pantheists have attempted to stamp out the Balanite faction in Mahabba for years. As a result, the faith has spread to several other cities. At least one fellowship of Balanite holy slayers has formed as a result of Pantheist persecution. The holy slayers are dedicated to removing the oppressive yoke of Pantheist rule. Bala of the Tidings has become Bala of Ill Tidings' playing a dirge for those who attempt to crush her followers.

Outside the Pantheist League, a priest of Bala may worship at an open mosque just like any other priest. Within the cities of the Pantheon, Balanites do not profess their faith unless they are sure of the company they're keeping. Meetings and worship are quiet, hidden affairs. "speak freely among friends" is a greeting by which Balanites can recognize one another, but they also have other, more secret codes.
Title: Zakharan Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:12 PM
The Courageous, Brave Hajama

Greater Zakharan Deity
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: None, or a featureless disk. (Bravery is worn in the heart, not on the sleeve.)
Portfolio: Bravery, battle, strength
Domains: Earth, Strength, War
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: NG, LN, TN, CN, NE
Favored Weapon: Shortsword

Also known as Brave Hajama, this Great God represents the ideal of courage in the face of opposition. In legend, he is described as a stocky man whose long beard is as black as ink, When telling tales of Hajama's adventure in the desert, Al-Badian priests describe a figure who wraps himself in a jellaba as dark as midnight. Al-Hadhar describe a god who comes to the cities wearing lamellar armor that is carved from the night sky itself.

Bravery wins out over opposition.

Trust your feelings and follow your heart. Always dare to try; cowards fail because their great deeds are unattempted. Bravery takes many forms, the easiest of which is in battle (ethoists' principle). Living through a defeat strengthens the spirit more than dying for an ideal (pragmatists' principle).

The Faith:
The faith of Brave Hajama is popular in rural areas, particularly those which border deserts, mountains, or other potentially hostile regions. If a man is said to have "Hajama in his heart and Fate at his back," then he is both courageous and fortunate. The faiths of Hajama and Najm are on friendly terms, and priests of one faith will attend each other's mosques. In the Pantheon, Hajama is portrayed as one of the sons of Kor, with Najm as his twin brother.
Title: Zakharan Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:12 PM
Hakiyah of the Sea Breezes, Hakiyah the Honest

Greater Zakharan Deity
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Symbol: A cresting wave
Portfolio: Truth, honesty, wisdom, merchantry
Domains: Knowledge, Law, Water
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, TN, LE
Favored Weapon: Dagger

Also called Hakiyah the Honest, this Great Goddess symbolizes truth. In human form, she wears the trousers, blouse, and vest of a city-dweller. She is portrayed as the calm voice of reason, often correcting and guiding Haku (who is alternately her nephew, brother, and uncle) in his adventures.

Truth will always win out.

Question and check, then check again.
People see what they desire to see, not always what truly exists. All men and women may cast illusions' even those who are not sorcerers, and even those who are ignorant of their actions. Danger lies in unquestioning belief.

The Faith:
The nature of Hakiyah's worship is calm, meditative, and methodical. Better to take no action than to take one impulsively, it is said. As a result, Hakiyah is popular in the Pearl Cities, particularly among members of the merchant class. Both Hakiyah and Haku have large mosques and universities in the Pearl Cities. In the Pantheist League, neither god is worshipped openly, and their followers are persecuted.
Title: Zakharan Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:13 PM
Master of the Desert Wind, Free Haku

Greater Zakharan Deity
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Symbol: A stylized gust of wind
Portfolio: Freedom, wind, travel, djinni
Domains: Air, Chaos, Good, Travel
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, CN
Favored Weapon: Scimitar

Also called Free Haku, this god represents personal independence. In the old legends, he is always described as a desert nomad, wearing a flowing aba and keffiyeh, with a gleaming scimitar at his side. His words, when recorded by those who receive them, are always proud, self-assured, and even haughty. He implores his followers to apply themselves and to do nothing half-heartedly.

A man and a woman must be free to be considered alive.

Do not burden others. Rely on your own talents. Trust the wisdom of your own experiences. Protect those you love and respect, but do not assume that they will be there to protect you.

The Faith:
Haku is popular in regions lying in and near the open desert. In the Pearl Cities he is connected with Hakiyah, who is alternately described as a niece, sister, and aunt. Both Haku and Hakiyah's worshippers are persecuted in Pantheist lands.
Title: Zakharan Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:13 PM
The Thirsty Janni

Lesser Zakharan Deity
Alignment: Neutral Good
Symbol: Jann on his knees near a well
Portfolio: Generosity, sharing
Domains: Good, Healing, Protection
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG, TN
Favored Weapon: Falchion
Title: Zakharan Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:14 PM
The Gemmed, The Gem-Studded

Intermediate Zakharan Deity
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: A gold coin
Portfolio: Wealth, merchants, trade
Domains: Charm, Earth, Luck
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: NG, LN, TN, CN, NE
Favored Weapon: Light hammer

Representing wealth, this goddess is sometimes called Jauhar the Gem Studded. She is technically a common deity, because her worship is confined to the Pantheist League and a few cities of the Ruined Kingdoms. The heavily moralist League of the Pantheon considers her a Great God, however, taking the place of Bountiful Jisan (whom Pantheists view as common).

Jauhar takes on a physical form only in rare portraits of old-those which Pantheists seek to eliminate. In such legends, Jauhar always appears as a comely maiden with straight black hair and luminous, kohl-rimmed eyes. She wears a dancer's brassiere and pantaloons. The brassiere is covered with coins' allegedly given to her by admirers. The seams of her silken pantaloons are similarly adorned. Old temples scattered throughout Zakhara once contained drawings of Jauhar in this garb. Nearly all of the drawings have been destroyed by Pantheists, leaving only a verbal portrait. Even that has been declared blasphemous by the Pantheists, who describe her as a more modest woman, fully cloaked in a chador, with only the gold dinar on her forehead serving to distinguish her from other moralist women.

Money changes everything.

Work hard and you will be rewarded as you are due. A holy person is a wealthy person. Those who have no food cannot meditate; they think more about their empty stomachs than their empty souls. Wealth is the oil that greases the wheels of the civilized world. Fate gives to those who take.

The Faith:
Jauhar represents the industriousness of the Pantheist cities, and she is venerated by merchants and craftsmen of that region. Her worship is tolerated in other areas, though not where Jisan prevails. Jauharites and Jisanites compete for followers, funds, and attention. At times, the competition is bloody. In the Pantheon, Jauhar is regarded as the beautiful daughter of Kor. This explains a popular Pantheist saying: "Wisdom comes from Strength, but Wealth comes from Wisdom."
Title: Zakharan Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:14 PM
The Bountiful, Jisan of the Floods

Greater Zakharan Deity
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: A rain cloud
Portfolio: Fertility, storms, growth
Domains: Air, Healing, Plant, Water
Nature Deity: Yes
Cleric Alignments: NG, LN, TN, CN, NE
Favored Weapon: Spear

Also called Jisan the Bountiful, this Great Goddess symbolizes fertility and productivity. She may have been a storm-goddess long ago, for she was linked to the monsoon rains and the yearly flooding of the great rivers. From that origin, she became identified with people who prepared for the rains and floods-people who therefore gained the most from the water's passing. In all the tales and legends, no physical description is provided for Jisan; she takes no human or demihuman form.

Hard work brings abundance.

Rewards of the spirit and the flesh may be harvested from the act of applying oneself to a noble task. The gold brought from honest labor is repaid a thousandfold in the good it brings to the spirit. A person who does not work, wastes. Fate brings all things to men and women, but only those who are prepared may take advantage of it. If the sky were raining catfish, would you rather have a net or a parasol?

The Faith:
Jisan encourages the work ethic. She is venerated by merchants, and her word is carried throughout the Land of Fate to every port. Jisan's worship is nearly universal, though it is most popular in cities that boast thriving bazaars. Members of the League of the Pantheon consider Jisan a common god, unworthy of their worship. Instead, Pantheists worship their own local deity, Jauhar, who is similar (and allegedly superior) in nature. Followers of Jisan are energetic, industrious, and diligent. They plan for the future and try to play all the angles, such that if one plan fails, an alternative may yet succeed.
Title: Zakharan Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:15 PM
God of the Waters, The Sartani God

Lesser Zakharan Deity
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Symbol: Whirlpool with a crab in its center
Portfolio: The sea, pirates, whirlpools, monsters
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Travel, Trickery, Water
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: CG, TN, CN, CE
Favored Weapon: Crab claw (greataxe)
Title: Zakharan Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:15 PM
The Venerable, Old Kor

Greater Zakharan Deity
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Symbol: A sunburst. Mystics who venerate Kor may also carry a hatchet
Portfolio: Wisdom, age, tradition, stability
Domains: Fire, Law, Protection, Sun
Nature Deity: Yes
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, TN, LE
Favored Weapon: Battleaxe

Also known as Old Kor, this Great God represents wisdom. He may err, it is said, but he learns from his mistakes and becomes greater still. In parables describing Kor, the other gods ask his advice, as befits his age and wisdom. Old Kor has been described in one tale as a strong, gray-haired man carrying a great hatchet, which he uses to attack the root of a problem.

With age comes wisdom and with wisdom comes strength.

Always seek out the wisdom of the elders, and heed their words even if you disagree with them. Learn from your mistakes.

The Faith:
The church of Kor represents stability, order, and tradition. In making decisions, precedents are sought and elders are consulted. Among the ordered priests of Kor, moralists tend to be stiff-necked and unbending, while pragmatists tend to emphasize the principle of "learning from one's mistakes." Pantheist priests view Kor as a father figure.
Title: Zakharan Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:16 PM
The Adventurous

Greater Zakharan Deity
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Symbol: A single arrow, pointed upward
Portfolio: Adventure, exploration, curiosity
Domains: Chaos, Knowledge, Luck, Travel
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: CG, TN, CN, CE
Favored Weapon: Shortbow

Adventure and curiosity are the ideals of this Great God and his-or her-followers. In some tales, Najm is female. In others, he is male. In any case, Najm is described as dashing, hot-tempered, fervent, and very much alive (as a mortal might be). Al-Badian tales of this god have common themes: Najm doing the impossible, Najm finding the unfindable, or Najm attaining the unattainable.

Make the unknown known.

Achieve, do, and experience. The journey is more important than the destination. Do not be afraid of new things until you learn more about them. Curiosity leavened with caution never hurt anyone.

The Faith:
As might be guessed, Najm's church includes dynamic missionaries who seek to bring enlightenment to the heathen. It also includes explorers who journey into the hinterlands in Najm's name, returning to civilization with tales for the young as well as riches for the church coffers. A Zakharan Priest of Order who is found in a far, foreign land is usually a follower of Najm.

As noted above, only 10 percent of Najm's followers in the church hierarchy are moralists. These are found primarily in the cities of the Pantheon. Pantheist priests of Najm unwaveringly portray their god as male. They acknowledge the goddess Hajama as Najm's sister. Rude jokes to the contrary, implying less platonic ties, are not tolerated by moralist Najmites.
Title: Zakharan Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:16 PM
The Black Tempest, The Render, The Winged Beast

Intermediate Zakharan Deity
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Symbol: Cyclone
Portfolio: The jungle, violence, savagery
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Plant
Nature Deity: Yes
Cleric Alignments: CN, NE, CE
Favored Weapon: Crocodile bite (light pick or heavy pick)
Title: Zakharan Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:16 PM
The Beautiful Moon, The Gracious, Selan of the Garden

Greater Zakharan Deity
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: The ringed moon
Portfolio: Beauty, art, the moon
Domains: Charm, Darhkness, Moon
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: NG, LN, TN, CN, NE
Favored Weapon: Sickle

Also called Selan the Gracious, and Selan of the Garden, this Great Goddess represents divine pulchritude and heavenly grace. She is described as a flawless maiden cloaked in shimmering white, and in the oldest tales, she is said to be linked to the moon. Such tales claim that the moon is her chariot. She rides it across the sky while pursued by ardent suitors, who appear as a cluster of smaller stars, following in her wake.

There is beauty in everything.

Reveal that which is pleasing. Accentuate the positive. Kind words can override angry curses. Beauty grows over time. Treat others with the sweetness and goodness they deserve.

The Faith:
Selan's followers, like Kor's, tend to be traditional in their outlook, finding joy in what they know to be true rather than seeking out new ideas and new thinking. Deep philosophical thought has never been a strong point of Selanite philosophy. These priests place great stock in appearances, and they usually let initial reactions-which they call "the sensation in the liver"-guide them in their lives.

Selan is much beloved by gardeners and artisans. Her greatest mosque is not in Huzuz, but on the island of Afyal, where her followers make up most of the population.
Title: Zakharan Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:17 PM
The Nogaro River God

Lesser Zakharan Deity
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Symbol: Winding river
Portfolio: Rivers, drowning, flooding, rebirth
Domains: Evil, Healing, Repose, Water
Nature Deity: Yes
Cleric Alignments: TN, LE, NE, CE
Favored Weapon: Hippopotamus bite (warhammer or maul)
Title: Zakharan Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:17 PM
King of Worms, Lord over Life and Undeath, Lord of the Undead, Ghoul God

Lesser Zakharan Deity
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Symbol: Vulture head wearing a crown of worms
Portfolio: Undead, immortality, worms, cults
Domains: Death, Evil, Law, Magic
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LN, LE, NE
Favored Weapon: Claw (kukri)
Title: Zakharan Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:18 PM
The Faceless God
The Forgotten God, The Yakman Emperor, The God Without a Face

Zakharan Demigod
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Symbol: A faceless yakman head
Portfolio: Yakmen, conquest, sacrifice
Domains: Earth, Evil, Magic, War
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: TN, LE, NE, CE
Favored Weapon: Ranseur (halberd)
Title: Zakharan Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:19 PM
The Lost One
The Elephant God, The Silent Sage of Afyal

Zakharan Demigod
Alignment: Neutral Good
Symbol: Elephant
Portfolio: Eenlightenment, mystery, elephants, islands
Domains: Animal, Good, Knowledge
Nature Deity: Yes
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG, TN
Favored Weapon: Elephant tusk (greatsword or falchion)
Title: Zakharan Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:19 PM
The Warrior-Slave, Master of the Battlefield

Intermediate Zakharan Deity
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Symbol: A red-bladed scimitar
Portfolio: War, duty, loyalty, dedication
Domains: Destruction, Lar, War
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, TN, LE
Favored Weapon: Scimitar

Also called Master of the Battlefield, this common god represents duty and strife. He is worshipped in the far north of Zakhara, in regions that border upon "barbarian" lands. Vataqatal's description matches that of barbarian war-gods. He is portrayed as a stronghewn figure in flowing robes. Beneath them he wears blood-stained lamellar. He carries a great scimitar in one hand. His face is veiled, revealing only his red, glowing eyes. Vataqatal is said to stride onto the battlefield, looking for opponents so that he can test their abilities and spirit.

Growth by conflict.

Attain true spiritual peace through testing one's abilities against another. Thinkers may debate, but warriors speak with the strength of their swords and their hearts. Duty stands above all.

The Faith:
Vataqatal's followers acknowledge that their god has a lesser standing than Zakhara's other enlightened gods. This is in keeping with his dual nature-that of a slave and servant, inferior in status, yet stronger in his sense of purpose and will. Those qualities enable him to effectively serve and protect the weak. Vataqatal is most popular among mamluks, farisan, and paladins' warriors who understand the value of duty, and who live to aid others (in one degree or another).

The greatest temple to Vataqatal is located in Qudra, the City of Power. It is the Mosque of Blood, erected by mamluks who used hewn red sandstone and then coated the walls with henna. Smaller shrines are found among the Free Cities, where the mamluk orders are powerful. But none of these shrines compares in size and grandeur to the Mosque of Blood.
Title: Zakharan Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 05:20 PM
The Learned, The Marvelous

Greater Zakharan Deity
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: A fountain's jet
Portfolio: Knowledge, scholarship, preservation
Domains: Knowledge, Magic, Protection
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: NG, LN, TN, CN, NE
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff

Also called Zann the Marvelous, this Great God is a scholar's deity, for he epitomizes learning and intelligence. Zann has an amazing memory for details. In legend, he is usually described as a man in city dress, carrying a writing tablet and a case of pens, recording all he sees. Study and research are necessary, but a true scholar knows it is just as important to record one's experiences so that others may also learn.

Understanding is the key to all doors.

Do not destroy what you do not understand. We stand on a mountain built by our fathers, and only a fool would step off that mountain. Learn from the mistakes of others. The written word is our gift to our grandchildren.

The Faith:
The universities and libraries built by Zann's followers are the largest and most complete in all of Zakhara. Zannites classify the contents of these libraries using three labels: great texts, common texts, and heathen texts. Great texts are considered "official" documents and histories, regarded by members of the faith as true and wise. They cover all manner of subjects relating to Zakhara's enlightenment (not just the Great Gods). A scholar seeking answers will always consult these official texts first.

Common texts are documents from an unofficial source or of questionable authenticity, including personal letters and diaries, and documents that challenge or disagree with the great texts. Zannites do not believe in denying information just because its veracity is uncertain. As learning progresses, common texts may become great, and vice versa.

Heathen texts come from the world beyond the Land of Fate. Zannites treat such heathen documents with general suspicion. At best, they are considered to be legends or fairy tales.