Cormyr and the Dalelands

Announcements => Admin Announcements => Topic started by: Raysiel on Mar 14, 2024, 08:28 PM

Title: Forum Freeze and Migration
Post by: Raysiel on Mar 14, 2024, 08:28 PM

As previously mentioned on the discord, the CD community forums is migrating away from Proboards to our own hosted environment.  Proboards, like other free hosted sites, can have the plug pulled at any moment and without notice, causing years of data and lore to be lost.   With this migration, CD takes ownership of that data, as well as giving us more flexibility for how to process applications and potentially other projects down the road.  More will be said about this when the functionality becomes available.

On Friday March 15th at midnight (Eastern time) the CD proboard forums will be "frozen."  No posts are to be made after that time, either by DM or player.  It is at that time that all of the data will be backed up from the forums.  If anything is posted after the freeze time, there is a risk that data will not be captured.  We will attempt to put a hard freeze on posting, but if that is not an option, we ask you to cooperate with us on this.

The forum structure and posts, along with member accounts, will be migrated to the new forum.  However, three things will not transition:

- Personal messages in Proboards.
 You will need to back those up manually.
- Account password. When the link to the new forum is posted, you will need to reset your password through email recovery.  The email will be sent to the same one you have on file with Proboards.  If you have any trouble resetting your password, please ping #support.
- Profile data.  Your account avatars, signatures, birthdays, etc will not transfer over, and will need to be reconfigured once you log into the new forums.

One thing of note, is that most of the mechanics, race, class, spell, and lore information posts are being moved off of the forums, and will be available on the newly announced wiki going forward.  Links to the wiki will be present on the forums for reference as well.

The migration window is slated to last through Sunday evening.  If the migration and setup is finished and the site looks good before that, it will be announced then.
If you have any questions about this process or the implications of it, please ask in #support.

As a note, a considerable amount of effort has gone into this project, and pacepope and Nokteronoth should be recognized for their work and contributions to get this done in relatively short order.