Can we get rid of this at some point?
I know it was to prevent a malicious entity from crashing the server constantly, but wasn't that months ago? As it is, some people might see the red server name and think it's private or something. With EE being a thing, maybe it might be good to remove as many barriers to server entry as possible. There might be potential new players out there getting back into the game in preparation for it.
Just a thought!
Speaking from a player standpoint, I agree. People like seeing who is around and it encourages 'em to log-in.
No reason it couldn't be brought back up as need necessitates. It was a great solution at the time.

I agree that it'd be nice to revert this as long as the issues don't arise again, though at the same time it'd be nice if player levels could be hidden when you're logging in. Since ECL is now factored into the IG listing.
Doesn't it only display class levels on log-in, so it wouldn't know if an ECL is applied?
There's NWN server options to disable visible class / level combos.
I like to see who's online so I can pick what character to play and all that sort of thing. I would not miss the log in server for this reason.
It certainly would make for less headaches from DMside.
Doesn't it only display class levels on log-in, so it wouldn't know if an ECL is applied?
Yes. It would show that Joey Bob the Fighter has 12 levels of fighter. Then when you'd log in, do a /listpcs you would see that Joey Bob is an effective level of 16th.
Doesn't say WHAT ECL they are. But sure as heck shows how much of an ECL they have.
There are .ini settings involving examine, but I do not believe there is one to hide levels on login. If memory serves, that is an nwnx thing we do not have. Unless I'm just not seeing it in the settings somewhere.
As to pulling the log-in. It is there to prevent malicious behavior for the most part. But it does have some other uses. We can certainly discuss it though.
Another thing to keep in mind is that when people browse server listings they tend to look for servers with players. Seeing that big 0/30 login server is going t discourage new people from giving the server a look, since they don't know how many people are on or if the server's dead or not. Of course, this is a double-edged sword, since if player count is legitimately low then regulars might decide not to log in.
The main, event, and login servers all show up together in the server list, in that order, as the IP is the same.
So once again, the server got a new IP and anyone in Euro primetime hours can't play until an admin is able to fix the IP link from the login server - which I presume is most likely gonna be the North American evening time after y'all are done working.
Doesn't happen often but is frustrating when it does as the main server sits there tantalising us

Without the login server, we could get straight in without a problem.
New here, but another vote to consider phasing out the log-in server. I do remember the frustrating DDOS-type attacks, but I hope the person has matured.
It's nice to see the player count and names during login. I also believe some new players may misread or not understand the reasoning for the separate server. During first character gen it may look like no one is on the server (my friend thought this the other week when building a new CD character). One of the ways to gauge server style can be to look at the levels, names, and classes of the logged in characters.
Was the log-in server implemented Q1 2016 ~feb or march? It could be it is having an impact on new visitor count. Below the graph is how we appear on NWN scry /w the password.

I can't remember exactly, but that sounds about right, give or take.
I'm all in favor of ditching it, myself.
Now that we have Discord - if we need to password the server in response to another attack, couldn't we share it there until such a time things calm down? Person might be long gone but it would narrow down if it's an inner-community problem (I don't think it is) or just some random doofus.
I don't care for the lingering log-in server for the reasons above. It's really demoralizing to players.
FYI. I think it has something to do with the IP change, but NWNlist Scry has the server listed incorrectly. The server's title is no shown and it is at the very bottom of the list. It is also showing no active players when there is. Perhpas this will be corrected, but I know many us the site to look up servers.
As of my reset just now, the log-in server has been disabled. If further issues arise, it may return in the future.