Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Suggestions & Ideas => Suggestions Archive => Topic started by: autokilla on Jun 04, 2021, 03:57 PM

Title: Few more henchmen spells?
Post by: autokilla on Jun 04, 2021, 03:57 PM
I was just thinking for a while yet, but i realized there arent hardly any multi summon spells at all aside from the kamikaze kobolds spell, and the undead army spells. which while both are incredibly fun to use, the kobolds hardly last long at al land the undead ones, given the server setting, are only really used by the most evil pcs. So, was hoping to possibly suggest a few more lower tier multi summon spells that may have a bit of a wider use? Like, a rat swarm that can be similar to the kobolds, only with even more summons albeit a bit weaker? or something like a wolf pack to kinda be similar to the undead army spell, only not as powerful (a multi summon spell where they dont unsummon after 30 seconds and can actually make at least a little impact in a combat scenario). not sure if this is something that anyone would consider, but as someone who loves multi summon spells i would really love to see a few more implemented!
Title: Few more henchmen spells?
Post by: Edge on Jun 04, 2021, 09:04 PM
Druids (and Rangers? I don't know off the top of my head for certain) have a low-level spell called Giant Insects that summons a bunch of beetles.

We'll probably not be adding more multi-summon spells though, as we want to encourage more grouping up rather than relying on summons and long-lasting, multi-creature summoning spells are the exact opposite of encouragement in that regard.
Title: Few more henchmen spells?
Post by: autokilla on Jun 04, 2021, 09:46 PM
I've used the giant insects spell but it only summons one pretty weak insect that doesnt even follow you. it just stays in one place and does nothing unless you lure enemies to it
Title: Few more henchmen spells?
Post by: Terallis on Jun 04, 2021, 10:24 PM
Druids, likewise, have access to a spell that summons a bunch of Shamblers at mid-high casting level. I will say the giant insects one is rather broken, but the rest seem entirely fine, overall.