Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Kymus on Feb 05, 2014, 12:19 PM

Title: Speacial thanks to Nevermore, Arya, and FirstManDeparted
Post by: Kymus on Feb 05, 2014, 12:19 PM
I just wanted to give a shout-out to these three for being awesome the other night.

I was wandering around cluelessly in the King's Forest (back in the day, it wasn't implemented yet, so this was my first time there) and Traorin got jumped by like 7 of those Orcs, nearly unbuffed. They killed him and I managed to beat the saving throw and started running for dear life invisible with 1hp and these things were chasing me down (they didn't care I was invis; ain't no orc got time fo' `dat) and I happened across FirstManDeparted (who immediately sent me a party invite; whaaat), Arya, and Nevermore. They let me chill with them for the rest of their adventure through the Orc Caverns.

Much thanks for the adventure and letting me tag along, guys!!

Title: Speacial thanks to Nevermore, Arya, and FirstManDeparted
Post by: Arya on Feb 05, 2014, 02:12 PM
Aw! You are very welcome.  Hope things work out better next time for you. *Wink.*

Title: Speacial thanks to Nevermore, Arya, and FirstManDeparted
Post by: Kymus on Feb 05, 2014, 02:20 PM
Arya Kalarathri Avatar
Aw! You are very welcome.  Hope things work out better next time for you. *Wink.*

Not my fault the whole clan snuck up on me.... there were 100 of them I tell you! I just fell because I defeated 93 unbuffed.... really....  :D
Title: Speacial thanks to Nevermore, Arya, and FirstManDeparted
Post by: Nevermore on Feb 05, 2014, 08:54 PM
It was great to meet you and to help! Always a pleasure!