So on occasion in the past we've had issues come up with the use of bad language by different characters in game, and I wanted to post about what is and is not okay.
Generally speaking, we try to not be too strict on this, because our language is what it is due to centuries of evolution and use. Trying to de-anachronize your speech to medieval levels is a full time job, partly because some references are so second nature that we even forget why they came up in the first place. That said, we do encourage people to try to not ruin immersion unintentionally, and I recommend politely pointing things out in tells - but if it's a big issue, it's usually best to let it drop. If someone is really way out of character, consistently, to a disruptive level, let an Admin know.
This is an 18+ server, and people are going to swear. While we would encourage the use or invention of more IC swears ("Bane's Black Balls!" etc), we're not going to come down on someone for general profanity or vulgarity, even if the words have an entirely modern origin. That said...
One thing that has no place, at all, in CD - whether IC or OOC - are RL racial/ethnic/religious slurs. Also, things like slurs on sexual orientation ("f*ggot" etc) are not acceptable either.
Feel free to use IC racial slurs, as Faerun isn't exactly a tolerant place, but use appropriate IC ones, because those are clearly pointed at the character. For instance, calling a drow "Dhaerow" or "knife-ears" or "spiderkisser" are all fine from an OOC standpoint. Calling then N****r Elves is not.
Comfort Levels: If someone asks you nicely to avoid using particular words, don't take offense, and please try to accomodate them if you reasonably can. We all come from different backgrounds, and we want to be inclusive, not make anyone feel like they have to choose between suffering through hearing something they feel is really demeaning and offensive or playing here.