Weird title, and I do not even know if this is the right section to post it in, but I kind of have considered I want to say this before it gets lost in my head again.
First of all, the good. I love this server, and the community. It's accepting and I have made quite a few new friends, and things can often be worked out if they go a bad way (which is honestly not that normal anymore, sadly). The DMs and Admins give us a lot of amazing content and it's truly fun to run it, be it a scripted quest or dungeon or a DM-driven event. The player driven stories are interesting too, and it's a lot of fun to explore together - that leads kind of to the one "bad" thing...
...which is the latter habit of steamrolling the dungeons. And I'm not excluding myself from this, at all. But I noticed that if ten people are in the square, it's more likely to happen all ten go out and steam roll the orcs, demons, or whatever. Some may say "That's fun!" but honestly, noone can tell me a group of more than six people (and even six I find difficult already) is very helpful to RP-running the dungeon. Because, for instance (and that is my habit first and foremost) noone wants to look useless. So everyone focuses on fighting the enemy, and noone really emotes or says stuff. And if they do, often enough, they are left behind and literally noone sees it. I can get that using a huge group to just roll through the dungeon can be fun, but to me, it is mostly boring. The reason I often tag along is because my characters are connected to one or two of the people entering it, and would be left alone in the square.
Why I'm saying this is mostly because it feels like... there are so many dungeons in this server one can visit, no matter the level. It would be a lot more helpful to both the rp and the community, IMO, if instead of one pain train hunting the demons of Lightning Peak, two groups of five or so visit both that and maybe the Wyvernspur Crypts or one of the many orc-tribes. I know a lot of players try to give more love to the missed dungeons, but more often than not, the groups are just immense, and it can quickly happen some OOC-thing affecting one person makes a group of ten wait.
It's about the only negative thing I have in mind for the server, but it bothered me since a few weeks now and I kind of felt the need to voice it before it just gets lost for me again. I would be happy to see thoughts to this, but of course, it's not necessary. And yes, I need to change too, and will attempt to more split huge groups. But I don't know how possible this will be if people keep to the train wrecking mentality.
Note: This is of course just my personal opinion. I do not wish to imply this is an actual issue, it's simply thoughts I wanted to voice and see what other people think. Anyone is free to play as they want, of course. Apologies if someone perceived it differently, that is not intended.
As a designated lurker, I'm going to give you my response and the same one I've seen from many others in Discord multiple times whenever this comes up:
Many of the people here have been playing CD for 5, or even 10 years. Many of the dungeons have never changed, or have only had small changes. You can only role-play the same exact dungeon so many times before it just becomes tedious, because you as the player already knows everything that's going to happen, where all the spawns are, and nothing is a surprise anymore. The dirty ogre magazine is a one-time gag every time a new player goes through. After that, it's an ignored set piece. Power creep and the prevalence of players who know how to build around CD's mechanics have contributed to that, but taking smaller groups alleviates the issue. It's okay to say, "No, maybe next time, we already have a lot of people." This used to happen more frequently but the players here are all pretty open and friendly, but there's not always people in your level group around, or the right group composition, or you might only have time to run a dungeon once a week so you don't want to pass off on it. Buffs are also timed and while many have been extended, no one wants to blow another Divine Power/Might/Tenser's when they could have used the same cast on the next group. RP time eats that buff time. I love combat RP, but that's the nature of the beast.
Otherwise, the "unloved" dungeons are that way because they're either out of the way or just not worth the effort for the loot turnout. Some of my favorites fall in this group. But the majority of repeatable content is produced by a single person who cannot reasonably be expected to accomodate everything the server has to offer.
My two cents:
Events are where the heavier RP and stuff happens when during combat.
Spawns are just there to spend time, get combat xp, and get some loot. Dungeons are not intended to be very heavy RP areas in PWs. Never have been, never will be. That's the nature of the game and any game that has respawns.
The only way this changes is if DMs decide to mess with your dungeon runs as adhocs. People historically don't like that, but once again, that's an event.
Yo. Made another return to the server just today after a few months hiatus... If you want to RP as we go through a dungeon msg me. I'm much happier to RP in a tense situation than sitting in the square. In fact I -ENCOURAGE- you to contact me . You and I will get along great Jazzmyra
I'm with you there. My ideal party sizes are 3-4 people so that dungeon difficulty and balance remains intact, and so that people feel like they're able to contribute more and aren't being drowned out by the roleplay of others.
I won't deny joining large parties from time to time if I'm invited, but... it's just not that fun or interesting to me.