I just wanted to give a shout-out to these three for being awesome the other night.
I was wandering around cluelessly in the King's Forest (back in the day, it wasn't implemented yet, so this was my first time there) and Traorin got jumped by like 7 of those Orcs, nearly unbuffed. They killed him and I managed to beat the saving throw and started running for dear life invisible with 1hp and these things were chasing me down (they didn't care I was invis; ain't no orc got time fo' `dat) and I happened across FirstManDeparted (who immediately sent me a party invite; whaaat), Arya, and Nevermore. They let me chill with them for the rest of their adventure through the Orc Caverns.
Much thanks for the adventure and letting me tag along, guys!!
Aw! You are very welcome. Hope things work out better next time for you. *Wink.*
Aw! You are very welcome. Hope things work out better next time for you. *Wink.*
Not my fault the whole clan snuck up on me.... there were 100 of them I tell you! I just fell because I defeated 93 unbuffed.... really....

It was great to meet you and to help! Always a pleasure!